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��� <br />���; , � .: <br />�� � � � � � ��' <br /> �. ; ��"� <br /> � <br /> �'`�" f�(1`� j`�� <br /> - 4soxrcncL; - — —_-- - <br /> �ic�Ktr„a�r���.�!��o. _ L22,b21 <br /> i:t.ow a�.L tia[:�[�1�Tr��sr:rxNs��s:���,at A1 vi n E.. Jew�l t a+�d Madel on (�. .1�we11 , each i n h i s and <br /> her own ri ght and as spouse of each other, � <br /> � M1fortga�.or.whecher crsie ur n.ure,in wnsideration of the sum af <br /> Tvrentv-'three Thausand Nine Hundred and NaJIqO-------i-------_----------_��'�tx�t�.�us <br /> Ioaned tu aai�mortgagur by T'i�c�l:yaiKat�le l3uilding and L.±a�i Assuciation of Gran3lsland.Nebrasl:a,T4ortgagec,u�>n 2�9 shares oi�stnc:k of � � <br /> said ;aSSOCtATION,�Ccrtilicate I�o.t�� ��2,�.2� � ,do hercby grxnt.,convcy and mc�rtRa},_Ee unto the :;aid AS.S(7CIA'TTUN thc�fulluwing. <br /> des.�ribcd real r.sLate;situated in l�;all C�.ounty,Nekarask�: � � <br /> s. <br /> LQT Ft7UR (4) AND THE EASTERLY FTVE (5) FEE3 <br /> OF LOT THREE (3), ALL Iy BLOCE� ONE (1) IN <br /> I'LEASANT VIEIhi T�-lEIRD ADDITION TO THE CIi'Y <br /> pF GRAND ISLAND, tiALL COUNTY, NEBRA�l�A. <br /> � ro�ciher wiih �li the tenemen�s, hescditameitfs and appurtena+ices tlieieiuxt< heloiirutg.i»c?iiding auached 1:oor cu��ciint;s.all�+'ind.�w xeree�is. . , <br /> �wieidow shades�.Uiiads,st��rm wind�nas.a�eninfi..heatin}�con�lniunmg.and plumi�inh srd�e�zter�yuip�nent anci ac.resse,r�es chem�o,pum}js,sto�rs, . . <br /> . refxi�;eaalnrs.and titther 2ist:ures and equipmeN i�uw or h�rcufter attacf�ed to�ar us�cd in�t3 ssid�caR estu�e. �.. " <br /> � And���here3s tl�e�id inortgagor ltas:+grrcd ar�d docs I�creb��sgree ihui �lir rn.aitga�,ur si�alt and w;Il�ay alt taxes xnd xs�essments levied or � � <br /> � asseascd uy�or�said prentisei xvid u}�on ihis rnartgage and �hc bend secui�e�l tYtec�eb�� Leic.r� tiic sarnc sliail becc,:ne delinyuenr.:tu[urnish�p�crwed � . � . <br /> �. insurance u;�un t't�e k,uildings�n said premises situated in ihc sum uS'F �$��p�.�� po�:al>le t�� sard ,45SC)CiA'1lON au�l tci deliver to safd .. . � . .. <br /> ASSCK.IAT'!ON iRie polic�eti Ibr sni�.insura�tu',and not to commii r,r pe rnut a�ay�v:+ste on ur at�.�ul aai:l pretnises. � � . � <br /> . In cuse u(del'ault in d�r pert irmance ol any of Qse Ic��ns a��1 conditiuns�if�Ids mertgagu ur thc rond u-�urcd hereby,thr murt�tee shall, . . � <br /> � on rfe�viand, bo eu��itled�ta ii�.med�ate,}>osxssion uf the mortgaged prciuisrs �ind ihe �nurt¢a�Kur iirceby aasignx, tcansf�¢�s and sets over to ttxe . <br /> � �nortg:�ee�ll the rrnts,reve�sues and v�coi��e w be cierive�fnam che murtgaged p�er�iises duci���sucl�tunc as the nwrtgu��in�iebledness�shall ren�xin . . . <br /> :;' wipaid;ancl�tgagee sh::ll have t11�p.3w�er to eppoin�an�•agcnt ur agents it ma�• desirc f�>r t[ie pw�}�ose vi repairinp:saiS premises and rentkttg ... . . <br /> tl�e.s:�ine anci culkcting thr rciits,revenu�s;�nd�ncoRx.anJ it m;��•pay out of said income ali expcnse� uf rep:�irin}�sxid ��remises and tzecessary� . � <br /> cc�mmiatiiuns aiid expenses�ncurred in renting und�nAnaKi��the ssmc�nd of collecting rcntals tlierafr<nn: tlie balu�ue ramainiiig,iR aity,to be . . <br /> applir.d tuw�ard �he disc.hargc of sxid anoriNage ioJcUtrdnesr.these rights ul'fl�z+murtgaKe�c may bc cxcrcised at aay tinu dariug ttie cxistencx ul such . � � <br /> default..irrr.spc+cti�r uf any�rre�iparar��wuiver ol'the.saarve. . . ... . . <br /> � 'Thc��Yresents,hoN'ere.c.arc upc.�n Q�e('oudition.1'hat i1'the s:+id�tortzaF;c.r sltsll iepa}'tiaid ioa�i c�n nr Lctixc thc maluritV al�:tad��ares b}' � � � � � � <br /> paymeni;pny�i¢�o�nthlp�w said AtiSIXYA"C10N<�1 the s� sKxciJfect i�a thr}i.�nd sccun.a kr�el?y ec intere�t aiid ��ri�idpsl un said l���n.oa'i<>r liefui�c �� . . .. <br /> the'Cweiitieth�lay oi cucli mid cvci y munih,until s:�id loan is(ully}�aid:pay all ixxcs aaiJ aasco}�ncnts 3e�ieu against saici premeses and on this�1artgagr � : .. <br /> an�9 the�[3o�td securcd ifierel.���,be£ore delinyueruy,l�u��usti appro��ed`ni,uraii�e u�wn t3x buildings tlrer��on in ttxe sum c�t h Z 3�9QQ QQ payabke � .� <br /> io said ASJC.)f:IA'TIL)N;re�a,iY'to�.aid r�1SSCJC"Ir�l'it1N upun drmand a�l muney b��1t paid fur such taxes,assessmencs�m3 insurance�'iYh iz�terest ut � . . <br /> ihe m�tximum legul rate thareun I'rom date oj pavm�n�ai9 of whic)i�fortNagur hea�ela�sgi�res to�;iy:pennit no waxleun said preAt3�ise�:l�eep and mniply . . <br /> � �vitt�a!)Otc'agrccrocnts unS cenditions uf th<+Llond tur S 2 J�Q�Q.��lhis �s,y given by the s:nd Atort�ugtrr ta�said:�.`iSCJt`[ATI(}\,�nd cumply � . . <br /> . �+'ith xli Ibe reyuitements uf'tEhe ComUtut�un aud�s��I'said 4SSCX'IA1'ION:ihen Ihese prese;rts s}ta.11 became nt�.tl an3 void,otharwise the}' � . � . <br /> shall remain in luli forcc end ma.ti hc forr.�luxd at �he uplion��t thc said .1SS(X't:4"t�f0!Q :ef�er l4ilure tior t.fiuce monlhs to mai:c uny oi u�id . . <br /> paYmenls i,r be thtt:c month5 in at rc:irs in r�iaking saiu rzionthl}'i�uyancuta,c�r tu k�rrp an�rornply.n�•iUi the uRr�-ruirut.n sr�d c�itdito�ns�t said Band; � . . <br /> ' and M utga�.�f sgrees to Bavu�a rc�^eiver np{�oiriled tu�th����lh in su�'1�lororl.isure proceediiigs. � �. � � <br /> � If thcre is any disn�,e i�x o��•ncrsliip ol tPic rca!e+t;ite ntmtgaged kxcr¢in, by ule oK athcrwise, than ihe e��tire ��cm3inin�; indebtedness hcreby � <br /> smcuttid sliall,aF iLe opticiu of'Ci�e t=.qui[u61c 13uild�r�;anJ.l.u�n As>>oc3uteo�i cil Grnatd tsla��d,��'-c braska,Ue�•c�me i�tvi�edixfely eiiir and payaUle witlic�ut . . � . . <br /> flx:lhei iioti�e. aud ti�c air�oi.uit rc niainin�:Juc ui�dcr s�id hc�nd. and an�•uther bond fur am�'s�idiiionat adv�u.�.es�ix:fde ll�ereunScr.siixll.1?om tltr . . <br /> datc of sald oaation.U�:�r iriteez�t xt t6e maai:aiuiu leKal ratr,and this m�rtgx�tc ma>• tl�en br Cureclusrd to satialy ihr amount due on said . � . <br /> bnttd,aud any etlier bi�tid 1'or addiiiuttaf�dvancrs,tc�t;cllicr�vith ali au�r�s p:�id 1,�+ said l�he Gyuik�bi�13uil.tin},and Losii:15gueiatron oi<Srand islxnd. . <br /> �. Nr.6�aska fo�insurance,tuxes anJ assr�.sme�ns,anJ sbstracting e�tens�un chargcs, with iaiereat thereun, frexn date cl pu��naenl at ihc x�iuximum � � , <br /> leg:�l�ute. <br /> . As pro�d3ad i�a the E3ond secuccd I�erel�Y.�vlule thi.nwrtga�,t.remains in ¢ttect thr nwrt�;xgee roay herea3Ycr advarocc addi4unal sucns to the . . <br /> maknrs of said S¢and,theu�assigns or st�eceau�rs m inlereat,wiiich a�ut.6ltall be willtut tl�e se.'u,e5ty of this rnort},,`.age.the aaui¢as the PunQs uri�inully . . � � <br /> � secure.d iltereby,thc tolnl amouni of principal dcli not tu ea,ceed al any tinte the uriginal nmosa��t oi this murtg:uza � . .. <br /> �L��r�.eY,tttis 2�1 � . day ot ,, �1^1� A (� 19 �� . . <br /> ,f � . �-�r^' '.J'J .� , �.._ +- _ t_a <br /> A�' '�"�`=-*:-�'�--�-•---�-`'=`-���---__.___.,. Ma on F.�Jewe"�.'�. —___ <br /> L. Jewelif � <br /> S'T'ATEU!'NEkl1�ASKA. �. C)ntf�i; �7'�h �fayo( April 1NT� .t+eforcme. <br /> CUUI�'I'Y L}�NALL� <br /> . � tt�e undc:rsi�ned.x Notacy f'ublic in anJ iox axiil l.'�ax�t��,p�:x�.�xtatiY w�ne . <br /> A7vin: !.. Jewe11 and Madelon F. Jewell, each in his and her awn right and as s�ouse of each ui ` n'3"�. <br /> � . . O��1(.'Y y . . wl��� d r-e peru�nuily kociw•n tu ,� . <br /> 4�! .��' <br /> �. S dY'e a('Iited M tlte�I�ove ie»t as�nortig;��x5 +���3 '��lf? severa!]y <br /> me to be the idcntical pexwn 5 �al�a�c i�ame � .Y <br /> sc,knowle�iCted the snid inat�+tzncut to 1�c thei r vuluncxry uct gnd deed. � � �,'� ,�,�"" <br /> . � WI'fhPI.SS n����d i�utarial Senl.tlie�tate siuresaid.. ;�� ,✓'� . -,'// � � � <br /> � � A1V(c n m�r.x�nn cenuros �-� �. ,+.' . � C.� i�l t �� � � i�"�i�:�., . <br /> ' � , . . .. _ . �= _�::���!G.:_� _._r.� . .. _ <br /> . . .s, � �!�c�iTa[y I'� �� <br /> � � 6.1.YMR1 j rh " ! _ . <br /> �.� <br /> � �L:,S.:�.'.�. . . . . - . <br /> < ' <br /> � . . . .. . ......_..,.. . ..,_. .... . ,.,..... . <br /> yy � � <br />� � <br />