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<br /> daxn�c,7e to �r�o�erty , with liniits of not 1 � s5 ,3zan T�r�� I-: etnc3r��d 'I:lie�us3nd I�oiiars
<br /> , '� {� 3tJ0 , 00fl . (l0) cvtth r� s��ect tv bodi2y i{aj�ax�y r. r dc3�ix <� eic3 ::txcr kfundr�d fiP �ousa;nd
<br /> D�3l�rs (S3f� 0 , OOQ . nO) wztn rqspect to �ro�z�rt}r c� a;:�<� c� � ;�; �3ny c�n^ fncici �nt ,
<br /> , . , ' ' 8 . 3 the S.ESSC�R s}A� Z1 be inc .t�acieci as � n �:in�ci insusecl ur�c;��r ail `
<br /> � su� h policz�s anc3 a ce �tific�te tliereof st�all L�= c; e �:�asitc�<i �hittz I.� S;�C)a �? z•ic�r tca
<br /> ` th� canjn:enaernent ciate �{ this Lea �, � �izci 4 certifi:. �: t� •=vic�et�cii�c� t}i�: rE* nerJ� l at suckx
<br /> �� . � �
<br /> , i, �oliCies siYai2 kae so d�pasitec� not lc� ss than t}iirty (30 } da�Fs prir�r tca tti� xr res }aactiv�
<br /> �� , expir�tian dates .
<br /> ;:
<br /> 8 . 4 I�,ll suc: h pcakicies s1�� 11 px-�vic:ie ttaat `ttiey t� ae nran-car.cel.labl�
<br /> 2 exceZat upon tl� irty (30) daws �vritten notice to tk�e I..LSSC?R .
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> ' 8 . S Ft is furti: er �greed by � nd Jetw�en t �o p�L�tic� s hEr�tc� , that
<br /> x each c,f s .�id parties 1»reby �vaive any snci a21 right of r� couerv against c7ne ,ai�other , '
<br /> ; 'r
<br /> ' based �ipon fin� nec3lii�ence of eithar party , ti� c>ir ac7ents , ser�r�� nts , or �mploy*ees .
<br /> �
<br /> for reai or �ersonal property loss and damage o�currznc� to the premises , az� any
<br /> part th�reaf , from perils insur�d �gainst 9 �i hazard , fir� and ext�nd�d cov�raga ,
<br /> van�alism and malicious rnisahief insurance c��nkracts � arrier4 �iyr TESSEE .
<br /> u Af:TICLE I\ - INT?E �iNI'Tk` AlVD 1�1r�-� 7V� f2
<br /> 9 , 1 The ILSSEL shall inc-lamni�y and save the I.ESSC)ft i� ai•ml� ss af
<br /> aiid iroan � ri}r loss , cost , c:iamage c�r Expens � whatsoever arising oux o £ any� accid�nt
<br /> ; or caYher c�ccurrence causing injury to any pc:rsor< or prc�pert5{ due <iirectly ur in-
<br /> , : dire�tly to th� use a £ t�n� I�eased Premised e�r any ��tibiic or privat� propesty adjacent
<br /> t:neretcs 'ay LESS� � or at�ay person claiming under LI: � SE � �r � s i:13e result of any
<br /> + aat or c�missivr� of tnn +ES � EE , its ae� ents or c:.ipio��c� � s or =�r. y at�er p�;r:. �n .
<br /> 9 . 2 T}� e LrSSC�I: makes n� representatio�a �vith rLspect tu thc building
<br /> i ,
<br /> or bu5ldings ara:� otlzer impro�re �nents to k�e erected �is :terein cont�rnplzted an�i the
<br /> ,
<br /> L£ S,'�E £ expressly exculpates the 1� 550R af and ir�m 3ny duty to rcE�air v�= ith respect
<br /> � ; � . . . �:(] .dil}" i1E:i�E'C: C.S � il ltll?CUt'. lJf it1dLE:i-1� 1 USe'C1 LS14Yt.'.' .ltl �i11C1 Wii1V i' :i c331)� L� 1 �] 1112 c:iS l.1.�3 lUS. S � . . . . . . �
<br /> � ...... . . . . . . � . . . � � � . . " . . � .
<br /> of l�usit�ess or d �mage to pmperty of thc� I.L: SSF;r or ot:n� rs ar�ci�'or c� ���th �r iiijury
<br /> _ '
<br /> ,�� . ,: ,� -,� :
<br /> t� any person c�r ��ersans as ihe resuit of any such def�cts , �
<br /> j � � � � � . . � . . � � w y, .i��"' ��
<br /> �RTICLE ?C- RIGf�T' CJF 1'If2.ST REFUSAL C� f' LE55 �E ; �,` ;z
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<br /> .- 1D . 1 Tsi the ev�nt tl�at , durin� the te:rm of tkiis Lease , ].ESS � I2 �`
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