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° '�".rp � � � . . � . � . . � � . � �� {'.r . - <br /> . . . . � . � . � . ,�° . . N <br />� � . . � � y � . . <br /> . . . . . . . . ' ..�n� ��. . . , <br /> i -�. . , . , � � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .N_.., . . <br /> s . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . <br /> �. .. 77- t� � i 9 35 -{ <br /> � MAR7CaAGORS �MAY � �MAitE � �PREPAYMEN7& OF PRt�NGIF'AL �ON � ANY iNSTALLMENT Dt3E QATE. 5LSCH PREPAYMEh3T S!�lALL � SE �.� � <br /> � APFLIEU� TQ :iNSTALLMEh1'fu��RR5TY0� $ECOME� DtJE�� UNDERTHISMBRTGAGE_ �.� PROVIDE6 � THE . UN@EIt516NED /4RE P1QT IN � DEFAULT � . . <br /> �� AND��AitE 7iiEN4HE �ptAtidERS � 4P � T}iE. MIQRTGAGEf? �PRdPER7Y, liPOf+i�.��REQUEST � OF 7HE UNCtERStGNE4. ��OR EfTHER � OF 2HEM., <br /> PAYE£ AGi?EES Ttf F43RFl1SIi TO THE [JPFDERSIGNEfl 300�/„ OF Sl3CW 'PRINCIpAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS At7VAiV�EMEriT ' 9S ARO, <br /> ..� H?R.IFED �BY YHE �REGULJiTiQNS � OF. C3iRltTER9tdG �AND �SUPERVISORY AUTFiURITiES� TFtEM IIV EFPECR. ALL � Si1Cii ACIYANCEMEf�F7S � � <br /> SHALL 8E SECUREU $Y 7klIS MCIRTGAGE IN TNE SAME MANNER AtiD EBFECT p5 tF hlO PREPAYMEIVTS t/AD 9EEPi MADE. <br /> �� '1'HE MORTGAC�OR ' FLJF2THER CCSVENA23'TS ANI7 AGREE3 : <br /> 1 ' ' � <br /> � <br /> ,;' 7 �.�.. 'I'hmL the Mortgagoz .'wttl nny the indebtedaieas� as hereinFxsFoTr �. g�rcwide�d< . . . �. ' . . . .. . .. . . . � . � ��� <br /> e �,. , . . . . . . . . � . � . . . � � �� � � ' � <br /> -� i���� � � ThaL the. 7V[oxLgagnr����is t�he � c>uner �f sai{7 � �'�r�perty ih fe�a sitxipfr and h:ic Kowl � rigFit and lUw�fuf rtuthnrSf;v. to� sEll an�l. � �� ` � <br /> ' 3 �� � av�nvev the� s&tnra te�rd� ttint tha� stuv�e is free, �nd r.lear nt any tifan ar encumbr�nr.e: and thnt .A4ort�;aGor will �. w�arrant nnr.i.� <lefend �.Yhe �� <br /> � :� �. � title #a r,ui,ci premise.� o#�:uiau�t., the cluimn nC . all� . I�eersmti5 �;whcrmstr�ever. �.. . . � . . . � � . � . . � �. . , . <br /> :" . _d '. . . . � . . . . � . . . . . <br /> , 't �.:�� � 7'0 �ay j�anediatelY .:w3�en due �nd p�.yablc. at( gerierel tuxc-s. s}�et7ia! ta.zen. special ac5es.mirnts. watet chttr�;es, sewer serv. . �: <br /> , ��: :� �ic�+ ehargr.s; anc! othec Laxes �aild charges xgaizxsi. �i¢�., property, � tind s�il. tax.�s levied i�n �the .�lebt sre+ar��-c�l .here�iy,.. and Lo furnisl� 2:he�. ., <br /> �..' . . . ��Mott�'.ip'ee.: ��� ukeotz request. �with tilae rsrigixxal or� �3uplie.ate� ��ceipts � [fiezefor_ �'T'tu> i41c�rYgaHox sxr;reca» �� ,that there Khz1I k�e . a�ided�. tcr �. . �. <br /> "�� � ° racl� moqthty �iayznenL required�� hereunder vr. itncier lhe evi�ienc.e. oF de�F�t secured h!rr<=br' sr� amc�unt ��sCirnaferi � by the Mqrtgagc+e� � <br /> ( .� tca hn sitfficieizt t« �nat�le thei�. A1art�i�ee ta . 7�iay, as they l�eec>me due, all lmaces, asseaSmenGc, and sinailrsr chc�r�;es upon t}cE� E�rem� �. <br /> ' ; �`.� SBea sub,jvct tlierelr.; .�any ,deficiency b�:°ctauae uf. 4h�a .irvsulT'iciene.v af such ar3ditional p+�yments s#�atl bc. . forth�viin� e]epasited�. 6y .thP <br /> - ' '• � . . � Mnttgagos. ��with � the Moxtgagee . u�anxi. � tie�n»nd � hy � 4he i44ortg:�gee. Any � c?efault i�nelur. t.his 7>araqr.aph�� sht�dl . kie ��ieemerl� a �� [lefault �in � . <br /> „ � � � : . � pa.yme.nY� �nf tsxxew: .. us:,essmehks. � nr � sirnilar charHes ret�uired. herreiander. � . . <br /> t �� � � � � . . . . <br /> , � $ ,�. . - . � '!'he Nlnrtgugor . tagr��rs � that ihrre� � �hall �t:;o be� a�2ded Ro �°ach neonthl�y p�yment crf rninr,� �.a��l and interest requirer3 Izere- <br /> .� . . a�ncier�. a�n� auno�nk c:stimaL�d by t.he M�R�rtgaKe� �t�> !xr suffit;ienG �tc> �zn�ible t.hN Mort.tiagee to P15 . :ss it becrc�mes � dae, � the Ituwnranre <br /> y . <br /> � pretxxium . on� any ins�erance X�olney ��elivertc4 to Lh�� Mr,,rtgaKee. .4n >� eiefic.�Ienc:y because e,f tha �in�ufCicieney oC such ricYditic�nril ��pay- . <br /> ' � � � meqts ahall be� forl�.hwith � �7eriosited by t.hc� ��turf,�aK�r with th�a !vSurt �;s�E�� upx+n d«mFu�ul by tYie �5urt�;agme. t\ nv elefault � +inde�r � thir; <br /> . �'��. � parbp;.raryh. x3�a1! 1x: � d�me.d � a cicd'aulf in. fl��r paYtne.nt. of insurancia prern.iums. If p<,�iic�y ur pciicee�a clerpnsili�d� ure such � as i�nme: � .. . . <br /> � owr.ers :or � ail�� risk I�calicies, � �nd the dc:posits are inSuPficient tv Y»Y the�� prer.xium._ Hii� �� Morf�a�r,E�r, maS' aPpty thr. de5iosit to ' � <br /> x> <br /> � pa}� �retniurn�. on risks rc�a;uared t�> be insurtd }>y p}� �;; morty;.3�;�. � � <br /> � . 1;'a��menL�s rx�alc: by fhe: �N.ortgagor under tFie sbr�va� p.3ragraph,� may, at ti3m uption of t}x� NIi�rYg:lKei•, b6r held hy +t Fm<i' <br /> � . � cotnmingled� .wit)� other � such Cunds or ils �nvn lunds tor t.he payrnent o[ such it.ems. anc3 until so ap.ptied. � auch payments �re liereb} . <br /> {:� �� � qitrwiged ae. security far t}ie unpairl ha.iance� oF ttie mort�ayu in<9E�<bteduess. . . � . . . . . . <br /> �f.: � � � � '1"n ;�roc-ure, � deTaver f.o, und maintsin fnr tYic� trenefiL of fPie Mnrt�i�nc rluring t:ift li€c. ot th,i� mr,�rtgs�ne c�ri�inat r7r�lirivs and � � � � <br /> renewals� thereof; delivereri �t le�st ten riay» lwfore the irYpirafion of any such policirrs , insur�ii��; t��ain.iY 7i.�re> �nd ��Chrr in�i3cakitt:. � <br /> � � � hazards. �casunities,� and coniingenr.ies as the Mart,.;agee m�y rc�uirc:, in an .unount eyu�l tn {I�e , indebtednese� secureri � bY i.his� � . . <br /> � N[ortgage, and .in comuanieh accx��ptablc tn � the Ivtort�agce, w�ith I�as Vayable in fa4•or of and in iorm acceptable ici t}ve 1�lnrlga- � � � <br /> ? � . gE•e. Iz�� the event wiy pr�licy is not reni+wed on or Ix�fort� te��n days at iwa exGira[i«n, the !�lurigagee ma,v procure�.insurance on the �� � <br /> r ` � � � � iml�rrn�ements, pay Lhe Premium therefor, and such aum shall� kx�come iinnxcdiat.ely due and payable with . inieresi �.lf� the� r�tte �� set � . <br /> � . . forbh in t�.id note until paid and shali be secured by this morf:gage. f�'ailure• nn t.he pori of the \3ortga�gr>r to furr�ish >uch retrr:wxle � � � � ' <br /> :� . � � � � as are herr�:in recyuirecl or faiture fo pat• an,y surnx aeh�anmd hereunder tihall , at thi� opt,iun of the 14fortga�;e<�, c•:uirtitute a . d.efault ;•� � <br /> � �., � � . under khe i.erms of this rnortgage. 'I'hr clelivery of sx�ch policies ,hall , in the eveni ot ds-faulY. consti [L�t<� an :issi.knmenL of tho un- � <br /> , � � . earnecl .ptr.mium. . <br /> r , . � . . . . . . . <br /> ' � � Any� sums. rer.aeived by t.he '_13ort,g�ge�• by rearon ot loas or dama�;e in,ured a�ainsG may bc ret�irze�ri . by t.he N[artqagee � <br /> t, <br /> � '� � and appiiei'3 tuwaccl t�he paymeuat of t�he debt here.b.v s`ecuxed, or, �rt tPxe c�{atiuxr of thr Mort�agi7e, sue�h sumn �ithvr wholl,y ot. in � . � � � <br /> i <br /> � patt.. a�ay he . ��airl over � [n Y.he Mortgagor to be. used to repair suc�� buildings cr to build nev. buikdings in their place or . for an,Y . � <br /> nther purpc�se �or objcic:t sa(i.1'ac6ory W the Murtga�e.e wit�hnui, aSFecting the lien un ihe �mortgs��;t: for the full amo�.u�t seeurecl lteze- - <br /> . . by' Ixafare su<�h 'payment e�.�es Ltx�k place. . . - � <br /> ' k �. � . � � �'Po promptiy repair, resture ar r�build xany bni3din�;s o r in��pruvenients n<.�w or l�ereafter . on thc premises w}�ich .inay FNe- . � <br /> ' ° came. . damnged . or destra,yt.ri; tc� .k -rep s�id pre+rnises in gcx>d condition anci rept�ir and fr��e frorn uny mechanic"s 3icro or other lien nr � � . <br /> ��� � . claim of lien �. not. eapressly suiwrdinated to .thc lten hereaf: nc>Y tu suffer ar ;�ernxit an}� . untawfvl use of or xny nuisance. to exiyt an� � � � � <br /> � � . � xtid. prmperk.y- par tr� �permlt waste an �aid j�remisey, nor to du 3ny other act wherrrby t:he pra��erty hereby cr�nveyed shc�ll bec�me � .. � <br /> . less valuable, :nor to diminish ur iinpair� iCs value t�y any act c: r nmission to Fxct : to co��pi}- �vith till rctquirr-menta c�C law witFi re>sptxtt � � . <br /> � . te> � the mortg�ged �remi+ec and thc use thervoE . � : . . . � � <br /> � � � � Tltat.. �h�uid. (rremise.s or xny ;��rt thererif }ae taken or damagvrl by � rea�an caf c�ny faublic. imF�rovcrnenl: or condernnation. � _ .�. � � . <br /> . proces�tiing:�. i%r � ur.tfer ..Lhe �. si�;ht c>f emi:acnt domsiz, vr in .any other � xi:annar, the ;tifort�5g�ae shati �� be raitit.led to ail cnmpetisatio:�, � � . �. <br /> awards; and any other {�ayment or retie.f tiherefor, stnd shall be enti(led, at its oistiuii, l+a commence, :���pear in anri prusecute ir. � its � � - � � <br /> �, �� � � . awn na�ne any. ectiun: or {��ruceedinK. t�r to . rnake any � com}7rtamise c�r se�4.,-�;:a;;i „a �..,i.:�ectioiz c;� �:: �:;.;;� i.�;kit.� or damage. .411 such � . � ��. <br /> � cum�srewot:c>.r:. awarrZ, �u'amages, righY c; act:on :.n:3. �iraxzetls arc tieret�y as,=il:ned to the .Mert�a�„ee, u•ho n�a}•, nffer c!e<inciing � � � � <br /> � %�� thereFrom a2.1 iLs er.�nses. �relraxe any moneys so rr�cF�i�°er3 bv it or ���ply t.he� sarne c+n ee.ny indcsbtednens secuxa�i hereby. 7'he Mort- �� � . . . <br /> � �"; , gagor��.agre[� ic>� execute � �such further asvi�;nmentei c:�f nny �cu:npensritinn. a.+�ards. clarn:�ge:;. rend . riRhL� uf actiun and pr��r.eed� as tne . ��. � . . � � <br /> M.orYS�re ;maY � reqi�i:Ce: . . . � . . . � � . . . . � . .. . . <br /> a . . '!'hat tn Case �<>f 2'�tilure Lt, perforni flny oF thc: covenuntF he�rci � tfie vioiikagee xa�.aY <iu crn. iria ��biur�tiu�,r � - ��`o- �� ` � . . —. i�- . . F . . �' � � � � <br /> i � <br /> , . . � se> cr�ven�ntee3; t2iat. tl�c Mortgxtire rt�qy also elo azvy act it may deem nece?;sary tc� 4��ruf.eci t.hc 2ic +i t{��ran;. � h.,: i},� q?�. ,n�R.•. .. •?� . � <br /> rc;�q�p.� u}�on deznun3 � �g mt�r�• � i-"-} �-r d'+sbxirs.��i hy tt:r \4orfLagi r fer ::nnv <rf f.he a6ove nurF7osrs, and �u<•h m<rnevs in�et:ht r with �. � � <br /> � ic3.tarest therrnn ��t khe ratr. �}iro4•id�ri in �tiid note ahalt Ucr;omc sn mueh a<�dttfunxi inciet�tedness �hrreby sccurtrd atzd may i� in- . <br /> � cluderl in anv decree iorircloxinK this rnort�age . and be paid tiut� of the rens> .ar f��rom�ads of salc ut lnie! {�rem�ses if noE �utherwise � � � . <br /> � � peud; that ��it sh211� nnt be �bti�atotY� ���f'�� the Mtirtgagee tti Anqvire� �into the vxlidity of t��ny 1iFn, i=nc�um0ranc�>s, or claim iri ad-� � . � � � <br /> � vanc�nq matxeys a4 abcwe a�ithorizrcl, t�ut nothin�; hx rein ce,ntaiiiec! sh..+13 tx con;trurd as rec7uiring f: he RScart„a�ec�. I <i advance any .� � � . <br /> , . . . nioaeya Cor x2ny sueh pur�ose cfo �any aEot hrreunue?r; un�i that �3ort.�;agec stcali n<>c incur anp pex.onai IiaM3iG� bcr,e�u.ce nf any- . . � � r � � <br /> , Lhin� it may do. or omit tn dn . � � � <br /> , . , � �. . . 7n the event vf fhe defuult. 3ry . 11ortgttgor in the payznent uf an,y irn;tallment, as requSrrr! bz� Yhe T1ntc � �.cur cl hcre�lry, or � . . . . <br /> .,. y �. . i �x lhr i�r{�ni�ancr oL t4ae �IsSigtuiun, im ttsis i�Durtg.�gN.��r in the nutr . :.tKureu:. tar�+3'riiy. . iiie- rviurit;axe�. shci.11 :,r r,......i.��d �w ..r�ei�:rs� i.he . . � �.� <br /> . k: cle�bt secu.rc�d hcrebj� duc and p,�yablc � u�ithc�ut nat3cc. and !hc bfosty;r�F;.e�c. shal! �bc e,:7tiilec3 :iL ifs �upiion. u�ithnut nn:ica, .c�i�.}�Er by itselt . _ ,,.�1 ., <br /> !� �� . or�. by. a r�xiver ib be �ap{inin£cu3 by thti� e�xi�rt � ihFrc.F3f, and wiLhout regard ti� ihe nde�}uacy of any security (cAr tTixe indebtednenn :�;e- � � . . - '" ��� � � <br /> - cured t�oreb}r, tW en#cr.r . upern �� and Cakc: passessioti of tihe marir;a�e�d premises, and. ia cnliecf: r�ncl resecive Uir re�nt:�, .i,.suea anci prnfii,s � � . ,�h� :E °� - <br /> r , i thereof, ansl apC�iy the eaaie, Ic�;s ecx;ts af �j»;ratiuiz and� wllectie3n, � u��on . t.he indebtedn<,�n nec�r�ci t�y c}+ix rnuriKage; �id renG;, � �� , <br /> � i:�ues x�t �ro&W EaeinK h�rekry��sssiqnee3� tn the .h�4ari�agee u.a f�ariiier sr��uriiy €ar I,he px��n3ent. �t xIY inrlebte�3nc+ss ::Etiur�ri. hecc-l7y. � . . � � '� � <br /> � .. . ... . .. .. . . � . . . +I <br /> � <br /> �' � '�'hei Mottga�{ee s�all��k�ve -i1�e power �to� aF>#�alntsny agent ar aReJ�Ys it anay de�sire {oz the ��urpix;e of � rry�airin�* k�ici ��rem- � �=�?'; <br /> �; i � ,s',� . � <br /> ' - ��� ��� .. . . ��.�see: rentinte t}ie same: �.cnllectiin¢ -Uhe ' mnis. � xevnnuev ancf inec>mr, an�3 it�. � mav n++ro• <�.ut csx' cai�i inc-�.�rt�r al! kxuenuw incurrcxi ir. rent- . .. :`:s�" . <br />�' "':. ����ir� &,xtd maare.�i�.: .the ���se�me �a::r.t r£ cotic�rtir.� #�he rrnSsfs there�rorn. The la.utance rer� i+ � � ,' . <br /> .� . . . ».. .iC any� , shcxll h�� .� t,t,�ir�d tc�a•�rd the ' , <br /> � � :dixtztra��e� :o! .tha� .�tc+ort�u�e :indc�htedne-eu;. 'T'txia . asxcigrunent ii� to Y:erminate and . lw.ccrme nxili' a�zr! voi�9 u �x�n re3.•,e=:r� r,f thia mori�;s�e. � <br /> � � . � � � w.. .�,,, � . <br /> i. , <br />� <br />