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<br /> ; "" Third. To pay or cause ta be paid to the Grand Island Trust Cornpany of � � ;.�; '�
<br /> ` � '�,� ' : .�a�. �
<br /> I ' r� ,� . Grand Island, Nebraska, its . successors or assigns, the sum of $ _�,�'f�. 8z q��,,`� ���' � � '
<br /> , ,� „ �
<br /> , � ��.�' )
<br /> ' },� � � Six Thousand F.ight Kvndred For�y �-,�Qe a�nd s2 � ioo - - - DOLLARS, ` ..�-- y
<br /> ( ` '` �`
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<br /> � �pR. �t�'+. �J-
<br /> � �"�`` payable as follows: ,-�=,.�
<br /> ^.��k� �
<br /> �Y . . �. . { '��' t,�_ l .
<br /> � '� ^� � Seventy—Two { 72 ) monthly payments of $ 137 . 37 each , due oa the ;;'� =�
<br /> i �, ,� .__ �
<br /> '�`y � ;� ' �'
<br /> � „�'' 2Clth of each month , commencing Ma,y 20 , 1977 , � �'� , �
<br /> , �,� ,�
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<br /> � ' `'"�-,"+rr� with interest thereon payable ����ial-�yz, accardin� to the tenor and eEfect oF the ' � y �'f
<br /> �; ."'� ,=", one certain -f�t- �mtair�a�e-k�rmd �f said martgagors, �earing even date with these � `�'"r�,.-,G �t
<br /> r �� � , .�� � .
<br /> �' � � presents. After maturity said -1���draws interesi at the rate of elav'ea�per cent per 3 "' j
<br /> s :';, ��' ��','. a 1
<br /> . ,t+.�.��, '� � 137I1Ui1] . 7 < . ��
<br /> a
<br /> } � �. If said taxes and assessments are not paid �yhen due, or if the buildings on said �� ''� ?
<br /> �. 1 '= ��r Pr�mises are not insured as above provided , ar if any of said interest is not paid when �, ', ;
<br /> 4� e
<br /> s�.x+ due, then said whole debt shall become due immediately, at the option c�f the said <��' �
<br /> ,i'' � . ; � � g7 ��4`�� r.i �`� . . .
<br /> ' '' ..- ':, ' Trust Company , and shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ch.� per cent per °� �4 �= "
<br /> > �`�
<br /> �,,,s�t #� annum . �A� �r � r�`
<br /> _ :t
<br /> �,. Whether said debt becomes due by laps� ol ume, or by reascm ot the failure of w �.��
<br /> N , �. a ,�q , .cs i � � . .
<br /> , �, ;��, the party of the first part to comply with any condition herein, the said CGrand lsl;ind .` �„ �
<br /> � -� ``� Trust Company of Grand Island, Nebraska , the successars and assi�ns, shall have the � 2, � - �:;
<br /> �Y i 15�.
<br /> � 5 � right to begin the foreclosure of this mortgage at once on the whole debt hereby s�- �' :it� ��
<br /> "„ � �� ` cured, and to irsdude therein all taxes, assessments, insurance premiums at3d costs, paid ''� ' �' ''
<br /> < � _ ,_.� �t ;
<br /> +'�i r .i J
<br /> _ ;� by it or them ; or said Trust Company, its successors or assigns, may foreclose only as � + r�` '�t
<br /> � �:��- �� to the sum past due, without injury to this mortgage, or the displacement or impair- "�' _ �
<br /> � a ,
<br /> r ��, '�?" ment of the •lien thereUfi ; � : . - ,�'��,`,, �,r
<br /> -� ���°� ' And the said first party and the makers c�f said note, bond anc3 coupons especially �° ;, : t
<br />� ryr�;� � �� agree anci declaze that the separate estate of each and every one oi them, inc.luding ;� '� �f
<br /> � ' s � � F
<br /> � � both that now owned and that hereafter ac uired, is led ed and bound for the a `'''
<br /> � ���t ' 9 P g P Y' x� � �� �
<br /> �':"�:`' ,. � ment of the debt hereby secure�. ���``�� '
<br /> t>
<br /> �r�y � After the commencement of any suit in foreclosure the plaintiff therein shall be �� ;� �'-<F '
<br /> " �. ;' z � ,
<br /> �.� entitled to the immediate pc�ssession of said premises and the appointment of a receiver , . ,�
<br /> � �� r' �
<br />— ,��".�E � , uzeref�r, notwitnstanziuig ctley may be cne hcmestead oY the o�c:u��i�t anci i�otwit:;•- � *.' f'
<br /> ' '�a�'` � �`` standing the parties liable for che debt may be soivent, and thz first party hereby consents >?����j
<br /> � , ... : � . . . . . . itiay .
<br /> ��,�'6�,: � ; to the appointment of a Receiver upon the production af this inde��ture, without � .` �_` .
<br /> �
<br /> -� :s ather evidence . n � ',
<br /> ��' x ��
<br /> , �� ` The foregomg conditiuns and agreements, ali and sin�ular, being fully perEormed, � +Y�;� �;
<br /> �, �`,` � this conveyance shall be void, otherwise to b� and remain in full farce and e$ect . �� '' `=�4 �
<br /> � � . r.� ��- �}`� }, �. M y �',. i� .
<br /> :'.�� " `� 23th _. .-- Apri1._. _ �__._A . D ., 19__..77 � ='"6'c ,5
<br /> , � Signed this _ _. . .__.. _ _,----_.__ __.._da ,c�f_ ab ,
<br /> Y , ,
<br /> '�'� In prEsence of L� � �o ���' r' ��' �—�/�, � �.c� , <� , ti, ;
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