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<br /> �,;�..w� .. � � .. . . . .� . . . . . . . . �
<br /> , �� MORTGAGE;—Saving�.:and��I.omc��Foim--(LNracF:�CrsdYt�.P3an)�?55.2>4SPedd)�.� �. . . . �. . _ .
<br /> � �'7� M�7RTGr4Gf
<br /> , ; : �J+01�5�
<br /> , �. � _ �. � Lo�.No��. � � � .�
<br /> ����� ' �� rx�s iTtnElisvsE:made�H�, ��3:8th -�-� d,3y. o � A7�r�:1 � � ::� . 1s?7 vy ana��be�,.eea ���
<br /> TH
<br /> MARVi;t+.f �.. LU�B6E:AND t�fRRTHA LUESBE, 'nusbar�d'and w-i fe, each 3n hi s antl her oxn right
<br /> 3 and as �pouse of i-he o-ther
<br /> �o�_ 1-IH�� . .. � [^py�y;.Nebz�ka�m mc'rtqagor:..=,.� m�d Home�Fadezal�Saving�and Loaa Aasoa�cHoa.oi Graad Idcmrl. �<
<br /> ; , .�.. ...a�coryoratioa orgm�ixed:�d.essst3nq-undez..the laws.of Nehzaaka.�wlth�its�pzindpal olfics and-place�albuainess at Gzcmd:Lal�.d;..Nebnaaioa.�.��� '.�:
<br /> ;� ���as mortgaqec:�:.. . . . . . � .. � � �.. .. . . � � . .. � ... � . . �..��.
<br /> -� WIT;VESSE7Hi'��That aoid:mostgago=S tai cad in�eonaidacaHoa�oi the�nnm of .. .. . . .�. .�.j
<br /> __^____.____^___.___ _.__.__...
<br /> {
<br /> FOUR3EEN THdUSAND AND !VO/I 00 ------ -'-- nouasa (5 I 4��00.QQ �. F
<br /> �
<br /> �the reee�pt�.�.a# wl�ieh�ia hereby���aekaoaeledgnd do� by these�preeeats mongaqe an3 warraai unto said��monq¢qea.�ih�sueeeeaora �d�.�
<br /> � �aaeiqm�..lorever:�.aiL�the follawinq�described�.real eatate, ai�uQted in the county oE_. �`�+ � � �
<br /> .,. , :��. �nnd Slate rof'3`tebwslcaL�le-wl[:;. .. � . .. � . . . . �� ... .. ... . ;
<br /> . } �
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<br /> ._ � ��
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � ( � ��
<br /> j�� Toqether wish all heating., iighting, aad p3umbing equipment and. Sixixuea.i¢cludiaq sto3cen mad buraere,.s¢eeas, awnings,atozm windotv9 ��� �
<br /> �� ¢ad dovrs..asxd window ahades or�blinda, used on or in conneetioa with eaid property,whelhet the eame ace now Iaceted oa said�pzOpertq
<br /> $3, or hnrealtez placed thezeon. � � �
<br /> fS2 TO HAVE AND TO�HOLD THE SAME, togeiher wit2� all and siagulac the.tenemenh,haaeditamente aad appurten�cea.theraunta�be3oag�������
<br /> {�� �iag.or in anywine�appertaininq.lorevec,crnd wazrant thm ti11e io the eame. Said mortqaqor S hereby�cavenant_— with anid�mortqages�. � �
<br /> �3 � Yhai��lie.:�.—. ^+"P - at the delivery hereaf,ltae]aw�ful ownar.�`.of the preraiaes above cnaveyed�md dencribed;and: ��P .�.i
<br /> � F
<br /> if ..�seued of a good and indefeoaible entaLe of inheritance t3ieroia, free and cleuz of all encumbmnces. and [hat the�._wi12 marraat mid�. �
<br /> . � �3 detead the tit2e thereto torever agaiaet tha claima and demanda ot a11 peraons whomacever. �
<br /> ��.� PHOVIFED ALVJAYS, aad lhis instzument ia ezecuted and delivered to eecuse the paymaat of the�um of � . � � �'
<br /> t� _ FOUR7EEN THOUSnf�lD AhD i�0/I 00 ---------- --- nouars t5 l 4,400.OtJ �
<br /> S� . �with�intecsst ihezeon, toqo[hez�with such ehaiges�and advances as may be dae and payable to said mortgagee undar tha�lerma .and � #
<br /> � �it
<br /> �con.ditiosea ef ll:e A'='�nearp note. 01 evo� c{ate herewi-th aad ae�uzed hereby,esceuted bY�d.mortqagnz�S tp said mortgagee.payable����.if
<br /> as ezpzeraed 3a eaid note,and to secure the periormance of aI1 tk�e terms and cnaditiaas�aontaiaed�.thocain..: The.Yarrm� of said�aota nre� S �
<br /> �� :herehY�inrnzpQtated.hereia�by thia refszenca. . . . . . . . .. . # .
<br /> � �� . . It ia the inteatioa�d agreemant ot the partiea nerexo thai this�mortqage� nhali .alao socura aay futuze advaaces mado to said. �
<br /> jmartgago:�_S—by sexid mortqaqee.and any aud all iadeble&aesa in additioa Eo tho amount afaove atated which amd-morlqaqara,.ox aap� �
<br /> ��.� of them.�may owa�to said mortqagee, however avidencmd,�whether by note,book ac�ouat oz otherwise. This mortgage nhatt remain ia Su13 �
<br /> S� ��force and:�effact�lxtvraea the partiee heneto�and their h+eira,peraona/ reprenentativea, auccenwrn� and aaciqna, uniii� a❑�amnuats��se�.vxed� . . .
<br /> } �hezeunder.-��,�;ng iutura a&vances.��e pcid in tuSl with iate:ect. S
<br /> � � The mor�3agaT':.�_S hezeby�aasiga��_.to aaid�mori4agee�all reata�.and�.lncnmo�ariaing. at aa7�and.ali.times�.lcam�.:.said�...pxapertg amei. #S . .
<br /> �� ��hereby authorize��eaid moztgagee�:oi its agent at its optina.�upan default,to take charge.oi uaid�psopertg aad ca2lect�all reata��and incom.e �5 .
<br /> S . �th�ezskam�and.agply thc�scme ta Rhn�LsuYcaent of inteseW�prtneip¢i.�insuraace:ptsmitimt,taze�.aaseasmeatn, repmrs.vr improvements aeeea� 333 .. .
<br /> � scr:Y to kr¢A �id D=operiy in tenaatuble con�li.fion. or to othez chaxgee.or paymeata pzovided tor�herein or ia the note hereby secured 7his �. .. ..
<br /> $# reut vaeigament x�haU�cantiaue�in.fa:ce uatil�the uapatd balance o£ said note is fu31y pmd.. The takiag oi ponsesaioa hereunder s2wlt ia ao � � �
<br /> $# manaec pzevent.or�retard�safd mortqaqee in the coflectiea of aaid�sums by loreeieaucs.or oiLerwian�.�.
<br /> �? 7he 4aFEur�of the mortqagee to assert aay of ita righb hezeunder at cny time�hall�nat be canstrued.an a waivet of ita r3ght to asxa�. S � �
<br /> � S�� ,�the amue�a%.¢ny.3cte:time. and to iaeist apoa �d enlazce rtzict ca�pliance witk ali the.iarass aad pr�viaiaaa.04 acid aote and ot thia. ;# . � � �
<br /> . S� �moxegaga.. � . � � �F � .
<br /> �#� �
<br /> � � i! said mertgayar�_ ahali�cause W�be pa#d ro�Ks3d.mortqcxqeo tha enHre��ount due it hrreun3er,and�under iha texms�aad proris£o�
<br /> , j.� � of saici aoRe.�.hs.rebY�r.saed.iaciudiaq lutaus..,eslvaacm,�aad.aap.-axtensiaaa.ar:.renewaL themof�;in uccozdaaec wLW:.tha�.Yerau�:.and�.P�visioas. .
<br /> � �q� ih¢reol,aAd if eoid mortq�qor_3`T�haA mmply �vrith.wll tiva providoaa�ot sald note and o}this mazrgage.thon thase presenta ahcll�be void: "
<br /> % � SS' otl�utnrhs m�-ze+¢a3a,9a-tudi..force��.:and mSect: ao�d�ond�maatgaqse aho31���,6a sa.titlad.to.:lim pea�es�ma-ot...al1 of��amd�.P�oP�Y.��d may�..:at its � p
<br /> ' �� ii .� oP't�cm, dael�are ths mhols aQ sald anM and-aU iad+htedmd..u?iar�eatad�tLerab}'to be imme�...ictc2y d•re�aad.papa6le.aad may lorectase th�:. �� . �+ua.§^��' �
<br /> °; Sj martqaye.ax�tvke aap�...ot3�er Faqa] aclfon.ln Frolxl�-ita't345t...�d 4rom�ths�derte�oE such��dalanit aii��slrms-af � � Y :
<br /> ` indebtednen-.seeurod��.Lerabg ,
<br /> ;. �� aLail dru*'�:�iatie��JlRr�geK aaanm. Appraifomant veexi�vod. � . .� . . t. . .... # ;�+��
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> . �� �70 � � . �
<br /> tf � Thls:at�aRtgaqe yhati be 3a3ndia9 uPon'�md ihail��..mms lo� the b�mHt ot the�iutr�.esecv�oia..admialstratozs.saczerwrs��d-msi8a�of I :,ifi
<br /> .� .. 3 ihe,seapae4�+e��yaRYi�a L�r�1a. ,.�. . . .... ,.,.. .. �, 'i � �,�v.
<br /> i „ • '+
<br /> ,. • �� S : 3Ii tR=Il'l�S.TiY�',,.sa3d Ma�ao�[..5..►..V S ae�w.s.c. �#h e�r� tiQn� �' ihs.day aud year�Sirat abora� . ���,'.
<br /> `� �� wrdttad. . . . � . .. � . . �
<br />"�" 3 l;' *� - � �� -:'.s���+e! "�f_ - ''sf� £#
<br /> rw i�a ,L - ��
<br /> t�9a�n r. Lue pe �iar a ue e
<br /> �S*i�tlq{3 +
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