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� � a <br />�t..s��„.'�.� � . ' <br />`;nr"�t, . . � M t,. <br /> �� � <br />:� u �y"- �w^'� t � <br /> i�"' . . �,,,..,� .i'�1'�,:„; Q:�'1�3.��::; �� rr.:- .. ..... .:.��: � . -.�: .... .-:.: ... . .. . . ....... . .. . .._1 .. . <br /> S 2O:i�s--1ib�.E.�1�SE 01'' DdCdRZ�ACeE.-..�xs84c�sa +�,�, x r an c� tr,.�ea„i�tx zaon�.,, t., .,z.., x�r,%,x. <br /> _.,w._ ...,.,_.: ,�_._. _. ...__ __..._,.__.�. _.__ .. _. _ �.._....,. _.,._... __.. . _ _.� __., .�� .. _. <br /> ��__.. AtY CG�N.S'IPJI"li:k7'�t),�' raf BTtn rctyronenf af ihe rinht �a.vaecn !!rro�xze. !1_. ± <br /> 1 GRAN3a TSI.L�ND 1RU3T C12M2�+ANY 'f;.,r� .: r�ierases #taa ��rrP,t,t,kp� c-�trie Sr,! <br /> + � � � <br /> G1tANt1 i3LANU TXUS"P C47ML'.AISY ;��� .l'uttn F', liohrPx } <br /> w <br /> � � ax�C�ie fa6to¢�vaFsr.a�i6cc! rea!nstatr., tn-�x:ia; ; <br /> ! f <br /> '�'ract Na. t sn+d tir�ct No, 2 es descr�bed in tteal EatgCe Mortga�e <br /> dalCed .Iune 30, 19 76, a�d reuarded the tiall Couuty It��ieter caf' '. <br /> Aeed'e uf�3ce, and as per ttze atta�hed le�al dea�cripkicaii, ; <br /> , <br /> S af 5er.tsrc�t asx �i�aun.ilaip . .'?nrere c>' i'-re f', l",. }ia7.2 j <br /> , � � <br /> � (;�au��ty, Stvt� af iVabraeka ct�.&v,�d e.s r�+,-v,,rd�rZ ir��i� � � t'2ead�f�atnt�� ,LFcrt,�,x,��p '�ez�r� ,E � <br /> oJ` trae s�eccyx-de� a,f sr:i.� 1_'ou.n.y. L}c�cuwent Nv. y6-17Q3573 i <br /> ; �;V 7Li.ST'IMC�.�`k' 33 1If'FcT���etz:� .rai;z C;rand� IsJ.and Tcust Casropany Pz;•.r sauscr�t <br /> . � t�sesc��?r�+rcnts to hi� �xe-'taetcd°�y ats �.-s�$F.�B a.aa�� mPv i.a?��p>q+-:.=c , t��t�=�rtt:�ir.cai l�,r;-ef7 thxs 2Sth � � � . <br /> i { <br /> r � daxy�of ApriL , ;� 77 '�. ; ! � <br /> ' tf�at�a�sa trI2t1ND �^3�Ip' �51�G`b:R'A ; _.j <br /> � ' <br /> � --- ti.�A .. .::- -.... _.... .. ..... ....... . _ _.,. _-. 1'sv .r� ,.e G.`� ..,z°r�r� ��1-4,!�'- �'sr�s�estt? <br /> ' �i � � . <br /> � � <br /> �� <br /> . ; <br /> :... . , _ _ .. ttcst _.._.. _,_ � s�ac � �,eda?� + <br /> � � � <br /> �7'ai 7`�z txl�'�::`'.�r ���..?Y�#i�.kS4#.... .--. . . --... � <br /> , ' _ . �,.- 25�h. ' � vf _.A�Nxik.._ _. . ss� X.Z... , <br /> j� _._.. ,:' 1, .. , <br /> 1 C triat'� yrsdae�,:� ane.�. �.:.._---.... ._.. ._. �`�:W...iH.,.W��ci'a�dt tr - aarArr�r x:ne,i a �'��"t`� 1!1A�.��Yrrsrr�irxt�u �ddte <br /> � ; � � 3�i`fi � �:Y �`4 .. e � . __. j + <br /> $ ..,.. s�_. ,,-. . .... G�and..7s�.an+� '�rust.__t�v�pany a t'c>r�i�>raeerrn� <br /> � � � , . - �.Vti; . � . <br /> _ Yn aoea� y�y�,�unzx�"_i lsxurcai tr he �dar� r�r¢ae:r ,rc�t r iaC�x-a! �raava, n,sa ��r�.sax a.r �a�*a�ncl tu I„� a7i r w�rr�se anc�� <br /> � 1 aekt�<��u>ledo��''�s�t� r.s�<.•uhr�a� ihe+-erzf ti� t<< lts.y er,Furtt�srl, �a,�#a�art d.r�.d �t�'.Q'tar.�da r,}ic2r-_ ,and SJxr a�utttirxlrr+v re�.d ar��i deer3 � <br /> ' � ra� aca.� �.uryhe,r�cv�r». ' � ` a �, __._� ' ,, ' � <br /> � 3� a�NP1�l+t�si�kr��t��' <rnd Votarvul ,tiral oR Gra�d It�1a4d -*lebreSka. r�r� s�f`i`Cor�vatt llrr hnPar� Palttr� <br /> [ ast .zlyd}4C�raf�pRiCNT � i <br /> , . ' f GeneraLf a-�;al ofNEbY " ' � � <br /> � � 4P c �p. �ecemher Z1_ 77 P <br /> ,- �. . Deccmbur 21�19,�, . �... , i <br /> , ;.. . ... ........ .. . .... ... . � .. . ' ._ ,-,.,,.� .. . � <br /> . �.::_:-._ . .:,�., _ . .... . ..:.. _ ....��. . . ... . .,.. . _ . , -„� . <br /> _ _�,: � �'�tAI:T I�TU._. _ _ _ ' . � ` � <br /> �,g'yr's�°�. 1. A tract r�f land in LoC Four (4), Islend 5e�Cion hleven (il��n�; <br /> '�` �` and the Narthwest QuarCcr of the Southwr.eC unrter (NtQ 5W "��' <br /> '� + Eleven (I1). all Stt 7'�wnship Ten (lp) No�rth� 12ange Ten�(i(1)�We�vc$nf the�. ` <br /> �,. ` 51xCh Principal Meridian, liall County. Nebrz�ska;, and more particularly � <br /> �:; . d@ycribed as follows: lleginciing at thc West c�uarter Corner c�f said ° <br /> �'�t, Island Section �leven (lt); Cl�ence N iJ'�23' !,. :+lnng tt�e West line of e� � } " <br /> V`�� � Ittland Section 6leven (tl) Nine liundred Toreney and S�venty-�AUk hundre � , <br /> . � y� ' C920.74) feet; Chence S t�9°37` t.., a di€�tance oE Six Hundr�d ThirCy-Seve 1 <br /> �+;�� • snd No Hundr�dehe C6.s7.00) feet; ti�ence S 0°�i' W. . a distance os" rlexe �'a .a `} <br /> � ' Hundred N3nety-fnur and 1lsenty-twn 1#ut�dredths (114ti,2: , �pet, tn the �+ <br /> `p� ' centtrline of a Thirty nnri nc Hundr�+dths (7r?.pt)) feet wide eaetmr.nt fc�r <br /> -�`s roadway r�rpdsee�; theace 5 50°OI'3�l" W, alon� t��, r.enterl.iu� of said ;��' � <br /> �,� Thirty Fpot easemenr, a distanc�� c�f '1'wc� ..undxed Pive and Eighty-Nine � <br /> Nundre[he (2p5.89j f.eet; thence contii�uiny nn the centerllne of e�id <br /> :.��' Thirt F'oot �aaeement S 72Q t <br /> Y ��' W., a distance bf F'ive Hundred and Fifty �,� � � <br /> - �' Five Hundredths (SOU.55) feet to n �xolnt nn the Weet l.ine of rgi�l I�land ` <br /> �+a� Section Elevaa (11); thence yorch alr�n�, the Wcst line nf said Ialand (Co t <br /> SecCion Eleven (11), a �diatance of F'1ve Hundreci Sixty �nd Fifty Chree Hundredtha fest to Che <br /> Weet C2uarter Corner oE eaid T�siand SecCion Cleven (II} and th� point of beginning; said ttact � <br /> containing 20.U0 acres more or less of whicli 1.12 acree mnre ur leem ;zre reaerved for [;punty i� <br /> rogd p�urpaaee and with 0.2G acza nnvre or l.�+ss cen,.r ved arc a 1.5 �out wide "Easemrnt for Road <br /> Puspase»" on the 5outherly bcsundary af e�a1d crnct as shrn,m on the Filed p1aC. <br /> "�- TTtACT N0. 2: A Cract of land in Lot �'our (4)� Island Scatlon Eieven {I1), and tfie Northwe�t ` <br /> Quarter oE th�a SauChwest Quarter (NW'a,SW'a?, I:slanu Seetion Eleven (11�, all in Townsl►ip 7su (IOy �, <br /> :tatth,, Range Ten (!G), West of kh� S1xth E'rincipal Meridian, li�].:I CountY, Nebraske enel n�asc <br /> •p�rr���alnirly deacrtber3 a� ta::;�wb: Cv�n��N«cieig ac che We�at C�uarter Corner of eaid Ia2andn�Sec� � <br /> tivn Blevnn (I1); chence N On23'Ot)" 1:, along the Weet Lf •e of the Northwcat Quarter of aaid <br /> Island Sectidn Elevea (11)� � �tiscance +oF Nine Hundred 7t,,enty a;� u�::�ncy-F,our NundradChs <br /> (920.7A) feeC [o tiie point �f be�tnnil3g; ttience cont3nuinK N 0°23'(1p" F., along th�e H�r[ liat of <br /> th� Northveat Quart+9r o� said Tsland Sectian Eleven (I1? . a distance af 2tro Nupdred +sed �a ```r+ � <br /> Nt►ndredChg (2qO.Qh) #eet� thence S Srd°'37'q0" li.� � aia t..,,�e of �i�tet liundred Seventy-l►ive snd sbl �,,' � <br /> Saventy-Fiv� llundr�dtha �875.75) fcet; thence 5 O 23'00" W„ a dietance af. Une Thoueand Oae �rr =., <br /> � Ntandred NineCy^-One and Thitcy-Tt�ree Rundredchs (IL91.33) feeC. to the Centerline of a Thirty <br /> d al�ad Aio Hundr�edths (30.00) fe�t wfdc euee*.ment foz roadway pur�oees; chence 5 5C�°tll'30" Ft. alon�, � . <br /> Che Gent�r�iae of said Thirty Eoot easement, a dAeR+altCe;of Three lfiundred Thlrteen and Thirtv-'Jvr <br /> Hundredths �313,�2) frt!�t�� [hCnc� :^d Q�23"4tD" �,.. ex d3sc:nce aE une 7'hau�sand One }iundred Nlnptv- ��r <br /> Four ond 'Y�v�nr.y-Tmn ia�.���2�dtta� :11?4.w�� f�mi; c'rae��ce iv a9°li°t�t1" W.� a di.atante of 5tx � <br /> H�drld 'Chiriy-Seven-rnd No HundtcdChe� (6�7,U0) feet �o the pntnt vE beginning: said EraAct <br /> conCsicftng 10.O1,acYee mnre or lee� ot wrhicT� O.�S ticre m�re csr lese{ ace reaecved for �nuntv <br /> rcrad purp�rsea aad aith n,li »�T+� merc ot 2C��, r�.e�rvr.I aee ciie Narth unR ttalf tTv�a) af � <br /> �� e��aut wid� "Ea��OsaenC far Roed Purpvaee'° an the 5r.�u�:hcarl llvunda _ d <br /> ' � oa [he filed plat. Y i`V af aatd tracC. stt <br /> . <br /> Th tit f _� <br /> h 9 <br />�'., : <br />