� � � � � � �:� � �
<br />� � , ... ,
<br /> __
<br /> , :
<br /> f ''M.;�.�.�
<br /> _ _ _ �
<br /> �
<br /> not extend or ��ostpane the due date �s1' ilse inonklilt- insictllments reier:eii to iri ��ttragraphs 1 aiid 'L hereof or
<br /> change tlre atnount of such inst�lime*�fs:
<br /> IO. Boizower Not Reieased. Lxt,ensiai oi tt�e ti�ue #ar p:���znent. or inodific:� tion of smortiz�tion of the suans
<br /> secured by tlris 1•Eortgage granted bp I6e�ider t.o :�ny �ucce�sor iii interest of Barro���er shall nat aperaie to release,
<br /> in uny �nanner, the lia@ility bf tlie origisYal -f3on•o�+•er unci 13orrowcr's successors iii interest. Lender shal! not be
<br /> require�l to eoinmenee t�roceedings r�gsinstsiicli sur.ce�sor or i•eCus4 to ettenti ticne ior payT:nent or otherwise naodify
<br /> aitiorz,ization of the sums secured by t-his 1lortgage trj• re�son ot" :irn• deniand nuuie ny t}re originnl Borrower anfl
<br /> r � Borrower's suecessors in inteeest.
<br /> � 11 . Forbearamce by Lender Not a VVaiver: Any forbearancc by I.ender in exercising an�r right or remedy
<br /> � � liereunder, or otlsenvise xfforded 6y applicable la«�, shul3 nut l.ae s �caiver of or }�reclude t,he exercise of any right
<br /> � or aemedy liereuncler. The procurement oz insurance or the }�nyinent pf iases or otd3er lien� or charges by Lender
<br /> �; shali not be x waiver of Lender's right to accelerate tlie maturi4y of tl�e inciebtedness .ecureil by this blortgage.
<br /> �., 12. Remedies Cumulativ�. �it remedies provideii in tius llortgxge are distinct �nd cumulative to any other
<br /> , . righG �r remedy under this .1Toetgag� or affordecl ii�� lu��� n� � c�uicti�, :sm:l m:�}• tic exeraised cancit'elently, inde{�end-
<br /> h ently or successively.
<br /> � 23. Successors and Assigas $ound; Joiat amd Ssveral Liability; Captioas. The covenants t�nd agreementa
<br /> fierein contained shali tiind , iand i:he rigl:t.s hereunder �iiatl inure to, the resper,tivc sucCessors and assigns ot Lender
<br /> und Borrower, sub,ject to t}�e provisions of' pur� �ra�ih 77 l�erecai'. _� ll covenaui,s und �greements of Borrower �hsA
<br /> � � be joiat ni�d se�•erAl . Tl�e cnpfions anc3 headin�;s oi t6e psr��,*ra ��hs ot this 1 [orkg;3ge are for con ��enience' only � and
<br /> are no� ta be used to interpret or define tlie provi�ions l�ereof.
<br /> 14. Notice. An,y notice co I3orroti��er provicied for in thi:� \ Iort�nge �hsll he �;i��e:z b�� inaiting �uch notice by
<br /> rertified 3i�ai1 addressed to 73orron•er ac tlie Yro�rerty .addre,. �tatecl helu�+� , excet�t for any notice reyuired under
<br /> }�aragra�al� 18 l:ereof fo i1e giti•en to I3orro���cr in tlie msniier �5rescribe<i b�� ;� p��liciibie la��•. Xn,y notice {>rocided
<br /> forin this \lortga�;e shaiI he deeined ta lla��o berzz �ivc�n to 13orro�� cr ���lren #;i�•en in tlir, iri�nncr ci<*signafed lierein.
<br /> 15. iJniiorm 1Mlorigage; Govemiag Law: Severability. '!'l�i� lorm of moriguge coinbines uniforxn covenan#s
<br /> N for nationat use and non-unitorm caven�irts witli lii7iiicd vari:�tioeis by- jui•isciici.ion to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> city instrument covering reat }�roperGy. i`his � torig3ge shail iic tioverned by t.he lati�� of thc jurisdiction in which
<br /> il3e Property is 1Qcated . In the e��ent: that any provision or cl:�u,e of tlris \;ortgage or the 1Tote conflicis �vith
<br /> appiicable lati��, such conf}ici shall not affect oiher pro��ision� of this \ tortgage or t:he Note wl�ich can be �iven
<br /> effect without tlre. conflicting pro��isioiz , and to ihis enci ihe provisions oi the �Sortga�e znd the Note are dectared
<br /> to be severabie.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. ]3orroFt�er sliall be, f4trnisla��d a confornied copp ot this \Iortga�e at the time of execu-
<br /> t.ion or after recorciation hereoi.
<br /> 17. Traasfer of the Properiy: Assumption. Ii a11 or any ��ar[ uf ilie Propertti• or an i�iterest therein is sold
<br /> or trunsferred My I3orrower without Lender's prior writtcn consent , exciuding ta) ii�e creation of � lien or encum-
<br /> � brance sn6ordina 'te to this llortgage, tb ) thc creation of a ��i�rclzsse mone}� security interest for household appli-
<br /> ances, (c) a iransfer by d�vise, desceni or b�� operation oi I:ati� upon t]�c deaith of a joint ienant or (dl the, grsnt of
<br /> � any leasel�old interest ot three yexrs oz• lc:ss not; containin�* a�r opiion to Iiurchac_e, Lender n�a}�, at, Lender's option,
<br /> ` � rieclare t�ll the suxns sccured Gy tlais \aSortgage to t.>e iiaunediakely civa :�nd �a�y:�ble. Len�ier shall ha�'e wai��ed sueh �
<br /> � optioia to accelerat,e it, ��rior to tlie sale ar transier, Lende.r a �ici t :ic ���rron to whow ihe Property is io be sold or
<br /> transferred reacl� sgreemeut in �rritin�; thsc. the crc:dit of such >>erson is sa[ isi:�ctory to Lender and that the inierest
<br /> payr�b2eon the suma secured k>�� t�his ��fortga�e shall 17e. at- sucl� race aa Leiider shalI request. :[f I�ender l�as �tisived �
<br /> the optiosio �ecelerate provi3ed in t:l� is parsgrapli 17 and ii 13orro���er's .uccessor in interest has executed a �urit-
<br /> ttin sssumpiion agreement, accepted in ivriting I�}� l.ender, Le»der �hall releu,se Borro�ser iroin nll obiigstions under
<br /> this bSortgage aiid ilie �'ote.
<br /> ' If Leuder exercises such option ta accelerate , Lender slzal ! enssii Borrower notice of sccelern,i:an iu accordance
<br /> F u it1L p:�ragrsph 14 huruor. �3u�3i notice �liss�il pro��ide z� ��criud of n�c leG� fii :�r� 30 c3s�s from the dttte the notice� ia
<br /> ' msiled �;•itliin �vhiclz }3orror��er muy �rwy tl�e �imi� declared ciuc. Ii I3orroivei• iails to �xcy sucli sums pric�r t.o the
<br /> expiraiion of such period , Lencier may- ; �eithoi.it iurtlier nutice or dc�niind on B'orro�ier, invoke any remedies per-
<br /> tnitted by para�rapkt 18 hereof.
<br /> �
<br /> ± tior-t' � �Fo�; n�: Coz��:�vA:. rs. Borra�rer <and I.,cridei• i'urt,l�c�r eo�-e�zant and a��i•ee a:; follon�s :
<br /> t
<br /> 18. Ficceleration: Remedies. Esce{it as p��o� i�ted in � >:�ra�r.� � �h 2 i lier<�ni . uE�un $orroticer's bi•eacl� of an�•
<br /> cnvea�ttnt or agreeiuent oi �3orrowrr in ch 'r_� llortg.agc, includine tia� co�•enani� tu pn}� �chen duc anr �ume� �ecnred
<br /> by this 1'Im�tgc�ge, Lende3• �iriur to acccrler��.tion �I �all Fuail notice to E3orrorrer as � �rovideci ir� �xirsgraph 1�4 Ilereoi � � � � �
<br /> �pecif,ying : t 1 ) the breaeh : ( 21 U7e act� ion .requircd tu r. ure such breacli ; � i :> � n �late . nc�i less tl�:t: ti�iriv day�s � �
<br /> iron�i ti�e dut�e tiic noiicc i� maileci 10 tim•roirer. Lt� ��� I � ich s�teli brc.icl � must. 1>e cured : antl 141 that friltu�c tv cure � �
<br /> j .uch brench an or I�efare t }�e ciatr. sperified in tli�� notice uiay rr�ult ii� azccelei;ition zai t?�c swn� seceared bv this
<br /> �Sort.g3�e and sale of the Yroperty . lf the breacl� is nat em•c�t on cir betorc tl�c� dat �� ,.pecified in ttji� notice , Lender
<br /> ai Lentier's option ix�ap <lc�clar.� xill of thc sitiu� eecured b�� tliis \7ort�;�gr. io be irnn�ediateh• riue anci � paynble �� � �
<br /> �vithouf, further deanand anci inag foreclose tliis \tort,ga�e k>y ,iiidicial Tiroceeiiii� �. Le�di� t sl�iall he eritit.lr.d lo ce�liect � � �
<br /> � in such proceedin�; all expeiises of iore�rc?�snr•c . inclv�lic�q . I�ut i�iot litnitecl to , cc�sts of �iocuineut�rv �vidence, � � � �
<br /> � n�stracis and title reparCs.
<br /> � 19. Barrower's Right to Reinstate. 1ot�ci# h�t:nndin� T.i�nder : aceela:•r� 'tion ef thc: suw� secureii l�v this � � � �
<br /> Mortgage; Borrawer shall l�ave tl�e ri�;ht to hmF•e sny F�r�eeu�ciing:; be�;un t,�c L,ender t.<3 enf�mce t1� ie ;1lortqnge dis-
<br /> �' continued at any time {'arior to enLry of a jti�3kment cnfo�•cin}� tl� is �Iort�;:ige ii : ( n1 Borro�ces pays I.ender ail
<br /> ' sums which would t�e Yhen due wider this �imtga ;:r : ti�c loie and note. �ecurin�; Faturr Adc;�nce�, iS any, had no
<br /> " neceleration aceurred ; ilri Berrower cures �kil i�r�±ic•1i4�. c�i z�.i>>• orher c�>��rnai�r� or :ic�reen���nts a7i 13orro�ve�r ��<�n-
<br /> " {��R1T1P(j in this �'101't�!lnf ;� � C ) �;OT. S(�{VCT a?3\-v . 11 ;��yrr� !_ Ip p� n ..'C :' : . . jl C!{ � \ � l .^.(72' � . �.. i':�UI . .�y 2...2 C 1 ' �2'.i21:.5 . . . . �
<br /> and agseements of Borroa•er cantained in ttu. \Iort � i ,�e and iv cnfoiiing T.i�uricr � recrudie� it� ��rovicicd in para -
<br /> graph lS hereoi, inciuding, but nqt ltmited co, rc;a=onsl�la at.iorne�•'s Iee= ; aan�t Idl 13orro�a-er takes such action as
<br /> ' I,ender tnay reasonably reqi�ire to :i�sure that the lien ol' i. 1,is \ l�rt �;:�ge , I.endei•'� ir.teresi in thc Propert�� antl
<br /> � $orroa*er's abligation to pa,y the sum. secvred bi� thi.= \tortg i�e sli:rll continur uiai�eipaired . L'1ron such ��ayxnent
<br /> , and cure b,y $ormwer, 4his AZori�agc ssnd ti�e obli�ations st.cumd herel>}- �hall reroain in iull fm�re anii �•ffeci .�s it �"�:� " ` '" ^
<br /> �, . .
<br /> ; noacceleration had occurred. � r��,�
<br /> ; 24. Assigssmant oi Rents; Appo'snimeat o1 Receivor; Lender-in Possession :�, addieiona! security here- ' �s,
<br /> ^, ! � , under, Borrouer hereby assigns to Lender tiie rent, of thc Properrr, pro�•zde�t that 33orro��•er shali ; prior to acceler- "��;
<br /> �- a�ion vader �sragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of the Yropert,y . havc tlac a•i�l�t tu collect and retain such rents , ' .� � ;
<br /> as they beeome due and payable.
<br /> ; � . . . .
<br /> C,"pOn .;ece;e7�:.iou us.uci p:ira�tu�,i� ia i�� iru� u� nnu�i�uuu�ri3i w tti� t'ie�E>rrey , i.uu�ier, in ��cer.on, bv agent
<br />"� ; ksy' i +id.C;r.31;' spry..,0ir.ta.�. roceitor o::.:..1 :s.'. en:itie.i 2 :, enLet u� .u.a , tx1.a �{ �u:�:e�aiuii ui at�.I �ixetn��;� tiac Prupertv � ���
<br /> � and Go collect the rents of the' Yroperty, �includin� those � ��sst due. Al] ients � c ollected 1��� S.ender or ttse recei��er � �
<br /> sha31 be agplied first to paymeni of the cost+, of mun�gement of the Yioperty anci coilectaon of rent�; including, hut �
<br /> not lin�ited to. rereiver'c fee� . �srnrr�inm:: on rrrr�ivPr'� F+�mi� rvr.�1 r.�a�•nTtjt��+* �jt * �rne�• '� 1 ;•r� :tr. d tt:cn to ilte r-tnn�
<br /> � secured by this b4ortgage. I..ender and the receiver sliaxl3 be liahlc to accoixnt oa )�� for tho�c rer�ts �ctually rcceiv�d .
<br /> " �' �!
<br />� .
<br /> a ;
<br /> o_'.
<br />