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<br /> " �Hoiv�oua�
<br /> DUE OiV SALE
<br /> �� SAVINGS FiJND
<br /> FORM No:720 �
<br /> � Loan Number__.33p3�t__ _TJ�$ 'B..l�
<br /> �` 77•.. 0 0�.3'�7'
<br /> ' " MORTGAGE
<br /> , ; THIS MQRTGAGE, made aud'executed thfs:...._.--.�o-•.- __-... day of....:....f�C��. ..:._._..._::A.D.,
<br /> " f 19....7�.,be�ween the Mort�agor, :..Esthex-.�obb.,l..a:.�i.ngl.e..person._ ... ..:......................--... ..:.......:._.
<br /> .:
<br /> ; i ... •----'--- . ..•----- ---•---:�. .. .�..�....�. ,:__...-- --'---...-�...................... ..._....---.......... ....----.....-•---•-•-'----. ._...---_......._._ ,,:.
<br /> ii of'_Grsnd.Zs,].and:............County of.:...---I�a11..--..----.. ......,State of.Dtebraska...._...,hereinafter referred
<br /> to as: the Borrower,.and the 1Vlortgagee, FIRS'P FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> � LINGQLN,-1235 "N" Street,,Lincoln,Nebraska 6£35Q1, its successors and assi�ns, hereinafter referred to
<br /> � as Lender. .
<br /> : ;: � � � �
<br /> ; WiTxsssE2x -That the id Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of ._ .:............._ .__.
<br /> � TWELVE THOL3SI�ND AND,NO�100 --------------.-Dol:arc; (US�_12,000.00 ._...)
<br /> A ..,.__. �...__, ....._.. ...... ...... .. .... ............ ............_- ---- `�----
<br /> = paid kay said Lender, does-herebymortgage, grantand convey to Lender, i�s successors and assigns; the
<br /> ` following de.scnbed properLy tocated in the County of ..............�all_ State of Nebraska;
<br /> A'rectangular tract of 'grpund in the Narthwestc;.r1;� corner of B1ock E;leven (Zl), of
<br /> W�ndolpY}'s Addition to Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, having a Northerly
<br /> frontage of 66 Peet on John Street, a depth of 132 feet, and bounded on the Westerly
<br /> � side by Adams Street; and bei:ng what tiould be Lot Four (4j, �n said Bloek Eleven
<br /> (11), were it subdivided into Lots in the same manner as the futl Blocks in said
<br /> Addition that are aubdivided into eight lots,
<br /> TocETxEa with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and ail easements,
<br /> rights; appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water righta, and
<br /> water stock, and all fixtures now or hereafter attnched to the property, a13 of cvhich, including repl�ce-
<br /> u ments and additions thereto-shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the properi:y covered by this
<br /> � Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said property (or the leasehold estate in the event this
<br /> -0: Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br /> :'� Bormwer covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby c�nveyed and has the right
<br /> to`mortgage, grantand convey the Froperty, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower�vi13
<br /> warrAnt and.3efend generall,y the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subjeet to any
<br /> ; easements and restrictions listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any titde insurance policu in-
<br /> ' suring Lender's interest in the Property,or (2) attorney's opinion of title from abstract of title certified
<br /> i hy bonded abstractzr.
<br /> PxovinEn ALwaxs, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following cunditions,agree-
<br /> ments and o�iligations of the Borrower, to-wit:
<br /> ` - 'I'he$orrower agrees to pay to the Lender, or order, the principal sum of:.... .................... ....... ...._
<br /> TF7ELVE THOUSAND AND N0 100--------------------------- 12 000.00
<br /> �------�-----_�--------... ........ ........�----..._. ......_._.....l�ollars (LJS$-_.....�._......__. .. ...........)
<br /> payable as provided in a note executed and delivered,concurrently herewith, the final payment of principal,
<br /> � if not sooner paid,on'the_...__..1st.:......_.. day of .......D1ay......___. ...---...--> 19�.'j.---•
<br /> ;�
<br /> i3xrFoeNt Gov�xnxrs: T3onower and Lender covenant and aoree �s follows:
<br /> 1. Paymeat of Priacipal and Interest. Borrow�er shall prompily pay when due the �?rincipal of and in-
<br /> terest on the indebtedness evidenced by the Note,prepaymen£ and late charges as prt>vided in the Note,
<br /> .i fho n;,�,ol nf ar}d,qntnr�+ct�n anp Fnti�ra .A�lvanrvic evr�irc.ai }�v th,. M,�rt-o �.�, � ��
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxes cxnd Insurance. Subject to Lender's option under para�raphs 4 and 5 hereof,Bor-
<br /> rower shall pay to Lender on the day monthly installinents of principal and intex•est are payable uncler the '
<br /> Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum (herein "Fu�ids") equal to one-lwelfth of t}ie yeariy taxes and
<br /> assesxments which may attain prinrity over this Mortgage,and ground rents on the Praperty, if any plus
<br /> one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, p1u5 one-twelith of yearl,y* premiutn in-
<br /> stallments for mortgage insurance, rf any, :�11 as reasonabl}+ estimated initiaily and from time to time bv
<br /> i.ender on the basis nf assessments and biils and reasqnable estimates thereof, Lcnder shall apply Lhe Funds
<br /> � pay said taxes,assessmenis,insuranee premiums and �round rents. l.ender Ghatl muke no chaz�e for so
<br /> holding and applymg the Funds or verifying and eompiling sxid assessmenLs and biils. The I.Ender shall
<br /> give Lo tNe��:.-- e ::i ;�,ut L„�rge, an annual accounting of t,he Funcis showing credits and ueuits w t ie
<br /> Funds.and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional
<br /> security for th�.sums secured.tiy tliis I�fortgage. The Borruwer agrees that i.he Funds rnay Fae lielci uy the
<br /> Lender and cominingled with other funds and the Lender's uwn funds and the I.ender ma,y pay such items
<br /> ftom its own funds and the I.ender'sriall not be liabie for interest or dividends on sueh Fundr;. ""`^�r� ' '�*'�., '
<br /> , �
<br /> ' If the amerunt of the Funds heid by Lender, together with t3ie future manthly instaliments of FundF ,� #�
<br /> �� payable prioz t�o the due dates of taxes,assessments, ineurance premiutns ancl ground renis, shall exceeci `� �;�
<br /> the amount required ta pay said taxes,assessments,insurance premiums and ground rents as#.hey fali 3ue, ', <`,�
<br /> such escess skall be,at$arrower's option;either promptiy repaid to Borrower or credited to Bormwer on ;�,;,�
<br /> mont}z3,y inst.a23ments.of-Funds. If the amount of Lhe Funds held by Lencler shall uot be sufiicient t� pay
<br /> A taxes,-ause�vuianf,s,-insurance�c�miums und ground rents ae they fall due, t3orrower shall pay r,o Lender
<br />� :zz}•�ttunt a.^.ccss3r5- to in&3,e ap ihc�3eu�;ie�iCy'wiLtuii i.iairty uayn aiLer tiui,iue irum i.encler io $urruwer �wr,�
<br /> requesting payment therepf, or Borrower shall, �ay an inerease in monthly installments of Funds requireci,
<br /> repa,y the defieiency withi�z the Fund accountin�; period.
<br /> LTgon pa5��ent in :ull of::11 su�;LS secureci:�y Lt�io il�Sc,�6KaKe,i,Cii.3er�liali x�Nly ruaiva IiCi.3 u:,a�rcu;L
<br /> against all sums due.
<br /> ' �.. � �
<br />. . ,: �_
<br />� �
<br />