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-x» <br /> 'c.K„ .. .. . . .. . . . . ...�.�... � v».w. '.� <br /> �� . � .. . . . . ' � � � � . �. . . . ��. <br /> ;jt.��� � Ml?RTGRGE�-5�aviaq�:�:an;d��Loan�.Form--�(nixoct�.Cradtt.Picak.255-2�iSpwclul) .. . . . .. <br /> � i . , . .�.. � . . .. " .. . . . . .. . �.�,..»«.....,.,.... . <br /> � � } � <br /> � � � ��►. � �02�0�.�, � �v�Rr�AG� � � � � <br /> fi 1 <br /> R ��� �. �. . . � � � .. T.OQa.�O � 4 <br /> I ryt� -�.: � ;. � � . . � . . . : <br /> I <br /> .. 2t1d� � � � A��Y ���� � 137..=.�bp md6etweoa �.. a �. <br /> t� . TH7S iND�.�mude thio .� —daP oL . .. �. <br /> LUGILE KLIN�INSMf7ii a �inqie p�rson i 4 h <br /> � ` �1 <br /> � ` . � . . . � . . � � . . . . i I <br /> �i' . . � .. � . . �. . � � . . . . <br /> Ha! I X } ' <br /> o! . .� ��.maatyagos_..and Home�Fedo-rai Saviaqs and Loan�Amaciatton.of Grand�-Satamd, � ;k . <br /> �' a�mrpormiaa�ozgm�iaed�axtd.eziatiaq:�.uuder lha Im�ta cf Nahraska.�rith Sts.psiadpal�olftcs aad place�ot Graad.Yalcmd:,Nebiasicw � { .. . <br /> mr <br /> .�. , .. . . . . .. . � �� s, <br /> . �:�aa��mortgagee: �. . � � . . . . . . _. . . r <br /> y-` . . . . . . . <br /> ^�%; � � �.. �VITN£5.4ETH:�.�.�Thct said�morigagar_� lor.aad�.ia�eoavid�ratioa ot.the awa ot � . � � . " r <br /> �. ,: ; <br /> '� F1�U12 TtlOUS 'AN�) SEV�'N NI1NilhF(� A�l� Nf)/100--------------^-----�^-----n^llazs tS-'�-�-fgQ�l�f__�._ , ` <br /> �� <br /> �? ` � -��the-msi�pt-:o[��wLEch i��herehy:.acknowlad4ai. dn� . .by�the�aa proaent� mort9a4v and wasz�ant���uato said�moiton9ee, ib sutceasan and�"� <br /> F <br /> � �.�aEgae..�.forover. cl[ tho fotlowiaq dasczibo�d reai satate situate8 lu tEs crouaip oF }'1�3 I� ,,,,_ <br /> r j. � . ��.aad S1ats.oF�Nobzaika.�.to.wit:. � . � . . �.. �� . i �. <br /> ,�� � � � � . � Y <br /> � �.., . . . � � � � F <br /> '�'t, . . � . . . <br /> l'ME SC�UTI-�EFLY F'ff-'i'i i'4'7Q {5:?) F�ET �f= TNAT L'=t_.+^cTAIN fl1LL LLT CCZA1PCiISE..C) <br /> t�F THE F QLLOW i NG ��ESG4-iV C�ED TRAC,T OF C:�t�1JNl�: t F2ACT i C}NAL LVT F-OUR {�#1 <br /> U� IN FRAC71UNAl. EiLU`�K FURTY NINE (�t3) IN fsUSSEi. I+(HEtLER'S ALC?1�3"ION, ANI� <br /> "' { I`S C:C1MF'�EMENT, T�-UJI T• f=R;1CT!i]NAI. i_Ol F�IJf� (A) iN Ff;ACTl:dNA� L�LO�K S iX <br /> F � Cti) ItJ UIt..6ERl�'5 AJ!llTlC�ha, C3UiH 6�iFdt� F�C)UITI��JNS TCa TNG: C{�TY i.?F � `� ' <br /> �„`�� � � Gh'ANI] IS�ANU, NE6RA5KA. <br /> r <br /> � <br /> , � <br /> ti � <br /> � $ Together wSSh aJ.l h�aiLaB.�lighGn4. and pFumbia4 equipmeai and fixturea indudfnq �tokan and buraerr. sereana.�awninqs, acorm veindowr � <br /> y^.� . $ and daara.and window ehadaa or blinds, uesci on or in cminect5nn with said property,whathar tho»ame�.ure.uow locaiod oa wi3 pzo:perty <br /> F.a . ar]wxaafter placed thezeon.. ' <br /> 2� <br /> r r;� � TO HAV£AND TO HOLF3 i1� SA'•�,. toqetk:ex wit1� all aad e.ogulat ihe tenamanN.harad[4eamonW and appuitmaaacnx thrzeuato balong-� <br /> k � � <br /> tag,or in aayw-ise appertaiaiag,loteves;and warrunt the tiUe to the aamo. Said mortgaqor_h�reby�mvrenaat� with wid mortgages�� <br /> �r� .: tbat__:iho�_ �4 .at tha deliverp hezeol. the lawiul owacr_�o! the pzoxnieus a2�ove coaveyad and do.crtbed,�aad_ f'` . <br /> 0 <br /> S � <br /> saixed of a qood and iadeteasibla eutate of iaheiitaaee therein Pree and clem'ot all racumbr�cea.aad that_.�.'.h�.,__.w11t a�ariant m�$� <br /> dafand the tltla.lhareto fozever against �he claims and damandr ot ail peraons whomaioever. i�; <br /> � ' PROVSDED AIWAYS, and t}xic inntrnment Is exacuted and delivered to secuze the payme¢t o!the sum of „�: . ., ,' � <br /> '��� FOUR THDUSANE? SEVEN HUNDR�� AND NO/100--------------------------r„-i��. t��,7(�O.C30 �. '°' <br /> i t . with iaterseC thazeoa, togother with auch chacgen and adv�cas as may bn due and p�yabto io aaid marlqagce uader the iarms�.and $ <br /> U is } <br /> aaa31.'ta:s�-i t:.e peomi�suory uvie oi ovan date errewith and eec��ed hereLy,.e:eeuted by aaid moAqaqor._�to satd�mortqaqaa�yaya3�le. <br />�, � �� m erpcemsad in aaid.uo2e.aad to aecure tha porlozmaace ot a33 the te� and eoaditlons coatained�ihezenn. Tho terme ai avid.note are 3 <br /> � � hereby iaeoc{wratad�htreia by this rafe:answ.� � <br /> ',��s,��� . It ta tLe lateation�vnd nqreemeaat af t3ae pacties bareto that thia morigaqe ehall oleo secura any futurn u3wuwa mado� !� aaicj� .��' <br /> r� mortqagor� Soy eaid mortgapee. aad aay rind all indebtednese in addttfon to 'the amoun! chovo stated whfch tWd.moztgaqoz�.�-�oi��any <br /> at them, map owa to said morigagee, howave� evideaced..wlseWar by uole,book nccount at otherwina. Thia moriqage ahall rnmain�in�tulI . <br /> ...,,m . � Soree aad elfset. helwean..the parties herato aad iheiz heire. pmrnoaal tnpreseatatirea. �ucceswrn attd aaai4ne, uptfl ali. maounSr eeeusrd��� " �. �� . : <br /> �' heraunder,ineladiuq futura advaneea cuo pald ia 2u11 with intssenL . <br /> � � The.mortqaqor,._herebp asai�++ to said�mort4a9ee all reals aad inaome���ieing at aap and ali tSmes fsom aaid, propor4y and� <br /> TM� '�� � herebp.authw'izs said martSTagoa�or ita agen4 at Sta optloa,�upoa de(au1R.M tolca ehaage o!wid�prop�ty and eollect aL rente aad iarnmo�.� <br /> , ��� thoroErom�au3 aiaSi�+Y:�a eew.a�;a tbe e�ayment ef intaze�sL P�iaciPal.�in'uianee peamiume�,taxea. :,y:-.�eWa. rvl�is or improvemenh�aecam- � <br /> rary to kaep eaid piopexty in taaantabis co¢d[tion, or 40 olher �harc3aa os paymeate�:ovlded for hocela or iw the.nofo horuby secu:ed�.Tb1s�. <br /> a�� cent aerlgamsat.ahall.cnntiaue Sa torce until the unpaid balmca of aaid nata le tully paid. 'fha taking af possacaioa heraunder ahall.ia uo� <br /> �� � maaaer pzevant or retard eaid mortgeBes.ia the co'locdoa o! eafd.aama by foroelwure w ott�orwiaw. <br /> " '" j <br /> � � � � . � The tatlure.�of the�moctgagoa to ua�ect anp ot IU riqhU any.tfmo at�all aot be mnecrued.aa a.waiver of 14.riqht to aascrt <br /> � ths any latec.tima.asd to fssaurx upon and unlosce�trict compllance with nit�the texav and pcovia3ona. o! a¢id nntm and oi ihta <br /> •\�. � monqaqa. . . � <br /> S <br /> ,� .�+�.. � 1! aaid.moct+gagor_ahall cas+ra ta 1�e masigage�a tde esstua aewuai due mdat t�sa tvcros rand.pcwiavps� <br /> oi actd anSe.Lerel�y amcuzed.fucludiaq.tutuso advuneea and.anp extansiona o� cvnewaL thmrao! iu aecc�:daaca with thm texma ano provietons <br /> '��� � .� . tTuzeo[.aad..l!wxd mart4a9oc. .�.abnll rnmply v+ith a12�thr provLions.od wid.note aad ot thia mactgapo.lhea the�s preasnts ahull ba�aid;. . ., ��:. <br /> .othecwiw torea aud..atleet.eand.aacid m�xtqoqN.aha.11 be ealltled to th�pouasdoa.ot a11 oS said pzoporep, !tn , � <br /> j�,����� i � op8oa, doolara th��vhoie of�eaid aate�and�a4i ladebtedneu�rePzewmeted thereby ro�.be imm�diataly�dus and pay^able.and may-lorec3ase:tAi�. , � � , , �.: .- <br /> "1�� . ..mOrl ,or�1¢ie� :.othaT.]e Y � ' ', <br /> 4a4e 7 � 9d.�aetioa.ta procmct ita�sight�ead trom�iha�dab�oE such detauit.dl iteuu�.oR tadeUeadnee���oeurad .herot� . ;� :' �,�„ <br /> �ahalt draw iatorest at 9% par canum. Appzaiemmeat wairad. � �. <br /> ��;. . �� Thii�mortpaqr�shali baf:bindfnq upaa and�ahaU the k�usitt ol tbm h�irs.snscuton.adm4aiatratocs. �ucca.aon��d�csu�ignr af .�� �� . <br /> thn.mFrsctiw p�rUr.Loteto..... � . . . . . . . . . . .. . � .. . . . x. <br /> � IN WITNESS WltEREOF.��wid�Mattqagor�_..3:. r. Ilecsuaro �M� h<3f" h4ndS�.tho dav and qnar ficse�aboro� . .. <br /> � 1 . . . � ��� � . .. �.� ' <br /> E , rrrttMa. � ' ': <br />�w.� . �}` .�.. .�. . � . ..... .... ,� ,./l{t f_,. .� (,.r..,,,..�' /.-y.�a_.t � . a�.,, �# ^'h�� <br /> i <br /> _ � <br /> r .�..._ �._.__�_..;.._.._.-_.�_. ...____._._ ...... . .._.. . . ._._�.'_ "_. d e:l( � ��. c".I'�/ , : ,. , . <br /> T/ <br /> ,�.�..c..l.. �' <br /> � �# !uci I� KI inginsm�f q p sc>n ,�� r�rcr� ��r ,� <br /> e+ �r'�k, � } � <br /> ,s � _ <br />� � .�� . . .. . ... . . . .. . . �»�.-.�...� .. <br />� � � <br />� <br />�� . .. .. . . � . . .. . . . .. . . . <br />