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�. . .. . . .. . � � � 4 1::� ' � � <br /> � * <br /> . . . � .. � � . � . � �. t . . <br /> +. � <br /> . . . � ry.. .. . <br /> , . . , . . . . . . . . . �. �.. ... ... , .. � � . .. . . . -..iys . <br /> , �... . . . . . . .Y� .. � <br /> �r;�., �.!�:,��-.��� <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> n�oa�•cnc,c LoaN No. �� 22,624 <br /> � � � <br /> �avow�Lt:��NSYrt[�s�Y�sFNTs:Ti,dc Robert C. Happoid and Sylvia J. Happold each in his anct <br /> � her own right and as spouse of each ather <br /> 3 Mart�ngo_,whether one o:more,in_onsideratian of Uie stun of <br /> ° Forty eight' Thousand and (�0/100------------------- <br /> � i�LLARS <br /> ]oan�d co suid murtgagur by The SGquitaUle Building and Loan Association o!'Grand Jslxnd,Nebraska,hlortgagec,apun 48a shaces uf etock of <br /> � said .ASSOCIATIQN;��GertiCcaie�No.L . 22�624� , do hereby grarti,convey unto ihe said ASSO('IATION the fotlowing. <br /> �iescribed ceal estate,situated in Hal1 Cuunry,Nebcaska: <br /> LOT ELEVEN (lI)_AND THE NORTHERLY FORTY- <br /> FOUR AND TWENTY-FIVE HUNDREDTHS (N44.25') <br /> �{ � FEET OF LOT THIRTEEN (13), BLOCK TEN (10), <br /> IN UNIVERSITY PLACE, AN ADDITION TO THE <br /> CITY QF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBBASKA. <br /> � � to ether with ali thc c�nements, hereditainents and a <br /> g ppurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached tlonr cov�rings,ali windaw screens, <br /> window shades,blinds,storm windows,av.-raings,heating,air conditiun:ng,and plumbing und waterequipmr:nt and accessories thereto,pumps,sioves,� . <br /> rePriRerators,rtzd uther fixtures and eyuipment naw ur hereafter uitached to or used in cu�mectiou with said real estate. � <br /> And whereas ihe said mvrtgagor.has agrced a.nd does hereby agree [hat tire mc�rtgagor shall un�7 will pay sll taxes gnd xssessrnents tevied oc <br /> � assesa�d upon said�premises and upon this�mortgage and ihe bond secuxod tMereby beCu�e die same shall becume delinquent;to furnish appruved � �� <br /> �� . insurancc upan the buildin�s un s_iei premisrs situ;�ted in che sum of S 4$?Q�Q.Q� payahlc ta s:sid t1SS0('IATIUN and to�dtis��et to said . <br /> ASSOC'IATION the policies t2>r said insurance:und not to comcnit or pernut any waste on or about said premises;. � <br /> in cssa oi deFautt fn the periiumance of xny of the tenns and conditions of this rnariga�e or the 6ond secured fiereby,the mortgagee shuil; �� <br /> .. on demand;!�e entit.led tu irnmediate possessiun of thc inortgaged prcmiscs and the mur[gagor hereby assigns, transfess •rnd sets�c3ver to tfic � <br /> �nxortgagee all the rents,revenuas ar�d income t.o be derivad fram the mortgaged premises during sucll time as thn morkga�e indebtecl.ncss shall remnin. <br /> . unp�(d;and the mnrtg�gee shall have the puwer to appoint�ny agent or agents II IT1A)' (�CSt[N �6i(�tE F/LLI'}H1S2 q�I'C�81IiR�'S71(1�YCIl115CS 3I11�.7C11(U28� <br /> tfie saine und collecting the rents,revenues and income,and it may pay out of' said income ali expenses.uf repairing said premeses�and.necessary�� � <br /> cuttmiissions aud�expenses incurreci in renting and managing the same and ot cotlecting rentals i.herefrom: ih� halance rema�3ing, if��ny, to bc � � <br /> applied toward the discharge i;f said nwrxgage in3ebtedness;thase rights of the murtgagee may be exercised at any time ducin�the ea:.istence of such � <br /> defuutx,iaesprctive of yny tempurary waiver of the sa�ne. � . <br /> � 7'hese Yresents,ho�eever,are upon the Condition,That iY the said Mortgaxor shalf rapay said luan on ur bcfura cl�a mrmiity oC wid shares 6y � <br /> �ayment;pay inonthly ta sa[d ASSOCIATICJN of�he sum specitied in the Band secured hereby as interest and principsl vn loan,an or bef�re <br /> �ths Twentieil�aay ul�cach and every mortth,until s�id loan 3s i ully puid;pay all taxes mtci assesscnnnts Irvied xgtuns[said prem.ises and on tlxxs Murtgage �. <br /> �nd rhe Band secured thereby,befure detinquency;furnish apprc�ved insurance upan tlie 6uildings therenn in tlze sum oi�5 ¢$���Q.OQ� �payulale <br /> to�id ASSOCIATIQ�;repny to said A5St7C'IATION upon demand�all money by it paid for sucl�t;�xrs,assessmnnts and insuranca with interest at <br /> � t6se maximum fegal rate therec�n fro.m date ol�pnyment ssll of w}iicli Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay;permit no waste un said prenvses;kecp a.nd compty � � � <br /> � � with all the agrceme�ts and conditions of t.he Bund fur 5 4$.���.�Q this day given by khe said hi�rtg�gar to uid ASSOCSAT[ON,a.nd comply .. � <br /> with ell the requimaienks of the Constifution and I4y•L�ws uf said ASSOC'IA7'ION; then these presents shall becumc nWl xnd vnit�,othenvise they <br /> sixxil remain in 1'uU�force and mxy be i'oreclosed at the option uf the said A5SOC(AT10N afier failure far three rnunttts iu rtiak.e�:�ny uf said : � <br /> payme�nts cx be tiiree rnonths in arrears in making said munthly paynicntx,or io keep and comply witli tlie ag��ecments und eontiitior�s o#'suid.Boud; � . �� � <br /> arad.Moregagor ati;rees[o have a receiver appointed fortl�with in such fureclosure proeeedixigs. � . . <br /> lf t.hcre is any change in owrtinriliip uf tl�e reuJ astute mortgegcd herein,by sale or utherwiu+,thrn the entire resnaining inSebtedness hcreby . �. � . � <br /> secur�c3 sl�att,ac che opUon o€The F:quitable IIuilding and Loan Association uf C;rand lsland,.1'ebrssi:a,become irnmediately due and pays6le a�itliout <br /> f'urttirr notice, and Yhe anouni remaining due under said bond,and an}•oi£xer bun@ fuc any additional advances made thereuitder,shafl,from the� � � . � ��. . �� � � <br /> date o2 exercise of said uption,bcas intcres�si the muximum tegal rutc,and tliis nwrtgage may then be foreclosed to s:itisfy the amount:iue un said �- � � � <br /> �bond,and a�ry�uher hond fnr addi4i��na1 a�var.ces,togethe�with a11 swns puid:sy;aid:he t:yuilab�a a�rli.;ii,g and Luan Assuciation oz t;rand Lslsnd, � � . ��. . <br /> ;3ebraska for insur:uzce,taxes and assessments,an� rxtensiun charges, widi ir�terest thereon, froni dato af ps}>ment at tite maa:imuni �� � � � <br /> legal edte: . . � . � . . . . � . . � <br /> � As provided in IIta�Bond sccured hereby,while this morigage remuins in eff'ect ihc mortgagee muy hereafter advance nddetional sums xn the � :�� <br /> � makers o(said IIond,their assigns or successors in interest,which sums shall be within xhe sesurity of thes mortgage the sanie us the funci.s originally � � � � � <br /> secuccd ihereby,tho�.tolsl amount of principal debt not to exceed ni any time the nrigina!aivount of this m�ztgaga � . � � <br /> ,/"�dxza ct,9� ?�9th; aav�r Apri 1 n.u.. �� 77 <br /> �/�� � i7 � <br /> ,�-Lc.i.•_K�i✓a �_�'�. ,l•�'��, �'t/`����_----� ... <br /> s <br />� Rckiert G. Nan�+O)c1—� <br /> � •"1.J L,.../., 4 F�.i .f i �': � � �. . . <br /> S;��via J. #lappald . <br /> STAT�OP NtiBRtLSKA,� ss. On this Z9t11 day of A�Y"I� 19]� ,beforr me, <br /> COUNTY OF HALL � <br /> � � t!�e w3drrsigned,u"4otary I'ublic in;_nd lor said Count}•,persanally came � '� <br /> Robert C Nappold a,�d�,�aylvia J, Nappold each in h�is and her own ri ht and as s�sause of each �++ ° <br /> : � �,: ' 0'�hGl'� � � .;, ' �;.- . � � �ho are� r rsonallyknownto �� . , � ;° . <br /> � <br /> me to be.the�ideniical�ictsdn-S" �:� trhose'nzmo S . d1^g aFfixed to the above instruinent as rnortgagor g and t hey severaily t, <br /> �'� � <br /> acknowledged thc s�!insnwnent to be t�2'�2' �oluntary-act and deed. <br />�'� � � � N+;TNtiSS mv�hxnd nnd Ncuaria{:Cea!the datn afcnesaid.� ��f , � � � l��.,� <br /> ' T'�Y Commission c°xpiros : � .� ;F' �--r w,�i � �wwb: <br /> . e�„--.t�%i�721, ��: ._r_/rt-1.�f �� <br /> . �a.z.s�f at� .�,.. , Notary Hublic � <br /> ��. . .. .. . ,..... . . . . � .�._ ... . � . <br />:� � <br />