<br /> Applicable Law, As used in �h�s Securi�y �nstrument, the term "Appli�ab�e Law" sha�� mea�i a�l �ontroll�ng
<br /> app�xcab�� federa�, state and �ocal statu�es, regu�at�ans, ardinances and adm�nistrati�e rules and �rrders ��ha�ha�e
<br /> �he effec�of�aw)as v�ell as a11 app��cab�e f nal,n�n-app�a�ab�e�udxcia�op�nions.
<br /> Charges; Liens. Borrower sha�l pay a�� �axes, assessmen�s, charges, f�nes and impos�tions at[.r�butable �o the
<br /> Praperty which may at�ain priflrity o�er�his Securr�y Instrurr�ent, and ��asehald payments ar gro�nd rents, if any.
<br /> At th�r�ques��f Lender,Borrawer shall promp�ly furnish�o Len�ier receipts evidencing�he paymen�s.
<br /> Borrovver sha�1 promp�Iy discharge any I��n vvhieh has priori�y over�his Se�urrty�ns�rumen�unle:ss Borrawer: �a�
<br /> agrees in wri�ing �o the payment of the o�Iigatian secured by the lien in a manner a�cep�able �o Lender; �b�
<br /> contests �n good fa��h �he ixen �y, or defends against enforcem�nt vf the l�en in, Iegal proceedings vvh�ch in the
<br /> Lender's flp�nxon operate ta prevent the enforcemen� of th� lien; or �c3 secures fr�m �he holder of the I�en an
<br /> agreement satisfactory ta Lender subordina�ing�he l�en t��h�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�. �f Lender det�rmxnes�hat any
<br /> par�of�he Property is subj ect to a �ien whi�h may at�azn priori� o�er�h�s Security Instrumen�, I�ender may gi�e
<br /> Borrov�er a notice �den�xfying�he l�en. Barrov�er shall satisfy the �i�n or�ake one or more of the act�ons se�for�h
<br /> above wi�h�n I�days of�he giving of notice.
<br /> Hazard or Property Insurance. Borr�wer shal�keep the �mpro�emen�s novv existing or hereaft�r erec�ed on�he
<br /> Proper�y insured agains�loss by fire,hazards included v�ithin�he term"e��ended cnv�rage" and ar�y o�her hazards,
<br /> �ncluding floads or flo�duag, for which L�nder requires insurance. This insurance sha�I be main�ained in the
<br /> amoun�s and for the periods that Lender requxr�s. The insurance carrier pra�iding the insurance sha�l be chosen by
<br /> Borrower subjec� �o Lender's appr�val v�hich shall no� be unreasonably withhe�d. If Borrflv��r �'ails �o mainta�n
<br /> coverage des�r�bed abo�e, Lend�r may, at Lender`s option, obtarn caverage �o pro�ect Lender's rights in the
<br /> Property i.r�accordance with sec��on tit�ed Protec�ion af Lender'S Right��n the Praperty.
<br /> A�1 znsurance pa�icies and renewals shal� be ac�eptab�e �o Lender and sha�� �nc�ude a standard r:r�or�gage �Iause.
<br /> L�nder sha1�ha�e the righ��o ho�d the p�lr�r�s and renewals. �f L�nder requires, Barrower shall promp�ly g��e�o
<br /> Lender alI receip�s �f pa�d pr�miums and renewal notices. In the e�ent�f lass, Borrower shall gi�re prampt no�ice
<br /> to�he�nsurance carrier and Lend�r.L�nder may make proof of�oss if na�made prom.ptly by Borrawer.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barrower o�herw�s� agree in wr�ting, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restora��on or
<br /> r�pair of�h.e Propert� damaged, if, in L�nder's sale d�scretion, the r�stora�ion or repa�r is econ�m�cally feasible
<br /> and Lender's secur�ty �s no� l�ssened. �f, in Lender's sole dis�r�tron, �he res�oration �r repaxr is not ec�nomica��y
<br /> feasible or Lender's securi�y w�u�d be lessened,�he insuran�e proceeds shall b�applied�o�he sum�secur�d b�th�s
<br /> Security �nstrumen�, vvhe�her or not then due, vvith any excess paid �o Borrovver. �f Borrawer abandons �he
<br /> Proper�y, or�.oes n��ansv�er v�ithin�he num�er of days prescr�bed by App��cable La�as set for�h�n a natice from
<br /> L�nder to Borrower�hat the insurance carrier has affered�o set��e a c�a�m, then Lender may coll�ct the insurance
<br /> prace�ds. Lender may use �he praceeds to repair or res�ore�he Prop�rty flr�o pay sums se�ured by�his Security
<br /> �nstrument,vvhether or no�then due. The period of t�me far Borrower t�answer as se�for�.in the na�ice w��i begir�
<br /> when�he notice�s gi�en,
<br /> Unless L�nder and B�rrflwer o�herv�ise agree in writ�ng, any app�icatxon af proceeds ta principa� shal�n�t ex�end
<br /> �r postpone the due da�e of the payments due ur�.der the Con�ract�r change the an�.ount of the pa�ments. �f under
<br /> �he sect�on�i�1ed Acceiera�ivn; Rem�dies, the Prope�-ty �s acquired by Lender, Borrov�rer's right�o any�nsuranee
<br /> poixcies and proceeds resu�t�ng fram damage �fl the Property priar�a the acqu�sit�an shal� pass to Lender�o the
<br /> ex�ent of the sums se�ured by�hrs S�cur��y�nstrumen�immediate�y priar�o the acquisi�ion.
<br /> PreServati�n, MaYntenance and Protection �f the Proper�y; Borrvwer's Loan Applica�ion; Leaseholds.
<br /> Borrav�er shal�not des�roy, damage or impair the Prflper�y, allow�h�Froper�y to deteriorate, or commit was�e an
<br /> the Proper�y.Borrov�er shall�e in defau��if any forfeitu.re act�on�r proc�eding,whether ci�il or crim�nal,is b�gun
<br /> tha� ita Lender's good fai�h judgment cauld resul� xn farfeitur� of�he Prflperty ar a�herv��se ma�ex•�a�ly �mpa�r�he
<br /> Iien �reated by this Secur��y Instrument or Lender's s�cur��y in�eres�. B4rrower may cure SI�C�.1 a default and
<br /> reinstate, as provided in sec�ion���led Borrower's Right to Reinsta�e, by caus�ng the ac�xan or�ro�eeding to be
<br /> dxsm�ssed wx�h a rulu�.g�ha�, �n Lender's good fai�h determination,pre�Iud�s f�rfeiture of�h�Borro�wer's in�erest in
<br /> �he Proper�y or ��her ma��r�a� �mpa�rment flf the Iien �rea�ed by �hzs Se�ur�ty Instrumen� or Lend�r's security
<br /> interest.Borrower shall also be in default xf Borrn�er,during the loan applica�ion proc�ss,gave ma�erially false or
<br /> inaccurate informati�n or statemen�s �o Lender �or failed �o pro��de L�nder �v�th any ma�eria� information} i.n
<br /> connection with the Ioan e�iden�ed by the �ontrac�. Yf�his 5�currfiy Ins�rumen� �s on a leasehold, Borrawer sha��
<br /> comply with aII�he pro��sions of the Iease. �f Borr�wer a�qu�res fee�i�1e�o the Pr�perty,the l�ase�iald and the fee
<br /> ��t�e shali no�merge un�ess L�nd�r agrees�o�he merger xn v�riting.
<br /> Protec�ion of Lender's Rights in the Praperty. �f Borrower fazls to perform the covenan�s �.nd agre�ments
<br /> canta�.n.ed in th�s Se�ur�ty�nstru�ment, or there �s a�egai proceedxrzg tha�rna�significantly affec�L��nder's rights�n
<br /> �he Properfiy �such as a proceeding �n ban.i�ruptcy, proba�e, far cand�nr�x�at�on or forfeiture ar�fl �nforce laws or
<br /> regula�ions}, �hen L�nder rnay do and pay for wha�ever is �.ecessary �o pro�ect the value of t�e Prop�r�y and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in�he Pr�perty. L�nder's ac�i�ns may inc�ude payxng any�ums secured by a Iien w�ich has pr�or��y
<br /> �ver this Securr�y�nstrument, appearrng in c�urt,pay�ng reas�nab�e a�orneys'fees and entering on�he Prflperty�o
<br /> make repairs.Althaugh Lender may�ake ac�ion under this s�ction,Lend�r does na�have�a do so.
<br /> An� amflun�s dxsbursed by Lender under �h�s sec��an sha�� b���me add�t�ona� deb� of Borrovver secured by this
<br /> Secur��y �nstrument. Un�ess Borrow�r and Lender agre� �o other �erms of payment, these amoun�s sha�� b�ar
<br /> znter�st from �he date �f disbursement a� the same rate assessed on advances under �he ��ntract and shall be
<br /> payable,v�ith interes�,upon notxce from Lender to Barrower requ�stxng p�.�men�.
<br /> C�2�44-2413 Compliance Systems,Znc.9F96-BSDQ-2013L2.a.721
<br /> Cansumer Rea�Estate-Sec�rity Instrument�3L2436 Pa�e 2 of 5 www.com�Iiancesystems.�om
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