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� <br />� � � � , � �� <br /> � :�;:.�. <br /> �:�..,t,.,. _ _ � � <br /> �:: MOFTGAGE--Savinqa.aod�Lc�sn Fozm—(Dicoct.Cz�dit.Pla� 2552 tSy�aU �� - � � . . <br /> . . � : . ...�,.�.�,�..�...�..�. . � . .� <br /> � �7« MORTGAGE <br /> 002�6�3 <br /> �'''" �Ho <br /> s' F S : rms iNnBtrruRs.made�+1d•� . 2 9t h� �� ,��„�af. ���A p r�i I. is 77�bp aaa baer.ssa :. <br /> � GEORGE J. CO�SON ANC� PHYCL IS :L. GOISOtJ, -husband and wi fe, each in hisa and her own <br /> 3 riyht and as: spouse of the other <br /> � <br /> , <br /> ��.��o� H81 1 �� mortgaqor..=,�aud Fiome Federal Saxinga�d Loan�Aswcintloa ol�G[�nd Isl�rk,.. <br /> ` �r;�. �� .a�eorporatba.arqaa(zed.�and:oxi�tfaq undtr.tha.lawa��oS Natstaska�w[th fb prSadpd otitw aad placo oi..bwinesa�at Grand��Iel�d,�.Nobraaka.... ': '��: <br /> � .aa mortqaq�e; . . . . . .. . . � . . . . . . <br /> � � � <br /> �WITN£SS8?H; .That �ald morigagors 2oi�and in conudecation af the sum of_ . .. <br /> ' + TH I RTY-TWU THOUSAND N I NE NUNDRED AND NO/I 00 ------------------- nQuara <S_ 3?�"3p�.(jq +, <br /> �tha rseatpi��of wbich�i�.hereby aclmow]edgmd, do__ by theae preseats mortgage.and wmzant unto�wid�mortqaqes..ita succeoaon aad �� <br /> „� <br /> � aatigm,�Ierevor, all tha tolloarinq.deacxtbed real oatate. �imaMd in the county ot H<31 � <br /> � t� . .�.�:���vxd�8tata:�of�Nebraska.�to-aiL �.� . . . . � . . . . . .. . - . . . ,, ,. . , <br /> �+ LQT S I X (6), 3 N BLQCK TH I RT"Y (30) I N PACKER AND t3A3?R'S S ECCND FlD�l"f I ON 7Q , <br /> TNE GITI' Ot= G?�ANL� I5LAfVD, HALL COUNTY, NE6E2ASKA { <br /> � <br /> � �� <br /> -AND- <br /> ' # LUT SIX (6) IN BLUGK TWELVE ( 1�1 il� SC;HIf�9MER'� ,40UiTIUN TO THE. CI1�Y OF <br /> GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUN7Y, �EBRASKA <br /> � : # <br /> � <br /> t f� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> $)'t� t <br /> j� <br /> � ,$� a dedoorawand�wtndow�ahades torQhl ads,nsed on4 or�in pconnaction w th aaidi P operty.awhethern he uiame�a�now lotat d on�enid p operfy � � �. <br /> � or�herea4ter plaead tLereoa. . <br /> j$ . 70 HAVE AND TO HOLD THE S_AME, Logether wleh all aad sinqular the teaemeats,hefeditaments and app'urteaances tMaremW.brinng- .3� <br /> 3� ��inq, or in anywiae nppert¢ining,.lorever.und warraat tho ttlte to the samr. Said mortgagar,`��t_hecaby mveaant^w5th eoid�mortqagee . <br /> � j�. . that_tho�_ A �re . at the deltvery beraol, the lawtu! owaer_=ol ihe pcemasuea above ccaveyed mid deacribed.and �r�'� � <br /> �#� �seized�oi a good and indefeasible eetaie o( iaheritance therein, lroe and deaz of nll encuxnbrenees,and that �he_�L will wacrcmt.�d . <br /> title thoreto forever againat tha cLaima aad domandn al all paseona whomaoevar. � <br /> � PAOVIDED ALWAY9, and thia inexzumea� is execu�ed aad delivered to necure the paymeat oE the eum a! <br /> � S TH I RTY-TWC� THOUSr'�+fdU N I NE NUNDRED ANU NQ/I 00 ------------------ �,> �00.00 <br /> j �__.�_.___ ollarn (���` �. <br /> YwSih mtereal theceoa, together with euah ch�qea and advances aa may bo due and payahie b said mortgagee undaa tho terma aud - $$$ <br /> F � conditians ot the proxaisso:y aota o! even date berewith aad aeeured kaere6y,azacutad hy oaid mortqagae,payable � <br /> r j� � �� aa said note, and to sacure tho perfocmance a! all the terms and condtions mn2ained thm:eln: The tnimn of said noto are <br /> � hexmby�incorporated herein by this.zefsrence. . . � <br /> � $��� ��Ft is tLe inte¢tion and agroemeai ot the parlies hereto ihat tlua mo:tqage sh¢ll also eecure any }uhux advance� �mada to �aaid . <br /> { mortgagor S_ by said mosSqaqea, and any md all indebtedneaa in addilioa to the amount above mlated�which amd mortgagor�, or�any�. <br /> � of them, mvy.owee to aaid morigagee,hawever evidenced. whetS�et by note,baak aa�ount or otherwisa� This mortgage nhaii remcun fa�fv31 . <br /> lozce and�.e.ftect�betwsen the partlea heraro and thait heirs, peraona!-.repreeentativee, aucca�aon and aseigns, vniil all� amounu�aeeuzed- <br /> hereunder.ineludiaq futwo advancea ar�paid in.tull�with iaisrest. . <br /> �..The�-mortgagor���.hazeby aneiqn . .�to wld.mortqaqee..aR reate.aad tamme��aclainq�at aap aad�all Hmao�taom�.said�propnriq emd::� �� �. . <br /> hereby authorlu .aaid mosigaqea.oz ita�ageat at�its opUox�, upon defaulL fo take chaige.ot aald property and.colioet all renh and incvme . <br /> tnereirom.and�apply the ecnae to the payment ol interes4 prladp¢i,.Sasutaate prem'sums, taser, wsasameat�, repmzs or lmprovement� necee-�� . . � . <br /> , eaiy to {ceep said proparty�Ln senantabta coadltion, ar So othor charqee oz paymoafs prov3ded fw hereln ar In the nota heroby eacuxed..�SLis � � <br /> . �r�nt assignmeat s�alt lorce unW tAe unpa3d balanee d eaid aote[a luIly pald Tba takinq ot ponseaaioa heraunder xhall ln no. � � <br /> a � <br /> , �. mannec prewat or retaxd eaid mortqagae in the eollecifoa of a�d ezxms L-y foreckoru[e or otherwSso. � �. <br /> r . $ <br /> � � ' �2'!w faElure ot�t6e.martgagae to.aasert.any.ot ita sighb.��hatauadr=¢t any tims ahal! not be coaatrued as a waivar of its riqLt to a�sezt j$F <br /> , �i �.the�.aam�et aay inaist upoa and�.enfarae�itrtet�compliaace with all ihs terms�and.�ptovislans o! satd aofe ond oi thda 1'F� � � � � <br /> $�. mottqage. . � . ... .. �i � 1 � � � � -''� <br /> $ < � <br /> .- � �� tf eaid mortgsaqor S eha11 eauae to�be pafd !o auid mortqaqse the eatico amauat dsaa!t hereunder,aad under ihe tarm�.ond p:vrf�ioa� � � , � <br /> . ot said ao�e:�hxehy��ecvrsd,�laclndioq.tutura.adromcea.aad:anp astsmioas or cenewa3a iherwof.W�aeoocdenee:with.t6e..tofms�:aasi prosiLLoa� <br /> t2iareof, am3 mosiqaqot S ahall cromyly w1tL all thr:proviatons ot said:acta md.a�ILIs mortgaSTs,16sa thcw preieab shali be vo}d; � �. <br /> .� � � athezwiw do-rwm�ta�da�:futl tarc��...and ettsef:��d sadsl-mprtgasg«�.shali�ba rnneled!o ths posseWwn ot�a21 of aald pTopsny, and.may. ct fta.. . . ) �. <br /> , � � , opttoa. declasa ths whola�.ot stdd aatr aad.aii iadehtadaar�repra�axted tiswreby to!»lmmsdSatelp dw:.and payabls.and�may loimrlow thia � . � ,,�5 `�' '� s 't �� <br /> ` mortgage ar�-Yake any.othsz legak netloa to�proteet fta rlght, and�lrom tke dato c+E �uch delaWt atl lmma ot iadobtedae�e �ecurad horsby� ' � " z � ° � <br /> �. �hW!dra.v iafax�si at�yq;cmaum. Appcdwmeae�waived ..� �f t"gg .. <br /> � p �r <br /> �,, j� . the.�,e+Pactiv+���Pqn4�+hese�.h7ad{ap upon.and �ha11�-anure fo ILs b�ae!!t.ot the h�ir�.�.exeGvto:�. a�a^•�••,•emcaa�..wccs�wn�md a�iqw af . � . . t�F �,�x-. <br /> �„ �� . � ,_� �:- . .;� � . . . � <br /> . .�IN WITNES4, WI�tEQP. sea�d �to��qaqar 5� ha_. v�.:a�m.asi the i r ��nrL_tde day�and year�flr�t.abova. . � "'��' <br /> .. z wziqwn. � � . � � . � . � <br /> �. ,-, .;. +.-�a� <br /> , , . . ;._ / . y �� �+. . <br />�..., . . . . ... ., . _ . . . .. . . _ „� 1 J'f ! � � . /� � ,� „ � ,;. . <br /> - . . � � `,-�' ..� . �-�:'_..' v l_�c6-C.�.�zt:n � �.r�° <br /> . {t � . . Y I S O �:Ufl � <br /> � d � .. . . , � ,�" i ' <br /> ,�c�' ri.rr z L� /"?a-r e 7 , <br /> - �"�;?�"`t n�.T��7'r, <br /> � . .. .. .. . . . . .. .... . . .. . . .. .� � � <br />;.., .. . . � . <br />� � <br />