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<br /> JMail to: _ �Td��'kN►i�tvi �rlAt7�i;�
<br /> ConCiner�tel 031 Co:
<br /> Y'. f3. Box 2548 � -1V�'BRRSKA Of3CU!`AENTARY `
<br /> �3.11�.ngs, f�tint�n,s .�97.U3 STAMP TAX
<br /> ACCn: ;:G. D. Chri�tm�n
<br /> � p�R 2 7 1577
<br /> ' �` %'7'» U(3�'1�� wz�z�x�NrY p��n � .� �`�� s�_�
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<br /> 'PI3S5 ZNDENTUI2E, made this � ciay of Qetober ,
<br /> 19 �� , between TItI,A,AtGL,� FAC�I,ITY�S, INC., a corporation
<br /> r>rganized and existi.ng under and by vzrtu� af �he lati>s af the
<br /> N ; <,
<br /> sta�e qf D�laware, Grantor, and CON7'TNENTF�L OIL COMPAPIY, a
<br /> � corgoration azganiz�d asnd existing under and by viztue o£ the
<br /> laws of the state of Delawaz�., ,Grantee;
<br /> WITNE55�TH: 'That Grantor, in consider�tion of the sum
<br /> o� One Hundred Dollars ($100.fl0) and other gpod and va'luable
<br /> ' consideratiori, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged does
<br /> '' by these presents grant, b�srgain, seZl and convey unto the saifl
<br /> ;. Grantee, its successnrs and assigns, all the folla�,�ing described
<br /> � real estate situated in the county pf ttall �ria
<br /> j � ;.
<br /> state of Nebraska, to wit: ��
<br /> f
<br /> �
<br /> ; SUI3JECT TO: such easements, rights of way, exceptians,
<br /> ' conditions, restrictions, if any, �ppcaring of recc�rd, covering
<br /> � and affectiz�g the above describc:d property.
<br /> = TO HAVE AND TC? HOLD the sam�, togeth�r with al1 and
<br /> s�..ngular the tenem�nts, hereditAments anc3 apgurtenar.ces tt�creur��a
<br /> b�3onging or in any wise appertaining, forever.
<br /> ' ?` Ana for the same consideration Gran�or does h�rcby
<br /> { bargain, sell, �ransfer and convey unto the sai8 Grantee, its
<br /> S
<br /> successars and assigns, a11 of the equipment of whatev�.r clYar-
<br /> 3 acter owed by Grant-or and now located on the above descritred
<br /> premises.
<br /> Rnd said Grantor, for it�elf and for its successors �
<br /> � and assigns, doe� hereby ccav�n�nt, promi,�e and agzee tq anc3
<br /> ;
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