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� <br /> m,.;. h <br />�� , <br />� � ��' <br />� ,t�.� <br /> � <br /> . . <br /> . . t-'- � <br /> �� <br /> �'�'�► C!t��_� �t� <br /> "°';, WARRANTI' �EPD <br /> � ROSE bSET"E'ENBRINK, hereirs callec� the Grantor� for and in <br /> consirlera�ion o� the sur.e af One Doi lair (S 1.O Q 1 , love and <br /> :. aEfection, reeeiv�d from Graz2tees, doas grant, bargain, se22, <br /> con��y and confsrm unto Rt?P7ALD �2ETTENEiRINX and .7'IJ�ZTEi METTEPSHRTtdT{, <br /> husband and'wif�, as joint tanants witi� riglrt of survivorship, <br /> tne fo1l.o�ring describ�d Yea1 estate situated in I3a11 County„ <br /> 23ebras]ca; <br /> � � A tract of land comprising a r�art of the Sautlzwest <br /> Quarter (S�[s11j4) af S�ction Ten (10) , Township <br /> Twelve (12) T.�orth. Rang� NinP f`�) T�est o� the 6th <br /> F. �i., Hal� County, l�tebraska anrl more particularly <br /> described as foliows. <br /> Beginning at a �oint on the tTest line of said <br /> SWZ/4; said paint k�eing Forty (40.0) f�et North <br /> o£ the Southkrest eorner of said SWI/9; thence <br /> running '�7ortherly along the t�est line of said <br /> � , SW1J4 a distance af Eight F3unctr�d Seventy One <br /> (87I.0) feet; thence de�lecting right 88Q55 '10" - <br /> and running Eastesly a distance af Fiv� Hundred <br /> Eighty Nine and Eight Tenths (589.8) feet to a <br /> point on t?ze t9sst right-of-s��ay 2ine of Unian <br /> Pacific Railroad Co.; tL-�ence running Southerly <br /> 31ong said right-of-way line a distance of Eiqht <br /> Fiundred Sixty Two and Eighty `I"hree Hundre8ths <br /> (II62.II3) feet to a point on the Caunty road <br /> right-of-way lin�, sai<l point being �'ifty {50.(7) <br /> f�et North of t?�e South line of said S[t2/4; <br /> thence running i��sterly parallel to the South <br /> line o£ said Sw2j4 and being on said road r.ight_ _ .. _. ___.... _ ........ <br /> o£-way line a d�stance of Two I�undre� Seventy <br /> tdine and P7ine Hundredths (279.09} feet; thence �_�p�o�g� ��; <br /> running Southerly paral�el to the west line of , <br /> saicl SWZf4 a distance of Ten {10} £�et; thenc- <br /> ; � running [�iesterly along said road right-of-way �E��S� d�U������� <br /> Tine anr� being Forty (4�.-0} f�et ,:orth of 3nd STAMPTAX <br /> �arallel to the Sauth line of said 5ta1/4 a ��� �� ���� <br /> distance of Three fiundred Fifty Five and Six <br /> Tenths (355.6) feet to the paint of beginning $�� �.�G� `�-- <br /> and containing 12.1.9 acres more or less. B,� <br /> Tta ZiP,VE ArID °I'o FiO�D the premises aPavve descxibed, together <br /> caith all the �enements , hereditaments anr� ag�urtenances �:hereunto <br /> laelonging, unto the said Grantees and to t�rantees' heirs and <br /> assigns forevar_ Anc3 I hereby cove�ant t?ze said Grantees <br /> and with Grante�s' heirs and assigns, that I am lawfuZ3y seiz�c3 <br /> of said g�remises, that they are free from encumrrance and that <br /> � �iave qood ric3ht a.nc3. lawful autharity to sell the sasn�; �nc? <br /> I hereby cove�ant to warrant and �efend t'le t?tle ta said prer.Fis�s <br /> �c�ainst the 1a�*Eul c3.airns af all ��rsons whamsoever. ?�.nci the <br /> s�id Grantor her��y relinquishes all rig„t, tit2e, claam and <br /> interest in �nd to tP�e akaove desorihed �r�mises. <br /> Sign�d t'.zis ,�� day of /-.�?,�.., t� , 1'�77. <br /> STA'F'E fa: �Nc.BILr'1SZii'� ) ` ,,,' �� ''T' �i;, <br /> . � , �t _ �.. <br /> .;. ,; (ss: cse _ etten rin_c <br /> �GIUNTY OF TilaLL ) <br /> On this �c; day of ����.�,e--,� if . I977, betc�re m�, --�� . <br /> �h� und�rsigned, a Irotary Pu��.�Ia. �u�y commissionec� and cruali€ied '`''� <br /> for in said Cozinty. �exsonal3y came Rose ?�ettenkarink, to me � �' <br /> � known ta'be the ir3enticai pe�cson whasP name is a.ffixed to the ^� <� <br /> £oregoinq i.nstrument,anc3 acl:notale�iged the executian tY�areof. �;, � <br /> -.', to be hex volunLary,ac.t and deed._ , <br />� �"S'S��"''�"7���ara.a� S�a1 th,� da�• �nd �e�r last �;. : <br /> ab e w tt�r�.G�4i+�ot'aarr ;�� d/;� �^ J � <br /> . . � �.�te or tlieAr�bka � � � �'�(L f q, <br /> . . "` �+M1V�CAmm4ssioeeE�cptres � d���-�' .,r' � � "`� -�"��� � � <br /> . x. '��"�""!.. r <br /> . t_ . .. __._._�., s ". .�:_''_`��� i�lotary ���ai��ic /; <br /> r : � <br />: �.;. . <br />� <br />� � <br />