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<br /> . . .,m'"'sar�►
<br /> ' �r«,:u.� . .
<br /> �� . � � . � . . : � . �;�.
<br /> ` IND1V[DUAL r
<br /> ,�?UE:4N SAGE:
<br /> ��
<br /> � �• .�Foen+ No.720 � . � . � . ..
<br /> �yy�n��.1YY� ���w lpan Number.._33?�.5-------1� _�_..i__
<br /> ��� : :. . . ... : . , . l�Ype �3��:1�ich.. ..
<br /> ��, aoi��s : .
<br /> ;
<br /> iVIO :RTGAGE
<br /> �� C THTS MOR'i"CAGE,made nnd eae�utecl thi� 70th . dav of Apri1 , ..._ A D.,
<br /> 19..��--.,between the Mortgagor,....__it(}H3ERT.:1..��t��t;��?.:and:'.�tA?3G�'.?�...G?���kR:,:.h�:�b��d..�a�d....._...
<br /> a' .:::wifet..aa,Jc�3nt Tenant�:�nd.NoC as_,Tenants.in_.Cousc}on_::--• `
<br /> ,r . . . .............. ........ .......� --------....
<br /> f oi..::Grsr�d Istend.._r.... .; Caunty a£. :Hakl ' .........__, bi.ate of:.Nebraska; ._...,hereinafter referred
<br /> � to as,the Borrower, and the Mnrtgagee, FIRS'Z'.FEDERAL SAVIIVt>S AND LOAN�SS(}CIATIOl�'C7I�
<br /> e, LINCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, I.incoln,P�'cbrasku 6fl507, its succes.tiors and a�signs; }ierE�inaft.er referreci to
<br /> y' us I.ender. _
<br /> �
<br /> �_ � W[TivessE7x: Tfiut the said B�rrower far und in consideration of the sum of ...'�?EN?'�'.�'kiI���:...�......
<br /> i THOIIBAND SIX iitJt3D�D 'DOLLARS and NO A('0- --.-."..Llol;r�rs (US $23,64Q ,0[3,.-_ .:..-)
<br /> ,.�.... ...:... ........ ........ ....._. ..�........ '
<br /> t, '' �a�id by suid Lende:r,uioas hereby mort��ge, grttnt and convey to I.enc3er, it:s sixcceseors and �i.,�.i�;ns; tli�.
<br /> „ , ' following described �roperty located in the Count�- of.....__..?�al:�...... . .... .......... SkuLe af NeUrfi4kat
<br /> � .r, . . . . .. . .
<br /> a4� . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> All nf Lot Three (3) in Nabob Subd3vfsion ExcepCing rhe Westexly One Hundred
<br /> ,� (l0O) Feet ot said Lot, liall Gaunty, Nehrasks, hein� a part o� Lot TtaentY (2�a.
<br /> Part o£ Lot� 'Itaenty-,one (21) and 2Zaenty-two (22) of [L�e Ce�unty Subclirrisican of
<br /> j tiaa t3est HsZf,of the Scwthwest QuarCer (t,1kSW�;� ai S�cti.�n Te.n (i.n), TocansF�ip
<br /> ` � Eleven (lI} Noxth, Rango Nitx� (�) Tdest uf tl�e 6th P.'rS_, kia11 County, ;r'�braska,
<br /> { sn� in i,�art of Lo4s �ne (i) and Two E2) a:id ';t:ree (3), Black x'our. (4), Voitie's
<br /> Additian, ali in Che City �f Grand Zsland, Ilal.l Caunty, hebrasks.
<br /> �
<br /> i� 'Ppc�:2l�z�a with all the unprovemeiits now or hereafter erect.ed on i:he pr<�E�erty, und all ensements,
<br /> � '�' rights, appurtenances, rent�, ro,yelties, inineral, ail an<1 gas rights aizycl profii.�, �vtzter, water riglzt;s, r�nd
<br /> � water stor.k; und all fixtures now or herr,after attached to the property, all of which, in¢luding replace-
<br /> ments and additions thereto, shall be dc.scined i,�bc=Ancl remmin a par�. ot th� �aro��erty caverad bv lhis
<br /> f' Mo�gage;z�nd all of the fore�oin�, ii�gether w�th said propert,y (or tiie le�sehold est�te in the e���nt t.his.
<br /> Martqage is on a leasehold) are herein referred i:o ns the "Propert:y".
<br /> a: Borrow�r cavenants that Borzower is i�wfully seised of. t.lie estate hcreb,y convcye3 and hun the right
<br /> �; to martgage, grant zind convey the I'roperCY, t.hat the I'ropert,y is unencunikaered, and t2tat k3orrower will
<br /> wurrant and detend generally the tilie t.o the ProperLy a�;�in�t ali claimr, and <iemand�, subjecL to �n,y
<br /> a! eaaements and restrictions iisted in �schedule of exreptions to coverxkc in x�n�� t.itic irisurtttice paliay in-
<br /> j suriczg Lender's interest in the I'roperty, or ('?) attornev's oE�inican of title from zibst.ract of titic� certified
<br /> �; �; by ban3ed abstracter.
<br /> ,� Peovtn�:n ALw.��rs, and these presents �re executed ancl delivered upon the foltowin�;c•c�nditioias,a�;ree-
<br /> � menls tind obligations ot' the $orrowi�r, Lo-wiL:
<br /> ` 'T�he Borrawer agre�es Lo pa�r to the Lender o order, ihe �.>rincipal surn<if .. 1WErTY T'IIREE
<br /> � ;' THOUSANY? SIX HUNDKk?D DlJLLARa end M'q�Zt1(t-_ ---.L7olls�rv (CTS $?3.C2QO..Qti.....- .. . -.-.�)
<br /> , _...... --_.. ..............._.._................ ...._............_... .....
<br /> ' iiav�ble as provided in�note exeruted and deliverecl,concurrc°ntly liere�vil.h, t:hr fin:al��r�,yrnent c�f pri[ycSpat,
<br /> ,I it noL suonerpaid,un ihe .._..:..lst... ......... ci;iy af......._ �'faX...... ..... ....._ ....., iJ.,�1�_..
<br /> ' t7i.c�xnt Cr�vr.'tvnxl•s. giorrower and Lender cuvc:�iani. and akree as foilows:
<br /> ;; , i, P¢ym�s�i o!:rrirxcipal and interasi. F3orrower sl�;ili pzoxi�pCiy pay wlien duc� ihe Nrinai�l ol anci in-
<br /> LeresE an ihe izzdebtednes�evidnnced by t-he Note, g>rep..i��xnent and lete cluuges as �,arc�vidi�ci in thi3 Notc,
<br /> 2. Fundex for Taxea aad Insurunee. Suf.�jc,��tv Lender'r.c>ut,ic�n nn�er par��;x�plie 4 and 5 hereof, .L3c�r-
<br /> r rower shail pay to Lc;ndtir nn the da_y mont•hly inst;allrne�iCS of princi�;�a1 and znt�rest:�r�p+�,yr�ble uxic3er ttae
<br /> Npte,:until the N�i;e i�pttid in Sull,a suni (herein "Fun<is") rqual tc> on*.+-twrlfth of tlic ,yearly tt�xes and
<br /> assessment;�whicti may aCtain pri�rit:Y over Lhis nlcrrt:guge. and #;rr�und renta on the Pi•v�rertyy, if xny �:+1�5
<br /> one-twelfth at yeaz•ly premiuxrt installm�nts i'or h�xarti insuran�e, plus one-twelfLl� of yiurly �arenxiucxa an-
<br /> i staiiraienta for nzort�Age in4urance, if a�y,ailt xs reasonablv estimatt�d inil;ialiy anei fi•om ti�aze to i.irxic; l�,v
<br /> � Lenc�er on the basi�ot asse�sments and t�a11e�nd r�;asonc�blc estSm�te�ther��f, Ixnder shali zip�.al��tti�Funds
<br /> :,, t,o pay e�aid i'axev,a;;sezs;rments, insurance premiucxt�tind gmtaz�d reni.�. L.�>aider �hali mnke>no chisrg�for co
<br /> : M�tding and ap�ls�inn lhc� Funds or �•e:�cying a^ci ro:z:,;�!szz,; 5;:id .zti�c.:>:; c:its az;d bi!!s. '1'!:e Lc...+c: ,i.:.!!
<br /> Rive ta the E3prrower,without char�e,�n nnnual ac.c•cau»tin�oi thP Funds ahowing crndits atnd tlebii:s ta tlie
<br /> Funds and the puxpo�e for�vhich each de}�ib to the Funds w�s tnndc. 'I'kse Funds �rc. Wled,�e,d us uddifional
<br /> s;ecurity [or the�ums sec:ured b,y this Mortga�e. Tl�e Liormwc=r x�rc�es t:hai.l,he Funds m�y be 3�eld t>y the
<br /> 1.c:nd�r a�id comcningled with ather funds and the L.�nder's c�wn fund�;ancl the Leni3er anay pa,y surli i4eme
<br /> irom its own funds and the Z.ender ahall not be Iiable#'ar ine:eresL or dividends oi� ,uch runcis. �u} � �*,
<br /> If tl3e atr��unt af the kuncis beld by 3senaer,.together witti the tuture monthl,y in�tallu�ents of FuYac�� � �M
<br /> � payabie pxior to the dua d�tes uf tanes,ar�reseanent�, itiburatice pre�ruums nnc� grouna reiYGS, shull excc�d �' .
<br /> the axnount reqnired tppa y said trxxes,assessmente, znsurance premiums and grc�und ren:t;���they=full c3uc�, ��"�:.
<br /> �� such exc+ess shall be, at E3orraw�r's option, eibher promgtly repsid to Sorrower ar credited#a Bozrower o� i�.,'�
<br /> monthly installmentss of Funcly. If the aanount �f t.t�e k'und;helci 3�y Lec�der e;}�ail not be sut�icient to pay
<br /> .- r, .
<br /> .. : tuzces. at�sessments. insurance premiunn�and grovnc3 �nf.a�ac tF.av fz�11 �!l�aw, f�rrr�wer r:h»)1 n�y in i.e�nrt�yr �"'
<br />�. : �ny azszvunt.ne�essary,La make uA the d�cisnCv wiLhin thirt;v days aft.sr notace frum Lciacier tc�13c�rrc,wc:r �,.' .
<br /> reqaestucig �raymex�t thexeof, or E3orrow��r shall, by an ancrease in r��on�hly Ins4al]men�of r und.requirud, �'
<br /> Pei�ay Lhe deficienc,y within the Fund $ecoun#an�q perivd.
<br /> r?}�rn P�aYxnent iai,fuil of all suxn�secured l�y 4t�is A4ort�a#;e;I,finder ehxll applY I�unds hi�td a4 a cmclil
<br /> agaituaf,aIl�uxz�ti due.
<br /> � �_ �
<br />:�
<br />