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<br /> kIQRTGAG E
<br /> " ; \40RTCAGE LOAN N0. � �C2.bI�
<br /> � ° a:.�vawptt�f�Fav�rrt[EssrReser�'rs:Tt,�r George S. Mp'lczyk and Dorothy E, Mo7czyk each in his and
<br /> �' � her own right and as s�rouse af each other
<br /> M<artgagor;whether one or more,in considaration oF the sum of
<br /> " ° i
<br /> y
<br /> Thirteen Thousand Seven Hundred and No/i00-----------------------------------------no�r�aRs :
<br /> loaned t4 sa':d mortgagor by The EquitableJ3�xil��snd t.nan Ass�oci¢Yion o€Grand Tsiand,l�3ebraska,htortga�ea,upun 137 shares�f sturk uf
<br /> said ASSdC3ATION,C�rtiCcatn No. L �La ,3a heroby grant, convo,y and mortgade unxo the s:ud ASSOCiATiQN tlxe foilo�ving
<br /> descnbtd'real estate,situated iri t9alt County,Nebraska:
<br /> �; ,:, ,
<br /> �..,.�
<br /> ,� � � � � �
<br /> A � to ether �vith elt ihe�tertements,heredttamancs and�a � �
<br /> $ ppurtenances cherNunm Uelonging,it�cluding.xt[nctied fluor covenngs,�11 window�.scrcens, �
<br /> �� window�sltadzs,6linds,storm�wind�ws,uwnings;�hea[ing,air cunditioning,and plumbing und�wa[ez cquipmeatand aocessories[hercco,pumps,stoves; ��..
<br /> :���retkigeratars,and ott�rr I�ixiures�nnd equipmenC�now Qr hereat�ter attached[u ur use�i in corineclion with said real�esEate, � .
<br /> J And whereas the said mortgagor-has ugreed and does hereby agree that [he nwrtgagor shal] enc3 wiSl pay aIS taxes vid assessments levitd ar
<br /> ',r : asscssed upbn:said.premises and upon ttzis mortt,a�e and the band sncured thereby before the ume shall.becamc�<ielinqvrnt;to�furnislt.approved>.�
<br /> insur�nce upon the buildings.on said premises situated in tlie,suin of� 13�r]OO.00. na>•ablc to said pSSUCIA"fd021'�and fo deliti�ec.to said �
<br /> �.�� .ASSOCTATId1V.thr pcalicics Ior�said insLrance;and t3�t to comriiix or pr:rntit:uiy waste un or abvut s:iid premi�s; . � �
<br /> '� ln case oi'default in thc perfc�rnunce of any oi'the irrms 3nd canditiuns oC this mortga�e or the bond secuxed here6u,the mortgag�e sha11,
<br /> y . on�demand.�.b�: entdtied��.to immediate pcissession of thc mortgaged�premisrs and the morxgagot�hertb}• assigns, trnnsfers�snd sets.ovar�to.ttte .�
<br /> ` � � mtirortgagee.aLI�tha rents,rnvenues and incomc�to be cierived from the mortgaged premisas duruig such.time as tho�mortgage indeUtednassshall ientain:.
<br /> �, t �-� .� i�npaid;.and�.the mottgagee shali liave the power�tu appoint any�genf ur agents�it inay desire.for[he purpose of repgiring.said�premises and renting.�.
<br /> �.� � tl�e�same�and r.pllectins-the rents,revenues and income..und it muy pay out of said income��all expenses of repairing said premises�und�ntcessaxy��
<br /> conimissicros and expense.s.incurred in renting and manxg.ing.the same and of co(Iecling ren[¢ls therefrom;.the bal�nce�remaining,if�any, te� be �.
<br /> , .''+��� . appGed��to�vud-the dischargr of said mortgagc.indebiadness;these.rights.of the mort�ee�nay be eaercised at any time 3using ihe existancc uf.sucl�.-�
<br /> . . � dr.fault,.irresFaective af aiay temawrary.waivec of[tie saxtte. � . � � . . � . �. �
<br /> � T'hex.Prese�ts,liowevcr,�are�upon the(:�mdition,Thai if the said M1furtg�gar sliall repay said luan on ur before the inatunty.�t suid sh.srex is,y .
<br /> � Faym¢nt;.pqY monthly iv�said ASSOCiA'CION of the swn.specified in the Bond secured herrby as interest�and principrsl on said loan,on m�befare� . .
<br /> : � �ihe'f\venEieth day uf each�and every mant.h,until.sa.id luan is.fully paid;pay ul!ta�ces and ussesautents lcvied sgainst suid premisns�xnd on this Murtgage ���
<br /> an3��.the$ond�secueed tt�ereby,befare delinquency;furniil�appravrd insu�ancm upou the buildi��gs thereon in the sum�c3F S � (� ��� a able. � � '
<br /> tu said ASSOClATIQtd;re a to said ASSOClATTON u on demand all mune h�it Z 3 ��p.� � Y'
<br /> � P Y p y ) . paid fos s�ch taxes,assessments�artd ins�cance with inSerest at�
<br /> �' �� c.he�maximurn legal�rate ttzera�n from dx[e uf pnymene uii oC�vttictr hfortg�guc hereby agrees to p�y;pernu[no wnsie on said premises;keep�.xnd cc�mpiy�
<br /> r .. � � .with all tite�agccements��and�conditions uf the$und for$13 ]QQ.QQ this dap giveia.by thn said Mortgagur ro.uid ASSi�C1AT14N,and�ctamply � �
<br /> s; w'ith all tha requi[e�nents of Uie Constitution and$v•Laws oi�said ASSO(:IA1'lON;t.hen these prrsents shall bnc�me nutl arid vuid,utherwise chry
<br /> � �sliall:rtmairt fin 1'ull�.fprce snd�may be 1'oreclused at the option of the said ASSO('1AT10?� aCter £nilure ibr three maritiis.to.m�ke xpy of.sai3 � �
<br /> � � payitie�tts�or be three�munths in arre3rs:in mukIng said month3y payments,or to keep and camp3y with th¢agreKments an3 wrtditinns uf suid Bqnc1; �
<br /> � an3 Mortgagctr.agaes ro have u receiver:�ppuinted forthwith in.such foreclusure praceedings. � � � .
<br /> � �� If there is�any clisnge in�ownershi.p of the real estate.cnoxtgaged tierein,by. s•rle�.ar otharwise,.then tt:e enti[r remaining sndebtedness hernby.:. � �
<br /> �� � sesured shall,��at�the option�of Tlie L"quitable Buildins.und Lo•rn Associatinn of Grand tsland,Nebrsska,6ecc>rne unmediately due and payable withaat . - � . �
<br /> _ turthcr notice,and �hc smount remaining due under said bond, :uid uny oiiier bond for any additiona!adwnces made[hereundar,shall,t�cvm ciie
<br /> �3ate.�f exercise of ssid uption,bcar interest at the n:asirnum iegal rate,and z:iis mortgage may than bc foreclused tv sstufy the wn�unt duc un sruS
<br /> "•F bond,und any other bund i'or additionai advances,cogether with all sums pai3 by said The Equitable Build"uiq xn3 Luaa Associativn ot'Ginnd island,
<br /> Nebrtska for insursnce,taxcsa»d'ussessments,and abstracting extension charges, witH icuerast khereoii; irom dsYe,of puymenY at the�uaximuan
<br /> .. � iegal tate. � .. .� � �� � � . .
<br /> % As grorided in the Bond secur,ed hereby,wi�ile tlais mortgage rematns in ef7ept the morigmgee ma,y hereaPcer advance additional sums t�U�e
<br /> J � makers oC�said.�Band,their assigns or suceeasors in inierost,whlch secnas shatl be w�ithin ttte sec�ritv of thts mc?rtga�e the ssme as thr fwids uxiginuIly� �� �� � �
<br /> - •h ` secured:ttieroby,tlaa toxal amount uf pr3ncipal drbt not to exceed ai uny ti�ne the origi:u�l ainount ul'ihis m�rtgagc.
<br /> $ D�c�aut�s 21st, a�y April n.n_.iy77
<br /> i . �a��ti...t ��''��¢ '�
<br /> ; �-�����,3�"�' ,,�
<br />� t _: .�.rr.-=w. -r
<br /> , ; �?or,athy E. Ma1czyk �
<br /> �u sraT�or�a�axwsrcA'� 21 s t' A r i i 77
<br /> ^ � ss. � .�. On this day of � � 14 ,before mq �
<br /> a COL3�+I'I"Y:oP,iiALL ��
<br /> y thr usxie�signed,n Noiary•Puklic in ari�i fur anid C'uunty,personuUy��ume �'�' �
<br /> � 6eorge� 5_ Mo.3czyk and Darothy E. Molczyk each in �is and her oWn ri ht and as v o '�'�`"
<br /> �a�h.c�t�er �9s� a re ��'�4»at�>�kno�n cn ��� ..
<br /> , ��:�,;
<br /> �- tne to be iho ieienticat p�e;�an 5 wt�ose name S dt^� af'fixed m 2he above instrumen�as mon�vr5 and t�ley suvecally
<br /> .,ry acknowEedged:tlit said irtstrumant to be th27 i" voluntury act snd dead. ,. `.t � ��'
<br /> � � �„
<br /> � W'i IN1�S:my l�anr��nci Nounal�eaA tho daie ainresa�d, , ' • r.
<br /> ,,,� , .
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<br />� � � �...�..,.,. .�Atr�6ee�trro�piros �._� ot y ub zc ix
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