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�=� <br /> ' ;`,`: <br /> � ��� <br /> ��.�.. '_. � <br /> �'.�`� �?+?�1.�� <br /> ±�atr�mGn�;t. <br /> �c�xrc�,cra;Lanxn�n. L �2,�18 •- <br /> xH�ow A�.�.M�r*$��rt-3�s�Qsz�-ss�irs:rna� ��11 i am fnmes and Agnes Gomes, each i n_hi s and her awn <br /> � right and as spo�ase ot ea�#� oth�r, <br /> ��11 Y"�L£�1 T�l7LiS�Rd 8I3i� �t)���0--_ _�'�urtga�o+,a_h`ttzor anc ar mcare,in cc�nssderaxrun e�f the su+n ut <br /> —'— -----'---``--- ----___.r�—'—..� <br /> ,�_ ..�. _ IX3T.LARS <br /> tc�asacd t�a said�tc+ngagur Uy Ttse k:quitad+le�u6t�tir�g and L.?an Ass�a tiaziox3 ut Cirand ls3and,Nel�rsai:a.Mortga�ee.upnn 3 3f3 shares+�3 star1c o! <br /> said ASSLM>1A'1"fi72�t,Certilicaro ?�a.:L.2^y+'��1$ ,cfu l�rrrby'gaant, �c�nuey and 4taortyiagr,untu The sai3 ASSCX'IA'1'1QN tS�e i'ollou�in� <br /> � �e5.�ibed msl esiate,.sitiu,aied in Iia3S L:r�sniy.�ebra.ska:� . . <br /> LQT FIVE (5) TIV flLt3CK 7NREE (3) JENKINSt1N 51:3iiDIVtSIUW, <br /> NnLL C�lfN7Y, NE6RASlCA, IN S72E�25�< 0� SECTiC?h Ti�:U (2), <br /> 7C}WNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NC?RTti, RANGE TEN (]Q} i�fEST t}F TNE <br /> `" 6Tl.� P.M. <br /> 1 � <br /> Subject tc� a p�^ior mortga�e Co the martga�ee t��r�in <br /> 9n the principa) amounL of �132,OOO.t1C1 �ated Sc>.ptember . <br /> 28, 1976. <br /> t«gethcr���i11� all th2�.ie�ieaaar.tats,tiere�itasnents and a{;:exrien2;tcex t!ie:r::nto :�c?c��;�;;ttg, incl�aaiayi attachec�..f3.�or co�zrir�g�,ait wi�3uK�u;reens, . � <br /> � wincYcnv.:sloades,�hline��Rn��v�inJnu�s,aa�°»ing�,hc;tizti.y�.ai;.•a;��iitie:tink.anS pPus�:bcrtiq and watzr.e,Yuip:.:rert aaad s:harcio,�3umpx,sYcves. � � . <br /> . � . ref�y,ea,raiurs�,axtd othr�r fisfur�es an�i�equipm�t�a now nr here�fter attacf�ed tu�i�ti��c�3 ici.,�.snnc ct,fu:e�ui7;�sx,ec�reai esaaac�, � � � � <br /> And.�e�heruas�.tu sa9d�moxi�tagor tias agsced xnd dues hcrcby arree 21ea� ttac�n:r,rxvagc>a� shai[snd w��s}I pa}� sli ta�es an�s.assca;aE�3enKs 3cea;�1 a.e � � <br /> � �asac�J u{��3 said}±remius a�xd uyxxn itlis nx�rtgagc aatd tf�e botui secuir.d thexeby hetur.• zlie sarsne sha�beaanie ri.el;n�uenc;tci t'urnsslt u��tvvee� � � � . <br /> � ina'�xx.aiicc 3�}�n itre ba9ld"arage<*r�said prcmi�es siivated 3rt tfae siun��f�S� j 3,��(}.E1� i';a�atrir :c3 said A:iS�X�LAI�TCN s.�td t+� dz:h�ct� tu�;d . � . . <br /> . . r�.:5SC3r:lA'i'IC11 otac poli�,ies 7ix said in:ui-��ia,�e:a�id nw3 to conm�st ar��errnd a�iy�y-ystr.�c��i or abcr.xt sai�i pcemixa: . . <br /> . . � �� ba�ase o#�iief'ault'rva iPu{.xrt'.area�ance of snp�c�f r!u t..rn�s ancl condiGions of this a,ortg;age or ihe Uand !ecurecf hemhy,the menatµup,�re shaVi, �� . <br /> � � ea�n dettaa�a.�,�yc eenUtted t�.ievnxd�atc fws�ssion�ol iiir m�rtga�te3 prc�niscs a�;.i 1he tarurz�ta,c..r lxcreb..� aaaigtxs. transiers ai�d sris oi�ea� tct xt3c . � ' � . . . <br /> �mnra�ager�!(t3�c rents,mv�nues an�1 incunae t�b<:t3erivc�i 1'rom the rrwi�igaged{menisacs ducin�;su.fa t.ime as tlse auort�;xge in3cUte�rtess siraii r�emain � . � � <br /> � � un}�aid.:astd t3ac rta.�ra�,agcc shali iixvc tiir}n>He��tc�atip<riot ane�a�ent or apents it ma�� .ic�vc toe�Ihc pin�wsa of arpairartg saiu preiaxia-ec�nd r¢ntss� . � � . � <br /> �Che s�ame�an�!.xa[lect.inK thc r�t�is.retw-mses and in��n�e.and ii m�Y Qa.�i,��t al ..��.9 i�:c,,.etc ail e..,.. .�e� ..!' rcr sinRn sa�.3 #.-m.scs a ,.;xay � . � . <br /> ;L n.;..� <br /> �c�nraarai�s9<azos un.! ea,pcivses is�cezrred.ia rent;n�,ani snarlaginy,tlm s�ive nr�d. ��f c�iiec� rentais t3aexei���m; the balsnce�m.�laining.ea xnt',cu ba . . . . . . � <br /> � ag}ndsed.ti�war�a tlte dasc•haa�ge uf said m�yr[�a.y,c fndebtedness:t�i�ese i�i�,,fats.*f tha in�>rtgagsc itaay be e�ercaseS at an}•tinre duzir��,i3ae exi<t�enee of suait � . <br /> � drisazjt.I�x�es�c,tiww tit�any�tcmFaarary w�it�ee�>f ihe, . � <br /> 1'hecr!'resrnts,hu�e;cr�er,are u}h.*�t tlxe Cond�iiaa�.It,xt if t:xe snid�tc,rrgaE+�r sha.E[repx}�aai�.i Soa;�o:�or 3e2um it�c n�atutity� st�a.ares��� � � . <br /> �{�iymen�,�ay�iiwnthiy�Ic�sai:l.AISCK'lA:'L'[()1 uf nc�. suni s;xc�it'ic�3 in th.r BuAiu srcurcd hereby as kFzre��est xr.d gicincipal c�a s.ai3l� cxx tretore� . . <br /> . t.ise.'Tw=rntirth cta��U1 c�cla and xnont3�.u�t�il s:ni�loan is tiilh•paid:pay nli taaes an+i assescmrnts ie�ieu'x�s.i�asx said prenzia�c:s and c>n ehrs Rlizrt�a�c� � . � , .. <br /> ' � � aad€}Ze Band artzerec3 ih�:rNy,Ucf��re deii�t�;uenc��:I�ur rtisli a}�pruveJ inauran��e u�on tdxe huil.iinNs thrx�on irt the.;um o1 S, �J,I�QQ.d� g�ay�a�lr � � . .. <br /> � ie+��fd A,�.SCk;lAT1i,1N;repa��t.o xaad,45.5(.)(..I,�T►Oti c�pox�a�lcnxind a!3 tttonc� t�y�i:paui lor�ucl�taaes,assexucxcnes asid znsurance���itM intrresi ai �� �� � <br /> ` s'� t}xc maximu�xt 3rgsi ratc thei�:«n irc?:tt date oi�.+a��mcnt ail ni�.��h��.lz Otortgap<�r t�creliy a�,rees t�>pa.�:permit no�kasce�on aaid picna�ses;wce�s3�d�.vmpty � �� . <br /> x��ith al}tl�¢a;gr�cm�xxan2s a�i:i cvnd.iti.i��s��f�the liond Cc�r:� ��.al��.��tihi�clay �;.i��en l,y t.tic saiS 5�fortga,�i�r to sai�#ASSClZi.1'T'itl!+�,and..a�rt��i�� . � . . . . <br /> � wst1� all thc rec�uirrmr,�7tsuf the t.`i�n�fizutian::ijd}3�'-1_awa<ae'�aid.AR,y(X'i.��T"IC)I�;thcai t.hcse prexait�shaii herome�auii ;tr.�i vi�i�f,oi:kaerN•ire tl�c)� . . .. . <br /> � . staalt xemaan ix� 1u11 fbrec ar:d n�xy im Ccarealc�s�ed at Siie ng>ti<ari�f't;�c s:�a:i AAtiI'X"IA'I'i[7N aftez t�aclurc fcr=� ihree monti�� to naake xn,�� .al�sae�i � . <br /> . .ray�nearts vr L�c thrce ttronths in a��a�eais in rnaiunk�vontiiiv pa�•meitt..,c�r to krep ased 4Y�ntply'u�zt1�tttie a�*raenrenia�and vnd�titina..t sasc�l3oizd: . ... <br /> , snu Micaregagx�r�gree&ia)have a rr.i�c�y�cs aFaj�otnacci t;?ttitv.�ittt iix sttcfi�fi�re��'i��su�e pe�<x'eevary;x. � � <br /> 1P tix�e�r is ata,y cl�migc Sn vunrzs)v�c�l tfac ma�3 est:yte nmrtgaked Itercin,b�� sate oa .riherwiax, t4Fen tdie entmt�resaaiatiiy� fndri�ter£�trss tiereb�� . � � <br /> � wcurtd�xi;ait.xt th�e iaptian r��i"I'tie Eiquita'iilr BuYCdin�ae��!Lc.�n A�..oc7aaiK*in r�f Gra�id Is4as�d.'�cl+:a��s,becamm inuezrdiat�ty d-x an.i pa��sL•le v.i.ltc+�C . � � � <br /> '" "� �I ua�ther nc�tice.:uid��.hr un�uuns remam�n� duc under ;aid 6un3,and ar�y��tlier hunk t<>t aixq adstiti<�ual yd�aiices tttereun�er.,sisalt,lx�a>rn the . � � � � . . �.. <br /> .3aie.r0'erei�r�ise oi�a��J<��iti��n,t�aar intcr<xt at tl#r t�iscsmuni ict ai ratc,sn�i ti�is:noz�tgag;c ma��tnen ba#ore�iosesi to sstisi��th:auit�utt:3uc on � <br /> . hc3nu.,.aEtd anw�x�lhrr hund J�r ac;dil:i+�aial advancx�,togetllcr�vith ail surn�{+aid by said'I'tie l�ituilabit 8icild.4ng and Luan Asscwciaticin cef t�a�aitid islat�d. � �� � <br /> Nehra�lca fi3r insurance, assessn�cnis,�anci atastractin�r.xfieasiozi c.ha[Re.s. wifh inae�rst :}ircrti?n, faant .fatr�aY' Eaayxx3ent az tirc marimur.i� � . � � � <br /> ic:�;a1 r:ue. <br /> �a�4-� �.� �,.he$otid>ecurcd hc,reby,whiia t3��x+x�urtgsge recnx:ns in es'ie�c ci�e uvc.ri.Faµee nv�y-ioez�eaitsr advan ti e+9ciitixanai su�r�s to the . <br /> F � <br /> , ,�.... � � nSske�a�.�t said t3on�l;ihc�r,.:u�iH;ns or success<ns In intereci.�a°#iich.ums s3�aI1 6e within thc arcurit��oE ihis zn��ciga;ae tire sa�ne�€f'i�nds ori�i�islty; � . <br /> .� ..sti.curccl tliem�bt�,tiar total aRxeu.nt af{�rinei�+xl dcbt not so e�eced at any�.smc thr i?ri�;uz:d ami±unt�i this axnorti�age. . � � . � � <br /> �. � iJatv�3 thi� 'y��'}�.�3�. :iav<�3 A�,Y"i�i r1.1?..1:? ,7� � <br /> i <br /> , , . , � . ., , . <br /> . : . . . ,..�1 �, li?'ft . �. ..::, . ,� . . <br /> , <br /> i <br /> r � k, —_�____`.__ , . c \, 6 , ..�.t....—..: . <br /> � s r ..._... __. �"' '...:�.._.._. d._�—�----�._._.T.._.___..._. <br /> .. � � 71nflF�c (�" !.T c ' . <br /> _ � £. <br /> . . . . �.. ,. .. <br /> 5'T'A3"L UF d��BRJ�Si�A.� <br /> ��... ... . a.-c. � ()n t3xis 2r?�h �3a\�c.f Apt^1 1 t��7 t�et.�:r mr, �tl: , .�� � <br /> e .. �. i{f131vTY'i1F 3-IA1..:1 T.. . . � <br /> _ . . . �hr unders.i�sie i,y�N�+taq�t'iibLic Ite an i i"e,r snid fouri�� ixrs�•iu�tf��ca�tiv ... .. � �,� �a,,, <br /> Wi�'�iam- nd Agnes Co��s. eaci� in his and her own ric�ht and as spou$� af each pther �, � <br /> "� . . . �v1�c, c'�Y"�L' �xrsona[}}'kaa7�t�i�4a .` ° <br /> � ��� <br /> ' sue i ������ wii�use naine.S ai!"�2 aPfixes!to thr at�ove inaCrunient as mc,rtga�or S :sni3 ��i'E,Y ;��veraltv <br /> � 'LEIL''11' <br /> �a.� �thc sai+3'�t31� to LMs � u�alc�nkaxV act and�ciced. <br /> S . �j <br /> p� Mi.'�'y��.,+"a".my a�nu and.Nwtanai�cat s.hc cta[e aearesa��. - +�p. <br /> p�R�� .. 3:f f.:t":4 ,�R�a�.}i5R_ t .� ,�. .e� /`� �.. . <br /> � t�,>rdlfizstsnu�u�Yr�g'catptces�°�����✓F'° ..,1.»J,i'Y�'�(7 .�'".�'', '�-� ,a -•� ,,,• ,•'� ,�c� y � <br /> � ;^., ��, �". 4w C...<j�.�,�.__�••°',w�r�=— ---�'--f.-��-�'"�w .°"`'F Z"..,,r <br /> , <br /> i � � x`^ ti�ta�y Pvbli� <br /> 6•taettl�.P .t. de'f° <br /> � � ���,,,�,,4, � l�:?y,�a"' . � <br /> "';�."""""`..-�".>- ..�..�.1 . <br />� , <br />�.i.,... . . ... .... ... . . . .... . <br />%�, <br />'� � <br />