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<br /> r � S7'A.TE OF NEBRASKA, County of ._. ....:... ..............................: k �.L.;., .� �, . . :v�,!.;tY g
<br /> Filed£ox'rccord anci euterc,d in Numaric.al Txrdex ( � ' � "�
<br /> au ......: . ........ ......... . :............. �xt .. ......... o'.�luck . bf., b
<br /> . ..�.. � l��? i. �M��w? S.,7"." .
<br /> , uud re�orded ic� T)eed$eeozd ,-• 1'n e �
<br /> ; ..c�.. .. ....:.: ......... �. .:... ....... .:... ....:........:: ;>....�.?'..._.� ..���
<br /> .,.... .
<br /> { ' ,ount.sr Clerk or 3�eputy C`c�unty (_'lerk ar � G�y"'
<br /> Xe�ister o£ 3?eR.ds- I)eputy Re�istec of D�eds .i-....V .� .....
<br /> � .�t'A�'9'F.P+5�t3`R' 'M171"��`•
<br /> , 1
<br /> � 7��[��a 2� JOI1V'� T��AI�C"�' �411-�RRANTY I3EEI7 . ; �'
<br /> 1 . : :,
<br /> -, William Robert Fagan and Darlene Erances Fagan, each in his
<br /> .� , and her o�wn right and as spr�use of each other ```
<br /> { , tierein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> `• in consider�tion o£ Seventy-Nine Ttious�nd Two Hundred F3fty ($79,250.00} Dollars `
<br /> received frqm grantees; c9oer grant, t�asgain, sel2, conve�- and can.firm unto
<br /> . y ` Thomas J. Wieck and Joyce R. Wieck
<br /> � ua jaint tei.iants and not as tenants in eomrnon, the fuliocc�iny deseriUe�3 reel property irs ..�...........................
<br /> u Hal1 A tract of land comprising a part '
<br /> . . .. ..... .......................... C un�� Ne aska:
<br /> t � of�t'he�Ncirtlzwest Quarter (�N4T4} o� Sacta,on Four (4j, Township E1eYen
<br /> 's .
<br /> (11) Nortti, 'Range Ten (10), West of the Cth P.M., Hal1 County, Nebraska
<br /> ,: �x and more particularly described as follows:
<br /> Beginning at the Norttiwest corner of said NW4; thence running easterly
<br /> �� along the North line o£ said NWA a distance o£ Two Thousand Six Hundred
<br /> Forty-0ne and Eighty-one Hundredths (2,641.81) feet to the Northeast corner
<br /> of said NW4; thence running Southerly along the East line of said NW�
<br /> a distance o£ Nine Hundred Eiqhty-Eight and �ourteen Hundredths (988.�.4)
<br /> £eet; thence deflecting righ�t 133� 29' 30" and running Northwesterly a
<br /> distance of Six Iiundred Ninety-�Five and Ninety-Six Hundredths (695.96}
<br /> feet; thence'deflecting left 41 15'40" and running Westerly a distance
<br /> af Two Thpusand One Hundred `rhirty-Seven and Twelve Hundredths (2,137.12)
<br /> feet to a point on the West 3ine of said NW4; thence running Northerly
<br /> along the West line of said NG1'� a distance of Five Hundred Thirteen and
<br /> Frorty-Two Hundredths (513.42) feet to the point of beginning and containing
<br /> � 34 25 acre m�r tor less of which 2.37 acres more or less i.s occupied 'by
<br /> pl2BI1C 1�a��� � tcP�ol�`4'�ie ztbove iiesc�ribed preiniaes together �vitfi nll tenements, here3itarnents
<br /> ' � �nd a��purtenances YiieretU be?on�in� ii.*.zto it;e �s•aritees as joint tenants.
<br /> And �r�ntur does herebp co�•ent+nG ��•ith t�e Rranteea rhat grsntor is Iurovfully- .rzised �f said
<br /> , � ��remises; tl�at tl,ey are free f.rum enc�urnurar,ce; excepting any easements, restrictions
<br /> or rights of way of record, and any public roads.
<br /> ' ���� � � � � �
<br /> Cliat grnutar has gooil rigi�t anci ltitirf�,�1 attttxority to con:��ey tlie sarue; �xnd that grantor x•arrants und ��ill
<br /> 3efend the title t� sx:id premisea uguinst tLe lx�cr".iil cl�ii;x�s oi' ssll per�osis whoTMsovaer. ' '.
<br /> ��d April 22nd lq �7 �
<br /> : F
<br /> ,� ,�,�,�-/'
<br /> r
<br /> ,,
<br /> / � �... i ? ...�` . ,
<br /> y �/' '�`'_.' � , �,`" ._.. '
<br /> -��=«��`t��ft'�'��ir�`�f-e.::,�,,��-�.:F."� ,�''..' :,^ � �'�:"Fr��n��'�'s���ga�n��.'-`�"'-,.'' �
<br /> � STATE'OF NEfIR<1.5KA. Couxzt�� of Hall. .:................................._....: �
<br /> '' T_?e:., a;�utary g;�,biic quaiiiicu ior said coun#y, �er::onalty aame
<br /> William R�bert �'agan and Darlene Frances Fagan, each in his and her
<br /> own r3:ght and as spouse of each other,
<br /> , g �,.� �
<br /> A S 9�f)r3�.i �`�;.�"r,p�Ik�M�"+�"`�.'.
<br /> ���1�Et�,Ys;�.,,„. � �crio��.n Y,o n�e to� be� the ic9entict�l ��er.son or �petsona ���sl�o eigped :�e ;
<br /> ,�;�.;;;�,�,,��'�"`� fvz•egoing inst,rumexit a�id t�ekrao«�led�r the execiation thereof to be his, "*�� ' ";�..
<br /> �p � +��+•. ` ` � t � her �r t}ieir voluntary act and dee<�. � � °�'�z'; �',
<br /> 4c���; 4 �r;r^* : � y �F
<br /> �
<br /> c �i � E� 3C, 3��� se/ai ai ..._.AP.ri3.<:�,.�s..'�......_1977.. ....... � ���:;
<br /> �. �vVitrzess stzy hnnd a. rial /y/,� .. .
<br /> �� � . . .. � � . . . .i�I.C-G �-".,��.L.._....? J;!'�... -G�.�� -,� �C';..�"�.G.:a.^�� n }�-�'„��. . rw
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<br /> �. � � r+. .
<br /> �'.,.
<br /> �qcnnanf:r. Fe�� .. . . ' ..
<br /> �/ � ',,,� ,�' / �.,; .
<br /> Form 4,5 Anarai�ed bv Nahra�3cn fitnfiP �.tA h�Ty c�ummissfionlprxAires .... J�y�!�G%"���......r•;f ...., 79�� „
<br /> n wou�..ien.��. x2nt.
<br /> ` � �
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