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':-•��r � . � . . . � . ' . .. . � . . . . . ' . . . 1; . y,: " . . . , . . <br />�. . . . . . . . . . _ . , <br /> _ _ � :�. „�, . <br /> _ <br /> � 77.. t� C11 � � 2 � <br /> MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMEt+iTS OF pRfNCtPAG ON ANY INSTAl.LMENT t3UE DATE. 3UCH PREPAYMEFfT SHALL 8E <br /> ApP"t1ED T4 INSTAlLMEIY7S :LAST TO BECOME DUE UNDER 7NIS MORTGAGE PRQIEIDEU THE UNDER5lGNED ARE NQT IN DEFhULT <br /> � ��� AN�� ARE:.THEN :TtiE QWPl�RS� OF -THE �MQRTGAGED PROPERTY,-� UPON REQUE5T � 4F THE UP#DERSIGNED, OR � ElTti�.R ' OF . 7'i�iEM; <br /> PAYEE AGixEES TO *FURNISH' TO THE UNDERStGNEp '300% OErStSCti PRIWCIPAL PREPAYMEN7S, UNLESS AUVAfUCEMENT IS PRO-' <br /> � � HIBtFEQ ��BY THE; R£GULATIONS OF C}IARTER/NG �AND.� SURERVISdRT AUTHORITlES �7HEN 1N - EEFEC7. � ALl SUCW ADVANGEMENTS . <br /> ,; . SHhL4 BE SECUREQ' $Y THIS MORT�ACwE IP! .THE SAME:MANNER AWD EiFEC� AS -If NU-PREPAYMEFI7S tdAU BEEN lAkDE.: <br /> � THE 7vfORTGAGOIt k"URTI�ER COV�NANTS AATD AGREES: <br /> !.i ' ', <br /> , � � ThaE the , Mortgagor '�:wilI pay�� the indetit��c3ness rss hereinbefore � Firrrvided. � . . �� � � , � , <br /> �i�. , . . . � . . � <br /> , ` ". .- Thet tlae �.M�>rt�;r�gcz �� i4 ahe ' osvner of .suid pro�mrty in . fee � ::implc and I>as �;ocx3 righc and. � iacv€ul� . autharity� to � sell ancl � ' �� „ ��.. <br /> �' '>>��. � . ��ecanvev the�: same �and thut� the+ sxme.�'r� free�� �snd clear of� nny� lien. oc rncumbrana•�:� �nd � tk3at Nlnrt�ngor will. w.�rrani,� und detencl the. � - � <br /> . title tc� :seid �>remises against the ct�im� c�f �.all.. �ersons wha�nsur.ver. � . . � . . � . . � � �, . . <br /> � ' '� 'I`<r psy i[nmediutely�-when due anci payable all � generul �Yaxes, ,spe:ciul tr�xrs, special :v;:wrssmerits, . wnter charges, yewrr wrv- . � <br /> ice charge€s, und othLr iaxe�. �and cfiarges agaisnst snid property�,. anrl ait tazes� i�avi�l. on the �debt secured.-heretxy, . anA to �furnish� .thc: <br /> � , �- ��. Mortga�ee.� upan request. u•ith tha .ciriA�nal; . nr clupiicate-. raeeipts� Yhereferc. The . Mcircgagor aKrees .i:hat then� � �shul2 i�e �added �ka � . . �:; ':� <br /> ; � .�' � eaych m�nEhlp paym.ent �required hcreunder ��r>r unde>r the avidence : �f dAht Mecuxed laereb,y ian � amount estim+�t.�d.��by i.he 14lartgague. <br /> tn ba: sufficient G���� enahie .ti�c� Mort�mE;ee� tn }��ay, . ses �they k�ecome due, . ail Lazes, aane�sments, and . >imilar char�c� ut��n the ;�rem- � <br /> ises subjer.tthen:f�;� � any deficiency.. hecause�.�.�f the .insufiiciency � at �sucJ�. addit.ion:33. p�ayment» . vhall - he . � cieposited ksy . �the <br /> � � � ?�4ort.�$�or . wiEh ��thte MorT,gay;ee � : zapon demand. by . thr bSort{;agee. �Anv ric�[ault i.indcr t�6is �ara};ra(�h sha21 Mer ���lermed � a � defaault . in � � � � <br /> � �zaym�nt �t�f {Axes, � aSSF•stiments, � c�r similar �charges requirect I�ereund�:r. � � � � � . � � � <br /> },.. . . . : . . .. � . . � . <br /> ' ? � � . � i'hc�;�r agrees that th�are s}iali �xlso be� :3ddid to eacl� in�inihly Faaymcnl c>f� {-�rin��is�wl ar_c! intcn�st�� r���qnireri ��. here- <br /> � � . uncie.r an�. amount � er;timate.d ' by� #he. n4ortga�ee to he 4uRicie�nt lo enablc� the NCortgagec to S�:�iy, �s it hecomes clue, the insurance� . <br /> � � � ��remium . nn any iRsuranc,�e � policy <leliverea3 to Lhe NTortgage:e. A.r�y defrcienep � br.caurte nF t�he insu.ific'veney of aue:h � addilional. pay- <br /> . � menLS� shalt [te ���forthwith depc'isited by ihe Martgagt�r with ihe. � l� ortg'agee ut'ron de�m:tn+i l�v tl��e• Mortgtxgee. .Any defau{i �wider this <br /> E;• �; , ... : . rsaragraph � ahaill bc� deemed a deFaulk in t.he payrnent. of insurUnci+ preruiums. lf thr. {N�ilicy� or pn(icir,� dc•{so;;.it.ed �aare wuch as home- <br /> � � t�wners or ai! risk� �r�ficies.; and� Ltsc de�x��its ar� ixv5�xfllcient to pay tUa � ent.ire prernium, t1ic: hlortgaKee mny � appl,v � Lhe .�leposiC to . <br /> . . .. p.ay � premiums .on riskg � required to b�:� insurad by l:his mortgage. . . . . �. � . . . <br /> . ' Pai�cnenls made 6y� the ?vfortgagc>r under the abcrvc paragraphs � m�y , rat. t.he op�.inzi of zhe S1ort;;�u�;ee, i�e helci � by i�t an<3 <br /> �'. � . � commin�;led wit}� oiher such funda . �ar iGv uwn funds (or t}xe F�nyment of such ite�rEs . nnd until .-:o � applied, such ��aymnnts. ure hereby- . ��' <br /> � � pie�ti;;cc3. as secnrity �£��r the .wiy�aici haJriixee of the mortg�s„ 'r indebt.�dnesy. � � <br /> � . `To procum, delivcr tc�; and mainLain for th<� f�enefit of t}�E. \4��rt�rigee durirag tha fite of thi:: mort;.;ti�e oreginal ;i�alicies and� � � <br /> � � retsevrs:a : x}le:r_e�f, del�vered �t leask tan �',iaps Ix[ore the cxt>irutia>n of anp such pc>litrics, in.wuring a�;aitt�t firn arad � ot�hcr i��surbUle � � <br /> � haiarcls: � casualties: and . c<antingettcies as the A4ortgngee tntiy requirc�, in Fan :tmnunt <:�qval to i.he , indehfednesa sec� re��� . Yhir �. <br /> � � � . Nlorig.a�e, and in com{yanies pecc�stable t.o � the ?1�TorC�,ggee, wiLh loss paYalati� clause in favor of anri in. �fcrrm acceplahle� t.n the �hlc�rtga�- � � <br /> . � gee.. In ihr. eve=.nG any � policy is Txo4 reneweYi ot� or� ExForcr. ien days of itt expiration. the Morfgagtre may prs>t:��re insurance a:n. the �� <br /> improuements, pay t:he premium therefar, and such sum s13a11 become irmnediatety due arid F�ay:zbl<� wilh i�7tx�rest. at �the � raEtr yet � � <br /> . furi.Fi in said. s�otcs un{il p:�id and shull Fx- e�-cu:red by Chis mort�sge. F�xilure on th -r, 7iart o( fS�ic- M�>rY.�a�ezr to f'ur�rish such rPnewxl� . � <br /> z� :� . ue: . rire herein rc�uirecl er fazlore �ta � pxy. any sums advance:.d hereund�eer� uhatl., at 1h� option . of � tt�e �Mort;�agi'e, cnnst�i [i�te a dc(sixlt � <br /> ;�:' � � . . � �undrr the termv of tt�is morty:�uge. 'Tfu: deliv 'rr�� of such ixilicien shnll, rn the event crf <i�:fauft: ec;nctitufe an� a�si�;nmenL nf the un- <br /> ��.� � . . emrned ���rernium: . � . � . . <br /> - �,�,� . . . , . . . . . , . . . . <br /> �' � Any� sums reu.+ived by ttic ��forlgagc-.e 6y reason ��f loss or damf�ge insurrd r�gairast . may Hte n.�Yaine�l by t.he Murt�agee� � <br /> � � und u licd towarcl.� the 7ayment .nf ihe ciebc herr,by secared, or, at the a� >iion of thk� Mort a �ee, � such satn-; �eit.hnr u�hollV ��r in � <br /> . �;. . pp ' ' 3 f R' F, <br /> � � � � part: mz�y he Eaaid over te� ihn Mort�,�agor to k� used tn rt?pair such Muilitin�;a or t<�� builti iic��ta• baildinKs iii iheir xatuce �r ..for� uny <br /> � � .>tfi��r � yurpose or o}ijeci. satitifnctary to the Mc>rtp,u�e� with<�ut afl'ecting the l.icn r>ix f.he mort�;age t'or the !'ialt rtm<runt st�cured hare- � � <br /> try krefore such }7flyment � ever tcx>k ;�laca � � � � . � . .. <br /> . '7'o promptfy re��r�ir, re�.stzire or rebuild nny huilslinqx nr irnprove�naa:nis .iaow c�r h�reafter tsr3 the= premises n�hicti may be- � . <br /> � . come � damagcwl or deatrnyeti ; to krep sxid frremises in g�wd cnndi4ic�n anrl reP�+ir dnd frc�e froin anv mechxnir.:'s13eio or ui}�wr lien or . <br /> °n � �atainz of lien ra���t � ex{�r�ssiq vnExirdinated to ihe lien hereof; nut to xufic�r or pern�it any unliswfiil use of or �ny nuissinee Yrr nxist on � . <br /> 4� s<� . :iraiei �proryerf,v � nor t�o penniC �vastc on s�id premises, nor 2o de,� rany c�ther. acx � �vhrrebq Lhe pr�perty herel�ry c*om•e��ed sha4[ �.t?trcame � <br /> ' � l�ess vaInubie; nrar 6s� diminir.11 or im7a�air i.ts valur� hy any .not or omission t�r. act : to cnn�ply H�it�h alt roquirementM of� [aw w�ith r�rspect � <br /> � � Co fhe mortga�;ed preiaisc� nn<�i the u�c t.}�c�reaC, � <br /> . z. . � . . � . � � � . . � . . <br /> �� . 1'het should, tY�e prvmises nr� e�ny }�art. there±of Fxr tlaken or dr4nlaged by. r�rsson of aa�r•� 7�ublic iniprorement �crr� ciandemnatinn� � <br /> ;: � prircecxlinK: .or under � Lhe. ri�ht � oi' ��ninent dnmain, ar in any ot:her m3nner; the �i4�rirl-gagee� sh�aiI 6e entitle(! tci a31 com�ensatians,. � � . <br /> �'� � .�warr,is; uaii an.Y at,her gaYnient ar relief �t.hervfor. arzcl �hali txe ex� tiklozd, aY. ies otri-�rrr�. #o commence. �F�ptrar i.n sxnci ��rcasr:��itte �in i4v . - � . . <br /> own nante� an;Y. aetion �ur prcctieciing, or t<� make any oonxpsc�mise or �ettJexnent iea. r.c�rans�ction wi (h sunl� i�alcing or cianizn�e_ All �uat'� � � � . <br /> ^: � c.amPensation.. awarc3., cl.�ix,aFea. :iFht c:: actica anct ;�rac.^c.-is are h ,reF:y .:.^..i�rie>r± to. thr 'e2orf«.-.,ec=.. �a �ro m:�?� . :3�tYr �?ed�.ec•tinf[ .. . . . � <br /> � Ghemfnrm a11 its rx{,ien�.e�, ret�a�. any rnoneys sn rc�ceivt:d by ii or app!}� � t�he -:asne or� any in<�dru�ss s.cured hereaby. '1't�e A4rrrk- � � � - � <br /> ' ' % . . N»fi:�zr eKree�++ �.t�. � ezrciiir� au��h furi. F��•r e�vi�*nmrntN nf anr� <•i�nipcnnirtinn. aevardv, rl:�mages, an.ri ti«hts of action i��c#� procc•c�is � as P.he . . . . � .: <br /> � A4�irtp;agee�� tntaY neGuire: �� . . . � � � � . .� . . <br /> �. � y. . �. . . � . .. � . . . . . . . . . <br /> ' � i' � . . 'Chs�t in o:�sa: �r,# #ailure io ;xrPorrr4 any �i �he cavcriairty herc�+in, Uie :�1artFu�;ee may do <:.n thre hT�r�f;agor's lxehx�iLereryihin� � �� . <br /> . w iovtananikd; � Yhet t}ie A1urt.�;et{;ee muv at�o da� any xc;L ii may �leerz2 neceasary tu g�rntect. the 3. een thereuf: that the�. M�>rtK�aXur tivill . � � � � <br /> � i �.�� �. . repuy :upon�. dvnand . �anY . moni,yx .��sai<1 �or dislaumed� hy the Mor[Kake�e fnr an.V of� thc: at:ove ��urposen. �arid such mnne.ys tottekher w�ith ' .. . . � <br /> � � inlera�t ti�ernr�n at tFae a•aLe pacrvic3ad in saic3 nate atrai! trex:nme s<i anGxch additioa..z} irtcicbtedraeea hera,l�rv :;eeuserl .and xr�aY kre. in- � � <br /> ;; � � etuded in .&ny . ci�acrea3 �For�cle�sing. t}�ia an,or[ga�ye anci. t3e xrnid tirut sif tbe rc+nL�, ar prrxcc:cis nC sale of -�ztid premives it nut � olhocwi5e � <br /> . � i�. � � paid; �that� iC �shall. n<rt be � oblifi��Un� . uPoxx 4he :Vl�rt�;agee. r.n ine7uire inlu the vulidztY � of anv lie.n, erncunil:rances. or �cIztirn ia� ad.. ' . . <br /> � � <br /> . . vancing mtanwYn as .at.wve authnri>.i-d, hut nothit�a� herein c�.>ntait3<-d .Yartll k�• tiv�n�t.rtxrri ric n��t{uiring thf� Wte�rtt;r��cr�. � tr, a�3ranesr any �. . . � . . . .. <br /> . . mr>nPys frnr �any aunh� ;aGfrq'x>sc= nar ��+ s10 re�v �<nct hereu�n�iez�: snd 1?�at :1x*�.�rtt;a�;cc� si�:r: f n�it �e7ru : �u�. 7�.=:s<enai ]iaY.ilit.�� l,e <�nuse� ut an-v _ . . . . <br /> �:il'ln. . 11"..:[j� v. . \w..i : • ..uC:Cl . .. . . . . . . . <br /> ..i . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> � � � Ira tht: r-vent of� the+ c�e[auiL .by�;or in . ps�yment� nf any installm -rn1., as recyusrexi by ! he Tvcate• ti,:�ture�d ierref>y. or � � � � � � <br /> ^ 'i . . i » thc+ pe>rt�i�rniunce trC the ahliq�tic>n �in. this mort��;t�Re�. �rr in f,}��e� nerfi� w-�c•ur+�i.i tl�c=reby, t}�f, tig���t;;agee shu)1 t>e�. r�riitfe:.<i t., c3cc:l�ee� Lhe � � � � � <br /> � � ' ' � ���dr.bL eecurerl� hez�t;y :t3ue sued� .� withvst noiice.- air.$ �khe� htcrrf.wa4r-.c� shnll �tu:� entitl:>ci at it� .rntion: w•i�.her�.�t. r�ntice, ��it.her b}• it.�lf � � � � ' <br /> ' t � � � <>r }ay a recttiver tp f�� ap}iointed by Lhe court ttdexeof. an43 +.vittiou.t rcegurd. to t:he r�r:x�yuacy <�f tsn�• sr+curity 6'+sr the �nde=htt�dness he� . � � ��j� �' x;+`,� �� <br /> ' .. r.'uzcrI #iereby. f�,s eict�r etya<ui. tvi�3 t�ahe Wuss..:asi.�n ��f Si�e .ni.�iu�;uRazd �rren�iM>n. :�rid i� cutlr:�t x��ai � c•<•i�ive� ci��r n •nL., i:e�csue:s and� �aroiiGs ,;: � '. .y...�', . <br /> �" '3� <br /> i .( #hexeof, and aPply 1he :tame, 3e:st+ �rost�.� of qper�tion and [x>Ilertion, uxx.�n f.he- inci��'r7tedni>cas � xrc^ured try t�rti� mnrtgnFe; said mat.s. , ',�f�, ,, ', <br /> { ine,-�tka en[k �riFafits bein�py herNkry� uar�igned 1'av the ,l�^lort�n�ea ax furi.fsrr secruriUy Yoz the+ ;�ayaneri{�. oY a11� 9ni�ehkr,d�tess seeured hecc�F�y^. � � �. � :�,,'�-��k.y <br /> z . . . . � :� . . y .rYr� <br /> r. , ; .: 7'he .IVlort-gaKEC s�haill .Aave thta �:power tv� appoint any �agenE or .aSe.nts iL rnay desira� fvr ihe purycnsa o}' repn.irin� �S+u�E pre�n- . �. � F?�. <br /> ..s. � neeg; ze�nLa�� tlle saaxe:. ertllet�ti�,' ,t3te mats, zea�enues and incomc,,. arui it xuu�� 3�ay <;ut uf axi<i ir�ec>�ne alf ex G�� :��se� incucrrrcd in rrnt- . . '��y '� . <br /> ygg. � t :�. .«g, nx�u ta.wa�a�ia� -.ti.�e er,t��ir .nnaa s�t wiir.�'u�'i� tne ren[xix . �.t�4reir<irrt_ �ln<° halru�cQ rernta�an�aK, t! nnv , shali kx� aJrF:riitYt r<xvarel the � . � . <br /> , .� � . ,,, t. ...-. --s� + .. . - . . .. . . . <br /> , ,.....�, u...ym. .,,y `. . .uiv� . :S�u���.v .u.c'.a:�. � i..0 .wi>1 ♦n ��) �i.x'ldi113[if[+[• dli<3 {k'd]C.tipN UULL .1iIlU Ycp�l L �Tlill SP.[<•HBY O� IY3Y5 iklp(I�Elf�'C'. � - y :�� � J <br />�� i G <br /> w.�+l:+�' ' tyuit..lJi <br /> � � � <br /> � . �� �a�.m` :..r'� � . <br />� <br />