<br />� ` � `"
<br />° i �,� .�:
<br /> �
<br /> `�d4"^^ ., , , . . . ,. . . .. . . . �. r.�..�� .. . .. .. . ... . . � . . � . . ,�p+ � . � �
<br /> . ♦
<br /> not extend or poatpoiie the due <.iate of thc naorrtlil�• instn3linents reicrreci ta in ptiragr:�phs 1 anti 2 l�ereof ar
<br /> , ; rhurSge tlie xmount oi suclt instzzllnienta
<br /> ID. Borrower iVat Released. .Extension nT ztie tiiiiefor �>�evnxent or mvdific�tion oi umortizution oi the sums
<br /> ; secured by this �tortgaga granted by� I;ender tn sany suece�;or iia int��rest .of Bo:ro�3•er st3all , not operate to release;
<br /> " ' .', in -anylnanneF, tlie liabiliL�� oi the ' original - g3oi�ro�ver ui�d F3orra���cr'� �trccc�5sor: in intcrest. ' I.ender s}�nll not be
<br /> � required to cotnnaenee,prooeedings agsinst sucl� sucoessor or reiuse ta ettend time ior paymena or otl�envise rnodify
<br /> i„� �inortazation bf tlie eunts seaured by tGis \Sartga�c I�y reason of a�ir deiizanci tnacle b� bhe originai Borra�ver si;d
<br /> � � Baxrower's suceessore in interest.
<br /> ' , ;i li. Forhe�artmce ' bg Lender DTot a Waiver. eluy £grbearancc by I:ender in exercising • :xnY right or remedy
<br /> � ` y � I�ereundery or, otlsercuiss afforded 1>�� ;3pplicabte-ta��•, sl�all not, bc a �vai�er nf or �arecluae the exercise oi- any righ6
<br /> . � " �, or resnedy hereunder. ;Tlii* procuremeE�t af insurn.nce or' tNe p:�y�ment af Gn�es or ather liens or charges by Lender
<br /> ` }'� sha1T`:n�t be n. tva9ver nf Lender's rig��t :ta uccelerate the m3turity of t1�e 'inde6tedness secured b�� this \�tortgage.
<br /> , ; �y 12. Rea3edias Cumulativec Alt remedies provideti in thzs \i�rtg��e �re distinet nnd calnulative tu any otl�er
<br /> j � right; or rune�ty under tlxis \Iortgagp or 'ail�'oirled I�y la�v m� ec�u�tv , ynt3 , niz�y bc� c�ercised ao�zcurrent,ly ,, andepend-
<br /> " �„ entty or suceessively. `
<br /> i3. Successars and Assigns Bound; Tau+� and Severat Liabilify: Captions. '1'tie covenants and agr2emen.ts
<br /> h ,? hereiix cont.�ined shall #Jind , and' the riglits 1Sereunder �hall inure: to , tIte respectivc buecessors snd tissigns oF`Lender
<br /> and Borrower; snbject to t13e �irovisions of �i�ra�rapli 17 hereof: � i1 covenunts acid agre.crnei�ts of I�orr�wer c13Ali
<br /> � be joinG xnd severul : Tl�e espcions snd lieadings �f the yisl•;s�;r��i}is bf this \Cortgare are foi• conti�enienr,a only and
<br /> , ';� are not to be used to Snierpret:or �iefinc the i�ravisions hereoi:
<br /> ° ' i4. Notice. :1ny notiee tq Tiorrower pto�•ided ftic in ti�3 \lort�iigc sliall bc riren Ciy �naxiling such notice 65•
<br /> i rertified mszl uddre�seci to Iiorrotirer :�t i.he Ycoperty :Addrea, state�i i�e1o��• , �rce��i. for ;�n� notice r�quired, iindcr
<br /> ;•' parugra�lt 18 lzereof to Ue giren to Boi�rot�•er in thc �n.iiuier prescril�ed by <ip��licable la�a. A��y n�tice provided
<br /> �` for in ti�is 3Iortgage:shull be deecned to ha��o been given io I3ori•ou-er �vlien ;;iven in the inanner desSgniite�l hcrein.
<br /> ' 15. Uniforxtt Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. 'I'l�is form of mortga.ge combines �inifo�•m covenancs
<br /> v , ' for national Use and non-uniform covenants �vitli limiied ��:ariutions In• jurisdiction to constit,ute a uniform secu-
<br /> � rity instrunient covering real pro��ert5-. This lloi•tgage sh.ill bc. governed by the lu�v of t.he jurisdiction in which
<br /> i' the Froperty is located; In tl�c event that uny provision or clause oE this \�foi•tgage or the Note conflicts �vith
<br /> ; applicrf.ble la�}•, such cunflict shali not affect. other pro�•isions of this �iortgage or the I�Tote whiclr oan be given
<br /> �: effect cvithouttl�e conflicting provision , and to this end the �n•ovision, oi the lZort#;age und tire Note nre declared
<br /> 'r to be severs}ale.
<br /> % 16. Borrower's Copy. Borro�ver shall be furnished a conformed cop,y of this :llort�;sge at tl�e tiine of execu-
<br /> ' tion or sfter recordation hereof.
<br /> 17. Transfez of the Property; Assumption. If all or any pui•t of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> ;s or Lransferred by I3orrower �rithout Lender's prior writEen consent., excluding (a ) the ai•eation of a lien or encum-
<br /> branoe subordinate fo t}ris \ fort�age, ( I> ) tlte erestion oi' a purchase �noucy securit,y interest for huusehold apPli-
<br /> f�nees, ( c) a transfer by devise, descent oi• t�y uperation of 1.3tr upon the death of a ioint• teuant or (d ) the grnnt of
<br /> any leasehold interest of tkiree yenrs or less not containi�ig an o�ition ta purcl�ase, Lender may. a.t Lender's option,
<br /> j, deciare aA the sua�s secured by tliis Mortgage io be immi�diatelv due atad Irsyaule. Lender shall huve wuived such
<br /> � aption to ncceleraie if; pcior to tlie sale or trunsfer, Lerider and tl�e peisun to �vt�on� the ProperGy is to be ;old or
<br /> � transterred reacl� agreement in writing tliat the credit ai such person is �atistuctory to Lender and tiia6 the interest
<br /> ` F payable on the sums secured by t.his �SorGgage shall be ait such r�tfe us Lender shall request. Ii Lender has wair•ed
<br /> t� the optionio accelerate provided in tl�is paru�;r�pfz li and if iiorrower's successor in interest has executed a writ-
<br /> � f t.en t�ssumption agreement �ecepted in writing i�y I.en�ier, Lender shall release Borro�ver from all oUligstione under
<br /> � fhis Martgage and the Not�::
<br /> s If Lende� exercises sucli option to accelerste, Lender shali mail Boi�ro�ver noticc of acceleration in accord�.nee
<br /> ticith }:�aragraph 14 hereoi. Sucla ua�ice sli:�ll pro��ide a ��eriod of uot les� than 30 days froin ihe dat,Ei the notice is
<br /> d itiailed �}•ithin whiah Borrower may pay the sums decic�red duc. Sf I3orro�vcr fails to pyy such smne prior to the
<br /> s expiration of such period, Lender mu� , ivitlaout funher notice or demand on f3brro�vcr, in��oke any remedies per-
<br /> -" mitted �y paragraph 1$ hereof.
<br /> r�
<br /> a :
<br /> , s No�. -L?rrrFuftai Covr:xexrs. Sori•o�ti�ei• ai�d Lendei• Yurtlier covc�u�nt zind :i„�ree ati Yollo�vs :
<br /> x 18. Accelezation Remedies 1:3:cept :-xs jn•o��idcd in � �:�ragt:Lph 27 hereof , upon }3orro�+ �i 's ��reacli oC �.ny
<br /> ; a cavenant or agreement of Borro���c r in thi� �tort�;agc, including thc covetuints to �>sy u�hen :iuc any suui�- �ecureci
<br /> � � � by� this 1lorigage,� T�ende�' ��rior �to <iccclerat�io�i sliatl mail n�aeice to I3orroti��er ti� � ii•i�videcl iii pnru�rapL I4 6ere�of � � �
<br /> � ' � � � specifying;� ( 2 ) tlie breacli , (2 ) �� ti��e � tictioti roquii-ed to � eau•c� auclr LareacL ; ( 3 ) a� <9nt �, iaot Icss ti�tsn #li� �ty dsya � �
<br /> � irom ihe date the notice is niaited to 13a•ron•er, b�= ��•hich ,uc li l:�rr.ich niUst be cured ; anci ( 4J that fa� lure to cure �
<br /> � ' N suctz breach on or betore tl�e dste specified in the noCice may msuit in ,scceleraiion o( ti�e .uiu; sec;ured hv t}���
<br /> i�iortga�e unci sale of the Yroperty. If iLe breacl� is not ec�s•ed uri or befoir the date specified in tlte noi.ic�e , I.�ntier
<br /> at Lender's option mxy deolare nli of the stti7is secuz•ec! i>y tlris \Tortgage to t�e inunedi:�tely due :�nd pu��nble
<br /> � � ��vitliaut further demand and inav foreclose Cliis \�tortgalge by j udiris�l� proc.eediug. Lendti.r shitll l�e ent5tled ta coltect � �
<br /> in such prpceeding all expe.iises of toreclosure , inclic� lic'i�;, t�u[ �iuL limited to. crosts of docu�ucnk.ary evidence,
<br /> � zsustructs and titie reports
<br /> � ' t9. Ear'.-sweYa Riqht to Reineta£e. � ot�t'if }istauding Leuder', �cceiertaii�n oi ti�e vum� ;ecur�d by this
<br /> ; . Maictgage, Bormwer shsll have thc rigk�t to have anv proceedin�s begwi b�- Lcuder io enforce this ;�lortgn�e dis-
<br /> cantvzued at 'uny time F�rSor to entry of ss jud�ment eufu�cing t6is 1lortgagc if : tu � Borro�ver pays Lender all
<br /> � � � suma�whichwould � bethen� due under this �1orC.�age ; the ?�'ute � :�i�<I hotr� securinR_ ��uturc rldvr�ricrs, �if any, had no
<br /> � ucceleration oecurz-e1 ; (b) Borrower cures all brcaches oi axn�• othe�� covenantr car a�rceme�rt� of $orrox�er con-
<br /> tained in this Mort,gnge ; (c ) Borrewer psy� � ! :cs�q•+aL!c <:���c .xa ; ; . s. .-�.. l,�- Lrn,l�r iii �e�furc,iu� c_L� c�rveneni,�
<br /> ; , and agreements of 13orrower contnined in thi, � Tart�aage and in enforcin �; I,cucicr's re�n�*dies ss provided iri j:iarci-
<br /> % ; - gra�h 38 hereo£, including, but not limited to, reasonabte attor;iey 's iee� ; xnd � d j Borrower r,;xkcs nnch action as
<br /> Lender rnay reasonably require to n�sure tlu�t tlae liet� uf this 1lortgagc, Lendcr'a iuterc:st in the Yroperty ai�d
<br /> Borrowez's ob2igation to'. pay the ,ums secured by tl�rv \1oct�ahe ehsll contii:ue vnizupaired. L`pon sach laaycnent
<br /> � ' snd cure by Borrower, this Diortgage aad the obiigations secured l�eret>�� .h� l ] rernxiii in fult force ritid effe.ct as if ""�" "� h , , � .f�� '
<br /> no accelaratiott had: oecurrec4. ^•� m
<br /> 0 20. Xssigauient of, Rente; $ppoialment of Receiver,- Lender in Possession. A; e�ddiGionul securit,y here- � r�
<br /> under, $orrower hereby assigns to Lendertl�e rents ' of tlie Yroperty , pro��ided ttist Barrower shall; prior to acceler- Y�t y�
<br /> � ation under paragrsph_l$ heraof or aba,ndonnYent oS the Propert,y; h:1ve ific ri�]�t ta collecC anc3 retuin such rents � `'' �'�
<br /> ,�,,,, ,
<br /> ' as they�k��come �iue and }i'earsble. � � � � � � �� -� ;
<br /> .
<br />�, 3 L'p�A.nccelera�iozs ,uA�.'Qr Y�uragialri� :i`� ueieuf_ ur ai�ui�uonrau�c ot ene Yropi zzv . L�uder. m I�erRon , bv sgcanY
<br /> �- ,
<br /> ^ or by j���ici:,lly .ag�ainted. reccil•er s`�u:l t,.. ez,t'sLlad I,u �:DiCet , u�,u�G, iu�.�. �iu,�w.iuu oF ,atnr.� ui�nage t.i�e Yropercv '°A^w' ''
<br /> � ' amd to colleet the rents pf the Yro�erty, incluflink.;thos� past due: 311 rent:, collected b}- I,ender �r ihe receiver `
<br /> shall be s�pplied first to payment of the costs of mnna�ernent of tiie Pro�jertv ancl caliertaun of r�nts, including, but.
<br /> .. , , ` nat litnited t.o. re.reiver's fee.tc ; gr�niiumH on r�r�i«Pr . hri„<4� arad resser�st,lc at+ o �c}-':� frc� . :it:c: t'.:cn to : hc su:n�
<br /> secured by this Mortgttge: Lender and Lhe reeeiveT slaall hc� liabic to xceount nnl�� for those rcnts actunlly re•cei��ed .
<br /> ` �
<br /> �
<br />� �
<br />