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<br /> �- ��_ -�.a�ti=�� � . � . ' �
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<br /> �� ' � �. . Aa��ir•^-- cxenLing i'aSatr�!+'sia.Distriet So. 328 Sn the CSLy cS Gr�,ad L-3sad� '.3ebrnska; definia{3.tAe �� � � � . . � .
<br /> � .. . � . . boa�dszits�oi ?he�d:fsirici'.RT'rnrid1aE fnr the.iapir� eP Q vates main Sn ssid 31_^,Lrict;�grcvidi.� for plans � . . . .
<br /> � � �Iand�speeiSicsLi�a and securiag bid.� pravidiz�g Pnr t3�e asaessment oS specia2 zaaces Sar con;Lructing surh . � � -
<br /> � � .. � � ratcr asis; aad provld3sng t�'e efSenti�e date hereof_ • . � � � �. � .
<br /> . $8�T1� 8Y � M7llY'DR..71£D �OIfi�IL C'F'L'�iE CITY�F LP..;hL� ISI..;iy'D, hr"B.P.A3F:A: � � . . � .
<br /> � � SFL^S`SCW 1. L'arer�?+sin fi.istrlct �so. 32$ 3n �e CiLy af Grsn3 Isl.+vad, fiebrrL.�n, .i: Lereby created for . . �� .
<br /> � ihe.lt�yisg ot�a s3x-inch vater maia 3n HmrSaru Aveaue .f:oa .;.ac soa:.?i pral.oz�aLion oS the east line o: Jo2aa � � � � � �
<br /> � . . � sad Ms:x�ie's Subd3ai=lca�tD Yhe esisiiae iina ia.Hnrrison S'..ree�. � . � ..
<br /> . � � � S�fT30N 2. �e bounaaries.nT sssch z-ater aa3.n�ha11 be a.s Sollovs: . � �
<br /> . Beginning ca 7�e ti�es� 13�e nS�rar.s's Seccad hdc�itina nad 23� SeeC, cr �.yb neLers, norkh�oS � �
<br /> . . Barbara Rremxe; i::erxe z-�:a-z:�.ng eajt cn e �trr,{�,�t 2i:.e =cr a �sta.nce aP u5C_25 ;ec_, nr 13�?.?�� . � � �
<br /> � � . meLers� to �t?ze vest line o. LoL 2 i� i:rsc3a'� r^irs� S-.:bdiviai:.a., nr.� 1?L� SeeL, �r j3.�'S me�.ars, � �
<br /> noz�t3s eY T3�e ao_:�?�ne of 'aiarL�n.ra A�e=sse, `.?�enc� :�i:�,aor,.�: cn t.he �.�:� ii,ne a; L�t 2 a.n.. � � . � �� �
<br /> Brath's irst S.zb�is��si��d .�s ncr� pz-c�i.s�atica ;'cr a ni::.:�c= c2' =+5 =eeC, or 13.716 �Lexs-, � . . .�
<br /> � 72tence ruaaing�nor�ea�terl}- ca s strai�t li�e i.or a d3s;�sr_ce cS 122_� Seet,�cr "?'f.2++7 xeters,. . � � .
<br /> � � � to a po3nL 23 Seet, ar 3.gfi2 ^e+�e^a, ���r::� o::3e ac^theastesl_ ceMer ef :,ot 2 ia Ersch's :�Yrst � . � � �
<br /> � SUbdiv3sina snd r�+.?;e anrz3a �r�laa�azi:a eP r.3�e eas=. l+ae cS � . 2 i� �ra:3a's F'irst Subd3visioa; � . � � �
<br /> thence ^-- T+^�z^e acr�..�e.ssteriY aa e str�:g:�t.l:.ae for a cist�nce �. ZST_.1 f�et, or 35.6�.02�:��iers,� � � � '
<br /> � Zo s poiat 9� feet, ar 2°�.�til:.�.ers, a�zr.� c1';�e a�crcheasterl;; ccraer c �?rach's _irst �5�3�3:visian . � �
<br /> _ � ead cm �Lhe anr�..� ��cncatian.c_:,�e.L t i:se o:�r,3.c�'s F _ Su2�livisl,:�; th=nce�.runainyr sovLLi � � ..
<br /> � on 1be�ar��...h prol.c.aG-s;i:.a c.� tk;e ea.^>�� lise ei' Bx�sr?s's 'ri.rst Su:,�°..ivisi-:a r,.n� :.n Lhe e�.st 1uz u: � � � ��
<br /> � �rarh's.�ixst S:a:.ci:v_sicn.'ar a dist`.ce n_'P02_7a :eet, er o1.737 sete.rs, to tna nerth 1i..�e cf � . . �
<br /> � � � S�-%Sub�rlivisica; tY:ea.ce ^- - - eas: cn �� ner..h lie a;' '-ti Sa:bdivisinn��`or a dis�n.r,ce oi �?5. � . .. .
<br /> S- , -•�n �
<br /> . ' Seet, cr 22.956.�ters, �n^�e a�: 1_am c_ :.et 1 ia -F S:ab,'.ir:r.ias; .,�ence r.;.:n'_..n,c. scu:h .�a the' � ..
<br /> . . te.sL 13z�e af T_.ot 1 i,...-iS S.:3divi=ioa ±..^ a 3istsn.ce aY SLj.9 Se�et. or�k3.cG1 ae�Le:s, tc the norLh� . . . . � .�
<br /> � . 13ne of E�-3>ara hresx.:e; th�en..�-e �_:�ana�,s ess= a� _.e aarih li.:.e o, Serbe.ra�rrsue snd Sts eas t pro- � � �.
<br /> . � longstirs fcr a�st:�ce of 3b6 �aec, r,.r j�..206 .�:ters, te :Le east line o£�.ti."arrisaa Street; .theace� . � � .
<br /> ��,s�ss:h az '.�e'e2st li�e o,' �srr:sc� 5+.�-eet ;c- a distance a.: j;.a a��et. �r 2ei.u29 mecers, . � . . �.
<br /> n' � � t- tn '..�e evs;: nrei.au:s:.icri c. ;:l:e aeu:.i: l;a:e cf B:nr�urs .'vvcnaz; u�ce rL:2i� u�st �rx the ettst �ro- � . .
<br /> � � � � 3cr.ga2ina n. :�e sc�:�13ne ci 3srbars nveaue snd au �e sc�1� line of �arts�s=3,:venue S'ar s d?scsrxco : � ��
<br /> x
<br /> . . W� ^ g nf 276 Seet er d+.12j�ecers, �_� :.he esst liae cS:.�t 1 in i .: Seecnd �civlsi:s.; �t::ence n:nn;�g . � .
<br /> ., � r' �� sou:� ea-Lhe esst line oT L�t 1 f3n �-F. _ec�ana a^v-4civ-isi:.a £cr�s diszc.,ce u�' 233 :'�et, or 60.�?G. � � �
<br /> s an
<br /> � r- � .�e.ess, to ;,he soss:h 1ia� a�' Ir., �Ec�:.� 5�div;si�; 4h�ce run.^_aa�xes or_ :.he scut� l:ne cP Lat� �
<br /> R .r � 'J, is =rli Secad S.abB-,'ris_an �'orNs d:s�:.e:..ce e. 90 ;'eei, or 2T.u�=. =2ars ..c :he �>�st 's'ne ot' iiay-Dec� �
<br /> . . � � a �u3divi}3aa; Lhenem � acr`a a: e .a.sv li.ae 4T i:ey-Dee Subdivi i:.n !'�r a dist;:nce ot' `�,4.93 . . .
<br /> � ¢. Seet. ?C.290 a�ters, Lc 2:b.e �h �ine o.' Lat 6 i: 81cek 2 cx' kay-��ee �v3�eiivi�i::�; thence
<br /> � sunnaa west on the sout� 2ine o Lez 6 a P,ioc;c 2 0. Xay-Dee 4u�divisi�n :_nd ics wes � �r�Lr�gtim.:
<br /> � Ter s distance oS <^00.05 i'eet, 4r e�.),5 �=ters, Lo '�:.l:e ::est li_-ce oi' ,re.�en Aves��e; ,.hencc� .
<br /> sunaiag soLvh on :.�e xesi L*'ae cY Gre;cten Avenue ior a distance uf y8.g3 :'eeL, or 24.971 reters, �
<br /> � � �r.o �e sou�h lane of Lot 10 ir?Sar�c 3 e,' iCs;�-I>ee Sutriivisicz; �t.her.ce rw-ui�xest en �. line 1SQ � �
<br /> �eet souY.h o£ anfl psr:.l.lel �o the sauth li-e of E�arbaza Aveaue £ur a dists.zce c: �20 £aet, or� �
<br /> � . 97.535 meters, te the east i_ne of Feben-:�a Avemie; thence xz:^-uir.g nurrh on the eas� iiae :>: Roberta
<br /> m
<br /> Aveaue Sor e d.s=a�c� oi' 15u feet, ur �+5.72 meter� to the sauth iiae �i �eir3srs .;•renue; thence .
<br /> xvaniag +sest on;2�.e south line c£ SarUaz�a Avenue :or 3. distance ef 40.36 i'eet, or 22.;:.�8 aezers, �
<br /> � � � �2o i3te sauth prolo-y;a2icz c:' the xe�� linp o£ Erach'� ��ecend Addition; t:heace nuinic�, n;;rch �on Ltre � � �
<br /> . � � south psolat�¢tion oi' the west line o: Hrec.h's �econd Addit3G� sn3 on ve wewt 13ne�o.^ 9rsc!a's
<br /> . � � Secoad Additia^� �'cr _ distn=ce o.'?9'� fe�et, or P�.392 �ters, to 2he puint cf b�gznnins„ �k:ovn �
<br /> �. � � oa ihe p1aL dated 3/L/77 msriced Fachihit "a" atta�hed hereto and incorporsted here£n by reference_� � �
<br /> �� � � . T SE�I'=L1N 3. $��-' �?rsn^ments shs11 be asce i� accordrince with plsns an3 speciftcations prepared by the �
<br /> . . F3�g3aeer far t�e City uho s':ali esximste t�a cust thereof, nnd submit the same to the city� ec�uncil, ssaci upoua � �
<br /> . . approvsl o£the ssme� bids £or rhe construction oP sucL vater msin shali l�e txken :and contracis entered iaLo
<br /> . � . � . in the a�enrser provided by luw.
<br /> S�crloN 4. �e eosL o:' crzustzvetion of such imprcvemenL shn21 be 3cses�ed nySaiast the prnperty irithia
<br /> � . � . tEa district abutting upon Lhe street vhereLi such.vater m.�i.� T�as Deen so p1a^ed Lu the exLent of benePits � � �
<br /> � Lo stiCh pSope7`ty� by rea,oa of �uch irnrovcsient, end a �pecial *ax �ha11 be levied st cu�e tiae to p.sy f�c�r
<br /> , . � , aueh coat af caasLn�Mion as sxn as cran oe ei>certained; sad suc3i specisl ca�c a.�3 aasesac�ents vh311 eG�stitnte �
<br /> � ��:A.mk3ng S1zz�Q S•a� Che psyrs:�i: ci'�ny sr_rr-�.aca a� ba_dw : _ :.Y:e P'�:^ro�e ef FaSia�:. :.he cosL eY �uch w�:.er i:auia
<br /> �. � • Sn such di.�trict aad �uc3i �{..rciar.l ssr�essments sh�,ll te ^,s�c ;a:c ^•.:.ilccc�sd PicnPr in 3 ilsnd co.be desiKnsted�
<br /> � aud 'vzawa as r.ur�wer uua �.sr�es^ `rs:.enslon }Yynu Scr iastes:vsin Disuie:. �a_ 32ti, c1r Ltae �aLer Surplu, F`und. . .
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