<br />��� � „��:
<br /> .,_:�: .-.-- � �'
<br /> �
<br /> STATE t?F;NESRASSd, County o€ ..............................�._......:......_.....:
<br /> ` F`iled.for record an'. ....... :.................. 19....._.`at......._.................... u'cloek ...................._... M.
<br /> ;. , and recurded in the Deed Ftecord<............................•-., P�e ...:.........................
<br /> : .......... ...»..... ............ .... .,. ,....,.......... 23p ......... ....... ....._...,.......,
<br /> .._.... .......... .........
<br /> � �tegiater of l�eeda 13aputz Re�ister af Deads �
<br /> ��`.� (?�� � ;'�� SUR�'I�QRSI3TP W:A�RA3\TT5►T DEED `
<br /> ; ,' -'
<br /> , ,? ; EL?WAR:L1 A. M��N2NGER 'and CARMEN.A. MEIATIATGE33., t�usbHr�d and wife�, raackr in
<br /> � 1�3.s �nd 3ser oWn ra.�;ht and' �s sptru�e o� �aach cather
<br /> ;. ; , herein es�licd tl�e grantor�hether. oFaa c�r more,
<br /> in cousideration of OAT�: l:)DI.L��R (�5 i .UO) AI�D U'i`E3E1� Vt1IWIIABT.E COIvxSIDi:RATIc?Z:
<br /> j ' received frnm grantaes, doeu �rant, bur��in, sell c�n��ey and confirm unto I2E�I3ER'!``5. ;i1L�T�S�'L�YE:R.
<br /> a�nd .3ANE"I` S. i?I;STEMEY�R, hust�and �<�nd wife
<br /> � . . . . . . . � . � x;p r►�.�nak'+�FR�.a�rT�C.wslM�.... �
<br /> s;'� �.'�. ... . . . . . , . . .. .
<br /> a as joint tenanta xvith right of surviti�orship, and uot us te.iants iu eommon, the follow=ing dee�cribed renl
<br /> �1 P�rt of 23Ic3clx Two (�� r>f
<br /> i property in ................... Hail......................... Cnunt�-.Nebraska: ICaP131es Subdivis3on located
<br /> ...................
<br /> � + 'vlaon :a part of 'tihe 8outhe��t €�uarter af elxe Sout�zwest (�3a�rtar (5E-�-SS��1 caf
<br /> � �a`�et�.on 7�, Township ➢ T Nortb, }tangc� 9 West of thF Eitt� P.t�t. . �nc3 a I,art a2 Loi:
<br /> ' P'ourteer� ( t�C� af Lhe County Sui:;di�=is3nn of the ldest H�Af of tka� �putt�we�t t�uar-
<br /> ;; t�7 (W�SW�� 'of Secta.on 15, Townsht7� 71 Nprt�i, Ran„e y West af the tatri P.hi. u�ar,�
<br /> ` �part3c�larly� clescrfbod as f'ollows, Lu-iait c�mmoncin�; at a� point on i:�s�a 7Vorci;
<br /> �; bcaundery �.iae vf saici Blocic '.'., �a� f�*et W�st uf che Nnrtt�east coz�ne�r of sa3d
<br /> ; Iflocls; rvnning tin�rsce Sontty parail�l with thca ?�'est t�ound�ry 3znc� uf �aid Bl[ack
<br /> �, �- �'or a dis�ance of 135 1'eet ta a point an the Northar3,y boundary 13ne of t3ac� bc��.L-
<br /> i 13nt: of tt�a Ct�3oa,�o Hurlin�tan �'w- 4�uitxcy 12aiiroad Cowpany, runnin� thoncc� ixx :y
<br /> � # Sauthwasterly diseetion �lon� <and u�on saic3 Nortt�exly boundary 13ne flt' �aid belt
<br /> }, 13.no for � distance oF 54.� f'ceat, rnannin�; thence North �arallel with cha Weat
<br /> „ �;bov�drary 3ine of �a3d Block far a distaraoe of t'�� fec.t ia the North �aundary
<br /> „' � Zin� af said Bloc}�� runn3ng thc�nce Eest alon� �nd u=r-�__ `,� _ t� ��xandary 3ine ��f
<br /> --'� �,�=•r .
<br /> ' sa3d H].ocic fox a di�'t�rac�s of �ti.6 f�:et to tlae ��2ace, af be�ina�ir.�;.
<br /> $ To hsve and to hu13 tF.z sbov� deecr;:�ad }�z•4.fc�ises Lu�;eiuer �viin aii tenemeuis, iierediva.ments
<br /> nnd s��purtenances thereto belongin� unto the �rantees �nd to theFr ussigns, or tc� ?,he heirs and �ssi�„;us
<br /> of the stnrvivor of them farerer.
<br /> And $rantor does liereby covenant w�ith the �trantees and �+ith their assigns snd x=ith the heirs
<br /> and ussigns of tha aun•i�or of tbem that grantor is laticfully seised of said precuises; that they are£rec Prona
<br /> eneumbranee E;xo��t #'or e.�s�sn�ents and restrictions vi recard
<br /> � �iat grantor has good right t4ud ia�cf��l �uthority to can�•e`- ti�e �;,n�e; un3 that grantor warrauta x�aii w+�it3
<br /> defend the kitle ta su:d preruises a�xiust the lauful el�icxis of at; x�c.•sons �ciiornso�ver.
<br /> It is the inteuticrn of sll parties Y�ereto ilia� iu the event of the c�ea�u of either of the �;r,iule4s,
<br /> F
<br /> t31e entire lze title tt� thin real proF>i>rty ctiall �•+�st: in tilic s�tr�•iring grsntee.
<br /> a a: �:, . . . .
<br /> i
<br /> D�.t�a �� t� is 7 T ,,
<br /> ; ........................_..............................,...........,.. �.��:��.�.-�.:t1�..:�. ��x�.�-�._
<br /> , . ...... w -
<br /> � ���r�� A �le%n,z-;��c�r ,�.' �
<br /> � � c , � � �
<br /> �
<br /> A. ......,.. �u.`._.���° :/'f� '�:.fx:c�F .Z....:1..........
<br /> )
<br /> ... ..._... .. ....................................._......_..... arrtaQn .A. ��.'�1e zazn��eal��y
<br /> �` , T.�T�br3sl a '3all -
<br /> 8'IATE 4F ' Count,v af
<br /> Before me� a aotary pubTia qnalified for said cauni,y, perc;oueclly came EI3WARn r1. R1I:IISIA'GF.Fx
<br /> , and -�AI3P9EN x. Ai�I2:TNGER; 'husband ancl wife, c:ach in k*i.�� <3nd her own rif:;ht
<br /> , ca�ci as �e+nuse nf �aoii c�ther
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ,{ knaxvn to me tu be the identicai perHon or persoae�+hu s�gned tiie Ic�reqoing instru�nent and 8t7�CIIO�i'led�ed '�'` �'�""+�. '
<br /> ` ' ihe eaeuutiou Ehsreof to be his,her or their vo2untn��y -aet und deed. ��r"
<br /> � � � � ' �tx
<br /> �.w.' Witnese my hand and notarisl seal on_.,.. .�...._�t _���,j.�. �"� ...... .-_........, 13.._-�..�. � x.
<br /> „y . :11A Pi�T�£ �'�,��;...����'... � a
<br /> ; :, GEN�R�.L td�i�.��" ... ...,,4:.�"'�'?_... �L'��.. ................._..... 1Votsrs nta�3lic ..
<br /> .,. , .,. . . , ......_r . . .� � �.. ,
<br /> ":atc.uf"ws v .�r^„ .. ! . .r -...y �
<br /> t � My C*..r t�� _:._ �# l�f.y camxnissinn espixes .......C..:..C:�:I..:.�..L...................... 39....�..�......
<br /> C� ;eu ;FT ? �
<br /> Faxm 4_2 To be xspproved by \eiaraslca SYate I3ar�sso�iatian rdtun�Wd!Ou..liaooln.Nebr.
<br /> � �:'� � � �.. � .. . . . � . �. �
<br />� ,
<br />