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<br /> �:,.
<br /> rvU` � � . . . . � . � . � . . � �F� . � . .
<br /> . . . . . .. . . � . .. � . . �� .��`�. .
<br /> � ��.� . .. .. . . . . ,. . , .. , . . . . �4� . �
<br /> �2�.1-WARRAN7Y DEED � . �. � . � P<tton tr Wotf Co�+pnnr,��nroin,Nebr. � ' . . ..
<br /> ,�/�' .0 C��Q ti t3- WARRANTY E�EE�
<br /> Emma �ornner Gorey and JpSeph J• Corey, each in her and his own right and as spouse
<br /> r, � of each other
<br /> , hcrein`called the grantor�vheLher one or euore,
<br /> in conaideraxion of SIX'TY THOIiSAND AND NO/100 DOLLAP.S ($60�000.00)
<br /> received fram grante�, does gruut; bargrsin, selt, ccynceti an�i'confirm uL�tQ
<br /> '��; Jeraae W. Niedfelt and Daralene F. Niedfelt as Tenants in Ca�non
<br /> , '�,�� � � � � � � �
<br /> ; herein rnilei3 tlfe �;rantee, �c�i:cttaer one or n�ore, tlxc follix�ving descriUed real properiy in
<br /> , ...:...... ........Fl4:i.L...._........... .. ......... Couaty; \T�lzruska: A, tract of land car.prisin� a pazt of the
<br /> � Northwest Quarter of the Southwest {�uarter (NW'�SW�) of Section Twenty-two (22�s T�wnship Eleven
<br /> (II) North, Range Nine (S), West of the 6th P.ri., City nf Gran+i Island, i{aiI �ounty, Nebraska
<br /> and more psrticularly described as £ollows; �eginning at a point ihat is Thirty-nine (34.0)
<br /> feet east of the west line af said IQW�SW'� and Fifty-four and 5evanty-three Hundredths (54'.73j
<br /> feet south of the narth line of said NW�SSd'�; thence running southerly� paralleL to the we�t line
<br /> of said NW'�SW'�� a distance o£ One Hundred Sixteen (1�6.0) feet; thence deE3ecti$g left 90 00�
<br /> '' and running easterly a distance of T13ree (3.0) feet; thence deflec�ing ri�;ht 90 OO� and running
<br /> y" southerly a distance of Six (6.0} Eeet; thence deflecti�g right �30 00� and running wesCeriy a
<br /> � ' distance of Three (3.0) feet; thence deflecting left 90 OO� and running southerly a distance of
<br /> One Husadred Fortp-three and Twenty-seven Hundredths C143.27) £eet; thence runaing easterly,
<br /> ' paraZlel to the north line of said N�S'�SW� a distance of Threa Hundred '�wenty-one (321.Q) feet;
<br /> � thence sunning snutherly, para11e1 to the west line of said N�+��St3� a distance af 'rwo Hundred
<br /> i
<br /> y' (200:4) feet; thence running easterly� paralleZ to the narth line o� said NW'�SZJ-� a distance of
<br /> Three tiundred {300.0) feet; thence running northerly� para11e1 to the west Line of said NW'gSW'� a
<br /> d3stance of Rour Hundred Forty (440.a) feet to a point that is Eiglzty (80.0) feet south of the
<br /> ' ! north 3ine of said NW'�SW�; thence running northwesterly a distance of Three Hundred 'Three and
<br /> tdineteen Hundredths (303.19) feet to a point that is Forty (40.d) feet south of the north line of '
<br /> said NW�SW'�; thence running weskeriy parallel to the' north line of said NW45W� a distaizce of
<br /> Three Hundred Ten (310 O} feet to a point that is Fifty (50.0) feet east of the west line af said
<br /> NW�-SW'�; t2cence running southwesterly a distance oE Eighteen and 'perenty-seven Hundredths (18.2?) *
<br /> Te� iinve and to hc�id the ub�ve descriaeu }az�eanises to�ether ti�ith ail ten�x�ents, hereditainents
<br /> •` rsnd ap�urtenauces Lliereto helangin� unto Lf�e grnntce and to grar.etee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> 1nd the g'rsntor 3oes t�ereby co�•en:int z4iLh the ;;;ruutee aud ���ith {�runtee`� heiss and aas�ign�
<br /> �. '; t:�exi grantor i:; lawfully seised oF said gremises; tli�t, it�ey sre free frorn encumbr:�nee su�ject to existing
<br /> Lease recorded in Book Z, Page 497� Miscelianeous Records� Register of Deeds Office� Hali County,
<br /> Nebraska, easauents and restrictive covenants of record.
<br /> ` �'3I� . . . . . .
<br /> tF�at grantor has goa.3 ri�ht snd la�sful auihority to convey ihe sxme; aud that grantor warranta and R•ill
<br /> defend t.h� title to sxid preznises agaivat the lflwfiil clauus�f all peraona whomsoe�er.
<br /> 17ated April 18 1977
<br /> ; � �
<br /> � �
<br /> " �.p y . , ,�t,�� .v°s.r �. ✓ (�-^ x.�.-�
<br /> . .................................................................... .. .....\.,... ..,.. !'"`__' '
<br /> � ""�""�' f�n¢ie'a'��onne'r"�Corep""'
<br /> —o t
<br /> v� �L:Fi4 h k � I . .Q' �tti�i i �� �� `�
<br /> � � ? .,,:�.. t 'i.C-s:_7.�2..�-, ��.t \I �a..-�C..vs . .
<br /> . , :' ................. . ......... ........_��"..,....... .....� ...,...c..................... �
<br /> .. . ............}.............. .. :.�
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<br /> � ,.�.? :,f r� �
<br /> ,7iyEeph . Cor�y ��
<br /> k �. � .� ..,.' : . .
<br /> , . .............�. ......... .....,...._..........,^ ..... ............ ...................,...................,.............. � .
<br /> ...............................
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<br /> ............
<br /> ;�'nr�c�.,,,.�,..x'!'VY ����=. . . � . . . . _ . .
<br /> STATE OF NI;BRtiSI�A., Cauu4.y of ......?�AI.L
<br /> BePt��re �me, � aa�t�ary publir„ quai'afi?d for sa3ad cuus�ity, persuna�ldy enm. �
<br />�' rraana suazner i,ur�y aii�i 3o5�yi� J• Gurey� eac:.ii in iner anu his uwu rigi3t aiici as spquse
<br /> of aach ocher
<br /> � � � � � � � � � �"r� �H�°.
<br /> kno�� ,,{�e�! o �o entival person or person��vho si�ned the tore�,oing instrument: and acknon*led�d �r���'�~'
<br /> ;
<br /> = t}�e �tFil!!b t his,l�er or t}acir voluni+�r� ee�r �u3 a3eed �"
<br /> � , ,r,n `� z�,
<br /> .
<br /> , � '� td'ft3 S � . � '� � .�. ���.:: � f. `. r'3�,r .
<br /> �SV����lta�n� d notanal seai on�.. tc ry� � ., y.-� 19,..I �
<br /> ..... �..._....... .. ,�
<br /> � 7y C.��+� Tav a �tiy�� � /� . .
<br />�� . ' ! �e* '.�J:i. � . �/ �f� J�/ % '� /.�� ��,}
<br /> ... y��' :•f�'�+e''► ..�':j_,,. ....: c: .... ..L�. f r:_.. , r ..., . 'vorar� Yuhlic. t�rwP.
<br /> +(i,,� »«»•''' " �
<br /> Q'+O�N1 M My coanmz�ion expires ...�,f.�r':'.�:'.t1�:�:..;�...Ct ........, 1;�...�`..tf...
<br /> � feet to the point o£ 2>eg3itnin.g and containi.ng 5.23 acres, more or less.
<br /> �`�.^ i_. .�i
<br />,_� �
<br />