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'�y'`u-z1 . . . � . � . <br />'�-3y,.`� � � � � . � � ... <br />�'c c.' . . ' . . . . . . . . � . . � a :t�,. <br /> � . � . � .� . � . � . . � � 5 � � . <br /> � w . . . .. .. , ... . . .. . . . ' �!. . . . . . . . . . .. . . � � � <br /> ( �MORTGAG£--Saviags:aa,d�I.oaa�Fo�ac-(Dk�e! Crecllt Plan1:�.255•2 (Sp�edai.)� � . . . . �� . . . . . <br /> �.7.. 0 0�.9$� MORTGAGE � <br /> ' �xo <br /> � THts INIDF.NN4'UitE."made�e�.�. � � 16th�� _�ay of �� . .. Apr�.l � � � . . 7 J � ���.�� <br /> T . . . 39__,bg�:aad bstwe�a � <br /> RABFORD W. LEWIS AND IRIS R, 'LEWIS husband and wife each in his and he own igh� a.+.�' <br /> ,'� as saouse of the other ' <br /> ° ..ot $811:� � County.Nebzaaka.�es.��mort4a4ar S. ��d Floms�.Fedeml Savings�aud Ioaa Aasodatton�ot Grand.lalmud.�.:. � <br /> 9 - a corparation:�orqanized��amd eastinq-uader�the.]awe of�Hehraaka-:with��its . . . <br /> . . . .pzincYpal offtee aad plaee ot buaineas at�Grund Isi�d,.Nebraaka,�. �.... <br /> � .��morigagee:�. . . : � .� � .� � . � <br /> � � WITNESSETH: �TRcat said mortgagor S toz and�ia.conaidsration�af the eum.of_ � � � <br /> THIRTY' THREE THOUSAND 3IX HUNDRED AND NO/100----------------______�ollara ts 33�60�.00 s, <br /> ` ' �the ietelpt��af w6ieh���3s herabp��aelmowledged;�dn�_�by theae�preseuts mortqaqe aad wcmaat uato aaid mort9agee. its aucceaaors..�d.� . .. .. <br /> asatgne,��fozaver,�.all�the:followiug deecribed�zeal estate, dtuated in the wunty ot Hc111 � � � <br /> �:�aad State.�ot�Nebzaskw�.lawlt::. . � .. . � . <br /> LOT NINE (9) IN LE HEIGHTS THIRD SUBDIVISION PART OF E'�NW'� SECTION I1, � <br /> �TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH, RANGE 10 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., HALL COIINTY, NEBRASKA, <br /> � <br /> �` � . f . .. � � t . <br /> � Togethez with ali heatiag. 1i htia and lumb3n e � � <br /> $f 9 4• P 4 qulpmeat aad fiztuzea, iacluding atoXen and burnen..screens, awnfaqs,stozm wtadomr � � . <br /> �� aad daoss, aad window shodes oc bliada,uaed on or in coaaeetion wifh nmd proparty,whetLer the s�e �s now loccted oa amd pmpertp � � <br /> or hore¢fter pinced thereon. <br /> TO HAVE AND SO EiOLD TFIE SRME, t ether with all �d ein lar ihe tenemente,hexedi.tameaL�ad $� <br /> �f � � �4 4u apPurtenaaces the:suaw beloag- � � � � .. <br /> �' ing, or in anywiae appartainiaq,/orever,aad warrcmt the tiQe to the eama. Sa(d mortqagor S hezeby covenant_with eaid mortgagar � � �� � <br /> that t�e v ar.e � the dellvery hereof,the lawful owner S of ehe premin�a abova coaveyed�d deacrlbed,�d are S <br /> <? <br /> ' � $$$ se3zed of a good and iadefeaaible est¢te of inheritance thereia, fzae and de�of ail encumbr�cee. �d thai t he.�will wazlaat omd .z � . � <br /> ,r � $ delead the tifle thezeto iorever¢gaiast the daima �d demanda ot all peraons whomaaever. d � � � <br /> 3 <br /> $ $ROVID£D ALWAYS. and this inatzument ia executed and dellvared to aecure the payment af the eum oS <br /> � THIRTY THl2EE THOUSAND SIX fIUNDRED AND NO/100---------------- ilare (3 33,hn�_C10 ), <br /> with intereat thereon, together with euch ch�gea aad advancee ae may be due and payabla to aaid mortqages undec the Yerms ead <br /> '� � f conditions of the promiesory aote of evea date herewith �d sacuzed hezeby,ezecuted bp emd mortgaqor S to naid mortgagee.pcyable d <br /> E � ¢c eapxessed in eaid aote, msd to secuse the periormance of all the terms and conditlam coatmaed thereia. The tezma ot a¢id aota are } � � <br /> � herehy incorpo:ated hezein by thio refareaae. � �F <br /> St <br /> It ta the iatentioa and agreement of the paztiea hareto th¢t this mortqage ehnll also eecvze aay lutuze advance� mnde to eaid �� <br /> �. moxtc7aqoz S by said mortgaqee, and any aad all indebtedneas Sn addtHon to che aa�ovnt ahove etatmd which ecid mortgagora,ar aaap �y <br /> i oE them, may owe to said mortgagee, however evidenced. whethoz by noto,book accoua[ or otherwiee, Thin mortqage ahall ramain ia teili � � � <br /> �C forca and ei4ect between the pttrtiee hereto and iheir heire, pezaonal repzeeeatctivsa, rucceauzs and auigns, uatiE uli ¢mounb tecuzod � � <br /> y herounder,inciuding tuhue advancea,aze pmd ia Sull with iatezest. � <br /> t The morigagoz S hereby assi;� � to said mnrtgaqee all seate and income �iaiaq at anp and all timea lram.aaid p:operlp msd �� <br /> �3 heeabp authorixe amd maatgages oz ita aqeaf, at ita optfoa. upon de4ault,to iake ch�ge of sald propertp¢ad colleei all reata ead ineome $ <br /> f ihcrairom aad apPlY the same[o.the payment oi iaterssL Prfacipal.tasuz�ce premivau, taza�. aeeeaamenta, repairo osr lmp�ovemantta necei- <br /> sazy to keep aaict yroperty iu tenantabia condition, oz to olhar ehargou oz p¢ymnats piovlded!or hexein or Ia the aote hezxby�e�.-uzad Th;e � <br /> � rent asaigz�ment shal! continua in lorce unti2 the unpaid balance of eaid no2e ia fu31y pc=Sd, The ta7ciag of poasemiQa hareuadr�z alsall ia ao �$ <br /> �y p S <br /> f$ manner preveat or ratazd '¢id mortgagea in the colle�ctton ot said aums hy torecloeure or otherwiee. � <br /> � <br /> F Tho fnilaue ot the moztgagae�to aaae:t�any of sta righls hereundar at any time ahall not be eonatruad as a waiver al its right to aaaert <br /> �� morcy any Iater timr,and to inaiat.upnn�and entorca atrict compliunce with all the teima and prociaiom o! aald aoro aad oi th}e �t - <br /> _� 1}} °3 <br /> j� tt eaid mortgagor S ehall c¢uec tv be paid.ta.iaid moztgagee the eatire amauat due St hezeuadar,aa3 under th.e texms aad provirfonr T7,� . <br /> a. � � oI snld note hereby sacured.tacludiag fniure advances,and.any extsmions.or reaewals theroof in aocasdaaee with the �erma tmd �xsovLioar j <br /> j$$$ ihereof,and i4 eaid mortqagor S ahall comply with afl the proW.aioas oi aaid aote and of thts martqage,thea thass prereate �halt be void; { <br /> ?S otherwise lo zemaia in tull�lorce aad etfect, aad �md mertqaqwe ahall bo eatitted to !he poasassioa at all af said propertp,aad may, at 1U F „tl� <br /> he <br /> *� optioa, declare the whole of eafd note aad all indabtodneu rapre�sated ihereby to be immedtctelp due aad payahle,aud m¢y forecloee this $ <br /> . �� morfqago or tako any othar leqal aclion to pro[ect SM dght. �nd from the dQta �f aucR 3s:¢u:t al: iteau oi indnbfedne�s secured heroby � � � <br /> �t ehaU draw iatereat af�, per aanum. Appraisement waSvad � � ��" <br /> f 11 <br /> � $ Thie mortqaqe �hall be bindiag upon and shall onurs to th� b�nefit of ths h�in, erertuton,admiat�tratorr, auace�wra�d auipas nf � <br /> f Fha respective parifes LerMo.� . <br /> tS w.': <br /> � � F. wid/�artqagars_h�"�'hereuato �et th2'1T hyy�+s �ye day and yea�ifrat abovs �( t�+,' ^"" <br /> tN V4r� O <br /> �.S wriUea,/� � lr . ;� .•-i . ,S �{�} . <br />�� i ./.'�,-).,��n./ ��/�/i ,e'�'i9/..c' �,.1,t ' $� il*»�'+1�� . <br />�� f , � ��:.: � �-v. i:c-��-„ �, _ ,�-t:+. ��•.,i . '-�;�i.Y�� Y�., � .aw+�- <br /> Rae or�W. Lew�s �� <br />� �� �' �r�is R Lewi� � ' <br />�"� _.._-- <br />;r`�: f ---- »�..� <br /> .�-�,, �- ..........,......-.....,,......,......,.,....,..�.. � <br /> � ��. <br />,, y;. <br />': :a. <br /> �<< <br />