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� . � � � }. � . . <br /> . . . . . . ._. iG � . . <br /> � � ��x� . <br /> � . . <br /> , .r., �;::��r. <br /> � � �� <br /> �tiot� extes�d �3'�-��oslponc t3ne due date� uC t1tc. mont'.hly iiaslcillilaent's r��terreci� to ir: y.>sangrapl�s 1 uud L' liereof or <br /> chsn�e tlie aniouni of seicl� insi�ilrne»Ls. <br /> • ` 30. Borrhw�rNatRelsrsseid. I�xtension oi t.ha ti�ue for �r3��aneni or inoc#ificuiion of :unortizzlion ot the sums <br /> �ecured b3r L}iis \Iortg�ge gtanied l��• I..end�>a• to st�r su+�ressor iri interesi, oi }3c�rraG��er shall nat. operate to ralease; <br /> � in any nzanner; ttxe liability oi' ti�e ori�inul 13or•rox+�er a�3d f�arro++�� 3 . :�tiicr.essors in interesc. I.ender sha11 uot be <br /> , , �,,� required to con�rnenoe (ar�ceec33rigs againsc. sui;lr suceusser ui• reius�. to extend tiu�c for ��n,y�nent or otherwi�a madity <br /> � - � amarLization ,ai #he sunrs secused b1- tliis \lort�€�ge )�y reasc�ii u; ati�• drii�.xxui naucie b�- i.he ori�inai 13�rro�ver and <br /> `' Fiormwer's successors in interest. <br /> r"{ 3i. .Forbeararice by L�nder Not a Wmv�er, x��i}� ;£ort�carzncc I�y 3:encler in exercising :►ny right or remedy <br /> '�" }iereunder, ur otherwise atf€ordecl by� s}��itic�6le la�c , sliall �iot t�c. n tir�ai;•cr nf or• }�reolude. tlie exercise oi auy right <br /> `'�' �r reznedy tiereun�er. 'I"he ?irocur��neilt �f insus•ance ni• zl�e Saa��n�ent af i.:ixe:s r�r ot.iier lien� or charges by Lender <br /> ' - � shall Tint bc a `+;'aiver oS Lender's ri�ht ta c�ccelera#e tfze uisuirit.y o2 xhe indebt.edness secured b�� tlais ?�4ortgage. <br /> ' { � i2. Aemedies Cumulativ�. ritl remedies provided in tl� i� \1nrt�a�;c ,src 3istinct and cumuJaiive-to any u�her <br /> 3 ' rigut or r�trxed}� uxader fhi:? �lnrtgage oi� uR'urr3ed ' li}• l:��r or eryuicy ; a:7�9 m:��� hr ex�.rcised concurren`tly , independ- <br /> entiy or snccessiveiy. <br /> ^ ' � � 3. Successozs aad A.s�igas Bouad; joint mid Several LiabiLity: Captioas. '.T'he c:o�•enants snd agi•eements <br /> t [ierein cozxtained snn11 bfind ; snei the right:s l�ereundcr sft311 inure to, it�e re,�>eccivc succe,sors axarl nasigns of Leiider <br /> �ind Sorrowes: subjec,t to il�r. �rociaiaii� at ��ar�:�;raph 1 ' I�c•reui. :11 ] covcnaaits :ttrd sgreemenis oi BorS•o�i�er sEiaill <br /> a be jaint aaci st:veral. Th� ca;:>lioi�s snd 4xr;idings oi tlic � �ar:ip;aa�ih, «f tlti, \ Tortg;i�;e are ior cotn-mvence unl,y and <br /> are npt to be used to intcr�arec. az• definr, al�e �re�ari�i��a1, lieraof. <br /> I4. Notice. .1ii�� ixntSc<= to I3c7rro��.'ei• pro�-i<fed 1'or in tl�i; \ fort �;ahe siu�it (�e ;ti��an b�• �nailing siicfti nuEicc bt� <br /> , . : c�ca•t.ifted citait uddr�ssed ta 13m•ro�ver ut tlic }'ro��ert �� A�idrer;a �t �tted lxlu��� , cscc,pt fur :im- i3oiicc required under <br /> r� ptu.3griipfi i8l�creoi to be �;i�rr�n to 33r>rro�i�c�c in teie mannci cncscriited b}� rspplicable ls�c_ An�• inc�tice }?ro��icicti <br /> �� � � � � f�r ii�s thi� A�SorGgage �hsll i�e � dee�ned� to l�sve laeen gicen to 13orrnwer cnc�n gi�-eri in t� i�c inanner clasig.nutet.i herein. <br /> 15. Uniiorm Mortgcge; Goveming Law; Severahil4ty. '1'hi, tc3t7a� of inort ����+c con�6int� uniiearm corennnts <br /> , � � , � � fornations�l .use aa�d riou-uniform covecaants i��i � li liinikGci �•r�riacion� b�• juriadicEian to r�naCitute u uni£orns secu- � <br /> rity instivmeut covering rea3 prc���ert��. 'fl�is \t��rigaige �I�uil bc governec3 f�r the ia�r �f tlte iui•isdiction in �vhich <br /> ( t.he I'roperGv is lociited . In il�e ec•ent. thst an�- ��rov�sion o� � Iaiuse ot r. his �Tortga�;e or thc \'ote coz�fiicts �vith <br /> r a�plicAble ]a�+•; sucli Gont3ict si�all nai� affect catlrer �iro��isiuns of thic \lortguge or tlie \Tot.c wl�ir.h c�n be given <br /> x effect tt^ithoutti�e t.onfticti�g �>rovision , :ind to tlii� exid tihc �� rc��•ision, oi the \ lcirtgage anri ilie Noie 3rr. dealured <br /> x to be severablo, <br /> 1S: Borrawer's Copy. Borro�ver shnll be iurnished a ro» iurmed ra}��� oi this �darigagc at. the t.itue of execu- <br /> ' tion or after recordat,ion hereaf. <br /> 1 ?. Traasfer ot the Property; Assumption. li <ilt ur ,�n}� psrt oi tl�e Nropert�- or an inc;erest tl�erein is sold <br /> y ar trunsfGrred by I3or��wer �ritllout i ;enc9er'� prioi• t��ritien cunseiit , eacludiug � a :� il;e cresiion of a lien or encunt- <br /> : l�rtsncesu6ordinate io tl�is �iortgage , ( i� ) the creatiou oi .� purchsisc tnone�� securit.�� interest ior Lotzsehnld ap�li- <br /> � ances, (a) a 't.r:�nsfer b�> deti��ise, descenG c��� 1.i�• ��per.�tion ot 1:��+� tipan Tlrc �ieat�l� oi a joi:�t Y.�na�m� or ( el ) t�l�ie grant� of <br /> any leasehold interest ot three yeaa�s or 3ess ncit con2ainin �; au uption to purchase, I:ender �naiy, af, Lender's option, <br /> decl.ire all t}re suuis securt-d l�p thi. \iortgag�: to 't,i� irurnediaici}• due :in� i �xi�•:ible. I .ender �h;tli lut��e �vaived suair <br /> ' opiioii �o �r,celerate if, prior to t }ie �aile or tran;>ier, Lender ssi�d thc � acr�on to �ctiur_1 ilu 1'ro}>erty is to Ue snld or <br /> ' trara�€erred �racix agree�nent iu wriiing tl�at t}ie crcc?ic ui sucl� � >erson i� S:atiafuctor�• to Lendcr � nd tl3at thc: interest <br /> �` }auysble on the suaz�s secured b�� thi; \Sc?rtgagc �tiai? !�e ai �ucl� a•atr� :�s ] :��ndei� sh:ilt reqtresi . Ii I:cucler has i�•nived <br /> { the o�tion ta :icr..eierat.e pA-ovided in etiis ��aragru}?ii 1 i :ir,ci it 13urrca�ti�� r'� �iiccc•ssor in iriterest lia; c��cut;ed s� �vrik- <br /> ten assunxptian agreemeut uccepteci in �r3•iiing bp Lemier. Lender ;,hall reii+use 13orros��er froni ail ul.iIigatiotis under <br /> this Mork,gage and thc 1i ote. <br /> If Lender exercis�s sucli option co aceelerate , I_endea• sliall �i�ail 2iorrow•er notice c�i uceeler�tion in aeooi�ianee <br /> ,� ' ���itli �aragrnpl� 14 l�rareoi. tiucli not5cr �h:�ll }aruvictt ;i� i �ai siot ic» tl�:�n (3O d :���s from chc dhte t�he atotice i� � � � <br /> mailed ��=ithin ��•aiic�h Borrotiver m:bv }'�ay tlie suv'i; drelxred �liae. li }3orr��var iaih tsa pa}� surh }uiu. ��a•ior to t,he <br /> T � � e��iirsticin of such petiod, I�ender insp. �vithout furtlier �zutiec or dci^naF�d oi�i t3�or•ro�v�r, ini�c�kt anv remedies E�er- <br /> � ; tnittad l�y ���ragraph l�i l�ereof. <br /> , <br /> � � '1'nr-Li :srFc���as Cc�vF.x_nrrs: Burro��-er ai�ic9 Len�lc�r 1'urt-l�e*r rovi'�nanti ai� cl ai�;�r�><.• as fult,:a�cs : � _ <br /> t 28. Accelaration; Remedias. I:�ee�rt a;s � u•o� i� li�c't in � �:u•:i�ruF �l � 17 hereul', uiio�� k3i>rruwer's h�•ci�cli ot :�nc <br /> covei�lnG ur agreemenG ot $ orro�ti�cr in t hi� �Iu�Y �;:igc , fuchad,in� tlic co��enant � ta �r;s �� ���h�ru +ltitc :u��� ,um4 •ecured � � <br /> �� b,y tlus ��inrt,g,��e, I,cucie.r iarior to acce� ia�rntian .luill iu:ul ric�tice to L3�� a•ro�rrr vs � � � rcavi�ic�i in �:� r�x�r,'ipi � 1 �? lieeca [ � <br /> , � ,` s2'�ecif,ying : (. l ) il3e kareacli : i21 Yhe iicti� n rquire•ti t� curr �uch la � i•acii , � tl�r,n tl�unt:• ds} � <br /> , �- . , 131 .e ci :tC� •, t�ut l �.�c �s <br /> � � fra�a thc� �3at.c thc xioticc i� nYztilr�d to B47rro���cr. h�• �c ! iicl � ..uc1i In�cucl� m �nsY bc curc�.� : anA3 i4� ) tL;it faiiurc ta ��ure � �� <br /> suuh �s1•eaeii un or Uefom tlie dntr. sYrcrificrd in tlic notirc+ iva}' result in :accelc•rcitian ot i:iae suEn, aacured k,iy t.3iis <br /> 1lort:�;age a:td s�l� oS tlae Yc•operi,}- . li t 'r�c breaci� i., nut cureei o� , or taeicii-c� ti�e � i:�ie �peeiiii��i iti C.he notieG= , 7,cucier <br /> at Lender's optit�ii nta�� deriurr :ilL ctt the surri. �c•cinrci ia�- ti � i � \Iart�zagr to he iiurie<ti:itci}^ di�a and payable <br /> �citliuut furttarr deauand un<i n�iny� tarc�et���e tl� is llar-tgu�;e bt� ,tudieial prcarreedin <r. Lendi�r shall !*e enutied� #o colleet � � � � � � <br /> � .� .1; :, :, .,., �,, ,r ,,,,r 1 , , ,, ;io�i tc� . ra.ts of docivncui :ir}- cn�idctict�. <br /> in :url� proceetdin� E , : . ..-� F . <br /> � . :til e� �e�ists i�r ic.,ritti". .� , .• . , ..,. . . <br /> , abstracts and titic reparts. <br /> 39. Borrorh.ess Right to Reix3stata. tiatti��itlist:indiu{; L��aidea� '. ucc�elerntio�i oi th�� suzn� �eci�red by t}�i, <br /> � s <br /> � llor6gage, Borrower she�ll hati�e the right to huti-i� uta�- i,rucee�iin�: I �e��un b�- l ,c�ncicr �o crtiurc�r thi. �lortgage diy- <br /> cuntinued at un� titne prior tn eriLn• of a ju�i�n3ent enic�r. in�; tlti� \lert �;s�;c: it : tai 13orro�ticrr �>ay� ].unc�cr z�ll <br /> sums ,which wauid� be then��3ue um�er ihis �AloaK����c , the ;Ao2e �;�nd uo�es sectiric�� Futun^ :�dvttnc�c�, ii :�ny, h:td no � <br /> � ttccel�ration oceurx�td ; ( b ,) Borr�mer eure�� s�N I>rea�•lar� oi .ul}� other eqti'en:in� = or :�t;me�t�ent. «i� F�orrower con- � � � � <br /> 6ainec% in tl�ie \IortsKage ; 141 Borrower �>x}�h .iii rcax�on:�bic ��s� ,<•n�e� � zir•tirrcd i�}� Lernier in criforring r, iie ec���en��nts <br /> �nd agt�emants o1 8tarroR�er conf.ait�ed in tlii+ �lort��a�+,�e atnd ix�� euiorvins; t:cn�icr's rriuerdiee :�b �aac�ritilex.i iri par:i- � <br /> graph 18 Ylereot; �nciuding, Uu6 not limited to rc::iso7iattile atta� ne�� 's tu :tu�i � ci 1 t3�ii � u�ver a ;ahi , ,ucii ir.ciun .is � <br /> Lendez mgy reasonAbly. require to assiire tli..�t the lirn oi th�� \tc�rr3+ tu< . I_,•n�i���'� in� rrr•.t ii� t1�c Yror�crt�� a�nd <br /> � $orrovwer`s�-obligfltion to pag� #�be, � su�x�a eecured 3�v ��S� ic A�L�rt �;a�� shsll rontinuC iu��impairr�l . � t° pun .uch ��i�yraent ,- � <br /> � n�1('f,. e�arw �„iy ;FinrmureP . t {» � 7��5..^v:'vjF,u�Y4 �iii'st'� �uiic C/ui5{3,isilVllN M'CUi'P(1 IIC'1'EATI' �IA:tll i'l'tlit3311 1I11U� E � 02'C(' ;iJll{ l'�}L`l`C :lti l� .. ,.,�,,,� : ,q+,�, <br /> na ssccelerution kiad oceurred. <br /> � ��• s� � <br /> ,: <br /> ° ,, 20. 'A..Rsigraaiaat of Raata: Appointmeat of Aaceiver; Lender in Possassion. r#� aciciiti<=n,il •rcuritt� 1�err- �.� 4 °''�•� " <br /> under, Horrowet h�reUy t�si�;ns to I.exider tlie risnt:: of tlie T'rvk�errx; t,s•o�•isii�i ihut 33orroa �-r sh��ll , �>rior tn acceler- '��� - <br /> � .. � <br /> . ` �,,; , tition under parttgraph 18 hereof c�r Rl�uniionu3ent oi the 1'ro� acrt�� , tui��r zhc rt�;ht tc� eoll�rt anei 3�etai�i siirti rents ' �n�"�t <br /> i�a. � ns they beeome due nnd �a�ab2e: _ ,�„�< <br /> , <br /> � i7nan sroelerrttion vnc�er r�sr��rra��}� 3R hx�renf ,r�r at�xac�onav����ar ni x3�+� Yrm,�}s•t �• 1 �r��.��_ i ., ,�r��.�n . },� �sG-ent ��� ' <br />� �; � � � attd t�colle�ct�he renke of the�Pro(>ert}� �inciud3a�;�ihu e �p�.ruuou . t �l.t i�uv:.r u.� xtxi u,a� nx�e i;6�� 1 � oucri,�� � ,w � �.'.. ' <br /> iue. � 13 r �:nts u�lIect.ed b�- Lenttrr or thc r� rciver <br /> slxall bC app3ied first to pavmectt of the. custs uf uismsge�nc3it oi che Nru}�c rl:}� anri culi��ct �ori oi t-c �it �. inc}u�iinp�, l�i�t <br /> not li�nited t�v, rccei�•er's fees, �>ralliiuxns an rcec�l�er'. boneix aat�i rcas<.iii;at�le �stt:urs�i}- 's t �.<�. , anri ilicu to ti�r �utais <br /> � :;ecured� bV. thas. M.ortgttge. l.enc3er anei t�ttc reetivc;r �g•�ali 2�e li¢ihle to nccuui�c o:il �- ic�r i.lioce mnt_•: :ictu:ill�• rer.c���c•d . <br /> � < . . . . . . . . . . .L�� . ' �. . <br />�' � <br />