:� �,�
<br /> : ''
<br />�,� , .��.�.
<br />��; � �
<br /> The grantor IJ,1--LY' I2�AT.'T'Y &. Il5U2:ANC;:, l:NC',.
<br /> � � i:or��oratiou �rguuix,ed nnd existin� nndnr and by virtixr�, of tlte 1a�ss of tke State of l�r�ta�r�asku �
<br /> i�i oonsideration of '1'WLNTY—NTNF Tlit)ttSA]vi.) *7xNL I3UNI)�ti:1� .+A:�31) f.TC}/1(�i3 (�;�:�:),�G{).{3t)�
<br /> ` rec�ired from gr�sitee, does graut, barguin; sell, eunvey` �nd c�nfiriii unto ROI3LIZT .7.FI. .S afi3v5'TQIdE
<br /> .anr3 V�EZN.A F'. ,1'C3,H33a1'ON�� tau�b�nd :�nd wi;.a�'<a
<br /> as ;joint tc:naute; 4�•iili ri�lit of aur�ti���rship, axid i�ot .is t�ut�n[� in common, t},�^ f„x����a•i•,�* {3.�*scrihea;i rcaal
<br /> ' prq�cr2� in .:................ .d{a.l 1........................,......... Cou�ik,v, Ne6raska:
<br /> 'I`kte StruthE:x�:l.y 5c3ventV^fotzr T'c.c=t (S �t.x' � af i.l�G
<br /> i\urthurly t�ne� Hundi•�il I�orty F�r t {]V 1��U' � a�S'
<br /> L-be IixasC H�1f (E�>�1 cy£ f31ac4c Sr�vcn ("�� ir�
<br /> i � k�lea�a:�nt Home Subclivisi.on r.if' �,c+rt of` thca lia�ti
<br /> 13�11' tat thu :;nutt�c�ust; (;�,vs�z�ter (��51°;,�j-� nx
<br /> . - �;eec iion 'T'wc�z�t3�-onca C�I � , '1.`ownsk�:Lg.z Fl.e,�•e,rs ( t 1 }
<br /> , , NurY;t�, Rr�nt;� I`'in� (r�} laa:�t nf' tY�cz 6tk� :k'�2�]„
<br /> ' irr Hal1 Count,y, N<al�r�:iska. .. _�.._ _.. ..�___....�,..,.
<br /> t�CG4ia'�. f�A i�,CSl�I'"t'rt:Ni:�.£tY
<br /> ,..1��'vi k' :1�F.X
<br /> � �� �' � d�,1��5 `,:�1 �;�;'? �
<br /> 1�'�"t�`��� ���� -�a '�"
<br /> ,cr ;,�3.�a �,����_.L�.:....
<br /> � � To hnce anr3�t�.� ho11 ti�e x�bove de.ceritaed T�remises t:<�gef:k��r with ull tcue.�,nex�ts,�hereditu7uez�e antl � � � �
<br /> appurten�anceo tlier�to b�*I��ngiug uuto tlie Rrazitees an� to their ussigna, or to the heics nud a�s;�igns af Che
<br /> survivor of t2iem fordr•er.
<br /> Axa�l wraeit��x Sor itselS t�zid 'ats euccessors doea lierel�,y r,ove.rzaut u�iCh ihe grautces und ���ith ttzeir
<br /> ah�igns an<i ti��itt� tl�c Leirs uad assigus of the survivar <af t.heui ttiut �;r:�titur ix li��ef�il.ly seis�d �i' saicl
<br /> j�rerui�ses; 2.ttiat they ure free fran eneurnbrauce excejat S'or e.�r�s�rme�nts s�nc� r4>st'riptinn�
<br /> nf' rccor,d
<br /> tl�ut �r�Tit��r hus g�ud r.ight anc� lai�vful aut}iority ta cox3vey t.he snnie; xnd Lhut �;rantor wt�rruuts axid
<br /> crill deSt?nd the tiCle to said preuiises uasiivat thc la���ftxl cletim� of all }�crsiins wltoFiasoever.
<br /> � � IL ig the intention af ull parties heretu t�,hait. in tlx� uvent of thc ri�at)z of eitl�cr of the �runtess, � � ���
<br /> Yhe entire fee sim�ile title to the rexl e�tuta shull ��est in f:he surviviu{, Krnniea.
<br /> Tn witness whereof, grantor Lae hereianto etiu�ed its corpoi•utc sei�l to be affised ai.id tlxeae pre:senta
<br /> tii„a�e3 Lv i�ti I'resident.
<br /> Qtited r1{aril :_'Uth 1`.�j'7
<br /> : , . �i
<br /> ,,
<br /> , ,
<br /> "'7 / �
<br /> ; , ;��e Y � f� �ts��y� '"s�„�ca�Sa�--�--�`�'—•Ga..y
<br /> � �. �-•
<br /> ' � , ., ��n�,,�� x�;�z�x���—r�rir��, �v�:� rxc. '
<br /> , � 13v .G:� ``'r.l�"'�"...:.��. ..1 �.;,""�.{`�.�,.�G:4L:;� 1'resident
<br /> �uc�u3.i I/' �Y.a�tEr
<br /> �.. ` t..'
<br /> . � .,. ,.
<br /> ` "' � 'V�b x 3�I�ca
<br /> �= ,,,�T�n 1+. �ap' ..............:..4. ..................,...._........... C;r���nt;v oP ....s.............Ei:s�i..�.d..............._.,..............:
<br /> T3efore tnc, u ncilary puUlic qualilii:a fur stti3 cuunt,�•, peraoually c�tn�
<br /> I2ur:i o 1 1' T". F':i a t e,� 1?re�Nident oF �
<br /> 1):�–L}• Pte.�1L-y c�;. I'.n�txrrxnca> , Inr. , ti cosporstiou, s
<br /> �;... ;
<br /> kt�oien tt�.ine tii I�e ihe I'rc�i�ient tiu�l it�ent:ie:il ��crson �vho ci�nec� the forep�oia�inat.run.icnt, :inc3, nck:notiv• '^'r' `
<br /> de<3�od t�k�xh executioza��thereof ta be Ixi� v<ilunhriry uc�t nua dee.d ass Kuc-1� otfi��er xirzd 21�e voluntiary :��,t xrici � a'
<br /> , � c7e��� of said eorEaoraGiuss awd thuL its aorpor�Le �eul �s�an t2ieretic> 'sztLixe3 by it,c autliority. I
<br /> }_ . - '1
<br /> i ;,� '
<br /> �Gitneels my hand and uotariul �eal oxx . ...�??��^''"'�......:�.�:....... ................ l J.....j.�...... s`,
<br /> ........... �`
<br /> � n f n
<br /> � ... �!.���,t--w�.+.-...... �° . j.� �u..�,._...... ..u�.:�;y 2':1Ulic. ,�,�""".' ..
<br /> ' �MORMIIA+/C.9I1UM � ................................. . ......................
<br /> Bst�IMeOuy-�a6o'aINeW: � .
<br /> �Mb Cbmo�lon E�cpk�s i�sv comcnissi�n cxpires .....�'&'7'.?:!r.-.--�::°�.......::�.�.... ....., 1.?. ..�..�...
<br /> AprY 27.1977
<br /> c� "+.rw� L__ —,_„�
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