<br />�.�. ' ' `"
<br /> � ` ,�
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<br /> �. . �
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, Couuty of ....... ..... ....... . ....................: ,
<br /> , ' Filed for record on .............. ..::........ 19........ at.:..................:....... dclnek ....._...... ...... M. __
<br /> and recorded in the Deed Record ............ .. ....�....., ' ge QI�TEid�KT Ai'TJ�1Q� .
<br /> . 2 u ............._...........,...
<br /> tVE6RASKA C10GUPAEht�iARY
<br /> , ....._ l�y .....................
<br /> ..�............. .................................... ............ .........._............. ............._....S.Tt1Iv?P.TAY,...,
<br /> R�egislter of Deeds I)uputy Z�,egiste of T)eeda `
<br /> � ` MAY -� 1971 t
<br /> i��- U Q 2�9 4 SURVI�T0�25HiP WAI�hA�1TY �E D`
<br /> � ' ,�,�.� �� � Cr�
<br /> d�QNALD O. STOKL� ar:d LtJGY .�. STC3KF,�,, ��usbanct� and svife, ts�eh an his anc9
<br /> hc�r own rigtat and as apoUse n€ eack� ottaer
<br /> , 2ierein called the grantor�rhr�t�er one r�r mar4,
<br /> in consideration of I'Sk"CY—SIX THO�ISANll FS v'I�: IiUNDR�:II .1ND NUs11 Oc7 (�5�i,5(3Q.00 3
<br /> received from grantees, does grnnt, bar�ain, sell convey and con.firxn unto R�Y D. DZJC:AN and
<br /> FtARY SAA'DRA DUGAN, t�vsband and s�rife
<br /> as jaint tent�nts with ri�ht o£ surr-ivorship, and not as teziaaats in co:nmou, the following eie�criaeai ressl
<br /> property in ...................���.:t�:........_..................._.... Cautttz-,\eUruska:
<br /> Lot Phree {3} and Lot T«o ('.?�, �;.xce,�t tt�c. No,iher�:y
<br /> Li�;hty—rive F`eet (N' ?�5' ) th�:rc raf in *.'orcaopd Sutadivisitin
<br /> in L-he iJ�st Half of tT�o :Vo'rttiwest Qu�xter (W:�NW��} of
<br /> Sectai.on Ten ( 10�, Tc�wrashi�; Lleven ( i t � NortYa, Itan�e:
<br /> Nine {�1� We,�st oi tb� 6th F.M., in Ftall Caunt�, I+�ebr�ska.
<br /> To have and to hold the above described t�remises tu�et%ier tirith ail tenemeuts, heree3iEaznenta
<br /> and appurfenances thereto belon�ixis unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heSrs auc? :z:,si�xs
<br /> of the survivor of them forever.
<br /> And grantor 3oes hereUy corenax�t ti��ith fi}ie �c•antees �nd witk their assigns and with tlie heirs
<br /> and ar�signft of the sur�zvor of tbem that grantor is lu��*fully scised o£said pre.mises;that they are frce froin.
<br /> eneumbrance e�acept fu.r e�sements anrt restrictix�ns of record
<br /> that grautor hue good riglit und 1rs�vFu1 sut.harify to i�o�:xve,y tiie y��ui�; ssiid thsst �r:�ntor esaxrants �ree3 �ti-ill
<br /> defend the tstte to said preruises r��;ainst tlie lawful claims of sll gcrsons �cl�omsoever.
<br /> It is tUe iutention of all partics herato th�t in the eveiit caf the death of either of the �rij.nt,e+es,
<br /> Lhe. entire fee Litle tu this ret�l propttrt�� v]iflll vesC in the aurri�•in� �rantee.
<br /> ;,..�
<br /> Dated i..��c.,,�_7 :-;+'.J 19`.) ,e'
<br /> " ,:'
<br /> . ;- � ..................._.._.....U................... '. � r ..��.. 'r"'' -. `t,r`�,.�,,. � ���
<br /> .............................._... ...:. . ....... ....._.. .....,,. ................_.......... :.
<br /> '� 1��?Z�1.d C7. S t oke„s
<br /> : � �
<br /> ` ............................................... •' ' �c'��..:�s1..::..................
<br /> ..................................... ... ',yg:.g{'; ....:.
<br /> �� . z..�``cy�r'�: s�oxes � �. :
<br /> , .' S3`ATE OF ._............�ebras3c,�.. Gount�- of Fial.1
<br /> ............. .. _ ....................._............_........._................
<br /> Before me, a notary public quxlified for said ec�unt�•, pecsoaally catxie DON11L➢ O. STOIi�S
<br /> and LUCY 3. ST�d'iES, tausband �vnd w•3fc, c>actz iri his <�nci taer ation right
<br /> ' �nc9 as -sz�t�uv,> �f cach o1:h�r
<br /> Y�"`:-.rc,.;;. ._ � . - . .
<br /> known to me to be the identieal peraon or persona wha sigz�ed the foregoin#� ins-tniment anct aeknos4led�ed -�.�,� �-' � `x
<br /> #3�e exeqution thereof<to be his,her or t,heir volnnt�ry,aet aud deed. v µ
<br /> : ��r r��'
<br /> .� Witnese my hand and notarial aeul on ...._ r.'`.;»a.�-L�t....:{.'�. ......................, 19..'.:�..�..... � °ii'"z,�
<br /> . � Ai.IELl11Nfi Mrit� `"`� �'......�_+{..... `/_... ,.t.a j '....% I�otar�- I ttblic � w
<br /> r
<br /> &8�Wxu7wtb •sL�Yu�� . /s;! . .4.rc, �..:�i' ,.� r � �": `
<br />� � �» octaDer 15.iC�°7 ✓ �
<br /> b1y comtnisseon espires ..:.::,;�:�:�:.....�.�....::..t....c:.�, ly.......a........
<br /> Form 4.2 To be a�groved by \ebraska St�te I3ar lscociakion f•�+����r w��000ia x�uc.
<br /> r� �---t � �
<br /> y�
<br />