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<br /> 7�- ��3�1:��
<br /> M�R3"GAGE
<br /> ' SiORTCAGE LOAN N0. L T
<br /> �''" fcrrowaLL��xsrz-[tEserxEs�-rs.Tr�c Theodore W. Kelsey and Anne A, Kelsey each in his and
<br /> :.1 '
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each Otf7eY' hlnrtgagar,wheiheroneormorv,;��n:�a�ra�co�dfu�eg�„nof
<br /> , ' TwQnty-six Thousand Eight Hundred and Na/100----------------------------_______
<br /> ,'._ ___ Doi.i.a�zs
<br /> � ��loancd ta�said murtgagor by The Hquitable�Building and.Luan Association vf Grand[sland,.Nebraska.,Merigagee,upan 26$ � shares of stock nF�
<br /> said ASSQCFATION,CerUficate No. L 22y616 ' ,do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSUClI-;flOh the folloWing
<br /> described real estaix,situated in tia11 Councy,Nebrasi:a:
<br /> �
<br /> �; ' togcther�.w;th s!! t.^.e ce.^.ements,he��s��tx.:ents and apprrtenances thereu�ao bel�nging,includi.�±g attached t7oor coverings,�all�window screerts,.
<br /> . winc3aw.shades�,blinsis�,stonnwirxdows��awnings,.heating,airwnditioning,undptumbingand�vxterequipmentandaccessories:thereio,pumps,stoves, � �
<br /> refrignrators,and ncher fixtures and equipmen:now or hereafter aitached to or used in connectio3�with said reai estate.
<br /> � � And whereas the said�cxortgagor.has agreed and does hereby agree�that Ihe mortgagor sti.all. and will pay all taxes and sssessments Levied m.
<br /> assessed upon said premises and rspon dxir znortguge and the 6ond secured thereby belore che same shatl hecome delinquent;to furnish approved
<br /> � � insurance upon�the buildings on said premises situaLed in the surn of$ Z6�8��.0� payable� to said r15SOC1ATiON and�to delirer ta said� . . .
<br /> � � ASSOCIATION�the poiicies tor said insarance:and nu[to cocnmit or permi[any waste un or about said premises;. � �
<br /> � � � in case�of default in the performance of any of the terms and condixions of tivs mnrtgage or the bond secured hereby,Ihe mortgagee�sh.all,
<br /> �� .�. oii demand,be entitled to immec9iate poss�ession uf the mortgaged premises and the mor[gagor hereby assigns, [r2nsfers and sets aves to the�� � �
<br /> � . �mortgagee all the rents,revenues and income to be derived from the moctgaged premises during such t'une es the znortgage indeb[ednass shat3 remain �
<br /> unpaid;and the mortgagee�sliall.have the power to uppoint any agent.or agents it may desire faz the putpose of repairing said premises and renting�� : ��
<br /> � � th�.��:r 2^.c_oiiece.ing iiie re^Ss.revenucs ar,c'.ir.eo:Zc.� . �.:y p,:r�a. - -a:� i,tcoma &tl..cx�:..nses of repairing sai3 prcmises a;,d�n�cessxry. . . .
<br /> � � eottunissions and rxpenses incursed in rentin�and managingtthe same and�of coLecting rencals zherefrom; the balnnce remaining�.if xny,to be � �
<br /> � app3ied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness:these�ights of ttie a�ortgagea may he exerciud at any[ime ducing ihe existmce of suoh ,
<br /> � .defautt,irrespecxive.of any temporary waiver of the same. � .
<br /> '� � � These Vresents,however,are upon the Cundition,That if the said S�fortgagor shall repay said loan on ar before Ihe�maturiry uf said aharos by� .
<br /> � paymenr,p-ay monthiy to said ASSOC1AT10N of the sum specified in[he Bond secured hereby as interest and principal on sard ioan,on or�before. �
<br /> the Twentieth d•ey of each arid eveay month,untii said laan is fully paid;pay al!taaes and assessments levied against said premises and on this Mortgage
<br /> and [he Bund�secured thereby,before detinquency;Furnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in che sum ot S 2(�$QQ.QQ paYable
<br /> � . ta said.ASSOCIATI(JN;repay tu�s3id ASSOCIATI6N upoa dema.nd.al!rnoney by it paid tbr such.taxes,assesstnents and insurance�with intertst at. .
<br /> � . � ihe�m:iximum legal rate thereon from date af.paymeni all of which Mortr.agor hereby agrees to pay;permit no waste on said premises;keep an3 compfy � ., - �. �
<br /> . with a!1 the agreemer�ts and canditions of the}3ond�f'ur 5 25�$OO.OOlhis day given by the said htortgagor to sa.id ASSt7CLAT10N,and.wmply �
<br /> ��� � wilh afl the reyuiren�ents of cL�Cunstitution and SyLaws of said ASS6C2ATION;dirn [hese presents.shall become null and.void,othenvise thay . �
<br /> . ��shnll rcmain in full�furce and may br foreclosed at�the option�f 4kie said��SSOCSATION after Yailure for three m�nths to make any ol'said � . ' .
<br /> . payme�n[s or be tlu�ee�manths�in anears in rnaicing,said monclily nayments,or to keeo and comply wi[h the agreements artd coaditions pI said.Bond; �. . .. �� ��.
<br /> � and?.�iUrtgagor agrees to have a.receivar nppointed fbrthwith.in such forecloswe praceedings. . . � . - � �
<br /> � � �If tliere is any change in owncrship of the rexl estaYe morcgaged herein,by sale or otherwise,tlten the entie remainic� indeb[ednexs hereby ��
<br /> secaced shall,at the option of The Cquitable l3uilding and L.oan Association of Gzand IsJand,Nebraska,becomc immcdiately due and payable without � �� . � . � .
<br /> � . furtMer.notiee,.and the amour*t remalning due under said hond,and any other bon3 for any additional advanc;es made thereunder,shxll,.[rom the � � .. � ..
<br /> : date of�exercise�f c.aid ontion,bear inreress at the maxfmnm leeul rate,and this mortgaqa mxy then be foreciosed to satisfy the amount due on said �: � � . � � ��
<br /> . bund,znd any other bond!or additional advances,togztlfer with all sums.paid by said"fhe Equixable Bui}ding and:,aan Ass4c;atior,cf G:an3 lslan�, � � � . � � . . -
<br /> . �Nebraska tor insuranca,tazes and assesscnents.and abstracting extension charges. with interest thezean, fram date of payment ac [he maximum � � ��
<br /> �legal rate:. � . : . � .� . .
<br /> . As prurided in the Bc�nd secureci hereby,while this mrntgage zenxains fn effzct ti3e mortgagee may hereatier advancP:�dctitiun:il sums m L#u; . � .
<br /> makers til'said Sond.,�heir xssigns vr successors in interest,w^hich sums shatl be within the security�f t!ts m _ �the�.._.�$:c F•::d:c::'--" � . � . � .�.
<br /> ; �.�,i . . -='�-a e.� y
<br /> - securaci chereby,�the rotal umcaunr ot r.^..^.c:n�deht ro:� ��c_}i a:i�.;-te:��_`.,.�,�;3h,. _ . >,-r�fcii:a.; . � .
<br /> . . . . . " a .................... :S�6G.
<br /> Da n,� 23rd aay oe Apri 1 4.a.,is77
<br /> ,:-y�f +ore ��. �����y?`�
<br /> . �,, . /'� `�.'r'-/"" - .-
<br /> Anne A> Ke?say .
<br /> srnTE oF r��x�tnst�n, ss. oa ttus 23rd ady oc Apri 1 19J� ,beFore me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HAti,L� ""�j� " _. �°w±.
<br /> . � � � . � the unc�ersigned,a Notary Public in and for said County,persnnally came
<br /> Theoriore Af. �. nd Anne A. Ke1 sey each i n hi s and her own ri ghta,h�nd arespc��y�sg�a�f�ng�,fr}� . ��',
<br /> � �� other �� ����t fi7�� � � � � � ,�
<br /> me tp be the` n(��1�ear.$��� hose name 5 dY'8 affixed to the above instrumenx as mo:tgagor 5 and they ���uy
<br /> 'ti ra L ,:" � their �*
<br /> �adcnowle��K3nstruit�i�t:4p�, � voluntary aci and decd. . .
<br /> ' � - '!��� 'K7�idi6 hanij an .�tarial Seal ihe date gforasaid. � � : �� �
<br /> � �. Uf�✓�ta�SSfOht' . . � . �„ . � .
<br /> � �;...^'.�oa:y� / ,� / �` .
<br /> r � r / 1 /n s y �9G �_
<br /> : % ,,�;� � 2���u��/.1 /i�A'� ,�,r(12.t:�i*G�-r--1 � d'`�.�L,f^t�Z�""-�y-��-' . ..
<br /> si�aes ns ����/,�,���.'�2 } ���c�,Z���=w f Nntary Pubiic �
<br /> �.: ' �7f tivc'�.
<br />' .:,,.. _ ` �
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