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<br /> AFP`'IDAVIT
<br /> f- R�c Sishop Heights Third Subdivision, Hall County, Neb�aska
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<br /> (ss:
<br /> COUNTY`.OF HALL )
<br /> Evelyn P. Stull, being first duly swarn upon oath de�oses
<br /> and states the following facts:
<br /> I. Affiant is the widow af Willis C. Stull who died on
<br /> May 15, I976.
<br /> 2. Willis C. Stull and Affiant as joint tenants nwned
<br /> an undivided one-third interest in the Southwest Quarter of
<br /> the Northwest Quarter of Section Eleven, Township Eleven North,
<br /> Range Ten West c� the 5th P.M. in Hall Caixnty, Nebraska, as
<br /> acquired on April 29, 1972. Bishop Heights Third Suhdivision
<br /> is located on said real estate,
<br /> 3. On May 6, 1976, Affiant signed the name of her husband,
<br /> Willis C. Stu11, on a Subc3ivision Agreement with xef�rence to
<br /> Bishop HeigY�its Thirc2 Subdivision. Affiant signed sai8 Subdivision
<br /> Agreement under the specific verbal instzuctions of Willis C.
<br /> Stu12 and under a verbal power of attorney. Said signature
<br /> was made wtxen Wi12is C. Stull was physica2ly unable to sign
<br /> said Subdivision Agreement himself. Willis C. Stull verbally
<br /> � ratified and affirmed his signature on said Subciivision Agreement
<br /> prior to his death. As surviving joi.r.t tenant, Affiant hcreby
<br /> ratifies, affirms and confirms her act of sic�ning the name of
<br /> Willis C. 5tull on said Subdivision Agreement and hereby rati�ies,
<br /> affirms, restates and confirms the terms of the Subdivision
<br /> Agrreement itself.
<br /> 4. On Apri2 22, 1976, Affiant signed the name of Wil.lis
<br /> C. Stull on the Plat of Bishop i3eights Thi.rd Su)�division. Affiant
<br /> �igned said Agreement under the specific verbal instructiona
<br /> of Wi11is C. Stull and under a verbal power of attorney. Said
<br /> si.gnature was made when Willis C. Stull was physically unable
<br /> to sign sai3 Plat. WilI.is C. Stull verbaily ratified and aPfirmed
<br /> his signature on said Plat pra.or to his deatta. As surviving
<br /> joint tenant, Affiant heretay ratifies, a£fi.rms and cvnfirms
<br /> her act of signing the name of Wi11is C. Stu21 on said P1at
<br /> and Yaereby ratifies, affirms, restates and con£irn!s *hA ��rm�
<br /> and specifications of said P2at.
<br /> ��-�r� -�-,.� -�� ,�t��E.,�-'
<br /> Evelyn�Y1. S�u2�
<br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me this �day of April,
<br /> 1977.
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