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<br /> �. MQR?G1tGE-Sanings:and.Iaaa�.Form--(L1l:aet�..Credit�Ylaa).255•2 {$p�cij' . � . .. . .
<br /> :.� ��� :�� '�f��!�V 47... . .. R�I��V��G� .� . . � � � . .
<br /> � . � . � . . . � �. . .; � . . Faan.No
<br /> �� � nits ��Ef7ru8.� maae�stic. 27 th ,��,,., of �. �Ap r i�I. . � � � iy 77��,�a betw.,a �`
<br /> '; ROSE�2T A. MILL.ER AIJC3 DON(dA M. MlLLER;, husband and wife, each ir� his end her own riqht �
<br /> ,,,
<br /> ' ! ' 3 and as` spouse ot tho other,
<br /> ,
<br /> ��o , �, ,
<br /> t
<br /> .ct ��Ha 1 1 ����Ccuaty,:2Sabccre,tca.m.mnrtqagorS_.and�.Home�Federal�Savfugs:�+aad.Lcwn�.Aasoeivtioa.ot Gzaad:Iatand.
<br /> ����a co+W>ration urqandard rmd�eziating,uadar the� iaw:�of��2Jekuaska�-w3th fia grindpai:offica.�d plaee��of�.bw'+new at--Cmmd'.IstRmd.-Nebxaekw
<br /> �. q�mOrAqasgse; . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> ,� e:.��- �WiTNESS�Tfi:�.��.SLat said��maat4aqot Sa_.�foz aad.la��cona5der�vn:of.the.aum�of � . ... ��.� �. ..
<br /> �
<br /> (=1FTEEN Ts-IDUSANfl SEVEN 1-lUNDRED ANCt fd0ll€}0------------^- -------„�,l�e tr 15.70(�.QQ �, �
<br /> tLa rxatpt���of srLleh��L hszebg:.acimowiedged.��:a�...�.. . bY�these Pzeneata�mort9aqe�.�d��waxrmil�.unto aald mortqagee.�•ifs�saeesaeoss �....���
<br /> :�rnci9ne:�:.farever, a11��Wa.£oLowiag duscrtbed�xeal eatate, aimated in�the couaty of F18 I I � . . . � � . ..��
<br /> t and�te:,ot Habaarlca.to-vvit:�:�. . . � .. . .. � . . . . . � . . � . . . . ..�
<br /> 3
<br /> ?
<br /> ' �Y LOT TWO (2), lU 6LOCK THIF2TY EIGHT (38) IN Rt1SSEL 4�'HEEIER'S �
<br /> � �
<br /> a
<br /> � ,�
<br /> r # #�
<br /> �, $
<br /> V jjf{ S
<br /> k�. .`f . .Toqether wiH� all hectia4..3iqLting. and Pivmhin9.�e4ulPmeat aad Sirturea,iactudiaq smker�and buzaezs.�creem.awaiaga.stntmvriadowa �.$
<br /> ";�� ��. aad dooca..cnd.�viadom whadea ar bliada, uaed oa oz in coaneeiian with acid property,whethei tne�wma�e now.laeatad oa.naid.prayreriy ��,�
<br /> q ar turz�atc�r.placed.thesmn... � .. � ��
<br /> � � TO FIAVE�AND TO�HOLD Tf�.SAME. togather with all �d eiagular tbe tenemegta,herodi.t�eats aad.app¢rtsaaaees�tLareuato helong- ;
<br /> `r' . 3ng.or Sa mywiee�¢Ppartaining,forevar.aad wcazmkt the�ritle to th,e same. S�d mortgegor5_hexeby covenaat_with aaid mortgagee�..��5
<br /> � .. ��tLat�e ' �r� at tbe.detivery heieot.�the lamful ov.a¢r�af the P+GmisAs abova coaveyed and deseribod,�d ��� :.�j
<br /> ♦ �F
<br /> selaed�of.a qood and iadeieosiFila eatate of iuhezitaaae tktexein, Szea and dea= � all eacumbsmces.and ihai�he�`_will w�aat cmd S
<br /> delend ttre tiNe theraW forevez agmnst the ciatma aad�demanda of all penons whomwever. . � j
<br /> � .PAOVIi)ED 1iLWAYS.. and tl�is.insirumeat is exeeuted and ds2ivered io aecvre fhe papmeat of the aum o}�
<br /> F1�TEEhd THf3i1SAN17 5�V"�iV H 1s�D{jFt� Afv�) 11�t�/l00------- ----- -- ---�otlais cs i5,�t1(2_0(� i
<br /> � wilh lntaseat thereon, togethar with�suca charqes �.a.Qao��m ae map he dua mad paya3�ls to rwid mortqag�e�e mder the.4ezma and�
<br /> � . ...:maditkons.�ot the..pzomieaory mta.01 aven date herewith and sacured hessbp.ezocvted by satd mo¢xgagoz5_Co�xcud moztgnqee.��.pcayabla:-� .
<br /> � as erxpreseed In sdd nMa,aad to securs tbe pertozmcmte of all fhe lerma �d cnatYliont roaMinad�therwLn:� The te:ma d� aald aafe �a.� .
<br /> }mceby facocpam.ted Lereia hy thLt zetazanos. � �
<br /> j U�L ihe Lnteaiioa and agreemeni oi tha parries heseto� tlus.mongaqe atw1E also secure aay futa�re adv�cea made��. to aaid
<br /> � ���mor4gagor_a_ by said mvrtgagee, and anp aad a}i Yndebtedneas ia addirion to the amouai�above statW�whdeh safd anorigaqors,�oz my .. .
<br /> � orF�them.�mny oxro to emd mortgaqee.�hawever�evide.need. wbether bY aote,book acaouat ar oiheswiae. T'his moriqage sha12 rsmatn ia fuil..
<br /> loree a�i:eftect.beta'e.n.rhe..partles..hererto aad.thefr helxe..parwnal repzaeeatativas. succerwrs aad. asaignc...unt11. atl.amounts��.aenued �
<br /> herevadar:�iacludinq.fuhus�advancea.ase pcdd ia full with 4aternt.
<br /> ' t��.� { ...;: . : . � . . �. . ..
<br /> ; � The moctgagor��..Lezabp aeoi�a_to.aaid moxtgaqae alt.zeafa mid lsscome ar3siaq .at.anp aad.a3I times Irom said ATA.PrertF.aacl ��..t
<br /> � herebP authoriss aalu3 martqaqea os tts ageat. at its optian,upon dalault�to take.charge ot�eaid��pruperip cad eolled QIl�reau aad taooma� �5
<br /> Werakom�and aPP17�!he avmo to ihe��PaYmant ut iaterest.�Priaei.ixil. ineuzaace.pxmmiums. 1�es�aasessmeats,�:epaits or tmpzovementa aeces•. �
<br /> at
<br /> sary�to keoy �aid proparty�ia te �+�*p�p.caadition..or to aher c6�aqee or paymeata pzrnidah!or hare�ta or ia ths�norte barehy�nued.� Thia�
<br /> ta
<br /> S xeat astigameat ahall:conlia.ua.ln Inzco uatil 1he uapaid bai�ce o4 �aid aote ia tullp.Frald- The takitq of poasesoian.heremdrz.shaII in no . ..
<br /> ; m�aeir pzevaat ar retard said mortqagea in the mlleNon ot eai.d aumr bp lozeeiosure or athetwlae, Sj .
<br /> F �
<br /> � 74e Saiiusr af thF�...moet�°�4a,aarere-au�r cf�iu�:righb harrrsader�at aaq ttmw sha31 aot be consh�ued.am a wmrez at ib x[qbt to aasart�� . .. .
<br /> � the sa�a al�.�y later=litoe,•tmsi��W�insd�d ppon ased��eniorce�risiet e�plianca�with all the texms�and.pcoviimons of�eaid note and�at.thL . .
<br /> morlgaga� � � s
<br /> !f �aiid moitqagor�.,._shall�cauoe to�be pa3r1 to aaid mortgagee ths snrira vmount due Lt harsunner.�a undaz we taims�and groraaion� �..�5
<br /> ai ssrcd nwe nk�oy wc�ued,mciutianq,iuture adrancws.aad aay sae�aaa ox.zenewqis.tawaoi ia accor�daace mth iha .�arms.aad�.pxor+uoas
<br /> thacsb[,m�d..#aaud morlrJaqor�._aLnII aomPlp wiith:di.tho provfs£ons oE.wid nail��d of eh�a mortqags..thaa the�e pzeeents.ehall te voSd:�� �
<br /> � atherw9a�ta�zemain 3a�,Iull.fasn:imd sffeeL amd.said..aortgagee�hall be anntl�ed w�ihs.poaaeM�ot.all�oY aaid pmpertp,.m3d map.�at!u .�
<br /> , ' ogtlon.deeloao :ae,�ho�oe.,9a aneo.�a�su.ia�.+�•-�+�-••:oFre,enua��:�ro�bo i�.oai�o�r aue�a��yo�,ie:�a may foreeioaa thS� . . � � �
<br /> vv n
<br /> ?!ar�??r�as �;.taiee m.+,�.,mt+� )�o;+et celCarc !^.?roteet Sts riqLL.aad.3'rcm ehs data.of sueh�.�datault all�items�.af.iadebtedneu.secszred herebp. . � �:
<br /> ahall drair in�sn�at a!G per:�..�»•,••• �AppzaSeem�at w�alFed:� . � . . � . � -t�,.3 � �
<br /> 1�! s-.
<br /> � Th»mwtigvqe be biadis.g�upon.smd�aha1t�.aurs tn�sh��.Jo�aelit�.d:tL.h�its, s�.vton,admini�aatoze.�uecs`sore�and aaaigns.d
<br /> h�
<br /> R%R �,`�a
<br /> the resp�etire pmtias I�sNo. . . � . � }�. � �� �
<br /> .,.. .. . � . . . . . . . ,�ft ,
<br /> .�� ��., � � IN WT3NE9S 9V� w[d MnsiqaQart 5�� .�•,• va .hareuato�.�M ' +�ha i r f��,,,d�_�ffie.dap.and yavr Hrsl.above��. ��. ��:,.'�'�.
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