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<br /> DUE OfV SALE
<br /> ' SAVING5 FUN1]
<br /> .. ��� - FOAm No.720 . . . . � � � � .� � : . ' . . - . .. . � .
<br /> :�� � .. . . .. . . . .L08C5:1`lilP11�`1GF�-^3✓��1_..---^-�-�'�`�---�_:��__..
<br /> 6 � 7Yae � Otanc�.
<br /> x
<br /> �` r�n� 3 .��, : �w o R �r � ,�, G E
<br /> � �� u�� .y
<br /> ; 'I`E3IS MQR'I'GAGE, made and executed this :.:.:.... ���-''.:........:.:dmy of<:.: ..:�,��. 'r....:.. :.::__A.D., ,
<br /> � �
<br /> s 19,...7.7._,between the Mortgagor' .:P�u1.i�:LS�ns.en,bacYs.:er�d;Katherine,:P.Sensenbarh,.hu band_��rid
<br /> :: w1`"e,, eaeh in,his, and l�er own andividuai raght..ansi.as_.s�ao}tse_;of.the otner�:.�?ini>lY...and s�-�Y
<br /> ti; , �•- -----�- - : � ' ,
<br /> . of.....��.rand_island-,----_., Gounty af_. _ ....H�1�-......... .....:. State of:_. Ne�raska.--.,hereinafter referred
<br /> � to as the Boriower, and the �torfga,�e.e; FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AlvD LC1AN�.SSUCIATIOZV OF
<br /> LINGQI.N,:1^35 "N" Street, Lincoln, �Tebraska 685Q1, ats success�rs and assigns,hereinafizr referred t.o
<br /> as I.en�3er.
<br /> { WzTauEss�Tx T`hat he sa�d Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of�en+y "'2Yree Thousand
<br /> , E��'ht..Htzndred and No�100 --------------.-'S�ol,ars(LS��3a_8Q0 00--.. __..._.)
<br /> ._..... .............•-----•- --�---...._---.....-----�--�---•---.__....._. . ..._ . ,..
<br /> �, ; paid'bv said.Lender, d�es hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lrnder, iis successors and assigne; the
<br /> following described prapexty locttted in the County of._..�a�:............ ..._.. ._._.,State of ATefira�iea:
<br /> The Souther3y Fifty'feet (S 5p') of Lois Fou.r (4�) and Five (j}, an3 tla.e Southerly ��if`ty
<br /> feet {S SQ`) of the Westerly Five feet (W 5') of Lot Thr�e (3), in F`racticinsl Bloc£�
<br /> a: :;
<br /> Pi've (5), in Wal3.ichs' Additic^, to the City of Grand Islsnd, fia_l1, County, Nebr�ska,
<br /> r ,4#.�... . . . . . . .
<br /> � ;: 'I`acsTxEe s�ith all the improvements noGv or hereafter erected on the pmperty, and all e�sements,
<br /> rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, inineral, oil and gas iights and profxts, water, water rigt�ts, and
<br /> wuter stock,and all futures now or hereafter att,ached t.o the propertti=, all of which, including re�laee-
<br /> ments and additions thereto,s�iall be deemed to be and remain a parC of the propertv covered liy this
<br /> �' ?vtortgage, and all of t.he faregoing,#o�ether with said propert.,y t�r the leasehold esiaie in c,ne avetit this
<br /> I�2ortgage is on a leasehoid} Are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br /> Bormwer covenants that Borrower i� law#ully seised of the estate herebv conveyed and has the right
<br /> � to-mortgage, grant and convey the 1'mperty, that the Property is unencumberecl, x�r�d that Borrower will
<br /> wsrrant and defend gez�erally the title to the Prop<art,y against all daims and dem�tnc.'s-, sul�jcct to any
<br /> eac�ements and r�strictions listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in an,y titie insurance �aolicy in-
<br /> suring Lender's interest in tt3e Property, or (2) attarnev's �pinion of �itle fram Abstract af title certified
<br /> l�y bonded abstracter.
<br /> Paovzz��n :1LwAt s, and these preEents are executed and delivered upon ilie following condit.iaxxs,agres-
<br /> ments and obligations of the Borrox*er, to-wit:
<br /> :The Btarrower ag;rees to/-prt_y to the Lender,or order the prinripal sum�f ._ 'I`wenty 1t�'ee Thousand
<br /> ', . . .. E1.��'!.'�"i.,HTZTIS�S'.�CI..�T1.C�..PIQf.�,OO . ��._.���.�_�._�.��_�... �" ...'.':'�O1�STS (L,.1S �.��..3iUl7Q�.�Q .� > . .
<br /> . � - _ . ........_. . .. .......... � ��.
<br /> pavable as'�rovided in�i�nte executed and delivered,concurrentiy hereti�-ith,t:he iinal payment of�rincipal.
<br /> '; ' if not s�ner paid,on the___ ._Ist...._.--.-- dav af....-.N�aY... ....._.. _.._....., i�_2G2�
<br /> IJrstx�qR!�t Cov�;xa�rrrs. Bvrsower and Lencier covenant and agree as folto�hs:
<br /> 1. Payrnent of Principal ancP Iait�xest. Borro�ver shall pironiptly pa�• when due the��rincipal of and in-
<br /> terest on the inde�rtedne,cs evidenr.eci h� thr.�'ote, prepa,ymenl za�id late charges as pro��icleci in tl�e Nat.e,
<br /> +, t and the principal of and interest on any Future Advances secured t��� ihis n2ort�age.
<br /> 2. Punds for Taxes and 7nsurance. Subject to Lender's a�ation under para.�raphs 4 and �.hereoi, Bor-
<br /> ,. ro�ver si�alt gay-ta L,e,nder on the da,y mc�nthl}� instaliments ui princip�ti snd interest are payai�ie undertne
<br /> i�Tote,nntil the N'�te ie paic�in full,a sum (herein"H uncis'j eyual t.o oi�e-tk°etitti of the yearly taxey nnei
<br /> assessmeuts whieh may atEain priorit>•over this A4oM:ga�e, and grcaund re:nts an the Prc�peri;�-, if anv }�lus
<br /> r
<br /> one-Lwelith of y�Arly premium installmenta for hazard insursnce, plus one-tcvelfth crf yearlv �3renriusn in-
<br /> stallments for mort.gsge irtsumnce,iE anv, all as reasonabl,y� �:stimated inil,iallv �nd fruln tinie t<� ii�xxe l�w
<br /> L+ender on tl�e basis of assess�tyents and kiills and reason�ble Ystamates thereof, Lenuer shali apu3v the I"unds
<br /> � to pav:;aid tsxes,�ccessmenta,ansurance�remiums and ;round rents. I.�nder sha41 make s:o ^tiarh*e fer sU
<br /> holdirg sn� epF?3•ir.A !h� �,�••�s e:t-�rifti•i::g ..^� �.n�.2...�: _:�::1 ..;��:s�:d.en.s �s��3 'u:t; •:•:a.. f., u'er a:iw:l
<br /> . .. ^.. c , ,. ,::�
<br /> .- �*ive ta-the Borrower, w-ithout charge,an annual act�ount:iag of the Func�s sh��•in�c•redits and c3ebita''to t:he
<br /> Funds and the purpose for�vhich each debit to the Funds was made. 7'he Funds are pledged as addiGional
<br /> s�c`urit,y for the sum�s se.cixsed by this '41art�age. 'I'he Bormti;�er ngrce�thzat the� Fundc may be: hPld bv the
<br /> Lender and.commizig}ed with other funds and the i.ender's o�cn tunds Ancl fhe Lender may�.+a�F such iteme
<br /> from its or�� iunds and the Lender shall not be l�akrle#or intere�t ar dividends on such Funds. "''�u-¢ '-` a' �
<br /> If the�mount of the Funds held bv Lender,together uzt.Yi the future monthly installmenis oF Func�s +6;K:� �
<br /> : m
<br /> payabie prior to the due dates of taxes,sssessmenLs, insurance �remiums aud ground ren#s, shall exc:e4.>rl }
<br /> tlae amannt r�uired to pav said tases,assessments,insurance premiums ztnd�raund rents as t.hev faFl due, ,
<br /> � such esceas shall be, at Barrr�wer's optaon, eif=hez promptly repaid to Borrower ar creciited to Borrorver vn
<br /> ' tn�onl:hly its�#,allments of Funds. If,ihe amount of the Funds�eld hv I,eader shal!not 6e sufT'icieni,to pat� � :
<br /> faxea, asse�sments. i�urance rrr+emiUm,s Rnd�rrti�r*# rentc ?as ^�hay ap�a ,�,e, u„r..,�•o� �r4tt r..�, ±., r�n.�,�. ..
<br />�: any smount aecessart ta muke np the deficiencv wittun tfurtv,davs affer�icatic.� frocn Lcsn�ier #a f�orn�wer
<br /> requesting payment �ereof� Ol BOtIOWeI' S}28�, by'an incneas+e in moni�hly instalFmenfis of Funds required. �
<br /> repay tl3e deficiency within the �und aceounting period.
<br /> I.ipon payment in.fuii of aii sums secured bv this i�Rartsaee.Lender shalt applv Func�s hePd as a eredit
<br /> ; a�air,st aii sauns due.
<br />-, �..a,: �...�
<br /> ' �
<br />�
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<br />