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<br /> F
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<br /> , �. . : . . . . . .. ..�., ... . . .. . .. . . .. ,.�.��«� ..
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<br /> �1VDrV#C3T1.iAi�
<br /> DtJ�£ flN S,ALE
<br /> ��`� OPTiONAi� Fi1"!`C1RE A,DYANCES ,
<br /> .,^� �� SA�t1VGS��,.iNd3" � � `
<br /> „ � ..�. ..; ` �::.� 'Foixte Na<32t9 - � � . � ' �:. - ,. .
<br /> � Lc�n iVumb�r__.3�.�3.2_..`�_�3.99,_"�..�.?g�
<br /> � , Y ?�': �(����� M;' tJ R 7 G"A :G E ,
<br /> � 'TfiI�'f13i?I�,'I'GAGE, made and c�xecuted ttris ..�...;��'.....::........ c3�3 bf_..... ...��,�+^.r� .....: ._.. r'�.J3., �
<br /> x = 1�,.....u�'bet�vwe�n th�A�furtg�gnr,._..3'�.3xs�...A�..Mc;Lzr��e.;�nd.��stzuac� C�il, Mc�ntyr�, tsusbamc3 �nd wife,
<br /> 4 �o,�t3.ar:.r�ad..�ch::zn..hi�:_.arorn.s�i� ..:. .: .....:: ......:. . .. .:... . ._..,_._�.
<br /> ,:.. '
<br /> oP,....._::..�z:�bd;.�s3.e�ntl.._, Canr�ty of ..._...,33��13.. ..__....�,....,Stafe o£._Nebr.ask:� ,.......herein�£ter referrnd , ''..
<br /> �. #u s� i:lie �.3ormccer, ,atad Ghe 147�r�a�c*e, FII'iST F�T�L�tAL�AVi1�TG5 AND L(?AN;r1'S8b'CTt1TIQ�V'G3F `
<br /> 1.I.iJ�GC"�T.?�7, 1�35 "3V'"StrBet:1.incol�t,;2Vet�rt�.sl:a Ei.�abUl; its surc�csors anti�:�signs, hereinafter refpr�cl tt�
<br /> �. �s Lender.
<br /> ::` ,
<br /> 5 4ir'[xH�ssxti: Th�t tfh�said $ormw�s for and iYt,eonsic�exataon of t2ae sum-of ... ::�:-- �
<br /> .a -- ?
<br /> i .,:�'T��--���rifi�!'.•=�i{�Z�aAN.���11�18••N4���--�.�:�---..__�_�_Dc�i:ar.s (LT.�^�a��i{3�ta0 �--._ ._..)
<br /> p:xid.by said Le�der, da� het�by mort�e,granC and canveY i;o i,ender, it.�,sucnessnrm and sssign�; t.h4�
<br /> : Yallowi�g describr;d prm�mrty lor�ted i� tlke Cnunt.v r�f......:.....Ii�I.I..:.... ...:...:.. �tat�af N�breska:
<br /> ,.
<br /> , f ,
<br /> Lc�t Fizr� (�), 'Atocl� yi:ve (5}, ,�Kay-L�ee Su�idivisi�n",`1:oc�ted an ��rt
<br /> ; of the �outlzorest �t�axter af i;he Sou�3awest �,uert�r (SC;��6hs�) oi �ectio�t
<br /> ' 21, Tt�wzishi�a 13. Nurth, �t:�za�;� y S3est a� uhe 6�;2i.F.M., H�1.1 C�un�;�,,,
<br /> � �' IVebrs sk�.;
<br /> � ���� �
<br /> ,
<br /> , ,„, .a
<br /> , ,
<br /> �`
<br /> � t 'I'���xstt with sil the imnmvemenLs aiow or h+ereaftrr e.xected on LIiE prctpc:rt,y; An�� sIt'Gaseraent�., '
<br /> �' i riFhts;;:��+urteaiances, re>nts�,inf>alti�.s, minPsai. oii anci grts cights and;�amfits, w�:t�r� wat,�r sights, �tnd
<br /> waiter•sto�ek�:ax:d sll fixi:urc�.c aovc�or hereaCter atiachee! tA �ite pmpert;�>, �il �f which; incTuding r�place-
<br /> ; ments�nd sadditiuns ther�ta;tih�lt be dcaenxed to tie atid remain u part �f t:he �an��rt,y c^c�verc�ii �y Lhis
<br /> � Murtg�e; and:all of the fnm�oui�, f,ogcLtie:r,with s:xid�>��o�erty (or t:he tc?a5�hald �state in t3ie event thas
<br /> :, i 1�Iortga�e is on � Ie3a�sehold) srn ls�rein reEern>.ci tn.as t3i� "`F'i�pert��:,
<br /> 8orrc�w^+er eovenan#s that I3orc+otx�e.r as Imw#ully� sei,ed of the,e:.�raite_h�rcby tc�nvi3yed and has tttc ri�ht
<br /> � t�mort�u�e,-�;rant atid,convev Glae,P��r�rfy,that the PmpertS is unencuml�reci, z�n�l-that E3orrower;c�ti11
<br /> ` warr�nC.azad de:fend��ner�llv th� titi�: t� thc 1'm��erty a�,�n�t ali,clainr� ixnd deni�ix<is, �uk�j��L ta un,�+
<br /> � ��r�ment�nnd restrirtiotts Iz:�ted in a seheclule vf esceptions txi cnverxge in ainy titlez insur�nce>txali�r,> in-
<br /> � yuriaa�.Lend�r'�intere�t ux khe 1'ropei•#,y, c�r (`l) a�tc�rney's c�pinzozi of titl� fmnt abstrart of titl� eertti�ied
<br /> , ,; t7y bon�3eci�Ustrnr.ter. ; �
<br /> � n
<br /> a Ptzt�vi�ein AL�vnx�, acxd i;hc;;� presetit��art� e�:ecut,�d and cielivx:red u�?oxr the faIla��nng t:ai�c3itis�ais,a��;re�-
<br /> i ments and o6ii#;at.ian.a of tl�e E3orrczwerr, ic�-wit.
<br /> � ;� ,
<br /> y t3�e�orre�c4cr a��ree,s in ax ta th< I.ender nr arder Yfie. �nn�i �I�uiu caf :....
<br /> ; 7.' ,�'SY EIC'xHT THG1Ua� �D Id�? 1t3U , . ..k: ."..L)i311srs (tTS�.�8 �0� Ut3 .. ... -}
<br /> ......._ ,....---. �..... .._
<br /> � . . ....... ....._1�. _.-.=-........: .,
<br /> ' _ . '_....... .
<br /> " ��yablc:a��'�roviriec�iri a�nat+�eaxecut:ed t�nci eieliver�ci.cc�a�ciirr�nt:l�•hr>.re���th;tt3i>final�>u��tnknt<if x�rin�#Taa.ii,
<br /> � e
<br /> , � if noi:�ouner p�id,on t.he. .�-��:...... . ..... dn�•c�f. .��x.._.._... , _..... ,.,`�J:-''OOV-
<br /> � � �
<br /> ,
<br /> LTrateoxar Gc�va;ivnr��: Bor:�vver�nc� Lendear c:c�vc.n�r�t and agree r�s fr�ll�nvs:
<br /> l. Pay3t�eni of Pzi�ncipai a�d lnterest. Bvrrot��er s3aa11 protn��th° p:��= �chc�it duf t.lie [�rinc�i��:�3 i>f nnd %tr-
<br /> : , t.�a�t�n t#�e indeiat�;dnc�s ew•idGnc�cd h�� the I�Tc�trr, px�e�yn3cnt �i�� iute i�trg;c?s .�� X3aviw•ii�eci in t.h�s Ntti:e.
<br /> �nc� f1t�princ�i�acal af a�nd interest on un,y�ut:u�:9dvsncG�,secuz�d 1�;�> tiais 1f�irt�;a��.
<br /> � 2. Fursda Sos 2axas und tnsuranc�. Sulajec�to Lcncicr's<aptiun undi,x �»r�,p;ra�lan,1 �ac�a laerc.c�f,}3e�e_
<br /> ruw�xr atzall�»y ta L.e:ndr.r<�n#,h�clt�y rnonihl��anatali�nents�af Princ.i��!ancl intcrest ria•e��.�r�t,1w unrier t�he
<br /> iV��de. tanfia thc 'sVvtc i5}�aid in fixll,a ��azn the:reiu "F'itnds") c�c�uzat i� �in<>-t��titih of i;he vc.ai'i>� i;ts4, at��3
<br /> < � s�sstls.une�at;�wluccki�atay att�zim�rioritl�over�i�is I�9ort�age, z�nrl �zvunc�.r�:n3s.an th4.P�ti�}x�rt,v, i!ax�5� ��]us
<br /> , r t�sye-twrlft� c�f yeaxiw,�rEmium an�tallznt:t�t„ fr�r hazz�rd insurnn��, piue;oxi<a-t�v+�IfCIx iaf,�>crs�rl�' �aresniiunx in-
<br /> , ; stali�zenta fc�r�az�rtp��e atist�rxac+e, if anv, ali iis re�sonal�ly e�litnr�ted inik.ia�llu anA frvrr� tirni: to tizn� #>� :
<br /> Lend�r c�n the tfssi�c�f�xssc.*ssments szyd taitls c�nd te�,sanalal� c:statu;xtrs i.ticrz��[,I..�a�xc;ier�tir�11 u}�}�I�i�th�I�ui�<3s
<br /> �paY astit�Lcaxa�.,.aa;u�srrieuixs,ia:vurezrica: �*aeamiums and�mtznci rrxarzs t.��nr!<�r :ah�l! m�kr+ iin e�l�xrttr� h�x*,«
<br /> iae�idut�;a�iei ap�zi,y�ng t,he h'uncts or�•eri#y:n�and �.�uxn�ilin}� :aaid a:3:c::e,nac�n4� anci bili�: "I'hc�L.enciur ahati
<br /> �av� tA the 13arrow�r, wiL}xvut��ar��,�n�nnual accQunlin�of Lhe F�'uncie 5����r;ing r3'�iita;a�itci.c3ebit�#u G}ae:
<br /> F`vnch;sud th+�pur�av�e,€nr wluci�►+a�ch elebit tc�the Funci�w��xnat�e. The I�`unci.�r�r� ul�ci�eci .�:� a��dit.4on�l
<br /> ; �euxit,� !or�.he,srun��az'��3 by t�iia Murt,�a�;e. 'The 13tarroivcx a�gre�4�#h�t tlac�Fcindx ma,y k�G 3ia�ld tav Yhac
<br /> � 1.ender a�id�xnmin�led�vith ath�r�unds and il�e I.esaci«r'�r�u7� fuucl5 anri t��ca LFa-�rl�r a»v}ae�3'�y�h i6exiaF
<br /> y ��`Otzt ats;.qlvn fulxds anal�h�z Liat�dat F3ialY r►o�.t�;lix�l�l�#ur inl;erK:�t<�r ciiviclendK i>rs :�uc11 F`��tttl,�. , `��:� ".. '"�'"w
<br /> a lf�he at�aowqt q�E�a F'wnds held by�ndars tt>geGher,:wiGh the fxatutta �nurii;d�ly in,:kal3ntent�sof kaxaei.� ,,` Y ,��
<br /> � �aye�ble'pri+�c to �he rlue;d��,es of t�xe.�,�essulents. ,u�dur�tr�,premium� a�rid�ruu:z�i;rea�ts, si��ii exc�.�;� ����,,
<br /> 7 � E 3 x e amctuu�.rt�puit�d t�ta s�id,�dac�s,�rsesa�tuent�+in3uranoe tareu�iut��s:mtad�round re:nl;x�s Lhey fail ciiie, a,�
<br /> suc.'h exx�t�h+xti.h�,at�rrnawer's a�ianKa, Qi�tyer�rompGly r� s►ia tn Barrrsa�er ur rredited ta Sorrc�wer c�n ���:
<br /> z�xon�hi3° i��1-,altr�s�at�a.vF:Funds...Lf #,hc amouiat vf the �undu�e2a G;�`Lexi�i�r 41u+1i �iut,u��uiTic:ie.ut in-�aay ;;�,�.
<br /> �; L�Gs, a�+�px#�y. it►a�irau�+��+cesauuuws�,�uaai �rra�;enci r�t,K as-thsrv f�it rlue;-l3r�rmvr�ex shsc:i! ��+v� axa .in�nrir>r ,
<br />� �,.,�. ��n�•s�*^....k tc...�l.z: :..y '� �� ; .
<br /> "`�'"""'�• .•� � �'�ri�ztCS�wi�uiu L3air�.y uety^c;a�ii.Gr xaut.ic.�ia-�rxxi i.t;�aucr eu laurnr��er �.,,,w
<br /> t�equc�tit�iq�Y,m�nk� t}iex�c+�i�; or�trrtrower �h�lt,'by an �nt,rease an naonthlY in�tzalluaent�o#Funcis rrx�ui�e�, �
<br /> �t�Y fi,�s+e deiira�niy wit2�in �.he x'vrad�cc�auntin�p�;n+aut,
<br /> , 1 tiuon ,�gv'z+s'Stt� f+,ztl C�sa!�Sz�.,TM,cczt=C�&�';:t..'21a P+S�Tiwx�p�v,.Lui�uc.r�iiall x1+Niy i�uu.Is i�e,lu a.-0}i���iii.
<br /> k tt�ctinet alt sttnis due.
<br /> ,.-
<br /> �. _ �..__ � �
<br />�
<br />