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<br /> `' .. , .. � . . . . � . . �,�,.k" . . .
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<br />. .
<br /> . .... ... . . . .. .. .. ... .
<br /> ,t �
<br /> �
<br /> ��� INCItViDCUAL
<br /> Qus an� SALE
<br /> ` �' OPTIC3NAt. �tJTl.YRE.ADYANCES
<br /> SA�✓ttVCxSi F'(JtVI>
<br /> �� FORh� No:�720
<br /> ��� L.oan Number__33�21__: _��_.18�_�:::�_1�_
<br /> � r.�a s,a.,��.
<br /> `' . ��-�a����. r� a R ,- � A � E
<br /> `r THIS 3�iQf2TG�C;E, mad�. au�i eacer:uteci this :..: .��'::. ..:. da4 of :_. �'`� � :... ..._ A.ia.,
<br /> 13...`Z�..,t>etsve�=n�he ASoriRa�or,_._..:Tx�x.l.}C...�...I i1.,1.:,�no,.C.�l..:�x,.iiz11�...a2a.;`t�aud..,�nxi._s+e�f�,::_�sr.�
<br /> ', °; i�.:#��;..�r�?�,.2Z�._o�m::_;�d�.�r.�.�u:i�J,::x.a,:��a�::.aaa�t..a�,.�3�s�e:.�i�...t4hht:..�t1i�x.,--�a:i�n.t2�..z��,.sev�z�r��c.:.,
<br /> '. nf :�S'sx�,�?4�..��3;�,nc�;: ..... C'ount,y �f _._._..li.�X.7.._�..:,:.. __..,�,trite nf....z�"ebra.�a.....,lxere�ina�ft.er r�;ferreci
<br /> to �s t1�e �.iorrower,'and tl�e �Iort�s�taze, F"T�S`t FET)F,A:�T.SaVI?`•�'t�S r1\I3 LfJAN ASSOC'Ir\TIO'ti�t)F
<br /> S.Ti1GC)I..24� 12.i5 "N" Str�:et,I.incoln, NebrmSka trb:�0i, its sucx:es,sur� ucad assi�;ns, hereinaiter m€crred ta
<br /> tis;,Z,end�r.
<br /> s �Vtrxs.�eTai: Ths� the said �3arrox�ex for anci in cnn�iderritian nf t.k�e siam of ..... .... ....� ' ......._
<br /> ....�.C11�TY.--:3:I�'iEE..2*IiC1i.T'.`iE�lk'71:lLi�LL..SdC��.105]�.�R�,.......�.....�...o.,.......,....T3c31:*ars ti7S� L.�rLJt;�C2,.t?�. .. . ,._--�
<br /> � �id by;said I:ender; does liFr,ebY mortgu�*e, �rant and convc:r> tu I.ender, its suc;cae�ors raisd a:�gns> t.h�
<br /> �:, fnlic�win�r3e.ticrit�ed praperty located in thra C.'aunty of.........13�a13. ............ ... _. .. St;af.e i�f Yvekarxska:
<br /> 1:�ot I.'G,*enty (2Q) 3_az Fl�dden L3kcs Sub�3iw�i.sion Numt�er 7'�,•a (2), bei�.�, a �ari: os
<br /> thr: Soutl�xeast �,uarter (Sl;u) nf the Nurtii��st �usrter �I�TE-4) r�tid a g�sr� bf
<br /> the I�arth Hslf �i�) of �:he I�Turtheast c�u:�rt�r (iVI;;;) �af tlz� Sauth�ast �,'uart�r
<br /> (SE�) oP: Secta.on 13, T�wnsh�p 11 i3ort2�, P.a�k�;e � West oS t13� fitla T'.hT., il�li
<br /> a CountY: �ietaraslta.
<br /> < � �
<br /> Tex:�rft�ta with all tlae un�rover��:ntr nnw or liereaffer erected on ihe pmperty, 3nd zill e.��e.nae�atr;,
<br /> ri��t;�,up��url:e��an�rea, re.nLs, m4r.It:i�s, nxinerai, ��il and �s rikhts and pmfit,ti, ���aier, ��zai�r ri�lats,, and
<br /> f wxter stoek,ar3d all fiatuxes noH>nr hereafCer atta�ched t;ca #.he propert.�, ail crf ���hich, inducling rc±�lucc+-
<br /> uzestts anc�udditions theretn,slaa�lt t�� �lei rueci dxa k�e xand rern:un :a part of the grcm�rurt,Y e«v,�ett?ci li�� this
<br /> $ M�rt�e; �nd att af the fom�;oin�, t:ogetlier �vith s�id pmEac rt,y� (c�r t;he lenseh�lc.l �stqtr. in t.hc r>ven#: this
<br /> Ainxtgnge is on a ler�sehotdl are herein referx�cri to as t,he "I?mpert,y".
<br /> F3orre>wex eovemm�ts tllat}3orm�yer is lawfully Feised of �he�tra#�hereb,y ccrnveyt=d an<i l�as tlte rip;i�t
<br /> ta �zaort�,*�a�e,grant und cunvoy the 1'ro�ertt>, i}ittt tlxe Prca�c rt�is uttenz.umbereri, arxl i2zat 23<�rro���r ��i11
<br /> �varrxnt aud de.fend g�:nerallv the tit:l�iq the i?mX>est.�� a�:z�ii�;t. sil c:laizns atid c3cmands, sut3jec.t to a�iv
<br /> ��- ` t��niettts und restrict:it�n�listeci in a schedul�e of esce�tions tn rovera�;z. in xny title insurnnccr �xalin:^ zn-
<br /> surin�Lender's intere*st ica C,he i'rea�eri�>,or (?1 t�ttx�rne4'� o��iniaii of iit.l� frons :iEa:;tract; of t,it,le rertified
<br /> l5y bonded ab.;tracter.
<br /> Peot+tnEn AtiwnY�. x�txd these presents .ire exerut�:d�nci deiivi:rect u�c3n the*foliovvins cronaitzcans,aa�ree.:
<br /> men�.s nnd pUligmtions of the Fa�rrowE r, t:ci-w-it:
<br /> x; The Borro�er�grc� t,a�a> to i.h:e Le�der or ordir tlxe �n7nr,ipsl�uxxi ot _.:..
<br /> FOR�Y-7'1ii3�;..�iQL1SAa`31�...ASl7l._J1Q.t'.3.Q9:. __.... .. __..._.... ... ...r_. --��kall�rs (13:� *.�^..UO�..Qi1...... )
<br /> ' pn;cPz�ble�s��mvicl�ri in fl n<�te e�r,rutcK3 and delivernd,txmcurr�s�tl��kien���•et}i, the futHl�.usyiaf�xxt t�f��rinci���i.
<br /> ; if not enoncr Caaid,on the,:._....�..St . ._._. . da>'�E __......... �S!��- ._,...__....__..,.,til�t..�?C?�}b ;
<br /> LT:att't3ant C`uvExi�rs. F3iirro�ver mnd I e:ncler rnvenant vncl s��;rc�� zts tolla�v�:
<br /> 1. Pc=ymesst af Priuxcipal and 7sitecr.:st. 13ormsrer sh�ll �3ramptl�* i}.�v �vhrxn riue the ��rsnci�e,�l �>£ ane3 it�-
<br /> t:�r�st aix Ghe iazde�tc�iae.r•s evid�nc�d'b)�th� Nut,e, Pre�p:��':n�nt and lati ci�s�rge. xas �.�re�vide� ui Ch�� Nc�ce,
<br /> aa�ci#,kae principal of t�i�ct interest.oc�Ar�y I utezre!4dv:�nces se�ured br t}�is?l4�rt�,n�;�.
<br /> : * 2. Fuads far Tmcem cmd Insura:sce�_ SuL,j,��et to T.,ender's optinn un�r�r p�zra�+re�phs�t attxl :,z hc�mi�f. E;or-
<br /> rcr�c-er sha13.pnv t,o T,cride:r on t}ac.c�a� monthi}� inst.aAl6uc i1f.y c�f�n•inr,i}�ai a�nd intc re�i. aarc��:a,y:�t�te undi*r t1ae�
<br /> Nc>�c;untii��th� �Tate z��.tinad in £�11, aa surtt (hertrin"'Fund.""J e�cru�l t� ui2r�•f�ae^.Ifzli of ihc �•i�stsi� tasc�� a,3zti3 �
<br /> � ` na:�E�stn�nf:s�vhictx m3�nt#uin priority ovet this�forti,p;i��c�, unc3 �;n�unc� reentw or� ihe I'ri��x�rt��, i[an�' }>lLrs
<br /> nne-trrelftta of. t=c:arl�° Prernium znstc�lisnents for hr�aard insurance. �alva c�ne_i«•elfth crF. �•rc�rlv prc:rniuni in-
<br /> st�ilnlen€a� fnr n�r�t•t,�;a�c insurr�r�ce, if�m�, a!� rss ivcasona�b3ti, ca�iimac.��� inifi.ir�il>= z�cad tivuz iais�e i�,i l,irne 1:���
<br /> I.�.nr�er on the b��is e�f�tcsess�s�e.nte�c�nc�1�i11s:�nd re��.�annl,lr�c.•rm�yitti.-{!, ,f. !., ca �4l,ei1 s,at�i� thE r un;��
<br /> kr ��,v�;cxic3 iaxczti.3�sse�smenis.ansurance pr�niiuuz�; :anci �niucad re nC�, I.R�z�ter �livtt r�rai:� r�u c�iz+i�;�a fc�a-.S;s
<br /> txniciing sn<i applyin� the k'�xnds or veri{;�in� mnd ecat�piiin�; sa=d ass��;smeni� :and uiiis. "�iic: i..c�aicier :ii�ii
<br /> �;iv�ia t.�ze 13�rruHrer,w•itl�out c3u�r�e,�n a�suaual accv:+unlitt�o#tiie b'uni�s sliuw�ittg c:��dit�.�xir3 r:Ic�L�iia:ixz tlae
<br /> ....
<br /> Futic3.s and the purp��e far�vhi��clx�de,bit ta tl�e Funds i�rr.�, nxar�e. Tlze ktrnds ur�� pleii�ed as aciditiUnul
<br /> tc�;u��ity for the su�n:�scit'urec�,b�� tliis !'Iort�at�;e, 'C�e I3orr<>t4•cr a�zrcce.s t1iaC th�. Furac3s nia�� £Ye Fxc,l<3 1»- tkic
<br /> i.��rsder anc3 cummin�Ied�-it:h nther tunds �nci tlxe Lezider"s U�•n funds and the Lencic:r mn3x� I�z�y c�tch ite�zaa
<br /> rs.
<br /> frcarn its o�im iund�nnd ti�c Leaxder yfaall not 6e lixablez t�r interest or di4:c3ends an su�:h kunris. ��
<br /> If the amoa�nt of tdie��n+cbi held t�,y Lender,to�ether wi23i the future nianthl�r instxilimeixta of T�'unds � �'���'
<br /> puyabte prior to the due dates of t�cxes,ss�+�..,smen�, Snsur.tncc premiivas�d �.roun<i n,ats, sh�tll c�:.ceeci �,
<br /> � ti�e nmhunt�+uired to p�,y,said taxes,eisse�sments,insunuice pren�zuma and grc�vnd rnnts cas t,hev Ts13:3ue. r.
<br /> s,uch excesr�sk�m�i} be,-�t ]3.arrower"s op*aon.eit.her promptiv rep�id tx� T3carmwc:r or cmdited tca Bnrrc��rer on �;��:
<br /> irivnthl�� inst.a�iments af Fund�. I£ tihc amount af ahQ Funds ht:ld b�� l:ender sh�il not be ..uf3iczccxr tc+ t�ai�>
<br /> Ci;s:as, a:���yix.��l,s, irz5ure��c� �r�uiuuac anu �ruuitc2 rcc�w x� inrv ia�il uu� .c..uicyrwCr a��a,. w.�3 �. .�,�a:.i�rr
<br />"°'�`� �:�}::.wo.z^.t'r.c .,;;uar_.• :a,4 uf;.e ��S ;,hc dc.���:zcs-:-i:h� .t;.:�, �..ts�,f" r...t:cc. :r: L :ic_ ± '�...^.,.rr,. �'�'
<br /> arquesting pa�rmenL t.hereof, or Iiaraoa�er shzLll 'by zin increctse am m�n4hl� in,#silanc�ats nf �un�i�.n�uireci. �
<br /> - re}�,v tl�e rlefic srn�v within the Funci .aecvsunt,ing �aeri�d
<br /> CTra�: pa}^^cat i�z ful? ef ni3 sums sc�urc��� t�';i:;'�'�c..t��,c.:.c::d.. <h.:it..�,?, !�und�. }:cic3 �e� ct c-ccr?;t
<br /> u�aznst ali st�ms dne. �
<br /> � .�.�
<br />;5,:
<br />� �
<br />