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�� , ,. <br />�'�" a <br /> :� � ,`� � <br /> �. � . � _ - � <br /> ;�`,�',e, � �J � �: 4 � <br /> To Ha.vE aNn To Iit7�:n the same unto tlie hiortg�zgee, as herein piovidc:d. Mortgagar represc�x�is tu, <br /> and covenants lrith, the 1�Yux•tgagee, titnt the :1I��rt�agor has gaod ��iKht i:a seli aud corayey said i.�remises ; <br /> that tl�ey are free fa•am encunibrance, e�cepC as hi>reinothertivise recited ; that. the i47oi�ga�ar �ti�ili �w�ax•rant <br /> a�id deP�nd the same a�ainst the iaw f'ui claims of all persons �+�hoinscrever. AYor#},*aigor hereby :relinquishes <br /> r � ali rights of homestead, aIl ,rights, �ither in l���r or in e<7uit>-, and all otlier cantingent interests ot <br /> the �4ort�agai• in z�nd to the a6nve-cie,cribed px•emises. <br /> PROvtnEa �.1,�'vAYS, at��d these p3•esents are execttted and deiivei•ecl upon the following conditions, to <br /> s�it: <br /> Tinrtg�gor agrees'to p�y to the �4Iorl:gagee, or or�ier, the aforesuid �riiicipal sum �vith interest from dsete <br /> �t tkie cate of eight �nd one-ha].f per centutri ( $ . 5C1'a ) per annum on the unpz�id Ualance un�il �s�id. <br /> Tiie said principal and i�iterest shall 3�e pztya�ale at the oflice nf First,},F de�lrj1aZ S YiY!�?$ �and loan. <br /> �: SOCI . ��� 1C1 O� �lY1CC)122 � . <br /> + =n L " nc� � �l• at such atiier place as t ie iv er a tt�e n�te rrsay desi�nate ixo <br /> wrttin�,r de�ivered or mait�d to the :liortgagur, in moFithly installinents of Cne Hundred Seventy-three rnci 01/`: <br /> Dollars ($�?3 , p1 ) , coiumencfng on tiie fix•st day of June , 1977 , and continuSn�* on 100- ; <br /> tlxe fit5t day of e�ch monll� thereafter until said i3ot.e is fully paid, e�:cept tlzat, if not sooner paid , t7�c final <br /> pa5•rnen� nf �xrincip:al r�nd interest shail be due and ��ayaE�Ie ou the ti�st da,y af Mey 20Q7 ; ctil <br /> aceardiiig to the ternms of a cerlain promissory note of even iiate hercwith exceuted bv Yhe said R4aa•"tgragvr, <br /> The Mortgagor furtlier agrees : <br /> 1 . ti� wilf pay- the ii�c3ebteaatess, as hc:reinb�fore provided . f'rivile��;e is rt�served to ��repa3- at an.l' <br /> t.ime, wit}iout �x•emium oc fee, the entire iiidebte.dness c�r a�iy•t ttic:ieof not Yess fhzn tlze amount of one <br /> installment, or one hundred dollaTs ($100.0U? > �vhichever is less . Pre�..ayment in full sha11 be sreditec3 on <br /> the date reeeived. Partial �repayment, other than on an instaliment due date, need nat be cred'zted until <br /> the next foliowing uistallment due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is eariier. <br /> 2. Together with, and in addition to, the monthly payrnents of principal and interest pa,ysble under <br /> the t�ermsof the note sc*c�red hereb}�, 1lortgagor «�ill ;���y to 111oi•l�agee, as tn�stec, ( unrier the t.erms a€ tliis <br /> trust as hereinafter stated ) an the first daY of each nlontk untii saici note is fully paid : <br /> L..i.. � . . . . . . <br /> {a) A sum equal to the grounrl �•ents, if arbt•, n�x + u� ue, plus t}t� pi•emiums that cviil next beconz� due <br /> arid payak�lc: oca pulicie,s af fix•e. and oi.har haa�rd insui•��n�e cr��-ex•ing t}ae mortgaged pro�rty, <br /> plus taxes avd assnssme�its ne�t due ou Lhe mortga�e�d pruperty ( aFl as estimated by the �13ort- <br /> �;agee, a�ici ot �� hi�ti t.he �Snrt�agor is �iotitied ) less all sunis alreau�- paid therefar di� ided bv <br /> the nwi�Ue�• uf rnouths tc� ei:�pse before orxe ix�aieth �.�rior to the ciaLe. �ti-hen such ground renis, <br /> preinium�, taxes nnd �ssessmeTits ��• iit be�corrae delinr�uent, sneh sums to be hetd bv Mcri°tga�eti <br /> in trust to pay said gz•ound rents, premiums, taxesands� ciai assessments. <br /> ( t>) The aggregate r�f the an�ounts pziti able puLsiaarit to suu�ax-a�rapla: (cc ) and those pa��abl� ox� the <br /> nate seeurecl hereb�-, shall be paict ia a siiigle payment e:�rh month, to be applied to the faIlo«�- <br /> ing :tems in tE;e c,i•des• stated : <br /> ( 1 ) gi•<attncl renis, taxes, iassessments, fire. and other hazard insuz�ance premiums ; <br /> ( ri ) inter�stonthen.atesecureclhc� ; and <br /> ( ai1) uinoi•iization of t}ie p2•icicipai of' said note. <br /> AnS- defic;iency in the ainouriti ofi an�- such a},=grep;*ate m��nthtS ��a>'ment shalI, unPess made goad <br /> ba� the :�I'oa•tg��c�r prior io the du�� datc of ttie next sLach payment, cc�nstiiut.e an e�ent of defr�ult <br /> under this moz-k�rage. At Rtortgagee's o �.�tion, �tI��rtg���or tvili �zy �x "iate chai-ge" not exceed- <br /> ing four �.�er �cntum t=1 � z; ) o£ an�� in5t:xllment ��-hen Paid �norf: than tifteen ( 1 ., ) daYsafY�erthe <br /> due date thercof ta covei• tlie escr�i etipezT�e in�.�oi��ed i�i li'iIiCllltl� (Iiali nqe�ent pay-nients, but such <br /> ` 7zite ch:zr�e'° shall not k�e pz���able aut of 'tiie ;�roceeds of atiy� sale made cu satisfy the indebted- <br /> ness secizre�i hereby, tinless stich p:•oc�eds are su (liciettt ta ciischarg<t tn� entire indebtedness and <br /> � all proper cos[s and espenses secured theret�y. <br /> 3. If the total af the paynnents made by the hlo�-tgagor under ( a) 03: parngraph 2 preceding shaii <br /> exceed the amount of payrnents actua]ly naade bY the Mo2•tga��ti, as trustee, i'r�r• g�round rents, t�xes and <br /> ��.ssessments or insurance premiunLs, as the case may be, such ewcess sliait l�t credited b�- the il�ortgagee <br /> on s¢Bsequent payments ta be made bythe i�Ioz•tgagor for sucli itc�ms or, �zL �t7ortgagee's optirni, a�.s trustee, <br /> shatl be refunded to l�fortgagor. I£, ha�vever, such monthly payments slv� li nat be sutiicient to pay such <br /> items when the same shall becoene �lue and payable, then the :4iort�*a�ur sh�ll ��ay 'tc� the Mort�,*3ge�y, as <br /> t:rustee, any amount necessai•Y to make up 'tP1e deticienc,y w• ithin thi�-ty ( :30 ) d<�c�s af'ter c+•ri �:te�i notice from <br /> tPte Mortgagee ,stating the amount of the deticiency, �vhich notice ma5� be given by mail. lf at any tzme <br /> Y the 7=4fortgagor sha11 tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance �rith ilu� grucisions uf tne noi,e s��cured <br /> fiereb,y, full payment of the ent.ire indebteclness rei�resentc.�c# thex-eb��, the :11art�agec>, :is trustee, sh<�11, <br /> in computiag the amount of such indebtedness, credit to the account of thc� 111oztgagor any creciit b3lance <br /> acoumutated ufider the pravisions of (a ) of paragraph `� hereof. lf Chcre shall be � defz�ult under anti� <br /> �f tt� e prowiszanc of thiF mortga�e resultinfc in a public �ale of thr. premises cove�r-c�i hert�by, or if the <br /> Mortgagee acquires the property pther�vise after defauit, the ?liartgagee, a,s trustee, sha;l appl,v , at the <br /> time of the �ommencement of such proceedings, or at the, time the pro�erLy is other�vise acquired, the <br /> umount then remtt3ning to cz•edit the Mortg*agt�r urnder ( a } tif p�z-�agraph `� prt�ceding, as a rredit an the <br /> interest accrued and nnpaid and the balance to the princi�a�.l then remainixcg unpaid on said note. <br /> � <br /> - �,.�, : � . 'n, <br /> �3. The lien of tlxis instrum�:at sl:ssll remain in fia21 force a�ici {� dur=_n� ax��� gost�aoneznez:t oi- et-Len- � <br /> j sion of tke of payment of the indehtedness or uny part thereof seeured herebp. �: <br /> ` 1,,; 5. 23e will pay <�il ground rents, tares, asaesamezits, �r' rates, and other gavernmental or munici- {:. <br /> pal chargc�s, fines, or impasitiqns, let=ic�d upo� said premises and that he will p�.v all tzx�s lecied vxwn this - <br /> rm+irt�.aga, �r the dA4it �ecur�d t}aerePiti�, toget���er with any other tases or flssessments tiriiicl� may be levied <br />� �� iir��rthe lnwvoi' \T<strrx�ka agxi ��stthe bZ�irt:�a�cw, or the Tk{tal halder af said nrincit�al not.e. on accovnt of �' <br /> this indebtedness, except �vhen payrnent fox• aIt sueh itc�ms has theretofore been made under ( a ) of para- <br /> grag� 2 hereof, and he ���illpromptiy deliver the ofticial 2�zceipts theref'or to the Rlortgagee. In default <br /> thereof the Mortfiasree mav pav the same. <br />� � _� � <br />�: <br />� <br />,,.: <br />�,�: <br />