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<br /> ;sur3�r.vi.�rc�rr n�3�,�r�rrr
<br /> ni ocx 5, `corr��rrn:rrrnT car�rrrs
<br /> � , !an Addii:3on .to the Cii:y of' Grand Ssland, Ptevrr�ska
<br /> Mid-Cnntxz�ent 7�tterprsses, Inc., a £+iebraska oorpor�.tion, hereinafter refexred to
<br /> n'� ' a.s the Subdivider;, r�s awner of the followin� described rec�.3 est�i�e:
<br /> �' : � trmct=of 1r�.nd corrrprising, a part oi' 7 oi; C7ne (].) af Fr�,ctiona2 Sec+.icn'
<br /> � Seven (7), and a paxt oi' the Wewt Ha1t' of the Plcarthc�rest <�uarter (Sd�_TTv7;�)
<br /> of 5ectir�n Ei€,ht (f3); a.11 in T�wnship �leven (].1) North, l�an�,e Nine (�)
<br /> ' �>
<br /> West of the 6th P.M., Ci�y �f Grand Islaxad, �Iu11 County, I'�Tcbrasl;a, and
<br /> more particularly described as fc1l��ws:
<br /> � ` Commenaing at the northwest corner �f said I�ractie;nal �eetiars Seven
<br /> " (7), thence 3 UO° 00' OU" E (assumed, be�irinLy) alon� the westerly line a2'
<br /> ' said T'ractional Seci;ion ,;�even (7) a di.�tance of 1.,559•47 reet �,nd i.ts
<br /> intea:sectian with the extended soutl�erly line c�f' Colle�e Stre.et and
<br /> bein� the Point oS be�inrsin�;; thexice ?`d 90° OU' O�" F ai<�n�; tlxe souther�.y
<br /> 5 right-of-wuy line of College Stree�; a distance of �+31.32 £eet �o a pvi3i�;
<br /> ; � of curva.ture; thence �n ��. curve to the ri�ht (choz•d b�arin�; � �i4a Q2, �T3„ x,,
<br /> , xadius b�in� 310 feet) an arc dss�:ri,rtce of 138.Q6 i'eet to a pr�int of r�i�erse-.
<br /> , ; curvature;.t2xence un a cusve to the left (r.hard bearin� ;; 21� 12' 1sG" sy
<br /> ; radius bein� 1�00� feet) fa.n axc di.si:ance of lOq:�37 Peet -;o a �c�ir�t af
<br /> eompound enrvature; �hence on a curve to the l.eft {chord bet�.ring 5?3°
<br /> 1�' 07`' F.; radius bein� 237 feet,) an �rc dist�.nce of 7i.35 i'e�4; thence
<br /> S 42° 47' 17�� ,d a dis�anc� of 137.0? feet; tlience S 90° OC�' Oc�" ta a
<br /> ; distance oi' S22.5� feet t� a point on the t•�est line oi' said r'rac�iUnai
<br /> ', i` Seven (7); tl�ence N 00° G�' d0" Ld alcn� the tivest line of said �r�ctic:n.�.l.
<br /> Section Seven (7) a dista.nce of 3�G�.0 f'eet to thc noint c�t' be�iTxning, anci
<br /> ` � ' evntainin,g 4.336 a.cres, more or 1ess;
<br /> „`
<br /> desires to 31n.ve subdi�ided as a suUdivision the above described tract of Land tishi.ch i.s
<br /> r ';
<br /> ' ? ' `located wit3lin the corpor�,�e �imits of the City of Grand Island, T:ebraska, a.nd hEre'�y
<br /> �
<br /> � fi submit to t�e City Councii of' such City for acceptance as provided by iaw an accurate
<br /> it
<br /> m�.p and p2at of suc�� proposed subdirision to be known as Block 5, Cent�nental Gardesls,
<br /> � 2 '
<br /> 3 dess�nai;in� c;xplicitly the Zand to oe laid out and particularly descri:aing the bloc3t
<br /> by number and the easements by dimensions, and proposes to cause -LY=e plat �i' suc� sub-
<br /> � , �iivision when final2y .�.pproved by� the 12e�ionz�l P7.s.3�ning Camnlission �.nd the City Councii
<br /> ;
<br /> � to be acknowled�ed by such owner,, cerbified as �;o accurlcy oi' survey b,y a re�istered
<br /> e land surYeyor, and to contain a, dedication cf:' the ee.sements to the use oi pub7_ic ut�lities.
<br /> In cor.sidera.tion of the accepta.nce of the pl�.t of said Blcck 5, Continenta2 Gardetis, the
<br /> Subdivifler hereby consen�;s and �re�s with the City of Granci Island, Nebrasita, ttiat it
<br /> � wiii install ut its e�erise the;f'ollawin� improveraents:
<br /> 1. Wn�er. Th� property located in tYz� subdivisinn srk�v �� connected �o the City
<br /> water:main,lncated in.Webb Roaci or F�ue de Co11e�e, adjacent to the subdivision, w3th
<br /> no connection fee.
<br /> 2: Stixtitrzr,y Sewer, : Sa.nitttry sewer is uvailable in Rue de Ca11e�e Street, a.nd �'�-�,"�"���`
<br /> a'�'g'
<br /> P s' a1l.structures Zocated in'the subdivi�ion m�t be earuiected to cueh s�nitsry sewer "y'
<br /> � �, �� �� � �� � � � �+�'�
<br /> befoxe �kh� Subdivider wi3.1 a}�ply for rsn aecupa.tiey,permit i'or ra,ny such s�ructure. 1liere
<br /> k�: ,. ... .. . . .. . � . . � . . . . � . . .
<br /> .,, _. . ,. ..�., ..
<br />�`''' ' wi31 be iZo•ccinr�ecti:hn fee.
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<br /> � � �
<br /> �
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