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<br /> �ORTGAGE
<br /> . �
<br /> TFiIS D€ORTGe+���, m�de this 26�h 3ay o� Ar.ral , 19?� , �e�ween
<br /> :.^-:Ri'�C� C'Oi..Z;�C�: C?�.�' �"H?�. .��Tt"�L� T:d�.., a, ttc=2�ras�a Ccrt>or.�:t;.on , DSorigagor,
<br /> a�zd TTiE C.3MAtiz� ;�ATI�Nc�I. BA�1TK, a �at3uaaS bankiug assoc3ation, Koxtgagee,
<br /> Tkcat �iortgagnr, ia cansiderat_:`.on af ttze scun a� G^i�` Fit7I:�RFL .:'OT�TY i:inL3E,/���7
<br /> � t�Ji� n�.lyc;i�----------------------------------------- �� �. o ot�c},�c) ?
<br /> 3za liand paid by *icrtga$ae, hereiay selis and coaveys ta Mart$a$ee, the ini3cu*ing
<br /> d�scribed premises in 'r`.a.11 Cne.uaty, State o� Taei,.•a>'sa ,
<br /> tt3 w7�t: i� a,racL <�f �.�.nd i;� tl,� ,'c�ui 1�r,c, .. i;� .ii•i.er c�� t.l�e .,�tji.lieast ,^ivarLer t�k;,;>i�r-„)
<br /> ' 5eet���r� Tl i,tv twc� � �,') Town t.i� en �.,� ,) �ortl ?>a7� c T�i.:ie(<ai iv� ' t.,;' «ti.e �r��.i�
<br /> Fa in�i �a3. '�^c�ricii�si, I?�l� i ,mt� , �rc�-I'r�a. � r e p�i i c�.l ii.�- c�t.c.riE�nd � � f �lc w�
<br /> �<�,i �r..3Z� at t��e �outh ��ua.rtei^ 1�;,, �a ner.' f .z�,i3 ecta...�,�,i,lle.tzCe s�urn �, \,:ath� t- as.
<br /> ��stai�ce ef .�.ix ?313idreci i�.r,hty�-"oux^ ara Fi."t�* }iuncir�a.ths tt��:�.�f) fcte.t �i�n�; tl;e l�c_..i,
<br /> ��.ne, i>f thc t,c�uth�est 4UL.aa-tcr c +l�e ' cuthcast �uxr Ea^ t h'��El ) �f �� a ec^t.i��� �tze�s�i:�
<br /> �ieSl�.c zn�? i i�hu rotnet�r-ane L��-z ee�, C�7� �;�nuie z , zrty z ve :i��,�t:3s �9t'�t�t'3� � >xi�..
<br /> �?
<br /> t�arn n� ���terly 4 �as�;�.nte �f I� e�;;t: t'�ui�zred �n� �rc 2iui�a2c,�,tizs t�0^v.��) fEe� {�ra��4ei.
<br /> t;� t';3e Soiz�}a line � 'ize Gc�t.�wes� �u i ter �'�e: uLP�e3.t � �.7�t�Z, ' �d�;4E;y) �� s v
<br /> �ict;ion,y3:�zic� ae��ectirh i�3.s 'i�,htti e1r;'. t Pe�•ree. ,T�:i, t�r_Q;�L e��.nut�s, ` t,enty-..�ve
<br /> beco.xas i b'c��b'�`� r�,c�d i,z,.ni:�� .>outhe.,y r a..>..:�-�c� e,,. ._s� Hundrerz 's�h�;y f.�izr. �iza
<br /> 3 '�tti H=sn3�.edtt.s (E7��+.jJ), ;'ee p�r,:,�1c1 �,o t:l�c �:eSL Iir.e uf the Sc�uthwe5t ��artes- c�f.'
<br /> t3ie �outhe�.;,st �uarter iSi�r,Sfi'w� ai s�i<. ,ecti.i,xa �o a ,i,oia�.,� ,.,., the So�zth lar.e oP t,?e �
<br /> �'�:utYiwesi: Gxuai�ter i�f t}ic �.^.uthe��t.c�,ur�.r�es- (�tiv',SL'� ) of a aectiun; ttx�iicc de31e etiztf;
<br /> r�.?;3at tiit�e�l,y-one Dck,rees, �?ne :+�aiute, Tl:ir��-five �.�co..u.� (?:f`�t)1 ' :i5°) :�n<3 runx�ii:�
<br /> 1i�.sterlv �:ar;ht i::.u�dre�cY a.iid ido iiuxidredt,h_: i�i�0.i)O) "�c>.1; .iicnr, t,7;e `.'�o�a:th ].ire eP L2�e
<br /> Scat3aw�st �;�r�rT,er of i.:3i� SUut}��ast t;uaiie. i i,'�:�F_" ) o; a �i- sccticn to tile }�oint �.£
<br /> be�;ir.n-i.nF.., said trr�et ec�n�ai.ri3_r.r? :l1.0� �,.�.,•c., mare c��' S.e.�,�, :' rai,ich 0.91 �acr�� r�c�x•e �r
<br /> �
<br /> i.�ss� bein� c�unt� toac iipt;L-a1 a ,z,r -,n� ...5? aci�es morc �:.• i.c.�5, tiein�; ut. .�4se��:
<br /> a.r,3 Ux^ana 3�l:�.n3 Y�aiiro:3a . ;�;:ht._oi-u�,l .
<br /> i.�'ub,ject to et<�rt,�a�re o£ record ti� -�i].:��aisl ?2. ;�:ick �or >1u',�^�Jtl.ui .il.r�i .ii� Puck w�4
<br /> "==.t;e 5y<7 r<.cords , .� x�r�_: i . w:':} , ��>,.,i�.�:i:-;.;
<br /> t�ge�her with ali the appurtenances thereunto bei�uging or in any way pertainin�{
<br /> tFiereto. :�Sortgagor reli.nquishes a:il rights ot ham�stead ar.d all �ather contii.gent
<br /> interest i-t saia premis�s. The cc�nveyance of t:ie premises aboce described to-
<br /> g�ther with a:.1 the rents, issues aad profits therec�f is made to secure th� re-
<br /> psyment of a loan made by the Martgagae to t:he *Sortgagcr, as avider:cad bv a
<br /> promis�ory note of even date izerewith in the principai sum or � �;�; ��UNI�R�L S'�]R'x-Y
<br /> ? 1`�()USAS3i� .�t�� NG%`1CJ____---------------------- e:c�cuted by the Mortgagr�r and payabZe�
<br /> to the ord8r of Lrse :tortgagee, wit'n intsrest at the rate eh�rein set fcrth,, the
<br /> griacipal and interest �ayabie in accurdence with the terms oi s3i3 promissorv
<br /> noCe, and finaily maturin� on .?r,ri' �'b :.ufs2 All sums riue shaii
<br /> bear interest after the ds�: date at the rate o£ � e per annuuz. anci thi�
<br /> Mvrtga�a shall stand as securi.y t:zerefor. '� i3�:?3 Rc�=,ica>al Prin�e p].u: ���k �^ :_<,,��t;.
<br /> Mort$�gor here2sy e„�cpressi;� covenants ar.d mgrees wit:s �tortgage�, as toiicws:
<br /> 1. `iort�agax is 2ac�fu.11v seizad o£ �n inde£easib2e estate ir_ fe.e �i�sie
<br /> frea from encumtazances an3 has �ood right �d pow�r to conveq an absolute tiCle,
<br /> irs fee si.m�ale, �ncluding ali the raghts o.f homestead, and will warr.ant a�d defend
<br /> the ti�1e t� the sa� a�ainst a?.� ?awtul c�.ains.
<br /> 2. �Sortgs��r sha31 pay ail sums hereby secured when due.
<br /> , 3. �Sort$�gor sha11 pay when due �11 taxes an.d asse�sx.-�enes a£ every t��e
<br /> c+ranature levied or assessed a�ainst said property, or upuu th4 :�art�aqee's inLera_st
<br /> ttner+aia; .s.�ad .y3s� tu p.av �iy claim, lien or c�n�umbrance a�a3r.s� said pro�ert} ro};ic;i
<br /> ma,v be or becor,te pricr anci seniur to tne lien oi tk:is murtga�;e.
<br /> 4, uortg�Ror shs�ll kzfn A11 hui3din,ts <�tt the rncartRaged prop�rtv in5�red fi���
<br /> fire c�nd extencied covera�;e insurance for the full inauratzle va.tue os ttze tiuprav�-
<br /> �nc$, but not Iess �han �;ze amount oY the nxartgagc�, with satistactars= cnin.surance
<br /> p�atecti�n a�ain.st va:�d:�Iisrr, busi:�ess ic>terru�ti�n cev�ra�e, <i� appro�rinL-e, in
<br /> an amuu:at equal ta Sd:� of the �.nu:a:i qross e�rr:in$s from t::e busir,ess deri�-eci fra� � j . �
<br /> t�xe premises a.+1d :�.ct� oth�r insurance as the bfort�ap;ee may requize. � . +r�� ` '
<br /> ��
<br /> � �
<br />� ` �
<br /> 4 � ..,, .�..._. �
<br /> k
<br /> �
<br />