<br />$ � . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � k:..
<br /> * �'
<br /> ��
<br /> . . . .. . . � � . . i
<br /> � . . .. . . . . . . . . - � }».4�'�b+n��.. . . . .
<br /> � . ���. .. . r_.. . . . . . . . .. . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . � .
<br /> - :. '. �r . �.
<br /> f . �
<br /> S
<br /> uat e�ttend or 'frostputic ttte riue +.iate o# tiic anontlal}T irist:iifiur��it.. r��ierrt<i tc� ii� }zur:��ra��h. J :�aid '2 t�ereof or
<br /> e
<br /> °^�.§ r.l��tnge zlie zimaunt o£ suclx ia�tallm�>nt�:
<br /> � 10. Bcrrower Nnt Relaased. I:,xtensSort of tiie tii�ie� for pa}�iz�ertG or tna�iifict�tian U£ amurt.izutivn crf the sumc
<br /> ,..,,� .ecuxeid by tlii5 :�turtg�ge �rantei3 lap T .eJidec to an�� .tacce�.�or ii� zstti�rest of I3orron•cr shall nat u��rate to reiease,
<br /> � in anv naatuierk tl�e lisiiilnt� oi tla� ori�iia� i I3urrol� c•s� :iaici Bc>ri�u�o-ci � rucees�ar� i�a interest; Lenifer shaii not Ue
<br /> � � requin�d £o comnienn+e pl�uceee3a���o u�airlst aacl� sucvessnr ut• � c�i�i�e cc� catvn�i time ior �uy�menG ur otherwise itiod 'af�•
<br /> } �fi ,uiiqrGizationi of tla� suois secureci Uv tl�is \ 2o��tg3ga lar rensc�n of u�»� rir�tcxunc� ua.tde ia3• t.1w rSriginaF, Burro�ver nnd
<br /> � 23armwer'e successors in interest:;
<br /> I1. �orbearaac�r by Leac3ar Nat cc Waiver, ;�ny fnrbearaucc lay Le;nde�r iai exerciaitig- itn� raghti or remedy
<br /> � ; �'t"` }tereun�ier, or c�ther�vise afiardeci b}� a}'�pIicat�le la�v, �liall aiot }ac :i �c�ai:•er ut or �s�r.Inde tl�c. r..xercise o£ ai3y righC
<br /> or remeds* herectucicr. "I'Ixe ��rooui�ettient nf inslA��ance o:• thi� }r�i�mieni iif kt��:c5 �r ot:lx:r izen;� or ehxrges bv I.eardcr
<br /> k shta]! nof� bo a l+'aiver of? I.�ender"e riglit, ti� aceeiei:�tc the m�tturitv oi tl�e i�SdeUtcdness seoure:d 1�}- ihis NSnrt{�age.
<br /> , . , i2. R�rnedies +Cumulcctive. rlll rctmedies �at»��idec3 iu blii� \fortga�e sare+. c3istine"t anri ciitmulntic �� tn xny other ',
<br /> a•ighL or mmtdy iuzcler t;iais \iurt,g:�ge r�r• :bfl'ninlyd 3�}• ln«� eYr i�q�iir.S•, and ma}� i�c e�erci.ec3 concxic•rex3id}': independ-
<br /> entfy nr successivel�•.
<br /> � 13; Successor�s mid Assig7ds HaUnd: Toittt und $everal Licxbility: Captions. 'T'f7c � cn en:�n#z; :�nd �greein�ntc;
<br /> ; herein contained slialP k�ind, and che ri�hts I�ercuc�cier �IjsYll in«ae te, t.l�r, res�yi�ctn � vur,�c�ecvors an�l as..�igns oi I,end�r
<br /> � ' .�nd<I3orrca}ti�c:r, �ztttjeci to x1iF #.�rovrsion, c�f � �:iraucu��l� t7 licri,at. . r� ll cta��ensitta .irid za�;r��c�ulents c>f Iiorro�x�cr �hd�lf
<br /> be joint� und �otircr:�i . �1'he ruptiux�x :�nd hecading, nf alai p•ir:i�;ra{al�. u: tixis \ [crrt �:x�is are faa' r�om�eenicrice nrsly �tn�l
<br /> �� are nat ta b���izsed te� irxtcr��reE� nr � drfin�i t:}ie y�rovisio��:, 6�.rec�i. � �
<br /> ` � � � 14. Notice:i� Any nnt,iee� to I3�rrciweslzrq�-ided� fi'm iu t�liis �\l �rt�ugt she�l! Ui,� given by � m;� ilittg �iich �nc�tir,e k�F � �
<br /> ;` certitii�d �nail""addt•casecl t,� 33orroi��e.r :�t tha Yroy�ert�� ?,cidres, stst�d lacl�a��� . �T�ce�rt ic�r �:s �iy noticc r+equii�d u :G<lrr
<br /> ' E�a�rii�r;}�h iS hereof tn l�o �,i��en t<r 13arra�ver i + i tlic i �ianner �,�.crscribert l�r :�p��li��ak::lc ia���. .�nti- cxcitire tzrin•ided
<br /> ; ' g ; for in tl�is �ic�r�y,*age �3isilF E�e c3e�tuti�d tu ha�•<� k�een �;�;•er3 t;u I�orr���+•a�r �rl �cn Ri��cn in t i�e �nnnneer de�a�naY�� tierein.
<br /> ,, , r 15. : Uai[orm Mortgagce: Govorning Law; Sceverability. 'Chis forn� c� E mxmt�;ugc coi:�l�ini?s uiritartn cr�4ennnke
<br /> ;: � , fx�rnationa! cise und nun-unifarn� cuvena�its �virli li�z�ifcact ��.ts•iatieans L>c jiari:ciieliov fo cunsf,itvte ai tmifurn� seeu-
<br /> ., ,, rity instruxuent cucerang re:�l }.�roperty. 'This \1c�rt�a{�c shall be �;ca�•�rne.d b}- Y.}ic la��- of the jt.irisdiction ita �vhioh
<br /> ,, � GF�e Propert,y i� locatecl. 3zi the eceut chat suy pro�-isivn <�r ctaus�� oi tliis �iore�aga or tl�e Nute ��onllict:s with
<br /> � � uppli��ble l�w, sucli confiict �str�ll i�rit :iffcrc otiier �a•b�•isions of t.lu: AJc,i•t�a�e or f.hc .�Tc�ta; �vhia�h ouxi bc> gSven � �
<br /> ; etiect, witliout tfxe eonfiictitag provisian , atad to tius encl thc� pio� E�ions oi tki�� 1Cortg;.i�e :ixid the. NnG� are decisrcri
<br /> , . . , ,
<br /> � , to besevern6le:
<br /> �� � �� � � � � I8. Bairower's Copy. i3ox•rur,cer s6g11 bu furnisl��,43 eti conYorrned � cop�� nf t,his �1�Iori.�a�u aY, tl�� t�,irn� of execu- � � �
<br /> ; t,inn or uttea recani�xtSou hereof.
<br /> x 17. Transier of tia�a Pzoperty: Assumptzon. If :�ll oc� :iny � rnrt oC tl�r k'roperty ar :sa interest tlie.rnin is svld
<br /> . -� �� �� � � � or Grs�nsferred� bv Borrower tivit.k��out Lender's prior �vritten r.oci�ant , exctxAdinQ (a) thr. m•eat.ioii of ;i iion ur anour�- �
<br /> ,t urunee subordinate to this \iort�ti�e, ( b ) the. ci•cat.inn �i n ��ureh:t,e ruuney ��ew•ikv iittc>rest 1'or househc�l+i a�7��li-
<br /> � ��� �nees. � (e) a Lransfer txy de�•ise, dese���t oa� by� o��i^rat,ion oi letin° u���7�3 tha deat.h ot a jvii�f. C�niint; or (' d ) tlie �;z'atrit of,
<br /> '� 4 zxny Ieais�hold i���,eresG of �hree y� ;trs oa� l�ss ii�t aoY�taining ati option ta p�ircha�se, l;enclea• nissy . :�t L�iid�r'a oFa�ion�
<br /> ; declsre nll ilze su�lts sccured u�• tliis 11ort�;s�;c t� l�c� iiaut�edi+itc+l•; �iac :tii�l ��;i�*:ib1r . Lciiiler sl�alt ti:uvu �� aived �ucli
<br /> ` �r �� � upf.ion��to aoeelQrute� iC ; �a,riui• 4c> �thc a�le or trunsier, l,rnder :ind t6<� �Ez��x•:ur� tci �vl�c�u� tlie 1'ropc�rCy is to be sqld �r�
<br /> e; �- trxtinsferrecil {ca�cli ,u�rc,*eixient in ��•riting tha� t.he orc�izt oz such jx�r,on is ,czt.isfac>tor�- to l.ender cacxi ih.it tl�e 4��fserr�t
<br /> � Xiayable on t;l�e sunis �ecured by t,his \liart,g:s�;e, stiali l�e st sucl� z•atr a.s I;eitder shaii( reclui=st . lt ],en3er hxs ���r� ivcd
<br /> a , 4 � theoption to uceeler:�tepro� i3ed iii t6is j3:�rxi�raph� ] � anci if l�orro�cci 5 �iarceneor ia inter4rt � l�a� executed u writ- � �
<br /> , ,� Cen e�ssuinption n�rectne�u aac�pGed in «•i•it,icag by� f,endc�r. Lender .hall ir�lu;�se 13rn•ro��•e�r Irum all ablagi�Cious undar
<br /> , � � � l�hie i�tort�age and ���e Note.� �
<br /> �' � � If �Lend�er. exer¢ises sucl� o�tion to acce�ivrato, L��u�ier sla�t71 �u:xil 73oi•rower nof.ict� �i mor.�lc;ration iu c�ccordaned � �
<br /> with �paf•u�rapB 14 t�icreai. Sncli natic,c sli:�l ! prot�idu a l�eriod ��f nc�t� la�n� t�intn 30 tl:��+�� fro�a t.l�c< <l.aLt� t {�e� iaotice. i�
<br /> ` �� � mixilea »•itlun �viticli I3orrou�cr tna}' �>u�- tlic sun�s dvcl:srcd duc. li l3urrun��a• lail, lc, �� i� ::uc}i �ui�., ��rior ta t}ie
<br /> '. . � � t'x�>irsti�n of� �sunki � l�ersod, � Leni3er ��xity, ��vitiiai�t filrtlla�r uoUcr ur riirm.�nr3 uu Ii'orr��rc.r, i ����i�i:c �ui��� rtuiudi�a�e per- �
<br /> �' � � �t��3tked by-pttragraph 18� lirreof. � � � � �
<br /> , t
<br /> Nox-'tiv �r�<�F+:�ti C`c�vh:xn �:rs. I3ori•o�rc� i� a �ici l.,e,nclrr tlzrt6trr cuvenutit az�ti .�s;'rr�c a , f'ollu �e :; :
<br /> 18, 14acslaratfon: Aemedias, I�,sce��l �i� j �r�>vi�lc� t in � r:ir;igra � �li 17 lta�r�vl. u�xan 13orrow�.r'n �trer:xch of any
<br /> ' cuvcnetn6 or agre�ment of k3arrca��•i.i m tla � . \it�rt �;i��;r, in�• lu� ( in�; tlic• co� enant� to { �a�� �rhett duc an�� �unn �er.ured
<br /> , � t�y this \1ort�;agc. l.et�der {uio:• ta trcelrt:�tiem �I �ul { in: �il u.�ticc tu Ba� i ���r��r a. � �ren� id��� i in �r,trx�;ruph 1 �# I�rrec�l
<br /> � � ���accif��inQ. ( 11 the �bre�zi�•l� ; ('?) th� :u�ticn� rcqu� c�d ta rurr aucl � bnueh ; � ;il n �{atr, t�ot� lie;;s thrGn tl��irtv 3:�v� �
<br /> � � � Iz•unf t}�e daf,c il�e, no't�ice is� uiiiilc:cl lu 13orro�vcr, h�• �� iu�• i � �ucl � l �rc:irl � iuu.t l,c � nrrci ; arni � •IJ th u �:tili� rc to rure � �
<br /> ��� �
<br /> _ � � .tu�.l� �hmt�cl� on or bofc�re tl�c�� tiat,e ,peeitied iu� rGr nuttru m;ty rectilt iit �xtcel< i •tli��n x�t ti�c � siiiii. �a;�tve�•d 1�}' rlti3 � � �
<br /> +` . �'IQIt�T:I�„C�. 33q1j. 6L31V C?�. t.t1C }.}I'OOCPLV.. 1{ Y�1C tl ?'Pxplt ig Uuf rl)t'r��t{ nn it�• }u li�t_ : f. l ��. � I iF c���.r tfa��{I in # l�i+ r�ni.ii- � l .nn��up . . ��
<br /> ti � � � 4G- L��nL1er`s q}it�is�x� a1i� y de.clui•t� all �i( tl��r .ums �courrd 1,�� fhu, �AfurtgaKgc tc� i�e itnnii��3u�ltrl;c ciu�� nn<# pi}°uLle �
<br /> t ;� � � � ��-it,lx3ut ftirEher i�e�tn�ika9 mil�i znx�v forcrluse ciiis \.tort �;aatit l�y judi<�i:�l � 3roc��e.<,iiiiR. I.o�nder sti;all i�r i�ntitl�d� f�o culleat � �
<br /> � - �� in sti�la� �arucettding all Gaxx�euses caf f��r<'�elayuri• ; iucludiu�, b��f � not liniitrfl Ta, costa c� f d�aCuiui�iat�ttry eridetir^e�,
<br /> ; :abstructs an@ GiCle zr.pc,rts.
<br /> " �� � � 15. �e�rzower'a � Right � to Reinsttste. � tiot���itt�.tri��dinq I .rniiry�'e:� .secc�irr�itiori oi` the .mxih� scevwre�9 L.�• thic � �
<br /> �, ���iorL�tge, Bvrr(�iver at'inllliiivc fi�u ri�;ht� to lrirr at�y �ir�ocecdtn�;s � i �e�u�� b�� f,ondcr tc. � uYc�rcr tLis \tort�.;��e% eii,:- �
<br /> a cWntinued a4 i�n,y tiute priar to t�t,itry of ta aurlp;xi:Gtnr exxfpxriup; t1ii� \Iort�;aE�i if : 1 +�. 1 l�c,rrc,w�tirr �aay: l.�+cis9�,c• ull
<br /> suit� �vhich �r�oulct be tk3eu dtie under t.}iis �l <�rt};n�c, tlie ;�"oir :inil riof��s ue�,tuir�� k•'iiturr ��3 ��ance., ii tsn��, f�u�3 na
<br /> ��eceleratian acctarred ; lirl I:lorra�vcr curem zill I � rrniclirc o1 nup otlaer cucen:ar� t, or u�;rc•erca�ent,, �it P>orro�r<^r <eon-
<br /> � ;t � t.t�inect in t�his :44ot"t�A�e : � (al I3arrnwPr t�ny,r iil rrr� •omal, lo o�j�r i� r4 iru ui �v*�i h• 1 ��fi�i �� � ii� � nf��r� ir�r = 1�0 �r+� c �+ ��nts � � �
<br /> and s�reemenfs afBorrotver contsined in tti �, 4loi•t �;.i�;c• untl iu ,�nfo�•� in � ; ,��n� i<n�', rren�riir�;. at� � �rm� idei:# tn 1, � r:s- �
<br /> gra�h IS her�4f; inclt;ding, but: not lunit.eci t �� � :,asou;il�lc utcoi �xc 's t� i , uuci 1ci ) 13urnn�•�r fcekis .siich �ctiun a;:
<br /> � � LendCr��n�ay t^f.n�ott�b3y require� 2o a�ssure .tta;iU 't.he liim oi � t�lu. A9 �irt�; ��r , L�•ttdcr's i �� tor�•�t iu thc l 'rop� t•t��� caud �
<br /> � � Borrocv,er,°s nbliqa�tion to �,�ati� the � sunar sac'urc�d b�� t�hi. iTurt_�,.��;�� rk�ail ro7atim.t�� uniiu��;�ircd . Lr�x�i�r� :�urh pavu �en4
<br /> � i ' � � � and ,trure 1�3=;Borrower, tl��is 1�Sork�gxge am�i � Y.lae pbli�;�tian. :�ecut•ccl kier�:la�• x3�a11 a•e�maiu iu full turce .�rzd r31'��cc. i� s il' � � "°`�'p^ ' " •'�;y`� !�
<br /> , nn aeceleraGion h�til occurrec� . � �"w .
<br /> � "+' 2Q. Ansignma�t af Rentar. Ap�oiutmaat o! Receiv+er: Lender in Pos�ession. A, :iddilicani�l �ecuritp ]ieri�- � � ��`��
<br /> SBa2 .
<br /> 3, «�� under, 13orrowew hereby aseigt�r� tv T.,ender'tltt trnth tif tt�e Yro�a� rt�• , �ic•n�• itte.i rtyr�t Ii��rnm°cr shxll . i�rior to acc�ler- �y � ;
<br /> stioq ixnder pamgraph 1S hereaf ar ab.tndazuttept ot thr I'ro�>ert�� . liatii• t }ac� ri�lit t � coll4cl an<l reCaiin su�l� ri,nt;e . y;j��'" `
<br /> � ` �,s they become,dus nnr3 pa,vablc. -
<br />� ' . . . t.��R `$C^C�i.,'l'&ttA^' LSSSCtG". j�'.1.:'3d3'xjl�: �.� G�I� CGi ❑I .ai7iill,�iu IS�II' :, .Si..i ta � . 1� ���.��� 1- l � .i.�, IlU�.I lil j +t,Ftrtlll � U� Jp,��!I1C � , .
<br /> or }�v jti�iiainiiy :�z,r�+intc�ci receivpr �hn?! be Caiitlr;i tt� efltLT u�aar.. tw!.�. ��v..�c..,.,ao.i c�f .a,.i ��i.in..ti� lJir 1'i . �ac:r6t . -�. ,
<br /> und ta coll�ot t)ie rent� �f t-2ae Prq�aeiN�y, it�rludin� tho��; }�,��t �la.ie, .�111 ietii :: r,c�llecte�i b�• l,enclrr c�r tLc iot�e�i ��e:•
<br /> at�sll be applicd fiaet ta Y�u,r•inent oS tlte cost� rof m�.nn�,Menaant of flie i'rnCmrty six�i ccrlicr. t �vci ui a•��i �c �. i ruludinp:. I,ut �
<br /> . TIQt�. 11I171LCt� tO,. f4CC1VCI'�&. fBfkS. �)[k'.tlllUt118. �U11� 2Y'CCiYkA''S �)Oi1t�F . :lll(j 1`l'RFCDn:lble :iltt�inCV's� f� e.� . :iu� j ihNn 6�� t.lv� �� � n�s
<br /> r � securesd by Lhis 1+Iort.�tt�. Lender at�d kla� receivcr cl�ialt 3�r lixbl�• ta accotxt� t on � �� (or tho.e rentv artur� ll >' rcau• i�•ed .
<br />:. , �
<br />� . _.
<br />.
<br /> W :
<br />`, '
<br />`�
<br />