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� � <br /> ��14�5543 <br /> DEEi3 DF TRUST <br /> � Lvan Nv: ��'I 27g372 �Continued} Pag� � <br /> collection ser�ices, the cost ❑f searching recards, ❑b�kaining title reports {including �orecfasure reparts}, sur�eyors` <br /> reports, and appraisal �ees, �i�le insuran�e, and fees for the Trus�ee, to the ex�ent permit�ed by applicable law. <br /> Trustor also will pay any caur�cos�s, in addi�ion�o all o�her sums prv�ided by law. <br /> Rights of Trustee. Trustee shall ha�e al�fl�the righ�s and du�ies of Lender as se�for�h in�his section. <br /> PQINERS AND �BLIGATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The fo�iowing pro�isions relating�o the pawers and ❑b[igations ❑f Trustee <br /> are par�o��his ❑eed vf Trus�: <br /> Powers of Trus#ee. !n add��kion�o al� powers of Trus�ee ar�sing as a matter❑f law, Trus�ee sha[[ haWe�he power to <br /> tak�the following act�ans wi�h respect t❑�he Praper�y upon �he wri�ten request❑f Lender and Trusto�: �a}j�in in <br /> preparing and �iiing a map ❑r plat a� th� R�al Proper�y, including the dedica�ion ❑f streets or other righ�fis �❑ fihe <br /> publi�; �i�} join in grantin� any easemenfi ar creating any restriction on the Rea� Prvperty; and �c} jvin in any <br /> subardination❑r other ag�e�ment a�fe��ing�his Deed❑�Trus�or�he in�eres�k o�Lender under this Deed ❑f Trus�. <br /> Trus�ee. Trustee sha�E meet a!� qualificati�ns required -For Trust�e under applicable Eaw. In addi�ion �❑ �he rights <br /> and remedies se�forth abo�e, with respec��o all �r any par� ❑f the Proper�y, �he Trustee shall ha�e �he righ� to <br /> forecfvse i�y nv�i�e and sale, and Lend�r wi[[ ha�e the righ� tv foreclvse fay judicial �oreclosure, in either �ase in <br /> accordance wi�h and to fihe full extent pra�ided 1�y applicable �aw, <br /> Su��essvr Trus#ee. Lender, at Lender's ❑ptian, may firom tim�t❑time appoint a successor Trus�ee to any Trustee <br /> appoinfied under�his D�ed af Trust 1ay an instrument execufied and acknawledged by Lender and recorded in �the <br /> of�ice of�he recard�r vf HALL County, 5tate ❑f Nebraska. The ins�krument shall c�ntain, in addition to a11 vther <br /> mafi�ers required by state faw, the names of the ariginal Lender, Trus�ee, and Trustor, the book and page �or <br /> compu�ter sys�em reference} where �his Deed ofi Trus� is recvrded, and �he name and address af the successor <br /> trustee, and the instrumen�shalf b�exe�uted and acknowledged i�y all fihe beneficiaries under this ❑eed vf Trust or <br /> their successvrs in interest. The successvr trusfiee, wi�thou� con�eyan�e of the Proper�y, shall succeed �o all the <br /> fiitle, power, and du�ies con�erred upan�he Trustee in�khis ❑eed o#Trust and by applicable law. This procedur��or <br /> substi�ution❑f Trustee sha�l g��ern to the exc�usion of all a�her pro�isions for suhs�i�u�ion. <br /> N�T10E5. Any nofiice required �v be gi�en under�his Deed of Trust, in�luding without limifiativn any nofii�e o� defau�t <br /> and any no��ce of sale shali be gi�en in wri�ing, and shall be effecti�e when ac�ually deli�ered, when actually recei�ed <br /> by teie-�acsimile {unless atherwis� required hy law}, when deposited with a nationaf[y recogniz�d o�ernight caur�er, ar, if <br /> mailed, when depvsited �n the lJnited States mail, as first c�ass, certifiied ❑r registered mail postage prepaid, dire��ed to <br /> �he address�s shown near the beginning of this ❑eed of Trust. All copies af notices af foreclasure frvm the holder o� <br /> any lien which has priority o��r �his �eed af Trust shail be sent �a Lender's address, as shown near�he heginning of . <br /> �his ❑eed vfi Trust. Any pers�n may change his ❑r her address for notices under fihis ❑eed ❑f Trust by gi�ing fivrmal <br /> wri��en no�ice �o the o�her person ar persons, specifying tha� the purpose of the no�ice is �o change �he pers�n's <br /> addr�ss. For natice purposes, Trustor agrees to keep Lender in�armed a�alf times af Trus�or's �urrent address. Unless <br /> ❑therwise praWided or requEred by law, if there is mor� than one Trustor, any nvtice gi�en hy Lender ta any Trustor is <br /> deem�d t❑be nv�ice gi�en�o all Trus�ars. It will be Trustor's respansi1ai13ty to tell�he o�hers af the notice from Lenc�er. <br /> MlSCELLAiVEDUS PR�ViS��NS. The follvwing miscellaneous p�-o�isians ar� a part❑�this ❑eed❑-�Trust: <br /> Amendments. What is written in �his Deed of Trust and in �khe Re�ated Documents is Trust�r's en�ire agreement <br />, with Lender concerning�he mat�ers co�ered by fihis Deed of Trust. T❑ bs e�fectiWe, any chang� or amendment t❑ <br /> this Deed ❑f Trust must be in w�-�ting and must be signed by whoever will be bound ❑r vbfigated �ay fihe change or <br /> am�ndment. <br /> Cap#ivn Headings. Gaption headings in �his Deed vf Trust are fivr can�enience purpases ❑nfy and are nvt to be <br /> used�o interpret or define the pro�isions o�f this ❑eed of Trusfi. <br /> Nlerger. There shaf[ be na merger v��khe interes�❑r estate created by�his Deed ❑f Trus�with any other interest or <br /> esta�e in the Proper�y at any�ime held by or fvr fihe benefit of L�nder in any capacity, wi�hout�he writ�en cansen� <br /> of Lender. <br /> Chvice o�Venue. lf�here is a lawsuit, Trus-�ar agrees upvn Lender's request to submi�t❑ �he jurisdic�tion of th� <br /> courts❑�HaEI Counfiy, 5tafie❑f Nebraska. <br /> Joint and 5everal Liabiiity. All ❑bligations af Trus�or under this ❑eed of Trus� shali be joint and se�eral, and a�� <br /> re�erences �❑ Trustor shall mean each and e�ery Trustor. This means that each Trustor signing below is <br /> resp�nsibfe�or a[l❑bli�ations in�his Deed ❑f Trus�k. <br /> Nv Waiver hy Lender. Trustvr unders�ands Lender will nat gi�e up any ❑�Lender's rights under�his Deed �f Trus� <br /> unless Lender does s❑ in wr�ting. The fac� tha� Lender delays vr vmits fiv exercise any right will not mean that <br /> Lender has given up �hat right. �f Lender does agree in writing to gi�e up one �� Lender's rights, �hat does nvt <br /> mean Trusfivr wifl not ha�� to comply wi�h the �th�r pro�isions o�f this De�d af Trust. Trustor also understands <br /> tha�k if Lender d�es consent fio a requesfi, �hat�dves na� mean that Trustor will not ha�e t� g�t Lender's consent <br /> again if the si�ua�ion happens again. Trus�or further unders�ands�ha�just because Lender consents�t❑❑ne or more <br /> v�Trustvr's reques�ts, �hat do�s not mean Lende� will be required to cvnsent fia any ❑f Trusfivr's tufiure requests. <br /> Trust�r wai�es presentment, demand�or payment; p�ratest, and no��ce of dishanor. <br /> 5e�erabi[ity. I� a caur� finds that any pro�ision af this Deed o�Trust is not �alid or sho,u�d nat be enfor-ced, that <br /> facf I�y �tse��wi�1 n��m�an that�he rest o�F�his Deed o�Trust w��� na�be�alid �r enforced. There�fare, a court will <br />