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<br /> 71_ G�0�147
<br /> M(�RTGACE
<br /> . MORTGrtCL'LOANNO. L 22,�19
<br /> [arowa,u,n2��asyTt�ESErRr•ssxrs:Tnac pona3d B. Nooser, Jr. and E1sie M. Haoser; each in his
<br /> � ared her;own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> Morcgagor;whether one or mora,in cunsideration of the sum of
<br /> ThirtY five Thousand Five Hundred and No/1fl0------------------------------------
<br /> �; ;; ""BOLLARS
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitabls Building and Laan Assqciation of Grand lslnnd,Nebrasks,b7ortgagee,upon $55 ahares of 5tock of
<br /> �- said ASSOCIATI023;'Certificaxe No.L 22 a619 h1Gj�Ao iiereby gr-ant, eonvey and n�ortgage unto zhe said ASSOCfATION tha faltowing
<br /> descri6ed real ostate;situated in Ha11 County,Nebruka:
<br /> LOT ONE (1) IN BLOCK Ft1UR (4) IN
<br /> s
<br /> togeti�er with all the tentmenu, heredita�reents and appurtenances thereunto belo�y;ing,including aitached floor coverings,.atl window screens;��:
<br /> �vfndow shades,bli.nds,�storm windows,awnings,heating,air conditioning,and plumbing and waierequipment and accessories therexa,pumps,stoves;�.�.�
<br /> refrigerators,and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attache�d to or used in.connection with sxid real estace,
<br /> � � � An3�whereas the s:�id martgagor has agreed and does hereby agree ihat [he nwrtgagor sha].F and wiil pay all [axesand asse�ssmentslevied or � �
<br /> assessed upon�said premises and upon this morcgage and the bond sen�*��i �hPreby� efore thr same shall become delinquent;to furnish.approved�.
<br /> �insuranr.e upan the buildinge on.said premixs situated in the sum of 5 36�SGO.U� � payable to said�ASSOCfATION and to deli�rer.to�said��.�
<br /> ASSOCIATIOti the palicies CUr said insurancc;and not.to cammit or permia.�an..vaste.on or about s;tid premises, �
<br /> . In case nF defaalt in ihe perfounance of any of the terms and condiYions of tliis mortgage or the bond secured hereby,the.mortgagee shall, �
<br /> on demand,be en.titled w iminediate possessio:n of dic mortgaged premises end the mortpAgvr hereby assigns, transf'ers and se[x over.to the..�
<br /> . morxgxgee.xll t.hc renFs,revenues and incume to be derived fzvm ttie mort�ged premises during such time us the mortgase indebtedness shall remain��
<br /> unpaid;and the�t�ortgagee shall ha+re the power to.appoint any agen[or egents it may dCSSlC Cnr Lhe purpose of repairing said premises and ren[ing�
<br /> the saine und colleciing the rents,revenues tend income,and ii may pay vut oi said income all expenses of repairing said pcemises and necessary��
<br /> �� commissians.aztd espenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collectin¢ rentals therefrom: the ha]ance re!n�ini_�g,:L,r:y,�to be
<br /> appiied�.[oward the.discharge uf s�id mmtgage indebtedness:xhese rights of zhe rnortgagee ma,y be exercised¢c any time during the�axistence of such
<br /> default,irrespec�tive oF any 2emporary waiver of[he same. . �
<br /> . These Presen[s,fioNever,are upon thc Condition,Tlxat iCthe snid Mortgagor shail repay said loan on or before the maturi.ty of said shazes by ��� .
<br /> payr:�trt;�y mont?:!y to_sid ASSi?C1ATtQN of the sum speciTied in the Bund secured hereby as uiterest and principal un said taan,on or be£ore �.
<br /> the Twesuie�h day uf esch and every month,u��til said Inan is fully paid;pay all taxes xnd assessments levied against sxid premises and on thts Mortgage..
<br /> and the Bond secure�thereby,before delinquency:furnish upproved insurunce upon the huildings therron in the sum af� 3�J�5��.Q(� �Payable � �
<br /> �to said ASSOCIATION:repay cu said ASSOCIATION upon demnnd atl munry by i[paid Sur such caxcs,assessments and ms�ranc;e with�interes[at� .
<br /> + the maaimum irgal rata therecan frvrn dute of pa��ment aii of w�hich fvlorrgxgor hereby agrees to pay:permii no waste on.said premises:keep and eompiy
<br /> c
<br /> � with ali the agreements and c�nditions of'the Bond for 5 35�5��.��this day given by tite said Dlorcgagor to said qSSOCIAT[ON,and coinply�
<br /> . �f. . with al!the requirements of the Constitution and By-Lxws.of said ASSOCIATION;then thase preser�ts shall become null and�void,otherwisc ahey
<br /> , i- shall remain iv fu2t I'urce:tnd rna}•be Coreclosed at the aptian ot tbe said ASSOClATION sfier Pail¢re for three months to make any oi said . �
<br /> payments oc be�hree mont}is in arrears in tnaking sxid monah.ly paymentt,or to keep and wmply with[he xgreemeni;and condiiions of said Bund; � � � � �
<br /> andMorigagor agrees.to have a re�;eiver appointed tbrthwith ia such lbreclosuze proceem.ings. . � �
<br /> � . If zhrce is any cnange ia ownership of the real esWte morlg:nged herein, by sale or oilierwise, Yhen the entire remaining indrbtedness hereby �
<br /> secured skaa3l,ai the aption of The Equitabie Buiiding xnd Loan Aswcia2ion of Grand 1sland,Nebraska,become imtnediately due and payable withvuc . �� .
<br /> furtMer notice, and the anzount remaining due �under said bond,and any ather bond(o:xny 2dditionai ad�ances made thereunder,shall,from the � �
<br /> . � da4a of�xercise of sai.;option,bcxr interest at the mnximum 1ega1 rate,and t}iis mrntgage may tlten be f'oreclosed to saxisfy the amount due on said � � . . . �
<br /> bon3,ancI any oiher iw�rd for ad�litinnal advances,together with aIl sums paid by said T'he Equitable Bui2ding and Luan Association�uf Grand tsland,�
<br /> hebrasE:a for insurance,taxes and assessments,xnd abstracting exteusion charges, witli inrecest thereon, from date of paymen2 at the cnaximum
<br /> . 7ega1 rate.. . ..
<br /> . � As provided in the Bond securad hereby,while this tnongage remains in effect the morigagee may hereafter advunce additional sums to the �
<br /> makers af said Bond,their assigns ar successars in intezest,which sums shali be within che security of Uvs mnrteaee the cnn±r zs,7,P f+:r.ds ee:a���i�,
<br />'� xscured kherxbv,the tc�tal amount of principal debt not tu exceed at any[ime the origitiat amount of tins mortgage.
<br /> fi � 1nazeath;s ..I�t,�Lro�"'�"`"or _ April n.c,.,�v 77
<br /> � ld_B. H ser _ r. '°�
<br /> � - �.r...e� �':. �tz:r-,.a�----
<br /> E7sie M. Hooser
<br /> � S?A3'k UF�E�RASKA,# 26'�h ,befoae me,
<br /> _ rniiN�rvnFt�ps.i.t
<br /> ss. On tfus day of 1�p►'i� 1)��
<br /> �
<br /> .: . . � . . . � the undersignea:a Notflry Public in and for said Goun[Y,porsuf�aiiy cumn . � :�: qyw.� -:.'.�.A ;`R„ :
<br /> acfilatherNooser, Jr. and E1 si e M. liooser each in his a�d her own r�qht and as�Lspo}�sey of.v ;�,V, `
<br /> ""' are •
<br /> ;� me tQ be tt�e identical pexson S whose name 5 dt'E affnced to x#se above instcument as morcgagor S and t hey severalty � "r���� '
<br /> ackttoi��"�ge �;;a.�1�� . . . L'�t' . voluntary act and deed. !"_'~ �/' �4 _ . ' �,:
<br /> . ; ;_�.:,�r . . ;� � .. -
<br /> �. . ���,�'"+SS i�#Y��l�rial..Sea1 the da.te efoxemid_ � �'� � ,rJ' j /�.''� � ��
<br />�;f.: . � � . �a��;?'�t�y���f7W#i�P�W9Klls8tdT���� Y .fa' ..-� ,;� ��Jr,: � �.r'_�jy � � ...
<br /> r �t%"L`t�. ,� 6� ,p. r.-.� 'L+„�'"�.G.� �„�,.
<br /> 1'utary Pub3ic ��
<br /> sa.ue xu t���J� !'�'- /� 7 G`; -/�l —.._..__.__ �
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