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<br /> � 4.f-SURYiYORSHIP�WARRAN7Y�QE£D� � � � Feiton L�Wo(F Campn.+y,Ll�<oF,.,Nrbr. ; � � � .
<br /> SUt2V1VOC25t-#iP W,�Rf�/ONTY DEEO
<br /> ��" � QU223�"a
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<br /> 5 Ser�p"tiine 3. Aguilar, a sing3e rnan , }lerein called tl�e grantor �rl�at.har ono ur more,
<br /> iti �;onsideratian o# Thirty Thousancl dollars anci noj'lOL�O ,($3U,�OQ.QQ)
<br /> received from graateee�, doea graut, bsagsin, sell �^onvey nnd confiran nato Ph}=11is L. Ccal,son
<br /> and George J. Calson, Lvife and husband.
<br /> as juint tenant.s with right of surcivax�hip, �ud uot as tenents in com.cnon, the following describect reaal
<br /> �' property in .......................J�s��.l..............._................ Gount,y, :vTebraska:
<br /> Lo� szx �6,1, Block twslve (3.2), NESRRSKA f1i�CtlME3'�F'f'RRY
<br /> :�T;�PYis'TA;{
<br /> of Schimmer's adc3itioa to the ���, _� ����
<br /> City of Grand Islan�.
<br /> � �c.;F�cc�fJt� t3y�i'�S.LGS.---
<br /> �
<br /> � ..a . � . ...._ .... , . . .
<br /> ,� i,� � � � � . � � . .. � .
<br /> � � ���lY��At�.i� .
<br /> To I�a��e and Lo bold the abuve described pre:nises together �3>ith ;ail tc�nemeYzts, 2�eret3it�zuents
<br /> and appurtensnces Lhereto belonging Lnta thr �;rantces and to their assi�,�is, pr to ttie heirs and assi�us
<br /> crf the sizrviror of then� turever..
<br /> � And grantor does hereby eovenant �+ith �he granteea and with their axsigus and K-zth the lieirs
<br /> ° an� asaigns of the survitior of them that grantor is lazafully .�ei�ed of sx�id premises;Ghat t.tiey �re free from
<br /> `,r ''
<br /> enevmbrance, and
<br /> #}�ut grantor taas �oud right a,nd lawful authority to conve,y the same; and Lhat grant:or z;•arrants und �vill
<br /> di�fend �he title to suid ��reuii�es �gaiust t.he 2awfas3 etaims of s21 persnns whomsaer-er�
<br /> St is tha intentian of all p�rties htretu that iu Ll�a eceui af Lhc. death of crit}tcr af tlxe �rantess,
<br /> � � tf�e�eniire �ee sim�le title to the real estate shaA1 vest in tl�e. si3rvi�>ing grantee�.� �
<br /> I)ated A ri2 29 19 7� �' t
<br /> ;
<br /> P - _. y
<br /> - � .. . .. ............................................................................ .'._ re:�::y�.. ..^.Yi['�a'f ` S�rG,r"w',( �
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<br /> < < . . �� '�..,r..�"...+�.i...f� . ..�,.Y'�. .
<br /> .,... ..�.� . ....
<br /> .Serap�jine ,7, 'Agui 1a�
<br /> ,
<br /> ......................................................�--•..._.....__......... ..__.-•-•-...___.....__........_........._..............�......._................ �
<br /> ' BT�TE OF .......�abraska ........,., Cou,3.t��- of Hall
<br /> Before me, s notary pu6?,ic qua3ified for ssid counGS�, �7ersont7lI;r ca:n,e
<br />� c�ra�hi^a J �y;�il� a sir,gle ,��an. �
<br /> ��„4
<br /> � ,_ .
<br /> ,.. .ti�.
<br /> , ._, y .. _.
<br /> knozn u to mc t.o be tlte i3enticul per_4on or.pe,raons �cha si�ned the foregoing instrument und aeknowledged � '��
<br /> � the eaecutian thereof to be his,-her or Lheir voluntazy: xet and deed. F'-
<br /> .... ,..
<br /> Witneas my-'hand and motariat seal on t,.���y:"'����.7..._ .... l��l.:�.....
<br /> ;3`,
<br /> . ,,�..... ., "
<br /> � � � _.... ���t rr� � ,// F1 �c:i . �f ,�!j � ���
<br /> a�i""' ' �.'rw}cic5�i.i.UtiE.C`---- �—-15T 1 r .w , i n i'
<br /> � � . ' ' ......L.f`...�.4�.1r�'.`....:C�'.s ...... :..y�. 'S-`�-�i°' ...... i\Totarv E'ub2ic . � .
<br /> G£h�EkAL NCT:"a a t J���.i' —, -^
<br /> " � .�,.". Stafe of Paebress:,, My eam;uiaeion espzrea.�S,i:L.-..�.'.4`.-�'..�..................... I�,�.%:........
<br /> �
<br /> � , 1 :�qCommissifln faep.Roc:8, 1���
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