<br />� � �,.
<br /> _, � ,„' �
<br /> � �
<br /> � IND6VIDUAL ,
<br /> dUS OIV ff SALE
<br /> ���'�J� OPTldNAL �'UTlJRE ADVANCES
<br /> �I�cVi.7�I'sL � SAVINGS FUND
<br /> ` u�u�+�^ar �oRM��l�Fo.72a ..
<br /> st�..V�.N Loan Number___33029___-188V___�Z_..__
<br /> ,,uk t�.an��.
<br /> 5 � �7'= 00�284 M ORTGAG 'E
<br /> _
<br /> � 'I'HIS I�30RTGAG�,mmd�And exe�uteci this �`� . dn� of 1�F�(�!L A.LI.,
<br /> � 19�..?.l._.•,between the N[ortga�or, .3�Y__M PIERCE A single perscsa
<br /> S , �roken 7Sow --.� ._---•--....... ..... Nebraska3.._. ._ . ..__. `_......,_
<br /> ._... . ..
<br /> � of........ ......... ....... ..... Count,y o€._....:.�ust�r........... .., State.of..... . .........._. ..,hereinm�i,er re.ern�d
<br /> ta �xs tho Borr�awer, and the Mort€a�ee, FIRST FEDF.RAL 5A�'I1��G�ANL) LnAN ASSOCiA'I`ION()F
<br /> ` ' I,I3\tCOLi�', 1235 "N" 5treet:, Lincaln, �ebrAska fiS50.1, its succe;sors �nd assi�ns, hereina3ter rc�ferred tcr
<br /> �
<br /> as I.ender.
<br /> r W�x•xEs.�ETrs� That: the ::uici £�ormci�er far and in eonsidt�rai.ion cif f.he sum at T.�?i�th ei�tlt .
<br /> G thousand three hundred and no/100
<br /> , � --------- .".�ol:ars (US :�.. 38,300 00
<br /> .... . . ... ..... ..... ....).
<br /> ; � paid`kav sxud Lencier doe5 hereUY mortg3ge grant�and conve� i;o Lendex, iis successor.r• and �ssi�ns; Lt�e
<br /> a f<�1lowing desrribed FxmNezt;.* loc�ted in the �'ount�>of..... I�all . _...... ...... .`�"�t;itc><>f Ne}�rtska:
<br /> ; Lot Nine (9�, L"apital Heights 1'iftkx Subdivisio:a Ueing a pz�rt nP the .,`.outhw4at �
<br /> , � , �,uarter (SW4) of aectic�n "?, Township lI Nor�h, Rczn�;e 10 i�iest of' the 6th F.NI.,
<br /> i:
<br /> �ial1 Count,y, nTebraska.
<br /> ° Tx�:��t*�:a �vith a!1 t:he iniprovemer.*s nos�• ur hereafta:r erected an i:hc: pr:��sr.st,y, arc3 ali sz�sements,
<br /> � ri�lita, appurtenances, re.nts, ra�•nities, mineral, oii and gas :rights and profits, cvaler, rvat,i;r riglits; und
<br /> , � w�ter stock, and all fistures no�v or liereafter �tt:�ched i:o the property, all af which, incluc�ing repince-
<br /> ments nnd ndditions tliereto, shall be cie�mied ta be aud remain a parf; of t.he prop��rk.y eovc:red lit- ti�i�
<br /> � Mc�rtgage; anci ali �f the foregoSnR, together w•it:h snid prapert,,y (or the it=nsehold est�te in the cvent ihis
<br /> � I44ortgsge is �n a leasehold? are herein referred to as the "Propertc".
<br /> �° $orrower cav�enan�s thtjt $orroH�er is l��vfully seised of the est�i;e hexeby con�eyt:d and hus t'he right
<br /> ,4 to mqrt�age, grunt and caaivey the F'ropert_v, t,hixt the Property i� uneircumbered, :and that }3orroc��er tirill
<br /> � w�arrAnt nnd defend generall}• the title f.o the Pmperty against all cl:�irns and dem�nds, subjecY. to ,iny
<br /> ensements�nd restrictions listed in �schedulc:nf excepkic�ns to covr�rage in Airy title insumnc� �olicz� in-
<br /> � suring Len<ier"s interest in Y.he I'ropi.rt��, or (2} attorney's opinian of titic frc�in sbstx�;r.t af title cc:rt'ified
<br /> � b}�bonded abstracter.
<br /> �A E'xovtuF o Ai.r�.�aYs, and these> presents are e:xecated and clelivered upon thc foitowing conditions,a;;rec
<br /> ' ments nnd ot�ligat,ir�ns of the 13orrower, to-�s*it:
<br /> �
<br /> � The Borrower agrtres to pu�� to the l,en3tr, or order, the��rincips�l sum of ..T.r?�rty__eight..thousand
<br /> � , three hundred and nol100 --- --- -- ....I)Ultars lli:5 �. 3k3,300_40..._ .., ..�
<br /> ......�. _...... ---------------•---- •--- . __... _ . . ..
<br /> payAble us provided in a note esecut.ed and clelivet�.cl,con<urt�ntl��he>rnr��ith,th<r Gnal pn�ment at��rinc-ip�1.
<br /> � if n�t saaner puid, on the_...l.st..... .._ _..dx�y of ......._..P3.aY. ...... ......._._..., t`�r*?PfX>
<br /> UNrF'ox�t Lovr.NnNTs. Ziorrower mnd Lenczer covenxni flnci n„ree as ;oliu��•�:
<br /> l. Payment of Principal and Intez�st Borrc�ti��e:r shsli piY�mptiy paV �z�hen due thc: przncipal af axYd.in-
<br /> t:�rr:�t on t:he incl�:bteclness evidenced Uy tl�er ?Vofc> Prepyy�ment :�nd latc clitir�;c:s :zs pro�rided isi fhc� ;�dote�,
<br /> ;'� ani� the principal nf uctd interexst on any Fut,ure Advances scrureci fi�• this�t�rtfia�;e.
<br /> i 2. Funds far Tcxxes aad Insurance. Suhje�ct ko L�4nder's option unc3Pr paragra,p}is 4 nnci 5 t�ereof, Eior-
<br /> rcm�er shall�ay La I:;ancler on the d�y'ii�oni.hl�� uist�vllments of prinriEinl snd int�arest�re Ftayablc�under fhca
<br /> Nate,until the Nute iapair3 in£ull,a suin (herein "FundS") i�ual ta aner-L�velft3i c�i ih�� yenr3�� la�es :�nri
<br /> assessments which mrt,y atixin priorit�•over this R4ortga�;e, and �rounc3 renls <�n lhc: Property, if'ai�y plu::
<br /> une-twelft�t�f yemrly gremiuin instailments fcrr ha�:xrc� insur�:�nce, pl��s c�ne-tt+�eiith af yc:arly �sr�;i7�iuzn in-
<br /> ytallrnenis fc�r�nortgage insurance,if an}-, all a�: reasanab3r est.in7a#ec3 ir..itially a:�u froia� :.irne 1ca iina�:t�y
<br /> T.ender on t}ie baszs nf t�ssessmea�ts and nF11s anei ressax�able est:imnt�:s thea-euf,Lendc:r shall ap��l�tl�c:E�'ianrls
<br /> to p�� said ixae5, msse:;sn�ent;s, inc�urance prumiun�s ancl �:round re:n#::. I.�nder s�iel3 make nu ci3ar£e for s�a
<br /> � � � h�lding t�nd�e�>��lyan�; thc��Fnndc or verif3•ing and��osxi��ilin� +:aid tt��Ew.ra��nt� �nd l,ill�. The 1,c��z��lrr �i,�i( �
<br /> ' ES
<br /> give to iiie F3orro�ver,without char�e,nn z�nnua�l accountin�of thc Fux�d�sho�z>ing rredits and del?it�to i:he �
<br /> � ; �uncis and t:he purpose far which each debit to the Fnnd� w�sa made. The P'unds arc pled�ed ais adciiiionai
<br /> securit,y#or the'sum� sec^ured h,y this Mort�rage.. The Eicirm��•er agrei:s that the. Fund�mi►v Iie helcl ,yv the
<br /> t I.ender:anci eommiz�giec3 s�ith other funds and the Lender's own funds nnd the.l.�nder inav prn� such items
<br /> � from it�,own.funds anci the,I.c:ncier Shall not be liable for interest or diuidends on such Fundti_ �;�j �
<br /> - �W.`4
<br /> If Lhe amount of the Funds held by Lender, together wzih the future m�nthly installmenis vf Funds ,� :
<br /> ; payable-prior to the due dntes bf tases,'assessments, inxcxs�re premiums and �round rents, shall exceed ` ;� .
<br /> � Che amount required to pay said t�uc�es,ssse�.9znents, insurance premiums and�rvund rent,g�s they fail due. M ;
<br /> rv
<br /> such excess sh�ll lae,at Sonrower's option,either pmm�tly repaid t:o I3orrower or credited t�$c�troti-er on
<br /> i monthly inaf,allmentc; of i'unds. if�he arnqunt o# t�te Funds held by Lender shall raot be suftic�i<:nt to pa�� � '�" �
<br /> taxes, rassessmenhs, in,turance-premiums and �round-rents as thev fr�Il due. Barrnwer ehali nav to LenAer
<br />�,;� any amaunt�eces.caxy to ma.ke up the defitiency«�thin thirtt-da��s�ftu notice fmm Lender to Born?1��er
<br /> ��r.yueycu�g �iayment ther�a£, or i3orrower shaif, k�y an inc:rease in monthly instzillrnent.�of N'uncfs rE�uirnd, ,
<br /> repay the deficie�icy within the Fund accounting period. �
<br /> Upon payxnenC ix fuil of ali sums secured by this 11'[a.rtga�e;Lender shall appl� Fund:�l�cic4 as a credii
<br /> a�ai�i�6 alI auin;;due.
<br /> �.�nnr _ _ 1 �
<br /> 5 ,.
<br />`�
<br />