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<br /> ,/�r?', (.�t�`��'`�'t��
<br /> ��r�K°rc,,�c.�
<br /> _ ----- -- _. ----�--�_
<br /> ; ;; �9caFz�r;}ar;���u.�r��v�� C._2�623 _ _
<br /> �tzvUw�at��a�.x nv��t�t�;��:rxr,s�.N�t�:rnat Davi d W. 5tu11 �:nd Narma C. 5Cu11, each 9 n hi s �nc1 her
<br /> �
<br /> �wn right and a� spause Qf each other,
<br /> hf sri�a�ue,svheipier nne or ntrre,rn wonsidergtlon of'tfic su�v vf
<br /> ` Fort�+-n°ine fihausand 5�x:Hun red_�nd lVa/1�1G--�-�„�-_- --_--_:_�--_�----�._------��L�,nrzs
<br /> �-��'��� Itrtned Ku said xnurigagor hy The�►:yuita�le.t�ua.ldittg.¢n41 Lcean As�ociation�af i.iraud Is[and;N.ehr:�xlca,�9urty!a�ee;upon °�g� � �allare�e�#stv�l:ni
<br /> ssal�i r�BSUCIAT{C]N;Certiticate 1Va,lW ,clu itc�eL+y graui,caa��cy anci mort�agc uiito the �airi�t,ti5[7CIl�T'1�N tlie t`otlowing
<br /> iLe�Cribed��.reai estate,siluate� iet llall(:cwu���"��i�a�lcu; . . � . �
<br /> LOT QNE (1 ) IN E3LQCK I�'Tl=TEFN (15) IN CH�RLES
<br /> ,
<br /> t � � � �
<br /> 4,��,ettxc+r wtth yll tl�v. tcne:�xients,hrr�t1ita�uer�ts ar�U appurtanuttces t�l�err.uotu be�+lur��ir'ig,uidurling a4t�ashed �So���a»•ariat�,s,all w1�id�rw r�u,7�r,a�ic,. '
<br /> wit�dcrw at�aslc�.biiaJ�s.stun�t�w°iaiduws.nwnfn�,x.he:i�in�t.Air�conditionin�,��nd��his:�6inK and�vatereqi�i{nt�entan+�a�tessUrie�AiGcrrte�.�+utYtp��aiovice:� � �.
<br /> rcErlgi�rUtiits,a�ail��.�ther Iist.utCs eztd aq�xYpmeu[now e�r t�ereufici attachar3 t.i��r used in t•c?na�titivn��°ith said�ra!esta�.c. �
<br /> . rand wl�c�rcax tl�e�aid irwrtK:rgur lies agrecd;�nd Qoas ler��cl3y a�ren ilTat �.he �nuA���,a};or si�adl H�sd widi pay all taxe�aa�i asseicamer�ts letidetl..cir
<br /> � a�sesscr.d iqxm s,aiS�+rcrrascs arid upun Uiis mu��t�agi and the bund scci �ii therr.t�y�� Lcla,re the s:�itic slmll t�ecume definqeent;to Iiitnis4 a�apte�ve�cl.
<br /> iuvurunue uKeuii the buitdin�;!��an ,uid premisra si[��aied i���hc:swn rd� ���s���.L!� p,ivata3e lv s:�i�# ASSC)l'iM"f3C)N and t��deSlv�t to ttaid -
<br /> A$6Ut:'.7AT'�ON tl�e�xalicie�tt�it s�Yd iiysi.vmxw:a«d acat tca can�ntlt ur pcin�it a��a��vanlc un t�rabuut s,u�i pramft�a; � . .
<br /> � !u canx^u€def�a�ult.in the perfnnuunae af�ao��a�f ttxe t¢rms und condil:euns ol this znortYs�c t�r kdir bund�ecuted i�erel�y,ti��c n�ivrtga�eC nlui[L �
<br /> . . an 4lcnian�i, I�c entilled tu tziurtcdialc���ssessii.�n ul�ihr �u�artp�,agerl premiscs :�nd� the rnu�t�agos k�ercit�� assiy;ns, tra�isfc.ta.and scls o��er� tu Itt�. .
<br /> . martga�ce;pll lkxc rcids,.i�ev�rnues nnd i�ice�n�e tc>be dcrived�fro�ai the rnnrt�a�ed Caremises�durm�,scech xim¢un ti�i¢tti�:�rt�.a,i{c fn�ebt�dncax sl�aYl rainaln . .
<br /> �uia{�aid::und.ttie mc:rtgugee staall.huvc thr pc»��c.r tn aF�poiin uny epent ur a},ents ii ma�� clr.sirc 1'ui the rurp�>»e ot xr.{�qirituc said G>i'emis¢E and re.rltin�. .
<br /> llxs a,rnie�r�d c�ollecting the rents.revenucx ewd i�scume,attd�t may pa}+nict oi tiad in�.�+ame all expenaes of repairing sai� �pre�nfses and n¢tensary . ��
<br /> t:,mr�sissinns ane�c�:pan os�eauared io reilting arzd m:uiagirs�the snme at�d ut colli=c�in�, tcutp{s i1�es-e[r�.m�. L)i4 k�alafic�r r��atadt�6t�,il'anV�.to,t�e . �
<br /> arqa11Ati9 towsrd tlin A11s.�fi�r�,r of salcl mort�age in�ci�tectae�s;nc�ae.rig!�ts��C t!w m<art�+agsc mav be e�x���cixed af un��tlme dudµk t)xe a��lstan�.�.i'auch� �
<br /> �y de1'c+ul#,frrespe��tive of a�Gy se3np�ca�acy��o-�aiver af'14ae�nroe. . �
<br /> .7'lirnu Yiexontc.It��wcro�at,nrs�n{�pu t.ho C.:ndltion,1�hat if the nadd Atue�t�.:i�+,u 5hall �c�ra� saiu Iwaxi�zu��i�I�slbrn Site tnuturily bk's��lct ateHrux�+�� � � .
<br /> � paltitt�.+�1;p;iV mnnthly tci said ASSC)(:'Ir�9-IQN oi Ihe s»Cn s{aeciVled �n tha Hond cc�.�t�red I�rrchy as inf.crest e�td pranci�+nl on�.vaid l�.ittn,r5tt xar fa�i�c�r�e�
<br /> � .. Yho� I'wenlfcl.l�d:uv c,f cach and cvcry nronih.uiatil said lua��is fully pai3:pa�-uli tu�rs and assessnterats]r��ierl a{zssinxt.said 4�rrmises ai#J on tP�is Mortga�c. �
<br /> and t1�Yr Rac�d�erurc�i tlyereby,hcfure deliriqtteacy.I�u�nisii af���roved inxuc:�nco�,�pnn Uie build�ai�s tL��erei,�a��irt[he sum xrf'� Q�r�j(�Q..�� ��aya2,tle . .
<br /> . ��,. t�a sald A!i�CK:taaTiC1N:�eps}�tu said �1!��Ul'3,q.TiS]N upn�n efernant�a1t rnz+nev I�y if paid IaR si�ich ta�es,assnssrtamizts and if�aiumnce w1EEt.t�tlmre�t nt� �
<br /> the mraximt�m le�al rutc therec�ix frum duto�_,f'ziu��nxeN�ll�.�k wliich M1torigugur�hereuy a��rees G:r�,iuy:���mit ao waste c>n xai�i Exremises;kaep and cxati�ply . � �.
<br /> wiih ail thv ag�cements anJ c�and+tioiis otthc li��i�d ti�r k !}���j��.Q�this day}�:ivcn t,y ttre suld Mortgagor ta ia:�i��ASSC?('lA.'I`ION:Hnd�tiynzC+ly �
<br /> wRli ail lhe t�cyuirecxierns uf'the Cunstitutican xnd k3y•Lativa uf�aaid Ati5(X.'[Al�7C)N; t.t�rn these prc»entx slutll bccorrFa nuU and v�aid.otherwise ftacY .
<br /> � xh�tl r�firanin i�r. 1i�13 forca �and raa}• br lureclose�i e��the uC�tioa o(Ilie sald Ati50C;lA'f7(3N after fai(i�rc fue� thruc �rn�+ntdx� �c+ make at�r�.v(�airl �
<br /> paVnta�nlx�ar be fhr�c nurntlts in uu�ears iu atmkmg sa14 montl�.lY paymci�t5.or to ker.p aixd ceimply wrtka tl�e up,�ce.tn�nttt s�nci s.�.an�ibtiuna of�,�id Ilr,atld; . � . . ..
<br /> ;mc3 MKartµul¢or�grccs tu huva a rec�r�vsr app��iinird fi�rthw�Ni iei aueh IL7rucluewc procr,edintys.. . .
<br /> . ti'litaue is unv aMnn�}c 3���,ow�i4ixhip��f kl�w real act;�la iva�rLµogod lxarelFe.!+y s�Ja�aa� ��thezwi�xm,then thp c�ilir� ren�ai�iin�y i�1�4r,h��¢dae�r�s hMrQi�y � �..� .�
<br /> sec�urcci r,hall.at thc optiun of'fi�c L'yuilahlr 13uil�in�an�3 Lvart.4ssucitttiun of c���and Isla.nd.Nebt�xskN�.be4ume inirnedi:ltely diae and(suyable.rwSth�sul � � .
<br /> I'u�thuzx�notilx, aiid Ilre a�nuuut remufiting dua uudnr n�id bund,anJ cani�cNher k+vn�t fuc xnr as3dili��uxl a�lvancex macto themi�R�drs,slaali,f'r+3m 4hie . .. .
<br /> clafc ia3'excs�c'.ix e�f said c��+Uan.�.car Interc�t ut tl�e ntaxianusx�leuul rt�tc.und tl�iis n��.�rlgaKa m:ay th4r�1���le!recl�rarr�7,c�catiafy 4lie amuanA�.1�Fe eali r�a�id � � . . . . �
<br /> bond,anJ any�silicr hunJ for additiur�al u�:ivancea.lugettter with all x�nns�s�ii1 hy.s:.�id'1'he liquitat�le B�iiitiing und,l.x�an.Aexve�atiott of C:rntx�![slxnd. . . . .
<br /> N�braskn iur in:au�l:�l,c.taxes anci ar�aessmcnln,and nbstraatir�g exteusion¢harKes.w��U� in4Qroyt tiurne�n, fcnm r�uta ofi' pawrne��i�nt the mtuxlinum : � . .
<br /> legal ratc. � � . . . � � .
<br /> ,+�.8 jxvvi�ieil iet tt�e klond ar,a-ured hrrc�bp,wliilc ltus m�>rtgu�c retuuitts in cl'ti.c�l. ctsc ux,rlka�oe ntnY he�eaf't.er udr'ance udd'etiottal suana tn tite � �
<br /> m:�k�rs.af s�tt�l�n��el�tl�o�r k.�pnt��z tcasotp*t�i��te[r.kt.�.�-ii..h.sem<sl�ali be whbEn the sec-uritv si[1:his mt�rt�.nk� tlm naYa�e ss ilte Cunda uri�irtall?' �- . . .
<br /> scaiircd Ihcxch�F.�he tutul auyaunt ul priar.i�nd cicbl�iut t<x cxceed u�:�ny time.th¢w igins!amount oi Ihis moitKa�.e. . .
<br /> -'�[1o�eci tl»cs �� tlay cal' ��)t'97�� ,1 U..1�77 „
<br /> � �� �
<br /> �
<br /> . *✓ ,¢ �e •
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<br /> , ' ` �""r,'."'y,�,.�J � .bC..'f-'�`•.�(.'F W r��,:%±'�'+.,�`�";.t2� + ,�. ,.����,... � +.v.�� . . � . �
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<br /> � x�. C)n this� z$$�l cfav of n�Y'1� 19�� .Uel'arc me,� �
<br /> CGUhTYC;lf?7At,1. ,�} ' ��Mr
<br /> � �� tt�n underai�fn�d,a Nuto�rp Public in und fur eaid CountV, �crsenally ramc ' ..
<br /> Uavid 5tuI.i and Norma �. Stull, each'�n his and her own righY, and as spouse o� each ottier �
<br /> �' �.•�i�„ �C/(�,� � � who d 1'� . }se�sunnity Icnvwn li� , '� '* .
<br /> ,. �+'� dr�y,l���n��h, rsonr� whosane�ne� qY.� ai7ixediudieab�vefustrwnenia:cmortKv�or � a�ii1 �h�,Y �:everally �
<br /> � �.a��riltdge�l'�3.�e'tq�id' rumont 10 be..�'t�h@'1 1^.�. valuntary nct and.dced.
<br />�.. � � �.Y 'yT^'. �u�y.:�uS�n�`. �...,,s:S'eal;�.�c da.c ef�,iz:.r3d. .�
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<br /> ..-�. . . :.>' � .
<br /> n"'i � �r a+�s -y{�3N d �.. .. -, `� �.
<br /> ' �i4 �xF�tt�fi Ne�t,a . rssa�n exparex 1.�1.a�..t�1.ti�.�' C}� 1 l�Ca�� 1l � r
<br /> ; �
<br /> � � -----�F—=."�...��..�ta� . �
<br /> ��T,' ���a 1'��.�,�5�� �� N�GnrY!'��l;lic
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