� t,Y
<br />� i :�,
<br /> l�, -�' _ �
<br /> _ �7� �qQ2�9�.
<br /> L�'_'18� ,�T�?L� GF.�1iti"T f?F R?.:�_s'I' C?t^ Pl:::.''' RtFc S�=__
<br /> � �tiIiPv�'SS�'TE-I t�is Iz��enture o: ;.,�a=-u, c::•:tcu:ed by a.�u �etvaeer�
<br /> � �.�iAi�.i:�G�xL;EI.E and Nf-�.°LLIS 8C£-3I.T�L,E, I�us�anci and �vifP, af 1^✓'ir�tzr �?3tie�
<br /> ; ?'l�ri�a, (la�a�in��ter •°LESSQi2'") , ai��; T,;IL-:ti£t3:ti�.'':Kr-S C�Ut",.I.;,°?'1' �'C%C.�J:�; tT.vt�°.
<br /> an �iito Carpo.atinn, Ikcens�d to cio bu�ine�s ir. ...�ras't:a, �vti�s� ?3+�rne cafFic� is
<br /> ' �478 1TortiZ ttic�h �[.c:et, C�lur.abuz, ��13i:� ::,?,: tr _:e:i. =_ft�nr ��T�E-SF.r,.}: ;+�i:::
<br /> ARI'iC:E I - C'.Z�.?v�
<br /> i.l Tn ccnsideratiQ;: o.. �;-n rents s:e-csi� x�e.sers.>ed aa� zn c:an5i�era-
<br /> . � L1D..T t3.f"��'?.? SU�.��, f31L�1�11� c._^,� �P.?�, t.�C'.ri^_r'?1c!'i.�c:. aP::.'� O�SiNc'�..ri:'C Oi t?c��t;, Hl.�. �.I:G. � . . .
<br /> every cov�.nant o:-� the part of tha T ;SSEE zo ia�: p�r`arcnc:i, tE..� 7��,55�� doc� r_er���i�
<br /> 2.eass, �e�ise and 3et unto the LESS£l�, and 2he Lr�SE� czoes t.erek�t� rent �ror_-c tn�
<br /> LESSQ�2, the vaca*�rt reai propvrt3�, a� l��reinaft�r d�scriued (F:ereinaft�r '�'Lea���
<br /> Premises:), situtate .in the �i#�g ai Grr�i�a r:,iand, 1�r t-he County c�f T-�a;l, in '<N�
<br /> State of ItiPe}�ras�:a a�d �seinc descri�ed �s f�liows:
<br /> A traci of lwnd locatee sn ti-�� Southeast ��uarter �f #Fae �outh�ast
<br /> Quarier {SEI/� S£iJ4) of Section Ttv�ant�%-Oi�� (•?1) Township ..i4verx (tl) iv�rtn,
<br /> Ranqe }Vine {9) �h'est of the 6th P.Itfi. in I-�all Cr�z�i�ty, NeLraska, mo:e pa:-±:ic::-
<br /> Iarly described as fo?l�Lws:
<br /> Ba_c3ir�n'sng at a poi:�t �ever_ I-?utidrec Sev en �nd F.i�re-te.n�hs {7p?.5}
<br /> feet Sout?� of ti�e Southeas�corner of �1-�asa.at 1-?om� 5uhdivis�on, sai+� �.,oi�nt
<br /> being Thzrty-three {3�.0) fee-� l'Vest csf t?�e East line �_ said 5ect3e-� Tc:rentv-
<br /> Cne (21}; thencz threste:ly paraliel to the Sc�ut3�* line of �sai� Fleas�nt Ht+me
<br /> 5ubdivision a distance a£ Two F-;ur�re� Si�;t;>_�,n� (��;1.U) �eei; fh:��*c.> ��uth-
<br /> erly �ara�lel to the East 2ine of saic? ;��:etion ���venYy-CY.�� �,"ii), a c�asta��ce of
<br /> One F3unc?red T}z�rtv-four (134.0) f��t; th��szce Easter?y par�ile� to tF.e fic�L�t:'�
<br /> line of said Pieasant H�rne Subrivision, a �ist�:nce c,f `i`�vo I-iund«� Six-ty-(Jn�
<br /> {261.0) feet; thznce �afortherly para:l��_= t+a the Fast lin�, c7f sc3id Sect.ion T�:t:nty-
<br /> One (21}, a �is#ance af One T:undrec� i"rrirt�^-Fo�iL- {13�1.0) �:,wt, #� t}a�: ��I�cc:, of
<br /> 1�eginalir.�, acid ca�n#aining 0.71 acres, mo:e, or Iess.
<br /> to hmve anr3 to hold Lh� same unt� tl L s.�.d �i;SSEr ��±d .its sut ce=�c>r= �:n� as�iq.^.s,
<br /> for t�e p�riad an� :upc�n the terins anc conaiii:�ns hi.rei,t�afte; set foi-�h.
<br /> F�RTI�;Z:E �I - '�En�4
<br /> 2.? Ti�e terr,± oi this l,ease sh��ll ba ,cr a perio-� n� tc�.-entY (^{�) y�ars,
<br />� c;omrrccncing an the ii;sr, aay �i tnc� anc�ntr3 n�xt succc<�<iine� th�� cf zt;> nn c,>t�iri� !��
<br /> ` LE��OFZ��e3ivers �ossession to tY+�>. ..L�Sz:.�_
<br /> ,. . . �. � � � � � �.�,E��St.F. S�1r31� t.8i9F? �L�7� r'�� + + .. - � '"w i�.
<br /> .Y .h. ,� n�n�cv �iiis I���se for �n,^ !1? a.:c',fiio�:�? c�
<br /> �
<br /> term o# fi��e (�) ye2rs upon ti�e samp #errls and con�itions :�t�d upan Evritte.n nc.�ice to j 4 ?,
<br /> f.ESSC3F at ieas# 1S0 cdays prior to t�� e�cpiratio�� ai t`i�> e�rinizta: t:�rm_ �aid nor*ce �t�ai£'�i>
<br />�: ;
<br /> � �
<br /> ; � -,- ,�=�'
<br /> ���
<br /> �.���� �
<br />�
<br />