<br />�,^ . .. � � .� � .. � . a ���.4.. � .
<br /> x
<br /> r ;,.��:
<br /> ` } , .
<br /> , ..,.
<br /> �..��.
<br /> � �7- �l,C}l 95 d �
<br /> ` The grantor ' Asspciated Investrnent Corparation
<br /> k � ii corparstiozi organized and esist�ng undesr un:3 Uy vSrtue af the ta�ca o£ the $tsta of Nehraska
<br /> �', �� � � � � � � � �
<br /> ' incox�siderutiun of Twenty-'I'wo Thousand Nine Hundred and no/100------Doliars
<br /> ,�.x .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ;: ::
<br /> recei;�ed from;gruatee; does grunt, hnrgain, sell, conr•ey* n.n3 confirm'unto
<br /> r � '
<br /> � ` Richaa•d A. Sommers and Maxy K. Sommers
<br /> :�s joint texxants ���iClti ri�ht of aurvivorsUip, �ud not as tenauks iu ci��imiun, t2�c� follo�riug desaribeci reat
<br /> prt�perty in .:.. .... ..... ..Hall. ...,.... .........._. Gouniy, :vebraska:
<br /> ,� � � � � � � � � �
<br /> Lot Four (4) in Villa Mar Dee Subdivision of Lot Twelve (12) of Che Subdi.vision
<br /> ,, , ' of Lot Nirte'(9) and all oE Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8� in Windolph's Subdivision
<br /> af part of the NortheasL Quarter'of the Northwest Quartex {NE i/4 NW 1J4)
<br /> and part of the Northwest S2uarter of the Northeast L2uarter (NW ;J4 NE 1/A}
<br /> � of Sectioa �ourteen (14), Townshig Eleven (lI) North, Ran�e Nine (9) West
<br /> "�'y
<br /> of the:6th P:'M. , Hall Caunty, Nebraska.
<br /> 4 _ � ,
<br /> _..__.__.._____.___....__._.
<br /> ;,; : NEt33aASt(A �JUt„E.;h;EN'TARY (
<br /> ^ � . 57Aiv�i��:AX '
<br /> � , ... �1'ti �,�� i��i
<br /> *'�� �"��
<br /> ��,�.��E� ���'�S;,,�'G7 BY,_.�....�`ya'=�—
<br /> ____.._.�_.._.._____..-------•_,....._'
<br /> 'Ib lirive :iiid to liot�l tl�e above described preroises to�ether �tiit.li �il ieneznents, horedituments and
<br /> , af�purtenunees tlrereto Ue.longiii� unto the grxntees und to tl�eir �ssi�ns, or Co the heira und a�si�ns of the '
<br /> � sur��itiror of f,henz forerea
<br /> �An�l �rrinta� !'or ite;alf and its suecessors does laeccab�• envenant k•itli tl�e �rantees an3 �ti�ith tlxeir
<br /> ussig�s aiid �cith the lieirs un3 xssi�xs af ilie survivcfr uf t.liem t,li�t gruntar is du�vful3y .;eised of tiuici
<br /> yrsm.ises; that tt3ey ure free from enewnbrance, exaept easements and restrictioals of reccard,
<br /> thut grantar hizs qood right and lativful an6hority tu convey the sr�me; aucl that gran�tar t;�urrnntv, anci.
<br /> Fs�itl deTend thc title to s�id preniise� againat tUc lss�vfu2 cl:iirus c�f 411.persaxiy �vhonasoc�ver.
<br /> ` It ie the i.ntention of all parties hereto thut ia the er•eut of the death of eiLher of the �racxtees,
<br /> °" f.lie eutir4 fee sizu�la title "to the re�.! esiate ehall vesC in the survivi,ng gr;xnte.e.
<br /> 4 Tn Fvitness 1a�hereof, grantor has Lex•euz�to causecl ii.s cor��orate sanl to be r�fficcd una th�a�pru�znts
<br /> siKTxed bv 9t,y I'resident.
<br /> ' Datec! Qctober 15 ' 19 74
<br /> ` ...AssociaLed„Inves,�-r ent,;Gorporati�s}......
<br /> ' ./ /, r
<br /> Iiy ....'+tr`:...=.Gic•�:�.�......'�----����-::��:��. I'res'sdent
<br /> E. Dean Wolfe
<br /> �TA'�`��: Ok ..:..NEI3:EZASI�{A:.... .........., tounty of. H?:1.�......_..........................: .
<br /> Be£ore me, a notary pubi90 qualif.ied far said cut�nt:y, persane�lCy caixie
<br /> E. Dean Wolfe Presiciont.af
<br /> . .. � .-�
<br /> ��� � ;
<br /> AssociaCed InveStrnenti Corporation , u cckr�roratioss, '"�:e,
<br /> 6-notic�n to me ta Uo tize Yresideut and identicsl �aersoxx�sLo si�;ned i&e f'oregoirag instruarxont,�nd acl:no�v- �'y
<br /> � led�ed-tha executinn theeeuf to be his ��olnatary aet u»cl deeci as SL�et�"offieer and f.he y aluntary� net r�nd "��`"`
<br /> �f�
<br /> t�e�d of said oorporation and tbst its corparate seal �'as thereCo t�tfiaed by its uuLUority. y��'<
<br /> ,.,.
<br />�` , ;- .
<br /> � WitneA4 niy httnc� �nd nett�rie�l NeRI en ..,, ,::Q4�p�,�,fi:,,�.�?.................................. 79:.....7�,... �
<br /> �
<br /> �--� , �+� �� `� J �
<br /> t ���,� f � ;.Ca.�''..�.;.t'�.= ��!.!��'Lr.�rr:�.:�.... Natary Publie. ,;,,. �
<br /> .._.. . .. ........
<br /> .. ��N�MRAlt� ..�,� ;1
<br /> . hiq ��m�ni:..�
<br /> ` s.t� xsion espire� ..Dec,ember 1 i _... 79.. -?-�
<br /> � _ �_ ................. �
<br />� �
<br />