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<br />� � ��'
<br /> r�. !( i. �. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . � � . . ,. ^+��- � .
<br /> ��t! , ____-- —— _ '�— �
<br /> .� .105-R—Gorparation Warranty qced (Revised 7961)� � "1Te Nnffm.n Oenuil 9mpplr linn.e,l.fncoin DK6r. � �� . � � .
<br /> �_�.._..._. _�:j __.�......_��._._..._._......_„'_.__.._...»........�..._..__�_,.....___........_.._.___�_� _._.__�...._. _.__..._._._"'_'.�... _ _.:__....� .__...,. � . .
<br /> . ���,._-���C.D t3:�. . . . � . � .
<br /> e
<br /> . � KNON�'ALL b'LEN BY THE�aE PRESENT3,That . -
<br /> ` riznw��T BxoAzacAsx�r.c. zric. �-�scn���� ��rnc�.. ;
<br /> a cor�xoration ar�snized and caistitt�under and by virtue ef tlae laws of ihe State c�f ]Vt:'k�raSka ?
<br /> � i
<br /> iucon�derationofOne Do13ar ($Z.QO) and other goad and valuable eonsideratic�n �
<br /> ; N�BRAS4��A t)C3CifiiMi�Pi'T R
<br /> rrceiied from gr�uter.s,daes grant, bsTbain, se11 convey s�nd co�rfirm unto r,sF1�MP TR7C 9
<br /> GRACE COLLEGE OF 'THE BIBLE }�}�{� `�� ���T �
<br /> lierein calied the�rantee whether o:3e�r zuore,Lke fc�tlo��-ing c�escribed rPal propertc in �},, � f t ,
<br /> Hall C�unty, Nebraska ������� ��F
<br /> A tract of lana in the Sout��aest Quarter of the Southeast Uuarter (SCd�S�4} o�
<br /> Section Thirty-tcao {32), Tocanship Ten (10) North, Range 3�'ine {4) West of the
<br /> Sixth Principal Dieridian, Hall Gounty, Nebraska, more particularly c�escritaed
<br /> as foLlowsc Beginning at tYte South Quarter (S w) cdrrner of said section;
<br /> thence running Northerly a distance of Si:e Hundred Fi�hty-four and Fifty
<br /> I�undredths (fi84. 50) feet along the West line of the Southwest Qu�rter of
<br /> the Southeast QuarCer (S(�T4SE�) af said section; thence deflectin� right
<br /> i�Tinety-c>ne �egrees, One Minute, Ttiirty-five Seconds (91°Q1'35") and running
<br /> Easterly a distance of Ei�ht Hundred and iJo Hundredtkzs (�00.00) feet parallel
<br /> tc the South line of the Southwest Quarter of the 5outheast �uarter (SL3�;SE�)
<br /> of said section; thence c3eflecting ri�ht Eighty-eight �egrees , Fift}1-eight
<br /> I�inutes, Twenty-five S�conds (8$�58'25") and running Southerly a distarice _
<br /> af Six Hundred Eighty-four and Fifty Hundredths (6b4. 50) feet parallel ta
<br /> the West line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <SW�SE4) c�f
<br /> said section to a point on the South line of the Southwest Quarter af the
<br /> Sautheast Quarter (55�7�SE�) af said section; then�e def�ecting rigTnt Nirit.ty-
<br /> ane Degrees, One Minute, Thirty-five Seconds (91 O1' 35") and xunning Westerly
<br /> Eight Hundred and No Hundredths <800.00) feet along the South line of the
<br /> Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (Sta4SE�;) af said section to the
<br /> point-of beginni.ng; said tract containing 1I.00 acres more or less, of �ahici3
<br /> 0 .81 acre more or less, being county road right-of-way and 1.57 acres rn�re
<br /> ,' or less, being St. Josepti and Grand Island Rai2road right-of-way.
<br /> ! 9'o hxce and ta hold tlie uboti•e c3eseribed premiscs tu�eiher �+�it.h xll tenemettts, ]iereditxments a.n3 appur- I ;
<br /> .Fuaaces tr4ri�ta br2uzs�ing unto t?�e grantee and to �,ranfee s heirs and xssigns farerer. � `
<br /> Atsd tlte �r�.ntar for itscl£anc� its suceessor5 does hex•eby ro��enxut ��•ith the graniee �uci �rith gruntee's I �
<br /> heirs and asaigns tIiat grantor is Ia�vfuIl�� ,t�iseci of caid �>remises;ttiat ihey Hre iree from encutn6runce e?CC�pt I °
<br /> a first mort�;age lien in favor of Lillia7IZ. Auiick recorc�ed aC Bo�k 164, f '
<br /> Page SI9 of the mortgage records of Hall Count}�, Nebrask�, which the i �
<br /> gxantee assumes anci a�rees to pay; � '
<br /> thai. gruntvr Lus good right and lssticful ziuttiorit�� to conecv the sxsne; uud tLat�r�iu�or warrauts aud �ti-I11 3efend i s
<br /> <!'e tiite 4.o said prexui�e;;against tbc lu�ti•!ul cluima of alt persoris�x�hasoe�•er. � !
<br /> Zri witness whereof, �runtur k�us Ler�untc� caixsed its carF�orate�<a3 r:�2ze; xffised and these pr enta signed � ;
<br /> byits �'resicient. j �
<br /> � Dated April 15 �s 77 � �
<br /> � 'ST BRQ.ADCASTING. IN�. !
<br /> � � � D1ID�
<br /> + � � - . . . ....._,.. i
<br /> . .. ......... ... .. . .
<br /> � � g � ho- . ...'C�.�� ...,. /'�'. Prr�si3ent j 1 � � �
<br /> <���..
<br /> ' t� BRAS Ha�..l� � i
<br /> � �fiATE OF . �.... .�.. ...., (.`ountr of..... .. . . ....... .. : :
<br /> . , y
<br /> \ F3efc�re t�5e, q notary puhlie qusiified�n s<aid ec�unto, per�oixxll�>cat�e �
<br /> �: � � �
<br /> �w ' lierbert F'. Roszhart , �r. 1'residenz af
<br /> rv'Y
<br /> � `.' S.i k . . .
<br /> k„ d.,.: X...s..-. ,
<br /> �- ` .� '* , '. . � �1id�west Bronc�casti.no, �nc. .acor�>orR.ion � � �
<br /> y R f .. `,
<br /> � .knu,wn�xu me sn:in��the Preside:�i asad identicu! per.>un tieho�iwueu tlie iare�oing irascruauent, �nu ucicno�v}uuy;r�t the j j �
<br /> I { �secutib�;{�ar$os�:ti� be bis vuluntar�= act and di'e�3 as suc.h affirer and tl�e ����luntur�� xet:�n3 deed of haid cor�}o• �
<br /> t ratiee a�`i��t'fts' c pvra3e ses2 «�as �hereta aSfised bl' �ts a�ithoritc•. ;
<br /> '
<br /> 't � t'4xtnesx urv hand and natarisi sexi on......... A�Ti1 1,5 .. ... ...,19 7 i.... ; ,
<br /> � W�CLIAMl:.F�RER^ rt � - • � ��� ; �-�y,� _
<br /> ; � 6caera�Mr.;.n�5i. ; sr. ... . ..��u.. .:.. ...... ........ ...tioLary .F'ubiic ; u� ,
<br /> � , Nly Cczn+rnisslon Expires � +� : - .
<br /> � Se t�mber lt3 �3 i » �
<br /> � � Sentamberl8,2978 ?�fy rommi4siun expires... .....�.. ..... .., 1'�......
<br /> #[ , . ........... ,
<br /> � .
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<br /> �,z. C_, �
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