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<br /> J'�T�..�.s�r�'O� ! REAL ESTATE MOR'rGAGE
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY TI3ESE PRESENTS: THAT Thomas J. Ntiec}c an8 Joyce R_ Wieck,
<br /> Husband and Wife, each in his or her own right as spouse of the other
<br /> tMortgagors} .o€ HaI1 Gount}y, and State of Ne}�raska, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of One hundred ten �housand and no/100----------Dollars
<br /> {� �n hanfl paid, do hereby 5�11 snd Convrey unto Commercial National Sank
<br /> ,� ( and Trust Campany of Ha11 Caunty, and State af Nebraska the followixag
<br /> described pramises situated in Hall County, and State caf ivebraska to-wa.t:
<br /> A traet of land comprising a part of the Northwest �uarter (NW�; of
<br /> Section'�'ous (4) , Towns2izp Eleven dll) Nor�.h, Range Ten !10) W�st of
<br /> the b�h P.:M., Ha11. County, Nebraska and more particular2y described as
<br /> follows:
<br /> Beginnin� at the Northwest corner of said NW�; thence running Easterly
<br /> alonr� the North line o€ said N4d� a d�stance of Two Thousand Six Hundrer3
<br /> Forty One and Eighty One Hu�xdr�dths (2,641.81) feet to the North�as:t
<br /> corner of said NW'�; thence running Southerl� along the East lin� of
<br /> said NW� a distance of Nine liundred Eigkaty Eight ant� Fourte�n Hundrsciths
<br /> {988.i�) fe�t; thenGe defl�cting right 133Q29'30" and running Narthwesterly
<br /> a dis�ance of Six Hundred Ninety Five and Ninet� Six t�undredths �6��.9b}
<br /> fe�t; thenc� dafieating left 41�15`40" and running L+Iesterly a distance
<br /> of Two Thausand One Hundred Thirty Seven and Twelve Hundredths (2,137.I2?
<br /> feet to a point on the West line of said NW�s; ihenca runn.ing Northerly
<br /> along the West line of said N��7'� a distance o� Five Liundr�ci Thirteen an3
<br /> Forty Two Hundredths t513.42) fc.et to the point of beginning and containing
<br /> 34.25 acres more or less of which 2.37 acres more or less is occupi�d by
<br /> `: ' public road ri_qht aP way.
<br /> In the event the title to said reaZ estate is transferred, or contracted
<br /> to be transferred, Srom th� undersaid for any reasan or by any method
<br /> - whatsoever, the entire pxincipal sum and accrued interest shall a� nnce
<br /> become due and payable at the holder hereof. Failure to exercise ttiis
<br /> aption hecause of transfer of titl:e as above stated in on� :instance shall
<br /> not constitute a waiv�r of the right to exercise th� same in the event
<br /> af any subsequent trans£er.
<br /> : �� �
<br /> The intentian being to convey heretsy an absolute title in fee simple
<br /> including aZl rights of homestead anc3 dower. TC3 kiAC7E AIVD TO HOLD the
<br /> premises above descrilaed, with all the appurtenances thereunto belanging
<br /> unto the said mortqagee and to its heirs and assigns,forever, provided
<br /> always, and these presents are upon the express eondition that i£ the
<br /> afaresaid mortgagors, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns
<br /> shall pay or cause ta b� paid to tkze said mortgagee, its heirs, executars,
<br /> administrators or assigns the sum af One hunc7red ten thousand and noj1Q0--
<br /> Dollars, payable as follaws, to-wit:
<br /> One Yxundred ten thousand and no/100Dollars an tYle 1st day of July, 1977
<br /> with interest thereon at °.0 per cent per annum payable July 1, I977,. all
<br /> according to the tenor and effeet of a certain promissory note of said
<br /> Thomas J. Wieck and Joyce R. Wieck, Husband and Wife, each in his or her
<br /> own .�ight�. as spouse of the other, bearing even date with these presents,
<br /> and shail pay all taxes and assessments Ievi�d upon saici real estate, and
<br /> all other taxes, levies and assessments levied upon this martgage or �he
<br /> note wliich this mortgage is given to secur�, before th� same becomes
<br /> aelinquent, and keep the buildings on said premises i.nsured for t2Ze sum
<br /> of S loss, if any, payable to the said mortgagce, th�n thes�e
<br /> presents to lae void, otherwise to be aa�d r�m3i.n in �ull force.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if t2te: said mortgagors shall fail to pay
<br /> such taxes or pracure sucn insurance, the saica martgagee may pay such
<br /> taxes and procure sixch insurance; and the sum so advanced, with int�rest
<br /> at per cent sha11 be paid by saic3 mortgaqor, and this mortgag� shall
<br /> stand as security for the same. (2) That a failure to pay any �f said
<br /> � mc�ney, either principal or inter�st when t.ne sam� bncomes due, �r a f�ilu.rc�
<br /> ttr ccsmply with any of the foregoinq aqreements, shall cause the whole sum �
<br /> �, of money herein secured to became due and collEctible at once at the agtion
<br /> of the mortgagee.
<br /> Signed this 22nd day of April, I977. ,.._ ---'7 ,,� -^�f� •
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<br /> In Presence af ,�' � �`��' �a '
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