<br />� � ��_
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<br /> STATE`OF NEBRASK�9, County bf ....................................................:
<br /> F'i2ed for record on .:......: ...:............ 19........ ut..............._............ o'<slock ....................... �Ji.
<br /> ' and recorded in the lleed-Reeord ...... ..................... Page ........................._...
<br /> _...,. .... $; .... ... . . .... . .........................
<br /> _....... ... ..... ......... .......... ... . _.... .......P...Y.......�,.:.
<br /> � . ................
<br /> Regiatar of Deec3s De ut Ite ister of I)eeds
<br /> ��= E���3 0� SURVN(JRSHIP V�7A�.RANTY D�ED
<br /> AIdi) AS S�OUSE OF E�A.L�i OTIiER,
<br /> , herein cslled the grantor tichether one or more,
<br /> in considesation af T41E�+PTY••SIX THOUS�AND FIVE'FNP�IDRE� AND 1�I0/]AO DQ7.T.,A,Ft.4
<br /> received frnm grantees, sloes grant, bargain, seil convey and cox:firan unta
<br /> ; RICHARD �. biORiFAN 9.tdD BETTY J« MOR(3A2+T, HiTSSAND A1� YPIFE,
<br /> as joint.tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenanis in coauinon, the following deseri6e3 real
<br /> Y� .. � .. � . . ..
<br /> � property in .........���............................................. County, A'ebraska:
<br /> n ��ncr +� iaxn conaPx.=s=rrc� xxE so=.�r�z �ox�F� �r C�5�> o� zcrr s�vrrr t7) a.rm '�
<br /> xox� Fr�r� r�r C�.S�) OF LOT ESGHT (�), a�oc� Tw�.vE (iz�, w�sr pr�x a�nxrzara To
<br /> z°� c.�z� oF ��*� r.sLs2,tn, ��, coux�, �aRasxt,. ________�
<br /> UN
<br /> p,��' MAY -� 3977
<br /> ��'4���N` ,;�c^ c��j"'�==' '
<br /> �.� /—/s $t` :,.r_�..__
<br /> To have and to hold the above descril�ed premises togethe.r with s21 tenernents, hereditamettte
<br /> attd appurtenancas ihereto belonging unia the g1•antees and to theSx assigue, or to the heirs und assigns
<br /> ; . of the survivor of them foreti•ea
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenunt K-ith the �rantees aud with their assigns and �uith the heira
<br /> and assigns of the survivor of them thnt �rantor is Iawfully seised of said preanise�;#bat they are free from
<br /> f enenmbrance E�CCEf'2' E�SEMEIVI"3 AND RFSTRIG2'IONS OF RE+CdRD
<br /> ,
<br /> i
<br /> that �rt�ntor has good rignt and law£ul authority to convey the yame; and that grantor ���arrattts and �vill
<br /> defend tl�e title to atiid pzcinises �gainst the latvful claims of all persons �cliotnsoe��er.
<br /> It is the inteution of all parties hereto tliat in tho e��eut of the deat7a of either oY the grantees,
<br /> 1 tlae eiitire fee titte to L3�is real propert�� shazll cest in tlie surviving grante.e.
<br /> �
<br /> Dated 19
<br /> ' ............... � "' ry i-" i -�''
<br /> . ......G:7`),c�?.f.'t_l,.....C.t'�c'............._. Yf..J�"/....../... X....r.... ..G:4. F_... ........:.f.�.w cr.1:::::5,....,,,.,..,......
<br /> ���--�'�L�..,r.��"�. �`��
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<br /> ..............................�..........._..............,.:.....,...... �.�-�r���.,, ...... ..r.t't�r"z.'c..�''
<br /> � � . . . . .�`�J1ilY�JiIYN , .. .••- .•....•••.• .
<br /> � : STATE OF .....,,e':I.�'.W'.!t.ic�_T.t�:4............:.............. County of ..,.C<P.ra.rr9.s�c^:r.. ....... ..........:
<br /> Be£ore me, a nctnzy pubiic qualified for sa,id rounty, F;eraonally� ee�ie �
<br /> 1�[ARK D. F RANCE AND SLiSAN lSNN FR&NGI;', F�[TSBAIdI} AND �IFE, EliCH I?d u�rg gi+m u�a, �nq_y gr��r �
<br /> AND":A;3,SPOUSE't�F EACE? OTHER,s
<br /> knotcn to me to he the identieai person or pereonr who si;�ned tlie foregaing instrument t�nd ackno�vled�ed �"'"i ` ��x` `
<br /> the eseeuticua thereof to be his,her or their voluntxry act and daed. ";-a.,.,'"
<br /> � `tiVitness'my hand snd notarisl seal un......�sF�?�1x.'f.'�......r'��:.............................. 19....l.y.l.:..... ,� • µ e';
<br /> � �� ;
<br /> ; ; ._.,,� �, s -
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<br /> ; . . . .....o:-+.....�.r.t,�:.:a=:.;........�;..:.r.'�::.:.S.c....t..:�.C._'.�. r.c...�... l�uixiry t'u+:�ltc ��..
<br /> ., � � �.. . �.. . .wr�r :.� _�� �
<br /> ", , Myr comxnission expires .r,!:1��r�:t,r:�._...;�:7:�:...,....,19...rT..4:..._... �'"�"�:
<br /> Fornt �3.`� 'la be ap��roved by _\ebraslcu State Bar Association re3wn s wde oo..s.;n<wn,Nabr. �
<br />�; � _ .._ �
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