� � . . . � � . . . . Fa. 4.a . . . . . , . .
<br /> . � � � . . . . . � . . . . . � .. . . . . . . . � . � . . . � " � -,:n..�. .. . � � . � . .
<br /> �nf � . . . . . . . . . � . � .. . � ����
<br /> _ ��'� �� � � � � v
<br /> 3 . Drain�� . `ihe Subdivider ��re�s �o �,rade the subdivision basical2y in
<br /> � accerdaxice . �aiLh ,the p1�.ns cn z"iie witi� the Cz.�,y ` s Directoa^ �f :?ublic T�dcir�s for v� e
<br /> � ^ �3ra�n�;e o�' G,�ntznental Gardens Su2adivis ions arepared by "4its ifawamoto , �:rcct date3
<br /> J�nua.ry 7 ; 1975 , subject to t?ze fina.l sp�rov�.2 �� the Cft� ' s Dixeeivr of' *�.iblic k�dar?ss
<br /> ; '
<br /> - „ , as tt� �he7.r comroliance *�rith sue� pZans , <,ind that such siibdivisi�an c� rains tn ttae gublic
<br /> ri;�ht -c�f-zvsy . :
<br /> � . Sidewalks . <<Yze Subdi✓idex• , i_' sti11 the otar_er ni t'�ie ia.nd in tfie preapr�se�
<br /> ,
<br /> su'L?aivisi�n , c�r ; :#' the Subdivider sha,11 :nave 'z;ransf'erred title to ttle z�rapert;r , then
<br /> :he va�ic+us Grsratees th�rec�_' , :�*i1i irzs -ca7_i , at the�x �+:an e�eens� , a=I �u�alac sid.ew�.3ks
<br /> req�uired by the Gr2nci Ss1�r_d City Cade wh€=n t2:e �dj �,c�nt l.ot is 'bu31t u��n , �,nr3 sidewa�:k:s
<br /> shaLZ be re�;'ulate3 a,nd required crith +,ne l� uilci�ig �arr��.t �'�:.�r each sia�h 1r�t . '�hese
<br /> side�sa�:ks wi13 �e ins �.a:?1.ek �nryy z,�hen deemed necessar„v by the C�ty of' C:r��nd �sland .
<br /> j . Tv�.rranty. :i� e undersigned owr_�r , a, 8u�divider wa,rrants t!sau it is the a�r*Fer
<br /> in i'�ae sima�e a� t»he 3a:,.^�d dese2 ibed r�ti4 rro�os�d ur, 't� p "�;nowri as s��?c�ck 5 , ^ csztinenLaz
<br /> �arciens , aazct tnat a,n absirc�.ct e ? t,iGl� will b� subr�ittecl ��r examination , ii x��c+�ssary ;
<br /> I.1pC}T3. 2'G'QllE9S' t Cf. 1'Xv :`. itsr :J,�'.� �'.:rT831CY � I.SZuSlf.� . � � �� . . � �.
<br /> i . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . � ..
<br /> o . �h :i � z�reement sh�,11 run. witn t�� n ?anfi a,n3 shali be biadis� upcn n,�d inur�
<br /> tn t:he laenefit or the p�.rties hereto , �.heir successars , and assi.�,ns . Sd?-iere the tez�
<br /> Subai:vider is used in #wris �.,�ree*r�ent , The subsequent a•.�•ners of a.ny luts in' ,he Sub� iv%s�on
<br /> U�al3 be resnonsible to z�erf'arm �x,y cs' ihe cond.?Lions �2' i3� is ?�graeraent if ttae .,ubdi.-�id.er
<br /> h�s nct per2'orr.�cl such cc�ndi�ions .
<br /> k, . . . . . � . .
<br /> �'ai,ed C�,,C.:�=rc. ..l%' / , /,� `�' .�
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<br /> i�1=T�-CCN'1'T v'Er�i' x;Sv�l'.T�'�?dP:ISL�'�5 .� LNC ,
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