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<br /> CORPaRATIc?A1 WARRAYJ2'Y DEED �...L..�.-.�'��Y,.._��x:.s�,�
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<br /> �H+e Grantor, MTD-CONTIi�#ENT ENTERPR�SES,� INC. , a corparation
<br /> , orqaf�ia�d and existing unct�r: and by vi�tue of "the iaws of the
<br /> Statea.;df Nebraska 3an considers�,Cion of Dne- Hundred Sixt3r-Eive
<br /> Thous�tad and;,,No/100ths Da2lars ($I,6Sr�000.00) received from Grantee
<br /> dAes i��ant;;;�arqain, sell, cqs�vey and confirm unto Cf}A2MERCIAL
<br /> D1ATIp,� �ANf� & TRUST COMPANY herefn cal2ed the Grantee the
<br /> �ollriw�iag descsibed aceal property in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> Block�°�ive (5) , Continental Gardens, an addition
<br /> to the City af Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> : TC1 HAi7E AND TO HOLD the above describ�d premises taget3ser
<br /> wi�Gh all teaements, hereditaments and appurtenances theretfl
<br /> belonginq nato the Grantee and to Grantee's successnrs and assigns
<br /> forever.
<br /> This conveyance is subject to the following zestrictive
<br /> covenants which shall run wi.th the Iand and be binding upon
<br /> Grantee and all persons claiming by, thresugh or under Grantee;
<br /> (11 Until September 15, 197�, the use of the seal estate
<br /> shall b� limited to business of�ices whose primar�r function
<br /> does not invoYve cine sale of products.
<br /> (2) Until ApriZ 30, 1978, no prospective drug store toaant
<br /> and no t�nant selZing prescription drugs and no t�nant identiffed
<br /> by name or trade name as primari2y a retai3er of either pre�crfp!�iQst
<br /> or aan-prrescription drug 3tems, will be solicited for or agreed
<br /> with or allowed to use any part oP the real estate. This rest�ict3on
<br /> aha22 n�rt be construe3 as a limitation on the restriction cantained
<br /> �£n aubparagraph (1) above.
<br /> (3) Buyer accepts the real estate subject to the 5treet
<br /> and Snfsc3ivlsion Agreement recorded at Book 28, Paqe Z99 of Misce3lan�us
<br /> Recozds in the office �f the Register of Deeds of Ha11 County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> (4) The final plst of Blnek Five (5) must compZy with
<br /> �he g�n�ral plan of the Planned tJnit Development which Buyer
<br /> 2�sas been shown aad which Buyer accepts, including the cox�cept
<br /> af an o€'fice part of a maximum of 4b,000 sguare feet wit2i par3cing
<br /> for a minimuaa af 200 cars arfd s green or landscaped area averaging
<br /> 30 feet in width acijacent to a13i��street rightrof-ways.
<br /> t5a Huy�er agrees that when Sel2er is required to pa�r the
<br /> City of Grand Islaad :for one-half ,of the traffic �ignal referr�.
<br /> �� to in para�graph 8 of the .Street and Subdivi�ion Agreement, on
<br /> demand by Seller B�tyer sliaal'2. reimbu=se Seileir for 50 p�rcent
<br /> of �h�y amonat S�`il�r is reqxaired to pay.
<br /> �ind the Grantor��far it�e2f,;and its successors does hereby
<br /> covasnant with the Grantee and wi#h Graant,ee's s�ccessor� arsd
<br /> asasgxt� that Grantor is �awfully seised of said premi$es; that '"�
<br /> �heY ax� Free f�a encumbrance; triat Grantor hbs gcsoc� right �`'""'
<br /> �and lawfui anthority to conve� the same; and that Grantar warrants
<br /> and wi12 defend the title �a.- said pzemises n�sinst the lawful
<br /> claims o# a11 �+erse�s *�h^saet;nr.
<br /> �:
<br /> I2� �VITNESS WHEREOF, Csantor has hereunto caused these presents
<br /> to be signed 'ts Presiden�.
<br /> C� -,.,��
<br /> �kated � , 1977. .,
<br /> c;r
<br /> .�;,
<br /> � _ ��i i y MID-CONTIIdENT �27TERP'RISES,. INC. , 3 „��.,, �
<br /> •.,. . COr�Ia� �� �.
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