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<br /> �� �
<br /> ��„ :�?�11�9�;
<br /> '3�10R"TGACE
<br /> D40RTGAGELQANNO. � 2Z,b24 MGTC
<br /> KNOW ALLMEN BY THfSE PRESE_NTS:FFiat Ci"]Sj'i j R Peral es and Carmel i ta M. Peral es, CdCh 'I t1 h1 S dFld
<br /> �
<br /> her awn right and as spouse of each other
<br /> � ' Mortge�gcsr,whethcr one or more,in consideration of ihe aum uf
<br /> Twentv-nir�e Thausand Six Fiundred and Nol100--------------------------------------- �otLARs; `
<br /> fonned to said mortgaga�by 3'S�e�quitable Building and Lr>an Associakion of Grand fsiand,itiebraska,Mortgagee,upon Z 9Es shxras of stack at
<br /> � ' said ASSOt;IA7TON,Cart�cate h'o.L e�2,614 �1falGdo herel�y grant, convey and murtgago unto the said ASSOCtAT10N the following
<br /> n
<br /> dtscribed aeai essate,situated in Hall Couniy,Nebraska:
<br /> �; LOT TW0 (2), IN BLOGK 7EN (1Q), IN LAMBERT'S
<br /> n- ?
<br /> >
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> : !
<br /> � � .� . ��together�.with all tlie Yenements,hereditaments and appurteasnces thereunto belonging, irtcludirtg attached tlooc coverings,•rtl�window screens,.
<br /> ,�,.. ��winduw'�snades,blinds;stom�windows,awnings,:heating.air c�nditi�ning,and plum6ing an:i w•aeer equipment and accessories�thereto,pumps;stoaes, .
<br /> � � 'ref'z3geralor5,a�tid�.oiher f'ixture>and equipmen[now or heaeafter attached to or�used i�i wnnectian wittt said reat estale:. .
<br /> � � � And whereas[he..said�mortgagor has agrecd and dcres hereby�gree thac the muttgagor sliail and will pay all�taxes arscl assessments�fevicd oT
<br /> � � �.assessed-upon said premises�and upon this mortgage and the bond secuzed thereby before the sa.me shadl�become de3inqueat,.t�furnish approved �
<br /> �' � �insurxnce�apon�the buildings on ssid premises situated in the svm of$ 29�(�fl.�� payable tn said ASSOCIATiON and to deliver to said : �
<br /> .-��{ �� � � � �ASSOCIATIQN�the policies for said insuranti:e;snd not tc�cummit or permit any waste on or about said premises; .
<br /> ;� ��� � �In pse.of deFauit.in�zhe�perfarmance of arry oF ihe terms and conditions of�tftis muregage or the bond secuted.hereby,the�mortgaget shsli, ..
<br /> S�� ���on�demand,�be eattiUed[o unmediate possession of the mwtgaged�premises and the mongagos hereby assigns, cransfers and�seis�over to tho��
<br /> �t� �. .� �mortgagee:alP the��ents,�revenues�xnd income tu be derived from ttte mortgaged premisesduring suah time as the mortgage indebtedness s:3a11�remain�
<br /> unpaid;and��the�mu�rtgagee�shalf have[he power ta appoint.any agent or agents i[m:�y.desire for tne purpose of sepunng;said premises and reniing ��
<br /> �S� . � � � the.-samc astd endiec2irtg:the Tents,revenues�and income„and it may pay ouc of said incyme all.expenses oC repairing sazd premises anfl.netessary�,
<br /> ; . � �co�rimisions and�expenses incurred in renting and managing zhe same and of collecting renxsls shetefrerm; t.he balence remaining,.if any.,ta�bc �
<br /> � .apglied�aoward ihe diuharge�of said mortgage indebxedness:these rights of the martguget may be exarcised at un3�time during the existeace�oF such.
<br /> ��� �� default,irrespective�of any temporary.u�aivrr of the same. � .
<br /> � � � �These Presen[s,however,are upc�n[he Gondition,Tltat sf the said�iongagor shalt repay seid loan on or before thr nu4iuity of said siures by
<br /> �� payment;.pay mcrnttily to saud�ASSOCIATtON of ihe sum specified in che L3ond sccured here6y as interest and pr'tncipal an said loait,on or he2ote.
<br /> '�khe Twentiet.li day.af each and tvery•month,vnii!said loan is Cully paid;pay all taxss and assessmrnts leried n�;ainst sud premise&xnd on�this�f�rtottg,age .
<br /> � �and the�i3ond secared therebu,before dalincFuency;furnish approved insurance upan ihe buildings thereon in ihe sum of 5 z9 600.�}� PsYable
<br /> 4 �. iu�sai�.ASSOGIATION:repay�ta saici ASSOCIATIqN upon demand all money by it paid fur such taxes,.assessments and xnsu�ance wich.irtierest at
<br /> �,y„� ���the maximum�legal rata thereo�n from�datt oi payment ali vf whick Atort�agor hereby ag7ees to puy;peemit no waste un said premises;keep�and mmply �
<br /> � �with a,'3 the.agreernenis and cvndiiions of the Bond for S 29,(QQ.QQ this day given by the uid.ASortgagur tu said ASSC�IATlON,and camplp
<br /> with al2 the re�uizemenxs of[he C.onstitueion and By-Laws�f said ASSOCSATION;than ttiese presents shall become nult and void,othzrwise they
<br /> �� ����sha71 iemain-�in.Tuli focce and lnay be foredoszd at che optior.of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for ihree months to make any of said � �..
<br /> ',..�' �� payments or.:be�three�months in xrcears�in making suid montMq paymenxs,or to keep and cvmply with the egreements and c�nditions of said Bond; � .
<br /> ?� �� � �and.Morigagor agrees lu.have a receiver appoin�ted forihwith in such foreclosure proc�rndingt. � �
<br /> L
<br /> � �1C there.is any change.ux.ownership of the rexl estate mortgaged herein,by sale or otherwise,then tht entire rrmeining indebtedness hercby� � �
<br /> � � � �esured shnu�,at the opxion of The Equilab3e Building an.d Loan Associaiaon uf Grand Island.,Nebrsska,becnme irnmedia[ely dun and pati•able without . � �
<br /> t'wther notice;and the amount remainuig due undei said 6ond,and any oxher b�nd tor any addiUona!advancts made tnezeunder,shaii,i'ro�i the
<br /> � � � date�of�orercise of�said option,bear intecest at the maximum legal rate,an�l this mortgage may thnn be forzcloxd to saiisfy the amount�due�on said ;
<br /> m
<br /> . ���bond,and�any�other bond foi additional adrancex,iogrther with alf sums paid by said.'i'he Equitablc Building sud Loan AssaciaEion of Grand Islu�d, � �
<br /> Nebraska for insurance,taxes and asxssments,aud abstracting exleasi�rt charges, with interest thereo», fcom dam of payment at the mvcimuan
<br /> +. lega]ratc.
<br /> ` '� �� � � As pravided in�the Bond secured hereby,while ihis martgage renaains ixt e£fect ihe mortgagee tnay hcreafur advance additiouai��s-.uns to the � . �
<br /> a� - � .��naicexs of�id�Bcxnd,theu�assigns oc snccessors in inierrst.,which sums stull be.within[he security of this mungage che sa�e as�tite funds ociginrlly � . � . .
<br /> � seccuted.theczby. � - a..- zi c€r:i.^.���e��:r_..�rscer�s!�.y timr i.re originel arnvunt af tlti�n�urt�rt�. � . - � . . �
<br /> uc
<br /> 3 narea tn;5 �,20th �tay o:� Apri 1 a.�..iv77
<br /> s �� ��/��Y-4'4^'+� � ..t^'J C�.,..c�•^,C..�L.d:�-rL'... � .. .
<br /> G�,�spzn�era�
<br /> � �,/s$�,,.�»r.,rr L-e r..7T? ;s1>a�v✓�.-�� �
<br /> � �-�r��"�$a M. PE+raiQc
<br /> 4 STATEQFAIEBIZASkA,�ss_ OntSvs Z��I1 dayof Apri1 ��77 ,beforeme,
<br /> ,,� , CO�NZ"Y K?�tiA3.L "�,3��g -'�
<br /> r ` '� ' �� � � the undarsignad,a�e}tary Public in and for said County,personalty came �
<br /> 4 . ; CrisginiPerales at�d Carmeiita M. Peraies, each in his and h�r won right and as spouse of ^�
<br /> x''�d E':$C�1 �'��7` ��.,. .. . . ... . �•��� dT'e . l�rwnally known lo. ` -� ,
<br /> t� me to be ihe id�vnAicsl per�an$ whose namn S a r@ atfucod to che ebove instrummt as morxgagor S and t h�Y severalty "^`��
<br /> � acicuUwled�ed a�e suid inetrament to be t�1C'71' v{�[untary act xnd decd.�- /� "'�i'
<br /> , / / �
<br /> ; .�. ., . ..,....v IN12iyhSS,.rs�',:�eaLL and�:Nntaziai.Scai tnz sixm aioresatu. � - � � _.�� /f .Y! �/ �� '�,�'. .
<br />� , � � ^ Nty�Ca?tFutitYS&�odf��xpires , �'y/. �
<br /> , � � �
<br /> °� , ,, i ti t bL
<br /> � ry,. s se0� ' :'u azy Pu . .
<br /> .....,.. .�.. �'• -'� �Z`.-.�. /� �"�.. .C.r' .
<br /> ,� � ��: �� � � � � �� �
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<br />